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A moderntrabàccoloinCesenatico,Italy

Thetrabàccolo,trabaccalo,trabacalo(inItalian) ortrabakul(inCroatian), is a type ofAdriatic Seasailingcoaster.The name comes from the wordtrabacca,which means tent, which in turn recalls the vessel's sails. Thetrabàccolowas a typical Venetian boat-form that dates back to the first half of the 15th century and that spread throughout the Adriatic. Built ofoakandlarch,trabàccoliwere slow but reliable cargo vessels ranging between 50 and 200 deadweight tons. They had round bows and sterns, and were wide, compact, and with good stowage. Other characteristics included a largerudderthat extended below the depth of thekeel,twomastswithlug sailsand rigging, abowsprit,and a carved and colorfully painted stern. The usual such vessel was about 20 metres long, with a breadth equal to about a third of the length. Typically atrabàccolowould have a crew of 10 to 20 sailors.

Today, the Marine Museum ofCesenatico(Museo della Marineria di Cesenatico) has a restored, functioningtrabàccolo,theBarchet,which participates in sailing events during the summer.


The trabaccoloIl Nuovo Trionfomoored in Venice
Stern of the trabaccoloIl Nuovo Trionfoshowing the large rudder

During the late 18th and early 19th centuries, it was common fortrabàccolito carry some armament in the form of two or three cannons. The vessels were not only prey to pirates and privateers, but also were fair game for naval vessels seeking prizes.

During theFrench RevolutionaryandNapoleonic Wars,Royal Navyvessels cruising around Italy often capturedtrabàccoli.The 14-guncutter{{[HMS |Pigmy |1794|6}} captured several. On 17 January 1800 she captured the Imperial trabaccoloDivine Providence,which was carrying a cargo of rope fromCesenaticotoFrance.[1]On 18 February 1801, off the island of Lafrina,PigmycapturedAdelaide,a French privateertrabàccoloarmed with two 12-pounders and one 6-pounder cannon, and carrying a crew of 51 men.[2]A former fishing vessel, she was under the command of Dominique Cannilla and was seven days out from Ancona. She had taken one small prize.[2]On 15 March,Pigmyencountered yet anothertrabàccolooff the Isle of Lonzo.Pigmychased the vessel to the Isle of Molata where the quarry anchored and hoisted French colours. WhenPigmyfired a shot, the French vessel struck. She turned out to be the privateerAchille,armed with four 9-pounder and six 2-pounder guns, and carrying a crew of 44 men.Achillewas under the command of Francisco Bruni, had only been out ofAnconafor one day, and had made no captures.[3]

On 25 October 1807, the 20-gun,sixth rateHMSHeraldwas offOtrantowhen she found an armedtrabàccoloanchored under the fortress there. Under fire from both the vessel and the shore, a boat party fromHeraldcut-out the vessel, which turned out to be the French privateerCaesar,armed with four 6-pounder guns.Caesarwas sailing from Ancona toCorfuwith a cargo of rice and flour. British casualties were four men wounded.[4]

On 21 December 1812, the 38-gun frigateHMSApollo,Captain Bridges Watkinson Taylor commanding, accompanied by the brig-sloopHMSWeazel,chased atrabàccolounder the protection of the tower of San Cataldo, on the coast betweenBrindisiandOtranto.The boats of the two vessels captured the tower and blew it up. Thetrabàccolohad three guns and threeswivel guns,but no cargo, and the men from the boats blew it up too.[5]

On 2 February 1813, after a two-hour chase, the boats of the 18-gun sloopHMSKingfishercaptured onetrabàccoloand ran nine ashore at St. Catherine's,Corfu.Musket fire from the heights and cannon fire from a battery killed two British sailors and severely wounded seven.[6]

On 22 Mar 1813, boats fromHMSHavannahcaptured a largetrabàccoloarmed with three 9-pounder guns, and burnt a similar one laden with oil, off the town ofVasto.On the 26th, boats fromHavannahcaptured five armedtrabaccoliand fivefeluccasladen with salt, near the town ofFortore.These operations costHavannahonly two men wounded.[6]


The Marine Museum of Cesenatico has a video (in Italian), of how one constructs a trabaccolo.[7]


  1. ^"No. 15428".The London Gazette.17 November 1801. p. 1383.
  2. ^ab"No. 15350".The London Gazette.31 March 1801. p. 362.
  3. ^"No. 15359".The London Gazette.28 April 1801. p. 465.
  4. ^"No. 16113".The London Gazette.26 January 1808. p. 142.
  5. ^"No. 16739".The London Gazette.8 June 1813. p. 1123.
  6. ^ab"No. 16758".The London Gazette.27 July 1813. pp. 1485–1486.
  7. ^"Museo Marineria Cesenatico Come nasce un trabaccolo".YouTube.