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LGBTQ rights in Slovenia

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LGBTQ rights in Slovenia
Location ofSlovenia(dark green)

– inEurope(light green & dark grey)
– in theEuropean Union(light green) – [Legend]

StatusMale legal since 1977, female legal since 1951
MilitaryLGBT people allowed to openly serve
Discrimination protectionsSexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression protections
Family rights
Recognition of relationshipsRegistered same-sex partnership between 2006 and 2022
Same-sex marriage since 2022
AdoptionFull adoption rights since 2022

Lesbian,gay,bisexual,transgender,and queer (LGBTQ) rights inSloveniahave significantly evolved over time, and are considered among the most advanced of the formercommunist countries.[1][2]Slovenia was the firstpost-communistcountry to have legalisedsame-sex marriage,and anti-discrimination laws regarding sexual orientation and gender identity have existed nationwide since 2016.[3]

LGBT history in Slovenia


Under the Penal Code of 30 June 1959, male homosexual acts were illegal in all of (now former)Yugoslavia.During the first half of the 1970s, the power over penal legislation was devolved from the Federal Republic to the eight states and provinces. A new penal code that decriminalised homosexual intercourse was passed in 1976, and came into force in 1977. All discriminatory provisions were removed. There were no references to lesbian relationships in the old legislation.

Legality of same-sex sexual activity


Same-sex sexual activity has been legal since 1977, and age of consent is 15 years regardless of gender and sexual orientation.

Recognition of same-sex relationships


Registered partnership for same-sex couples has been legal since 23 July 2006, with limited inheritance, social security and next-of-kin rights.[4]

In July 2009, theConstitutional Courtheld that Article 22 of the Registration of Same Sex Partnerships Act (RSSPA) violated the right to non-discrimination under Article 14 of the Constitution on the ground of sexual orientation, and required that the legislature remedy the established inconsistency within six months.[5][6]

On 3 March 2015, the Assembly passed the bill to legalize same-sex marriage in a 51–28 vote.[7]On 10 March 2015, theNational Councilrejected a motion to require the Assembly to vote on the bill again, in a 14–23 vote.[8]Opponents of the bill launched a petition for a referendum. The petitioners have gained more than enough signatures for a referendum. On 22 October 2015, in a 5–4 vote, the Constitutional Court ruled the National Assembly could not interpret the constitution and that the vote to block the referendum was illegal.[9]Slovenian Catholic groups, andPope Francisurged people to vote against the same-sex marriage bill.[10][11]Thereferendumtook place on 20 December 2015 and the bill was rejected.[12]

On 21 April 2016, the Assembly approved the bill to give same-sex partnerships all rights of marriage, except joint adoption andin vitro fertilisation.[13]A petition for a referendum was launched, but the president of the Assembly did not allow the referendum. He said that it was an abuse of the referendum law. The law took effect on 24 May 2016 and it became operational on 24 February 2017 without changes in marriage (only civil partnership).[14][15][16][17]

On 16 June 2022, theConstitutional Court of Sloveniavoted in a court decision that thestatutorydefinition of marriage as a living community of a husband and a wife is unconstitutional, thus legalising same-sex marriage. The court decision was published on 8 July 2022[18]and came into force a day later, on 9 July. TheNational Assemblypassed the act implementing the decision on 4 October 2022 in a 48–29 vote.[19]On 11 October, the act was vetoed by theNational Council,[20]but it was reconfirmed by the National Assembly in a 51–24 vote on 18 October.[21]

A new law legalizing same-sex marriage and allowing same-sex couples to jointly adopt children in Slovenia, came into effect on January 31, 2023. The ability to enter into registered same-sex partnerships has been closed off since the new same-sex marriage law took effect.[22]

Discrimination protections


Since 2003, discrimination on basis of sexual orientation in workplaces has been banned. The same goes for employment seekers. Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is also banned in a variety of other fields, including education, housing and the provision of goods and services. The anti-discrimination laws however, are vague and open to interpretation and thus, very rarely enforced.[23]In July 2009, theConstitutional Courtheld that Article 14(1) of theSlovenian Constitutionbans discrimination based on sexual orientation.[5][6]

On 17 February 2016, the government introduced new anti-discrimination bill, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, among others. It was approved by the National Assembly on 21 April, in a 50–17 vote.[24][25]The National Council did not require the Assembly to vote on the bill again. On 28 April, the union of migrant workers SDMS filed a motion, with required 2,500 signatures, in order to be allowed to proceed with the petition for referendum.[26][27][28]However, on 5 May, the Speaker of the National AssemblyMilan Brglezrefused to set a 35-day deadline during which the proposers could collect 40,000 valid signatures to force the referendum, arguing that this and several other SDMS referendum initiatives constitutes an abuse of the referendum laws.[29][30]He sent the bill for promulgation the next day.[31][32]It was promulgated by PresidentBorut Pahorand published in the official journal on 9 May 2016.[33][34]On 10 May, SDMS challenged the Brglez's decision to the Constitutional Court.[35]In July 2016, the Constitutional Court rejected the challenge.[36]

Public opinion


AEurobarometersurvey published in December 2006 showed that 31% of Slovenians surveyed support same-sex marriage and 17% think homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children (EU-wide average 44% and 33%).[37]

A poll conducted by Delo Stik in February 2015 showed that 59% of Slovenians surveyed supported same-sex marriage, while 38% supported adoptions by same-sex couples. The poll also gauged support for the same-sex marriage bill, which was debated in the National Assembly at the time. The results showed that a narrow majority (51%) of Slovenians surveyed supported the bill.[38]

The 2023 Eurobarometer found that 62% of Slovenians thought same-sex marriage should be allowed throughout Europe, and 58% agreed that "there is nothing wrong in a sexual relationship between two persons of the same sex". However, only 42% of respondents agreed with the statement that "lesbian, gay, bisexual people should have the same rights as heterosexual people (marriage, adoption, parental rights)", which was well below the EU average of 69%.[39]

LGBT movement in Slovenia


The lesbian and gay movement has been active inLjubljanasince 1984, when MAGNUS, the gay section atŠKUC(Student Cultural and Art Centre, Ljubljana), was founded as the "Cultural Organisation for Socialisation of Homosexuality." A pro-lesbian feminist group, Lilit, was started in 1985, followed in 1987 by LL, a lesbian group within ŠKUC. In 1990 Magnus and LL founded the national lesbian and gay campaigning organisation,Roza Klub.

Other parts of the country have no or very few organizations regarding sexual orientation.

Social conditions

A graffiti inKranjthat originally readLezbijke na kole( "[Impale] lesbians on stakes" inSlovene), later modified toPred lezbijke na kolena( "Kneel before the lesbians" )

Gay culture


InLjubljanathere are many gay-friendly clubs and bars. Having started with only a few, the number increases every year. At klub K4 in Ljubljana there are gay and lesbian parties (K4 ROZA) one Saturday a month. At clubs Factory and Bolivar there are gay and lesbian parties organized by Jing Jang group. Parties take place there usually once a month. Other gay-friendly bars and clubs in Ljubljana are Lan, Tiffany and Galerija.

Anti-LGBT violence


There have been numerous instances of violent gay-bashing all over Slovenia,[citation needed]including an attack that occurred in June 2009 during a literary event at one of the famous gay bars in Ljubljana, Open. Gay rights activist and radio journalist Mitja Blažič was hospitalized following the attack by eight black-masked younger males withtorches.[40]

In 2007, inMaribor,several individuals were beaten up by younger males during aPride parade.

In March 2019, a brick was thrown through the window of Društvo DIH – Enakopravni pod mavrico, an LGBTNGO.

In 2019, a gay man was beaten by several individuals in Murska Sobota. He suffered kidney injuries and several broken ribs.

On 1 November 2019, a group of individuals vandalized an LGBT club, Tiffany, in the early morning hours atMetelkovain Ljubljana, and threatened the staff with violence.

2023 Pride Parade


On 17 June 2023, the annualPride Paradetook place in Ljubljana, starting from the autonomous zone ofMetelkovaand proceeding alongMasaryk Street,passingBavarski Dvor,and culminating atCongress Square,where speeches and a concert by musicianMasayahwere held. It had approximately 3,500 participants and was also attended by the President of Slovenia,Nataša Pirc Musar,who addressed the participants. The event was held under the slogan "Več skupnosti, en boj"(More communities, one fight), and it marked the culmination of a series of multi-day festival events, emphasizing calls forsolidarityand the collective struggle forhuman dignityworldwide.[notes 1]

During and after the parade, attendees faced threats, violence, insults,flag burnings,and destruction of private property. An unknown perpetrator threw a bottle at the window of thePritličjeestablishment where arainbow flagwas displayed. Members of the youth wing of Janez Janša'sSlovenian Democratic Party(SDS) attempted to provoke parade participants by using biblical arguments that "there are onlytwo genders."Zala Klopčič, an activist and influencer, argued on the street that God created humans in his image, referring to men and women, dismissing othergender identitiesas propaganda. Social media posts from individuals associated with the SDS youth wing expressedanti-LGBTIQ+sentiments, while others, including former SDS youth leader Dominik Štrakl andUrban Purgar,a prominent figure associated with theIdentitarian movement,made antisemitic and homophobic remarks. The SDS youth wing claimed to be victims ofLGBTIQ+ intolerance,using thetactic of projectingtheir actions onto others. During the Pride march, police officers in Ljubljana received a report of an unidentified suspect who physically assaulted two people, causing minor injuries.[42]

Katja Sešek,a representative of thePride Parade Association,toldRadio Sloveniathat there had not been such hostility for years.Mitja Blažič,a long-time activist and previous victim of similar attacks, highlighted the multiple instances of violence, homophobia, and transphobia during the Pride Parade as unprecedented and unsettling.[notes 2]The Human Rights OmbudsmanPeter Svetina,the President of the National AssemblyUrška Klakočar Zupančič,and the President Pirc Musar condemned the acts of intolerance and violence, emphasising the importance of respectinghuman rightsand thefreedom to expressone'ssexual orientation.The police are investigating reports of physical attacks, theft, and disturbances of public order related to the event. On 20 June, the violence was also condemned by Prime MinisterRobert Golob.[43]The president of the leading opposition party (SDS)Janez Janšaand Janša's party did not respond to the incidents. Additionally, the Minister of JusticeDominika Švarc Pipanand the Minister of InteriorBoštjan Poklukarremained silent on the matter.[44][42]

Summary table

Same-sex sexual activity legal Yes(Since 1977)
Equal age of consent (15) Yes(Since 1977)
Anti-discrimination laws in employment Yes(Since 2003)
Anti-discrimination laws in the provision of goods and services Yes(Since 2009)
Anti-discrimination laws in all other areas (incl. hate speech) Yes(Since 2009)
Anti-discrimination laws covering gender identity or expression in all areas Yes(Since 2016)
Same-sex marriage Yes(Since 2022)
Recognition of same-sex couples Yes(Since 2006)
Stepchild adoption by same-sex couples Yes(Since 2011)
Joint adoption by same-sex couples Yes(Since 2022)
Adoption by a single LGBT person Yes
LGB people allowed to serve openly in the military Yes
Right to change legal gender Yes[45]
Gender self-identification
Homosexuality declassified as an illness Yes
Access toIVFfor lesbian couples Yes/No(Available only to married couples, not to single women)
Conversion therapybanned by law No
Commercial surrogacy for gay male couples No(Banned for all couples)[46]
MSMsallowed to donate blood Yes(Since 2022)[47]

See also



  1. ^Musar's address: "Prideis a powerful emotion that can inspire positive change. When people take to the streets with pride andconfidence,they show others that acceptance is crucial and thatloveis the driving force that enriches us and makes us better, good, and noble. Love has no labels, no explanations. It is what it is, pure and simple. Love is the water of life. "and" The Pride Parade is more than just a colorful event and rainbow flags. It is an expression of advocating for human dignity. It is a protest with a clear message that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, deserves respect, love, and equal treatment. "[41]
  2. ^Blažič's statement: "Broken glass at Pritličje, kids on motorcycles shouting 'fuck you, faggots,' a beaten girl with a rainbow flag at Bavarski Dvor, a group of young people flipping the bird right there, protesters of the SDS youth wing's anti-LGBT campaign on theSlovene Street,news of verbal and physical violence on social media all night, burned rainbow flags, public confession of the so-calledYellow Veststhat they organized attacks on parade participants... I haven't seen this much violenthomophobiaandtransphobiaat Ljubljana Pride, along with such a police presence, since 2001 when we first marched. A sinister feeling accompanied me throughout the evening, and for the first time, I wiped off the rainbow from my face as I left the Congress Square. I don't think this is a coincidence. "[42]


  1. ^Perry, Sophie."Slovenia officially becomes first eastern European country to recognise same-sex marriage".PinkNews.Retrieved17 September2023.
  2. ^Chastand, Jean-Baptiste."Slovenia paves the way for same-sex marriage and adoption".Le Monde.Retrieved17 September2023.
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  6. ^ab"Constitutional Court of Slovenia Upholds Equal Rights for Same Sex Partners".Equal Rights Trust.19 July 2009.
  7. ^"Slovenian parliament votes to legalise same-sex marriage".
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  18. ^Queer.de: Sloweniens Verfassungsgericht öffnet die Ehe (german),July 8, 2022
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