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Truce of Andrusovo

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The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1667: dark green indicates areas ceded to the Tsardom of Russia at Andrusovo

TheTruce of Andrusovo(Polish:Rozejm w Andruszowie,Russian:Андрусовское перемириеAndrusovskoye Pieriemiriye,also sometimes known asTreaty of Andrusovo) established a thirteen-and-a-half yeartruce,signed on 9 February [O.S.30 January] 1667 between theTsardom of Russiaand thePolish–Lithuanian Commonwealth,which had fought theRusso-Polish Warsince 1654 over the territories of modern-dayUkraineandBelarus.

Afanasy Ordin-Nashchokin(for Russia) andJerzy Chlebowicz(for the Commonwealth) signed the truce in thevillageof Andrusovo not far fromSmolensk.Representatives of theCossack Hetmanatewere not allowed.


ThePolish–Lithuanian Commonwealthand theTsardom of Russiaagreed on the following terms:

  • A truce was signed for 13.5 years during which both states were obligated to prepare the conditions for eternal peace.
  • Russia secured the territories ofLeft-bank Ukraine,Siever lands, andSmolensk.
  • Poland-Lithuania was left withRight-bank Ukraine,and Russian-occupied Belarus withVitebsk,Polotsk,andDzwinsk.
  • The city ofKiev,though situated on the right bank of theDnieper River,was handed over to Russia for two years under a series of conditions. The transfer, though phrased as temporary, was, in fact, a permanent one cemented in 1686 in exchange for 146,000 rubles.
  • TheZaporozhian Sichwas recognized as acondominiumof both states.
  • Both states agreed to provide a common defence against theOttoman Empire.
  • The right of free trade was granted.
  • A compensation from Russia to Poland-Lithuania of 1,000,000złotychor 200,000rubleswas agreed on for the lands of Left-bank Ukraine.


The transfer of Kiev to the Russian tsardom had far-reaching consequences. Kiev, situated in the Greek-Orthodox part of the Lithuanian Grand Duchy before theUnion of Lublin(1569) and in the Polish kingdom thereafter, was the seat of the orthodox metropolitan, who, despite being formally placed under the Roman pope since theUnion of Brest(1596), retained authority over the Orthodox population in Poland-Lithuania's eastern territories. Prior to Andrusovo, Kiev had been an orthodox counterweight to the Moscow patriarchate, founded in 1589, and since the metropolitanship ofPetro Mohylahosted theMohyla Academy,that opened orthodoxy to Western influence. The transfer of Kiev to Russia came only days afterpatriarch Nikon,who reformed the rites within the Muscovite patriarchate, had won the upper hand over his adversaryAvvakum,resulting in an intra-Russian schism (raskol) between the Reformed Orthodoxy and theOld Believers.

Kiev now supplied the Russian patriarch with an academy (after Mohyla's offer to found an academy in Moscow had been rejected) on whose scholars Nikon had relied already for his reforms.[1]Nikon himself, having proposed to replace the Russiansimfonia(the traditional balance of ecclesiastical and secular power) by a more theocratic model, was banned upon his success, effectively shifting the power balance to theRomanovtsars ruling Russia since the end of theGreat Smuta(1613). As the see of the metropolitan, Kiev furthermore granted Moscow influence on the Orthodox population in Poland-Lithuania. "Protection" of the Orthodox population thus became a future argument for Romanov influence over eastern Poland-Lithuania.


InUkraine,the treaty is often viewed as leading to the partition of the Hetmanate state between its more powerful neighboring states.[2]

From thePolishpoint of view the treaty is considered a significant mistake that tipped the balance of power in the region and replaced Poland as the dominant state by the emerging Russian Empire.[3]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Moss, Walter (2002).A History of Russia.Anthem. p. 209.ISBN1843310236.
  2. ^The Cossack Palestine. Vadym Ryzhkov. The Day #33, 28 October 2008
  3. ^Europe. A History. Norman Davies. London: Pimlico 1996, pp. 556, 558

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