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Sabra (person)

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Prickly pearcactus, known in Israel astsabar

Asabraortzabar(Hebrew:צַבָּר,plural:tzabarim) is amodern Hebrewterm that defines anyJewborn inIsrael.The term came into widespread use in the 1930s to refer to a Jew who had been born in Israel, including theBritish Mandate of PalestineandOttoman Syria;cf.New YishuvandOld Yishuv,though it may have appeared earlier. Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Israelis have used the word to refer to a Jew born anywhere in theLand of Israel.[1][2]

The term alludes to a tenacious, thorny desert plant, known in English asprickly pear,with a thick skin that conceals a sweet, softer interior. The cactusis comparedtoIsraeli Jews,who are supposedly tough on the outside, but delicate and sweet on the inside.[3]

In 2010, over 4 million Israeli Jews (70%) were sabras, with an even greater percentage of Israeli Jewish youths falling into this category.[4]In 2015, about 75% of Israel's Jewish population was native-born.[5][6]In 2024, this had further increased to 80%.[7]


A cactus flowerpot with theflag of Israel

The term came into widespread use within theYishuv,or Jewish population of Palestine, in the 1930s. It is thought to have been used as far back as the early 20th century, when it was used to refer to the first generation of native-born Hebrew speaking Jews produced by the Zionist movement, the children of the immigrants of theFirst Aliyahthat began in 1881 inRomania.This generation of natives referred to themselves as "etrogim."The term" Tzabar "may have been used by immigrants of theSecond Aliyahand theThird Aliyah,originally as an insulting term.[8][9][10][11]

Thechanging of the meaningof the term, to emphasize the softer interior rather than the roughness, was done by the journalist Uri Kesari, who himself was a sabra. Kesari published an essay, "We Are the Leaves of the Sabra!", on 18 April 1931 in the newspaper Doar HaYom in which he argued against the discrimination which was cast against the native-born by the new immigrants.[12][13][14][11]The1931 census of Palestinefound that of a recorded Jewish population of 174,610, 73,195 people (42%) were born in Palestine.[15]

According to Israeli sociologist Oz Almog, who studied the sociological development of the term, the first indications of a new culture appeared around the time ofWorld War I,when the children of First Aliyah immigrants were already displaying traditional sabra characteristics.Avshalom Feinberghas been referred to as "the first sabra." In the 1920s this new Hebrew culture was visibly emerging. The term was in widespread use in the 1930s and 1940s, and it increasingly became a term of prestige as the sabra turned into a cultural hero within Israeli culture.[11]

At this time, there was now a large number of native-born Jews in the kibbutzim and moshavim and in urban areas, and as a result, sabra culture blossomed. Almog wrote that "as the Sabra archetype and stereotype took shape, the students at the Hebrew gymnasiums, the young people of the kibbutzim and moshavim, and the members of the youth movements and Palmach began developing a consciousness about their cultural uniqueness. They also produced and honed native status symbols and a peculiarly native Israeli style in language, dress, and collective leisure culture". He claimed that the idea that a new Hebrew nation had arisen was widespread amongTel Avivyouth in the early 1940s.[11]

In November 1948, with the1948 Arab-Israeli Warin its closing stages,Arthur Koestlerpublished an article titled "Israel: the native generation", in which he profiled sabras as compared to Jewish immigrants from Europe and Arab and Muslim nations, who he described as a "lost generation", writing that "In their ensemble these form the lost generation of Israel, a transitory and amorphous mass which as yet lacks the character of a nation. Only in the native youth, born and reared in the country, does the first intimation of the future profile of Israel as a nation begin to outline itself."[16]

Koestler claimed that "In his mental make-up the average young sabra is fearless to the point of recklessness, bold, extroverted, and little inclined towards, if not openly contemptuous of, intellectual pursuits" and that "The sabra's outlook on the world is rather provincial and hyper-chauvinistic. This could hardly be otherwise in a small and exposed pioneer community which had to defend its physical existence and build its State against almost impossible odds. One cannot create a nation without nationalism."[17]That same month, Israel carried out its first census following independence. The census found that out of a Jewish population of 716,700, approximately 35% were native-born.[18][19]

An important influence on the Sabra personality was considered the participation in national youth movements, such as theHanoar Haoved Vehalomed,Hashomer HatzairandHatsofim,followed by the universal participation in military service for both sexes.[20]

Thelarge immigration to Israel of Jews from Muslim countriesduring the 1950s, the penetration of Western culture and primarily American culture, as well as the social and political changes which were created following theSix-Day WarandYom Kippur War,resulted in a decline of the use of the term after the 1970s. Those who were born in the country after independence in 1948 became known as the "Dor haMedina" (Hebrew:דור המדינה), or "Statehood Generation", and have been largely described by cultural commentators as being motivated less by the strident nationalism and/or socialism of the pre-independence generations and more by a general cultural pragmatism and sensitivity to the mass-cultural output of Western powers.[21]

With the establishment of the State of Israel in May 1948, large-scale Jewish immigration ensued from Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, greatly increasing the Jewish population. As a result, the amount of native-born Jews as a percentage of the population went down from 35% in 1948 to 25% in 1951. As the immigration wave tapered off, the percentage of the native-born Jewish population gradually increased as more children were born, many to immigrants who arrived after independence. The percentage of the Jewish population that was native-born reached 33% in 1956, 38% in 1961, and 40% in 1965.[22]

In culture

Srulikin the Israeli museum of cartoons and comics inHolon,Israel

The Sabra received an artistic and symbolic representation in the form of the illustrated character "Srulik",who wearsshorts,sandalsand aTembel hat,created by cartoonistDosh.Another such character is the Israeli children's television characterKishkashta,a talking anthropomorphic cactus; the plant is another symbol of the Sabra.[23]

The English form of the word, Sabra, served Israeli manufacturers who wanted to brand their products as recognisably Israeli products, which are sold in the foreign markets. As a result, "Sabra liqueur"and" Sabra sport ", the sports model of the"Sussita",were created. The world's largest hummus manufacturer as of 2009 is a U.S. company called theSabra Dipping Company.[24]

In popular culture, an episode of the AmericanSaturday Night Liveseries contained a sketch entitled "Sabra Price Is Right" featuringTom Hanksas the guest host. The sketch was written byRobert Smigeland is a parody of Israel-born Jews making bargains with people who believe this show isThe Price Is Right.In the sketch, Hanks's character "Uri Shurinson" and the other Sabra are swindling the contestants, conning them into purchasing shoddy products. Products include a Summit clock-radio, a "Pinnacle satellite dish" that's a v-aerial, a cordless phone that's a defective rotary phone, a microwave that's a toaster oven, a CD-player that's a child's bank, and a defective buzzer from the game show itself, for which they guess the price rather than winning them. The sketch concludes with anArabportrayed byDana Carveywho bargains in the same manner as the Sabra and in the middle of their argument, they all "disco" as the sketch concludes.[25]

Marvel Comicscreated a superhero namedSabra(Ruth Bat-Seraph's alter ego) in the 1980s.[citation needed]

In politics


The firstsabrato exercise the powers of the office of thePrime Minister of IsraelwasYigal Allon,who served as acting prime minister from February to March 1969. He was born inKfar Tavor.[26]The firstsabrato serve as Prime Minister rather than acting Prime Minister wasYitzhak Rabin,who first held the office 1974–77, and then again 1992–1995.[27]

Since Rabin first took office, there have been four othersabraPrime Ministers: the current Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahuis the firstsabraPrime Minister to have been born in the modern state afterIsrael's declaration of independencein 1948. He first took office in 1996, before leaving office in 1999 and returning in 2009.[28]Ehud Barak,Ariel Sharon,andEhud Olmertwere all born in what is now the territory of the State of Israel during the Mandate period.

The firstsabrawho becamePresident of IsraelwasYitzhak Navon,who was born inJerusalem.The firstsabraborn after Israel's declaration of independence, who exercised the powers of the office of the President of Israel, wasDalia Itzik.The firstsabraborn after Israel's declaration of independence, who became President of Israel rather than acting President, is the incumbentIsaac Herzog.He is the first son of aformer Israeli presidentto become President.

Statehood Generation leaders


In addition to Netanyahu being the first of the Statehood Generation to serve as Prime Minister,Avraham Burg,speaker of the Knesset from 1999–2003, was the first Speaker to have been born in the modern state since 1948. The first of the Statehood Generation to serve as acting President, was Dalia Itzik and to serve as the actual President is Isaac Herzog.Naftali BennettandYair Lapid,former Prime Ministers, were also born in the modern state.

See also



  1. ^Apel, Dora (2012).War Culture and the Contest of Images.New Brunswick, New Jersey:Rutgers University Press.p. 196.ISBN978-0-8135-5396-2.Israelis, however, also appropriate the cactus as a symbol of their connection to the land and the wordsabra,meaning a Jewish person born in Israeli territory, comes from the Arabicsabr.
  2. ^Kaschl, Elke (2003).Dance and Authenticity in Israel and Palestine: Performing the Nation.Leiden, Netherlands and Boston, Massachusetts:Brill Publishers.p. 60.ISBN978-90-04-13238-2.Sabrarefers to all Jews who are not immigrants, but who are born in historic Palestine/Israel.
  3. ^"Hard on the outside, soft on the inside, and extinct?".Israel Hayom.November 12, 2013.
  4. ^"Israel at 62: Population of 7,587,000 - Israel News, Ynetnews".Ynet.co.il. 2010-04-18.
  5. ^"8,345,000 people living in Israel".Ynetnews.22 April 2015.
  6. ^Israel's Independence Day 2019(PDF)(Report). Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. 6 May 2019.Retrieved7 May2019.
  7. ^Israel's Independence Day 2024(PDF)(Report). Israel Central Bureau of Statistics.Retrieved9 May2024.
  8. ^TzabarBalashon - Hebrew Language Detective
  9. ^Rosenthal, Ruvik:Dictionary of Slang (Hebrew)
  10. ^"JewishPost - The Myth of the Israeli Sabra".
  11. ^abcdAlmog, Oz.2000. The Sabra the creation of the new Jew. The S. Mark Taper Foundation imprint in Jewish studies. Berkeley: University of California Press
  12. ^TzabarBalashon - Hebrew Language Detective
  13. ^Rosenthal, Ruvik:Dictionary of Slang (Hebrew)
  14. ^"JewishPost - The Myth of the Israeli Sabra".
  15. ^"British Census of Palestine 1931".jewishvirtuallibrary.org.RetrievedOct 18,2020.
  16. ^"Israel: The native generation | 1940-1949 | Guardian Century".theguardian.RetrievedOct 18,2020.
  17. ^"Israel: The native generation | 1940-1949 | Guardian Century".theguardian.RetrievedOct 18,2020.
  18. ^"Latest Population Statistics for Israel".jewishvirtuallibrary.org.RetrievedOct 18,2020.
  19. ^"Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)".jewishvirtuallibrary.org.RetrievedOct 18,2020.
  20. ^Israel: the Sword and the Harp: The Mystique of Violence and the Mystique of Redemption; Controversial Themes in Israeli Society,Ferdynand Zweig, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press, 1970, page 6
  21. ^Anshel Pfeffer (25 February 2011)."Jerusalem & Babylon / Returning to the source of it all".Haaretz.
  22. ^Kleinberger, Aharon F:Society, Schools and Progress in Israel: The Commonwealth and International Library: Education and Educational Research,p. 48
  23. ^Persico, Tomer (2019-02-23)."How the new Israeli Judaism was born".Haaretz.Retrieved2024-04-06.
  24. ^Aviv Levy (25 November 2009).זינוק במכירות חומוס שטראוס בארה "ב: כבשה 40% מהשוק.Globes(in Hebrew).Retrieved25 November2009.
  25. ^"Sabra Price is Right - Video".Metacafe.Retrieved2012-09-05.
  26. ^"Allon Will Be First Sabra in Israel's History to Be Premier".Jewish Telegraphic Agency. February 27, 1969.
  27. ^"November 4, 1995: The Day the Sabra Died".Haaretz. November 4, 2015.
  28. ^"Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu: Commando turned PM".BBC.March 18, 2015.