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This user is very cool.
Please stand back to avoidfrostbite.

The userboxes will explain all.

This usercontributesusingOpera.
saneThis user is relativelysaneand will not stab you when you sleep
J This user trustsJimbo.
☢This user is amutant.
Contrary to popular belief, this user isdrug-free.
ubx-nThis user communicatesexclusivelyviauserboxes.
This user is apyromaniac.
This user does notsmoke.
This user isright-handed.
This user isnocturnal.
This user's time zone isGMT.
This user observesDaylight Saving Time.
This user isstraight.
♂This user ismale.
This user does not like colors.
This user is a member of the worldwide family ofScouts.
This user enjoyselectronicsor is an electronicshobbyist.
This user enjoysbackpacking.
This user enjoysbicycling.
This user preferscold weather.
This user ownsgoldfish.
This user is abowler.
This user playssnooker.
This user playseight-ball.
BorisI say chaps...wouldn't it be super if jolly oldBozzaled theTories?
This user's future is so bright they have got to wear shades.
This user is a constructive powerhouse and is ready for anything.
ZAP!No user serviceable parts inside.
Pi≈ 3.1415926535897932384626
IPThis user's IP is127.0.0.1.
This user's entire personality can be summed up in a fewuserboxes.
This user is not and has never beenNapoleon.
Just because I think everyone istrying to kill medoesn't mean they aren't. You know what Imean?
1337This user iselite.
Apersonis smart;peopleare dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it!
This user isgreater thanthesumof their userboxes.

This user is amad scientist.
PHPThis user can codePHP.
<html>This user can writeHTML.
xhtmlThis user can writeXHTML.
fgn-0This userdoesn't speakany dialect offoreign,and will talk to foreigners inEnglishbelieving they will understand if one is just loud enough.
Thisuserhas never been slurped up byaliensin theBermuda Triangle.
This user is aNorseman.
This user considers thesingulartheyto be substandard English usage.
snkdThis user sayssneaked.
A, B and CThis user prefers not to use theserial comma.
iTSThis user uses the
iTunes Store.
’sThi's user know's that not every word that end's withsneed's an apostropheand will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice.
UKThis user usesBritish English.
AIM-0This user does not understand or have any interest inAOLer.
This user is proud to beEnglish.
NO! This user believes that all political parties arecorruptand/orpowerlessand are best avoided..
This user cannotdrive.
YAThis user is ayoung adult.
This user is ofEnglishancestry.
This user believes that onlyarticlesneed reflect aNPOV,and that displayingpolitical,religious,or other beliefs usinguserboxesanduser categoriesshouldnot be banned.
AGF This user supportsuserboxeswhich don't hinder one's ability toassume good faith.
gkThis user is ageek.
This user wishes they had agirlfriend.
ZAP!No user serviceable parts inside.
This user reserves the right to completelyscrew uptheir own edits.
This user is asmartass;known for frequently making bad jokes, smartalec comments and having bad pickup lines and is proud of it!
This user believes that onlyarticlesneed reflect aNPOV,and that displayingpolitical,religious,or other beliefs usinguserboxesanduser categoriesshouldnot be banned.
This user feels that theSNES or Super Famicomwas thelast great console.
This user contributes using aPC.
This user usesGoogleas a primary search engine.
This user thinks that ifyourgrammar is incorrect, thenyou'rein need of help.
.TheThis user doesnotputtwo spacesafter a full stop.
“,;:’This user is apunctuation stickler.
Two JagsWouldn't it be great iftwo Jagswas the next leader ofthe Labour Party?
Mmm,userboxes This user thinks that more Wikipedians would like userboxes if they wereedible.
UBXThis user hopes you read each and every one of their userboxes!or else...
This user has a sense of humour and shows it through the use ofuserboxes.
This is a standard size userbox created withTemplate:Userbox.
It stacks neatly with others of itsilk.
IPThis user's IP is::1.
1, 2, 3...This userbox is a test. Please tell this user if you don't see it.
This user iscoolerthan you.
1337This user iselite.
Pi ≈ 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 82148 08651 32823 06647 09384 46095 50582 23172 53594 08128 48111 74502 84102 70193 85211 05559 64462 29489 54930 38196 44288 10975 66593 34461 28475 64823 37867 83165 27120 19091 45648 56692 34603 86104 54326 64821 33936 07260 24914 12737 24587 00660 63155 81748 81520 92096 28292 54091 71536 43678 92590 36001 13305 30548 82046 65213 84146 95194 15116 09...
This user is made out ofCarbon.
It is possible that this user is an alien, but this is not yet proven. Please do not go near this user with loud music.
This user enjoys indiscriminate pillaging.
@This user can bereached by email.
This user has a website, which can be foundhere.
This user usesWikipediaas aprimarypoint of reference.
This user usesGmailas a primaryemailservice.
This user usesAzureus.
P2PThis user usesP2Pfile-sharingservices unashamedly.
WinXPRegretfully,this user contributes usingMicrosoft Windows XP.
This user contributes usingMicrosoft Windows Me.
This user contributes usingMicrosoft Windows 98.
This user contributes using aPDA.
This user contributes using alaptop.
This user contributes using aPC.
AthXPThis user uses anAMD Athlon XPprocessor
This user contributes using awireless connection.
BBThis user contributes using abroadbandconnection.
This user is aguppyowner.
This user can contribute at a professional level ofBritish English.
TThis user is a fan of topical comedy andsatire.
ChatThis user has beenchatting onlinewith hot babes all day.
OWNThis user uses an email account with their owndomain name.
This user can solve aRubik's Cubewithout cheating.
+This user enjoys playingretro games.
a²+b²=c²This user is an intermediatemathematician.
ft-lbThis user usesImperial units.
=1This user knows that0.999... is exactly 1,but acquired a migraine learning it.
This user'sdeviationisstandard.
This user has a keen interest in learning aboutChemistry.
This user acceptsevolutionas a biological fact.
This user has a keen interest inphysics.
This user lovescalculators.
This user does not likeiPods.
This user doesnotlike socklessness.
This user likes tospin pens.
This user enjoysphotography.
This user enjoys watching theweather.
This user enjoys readingnon-fiction.
This userreadsbetween the lines.

Big Brotheris watching this user.
H2G2This user also usesh2g2along withWikipedia.
This user is against thecolorizationofblack and whitemovies.
"Surelythis usercan't be serious? "
007This userlikes martinisshaken,not stirred.
PULPThis user does not thinkMarsellus Wallace looks like a bitch.
MatrixThis user took theredpill, not thebluepill.
STAR WARSThis user wouldshoot Greedo first.
This user is interested inThe Jedi Order.
My ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is.
This user is originally from planetKashyyyk,but lives onEndor.
DTThis user has aDigital televisionset, or tuner box, to receiveDigital terrestrial television,such asDVB,ISDB,orATSC.
PALThis user's television receivesPAL/PAL-variant transmissions, or lives in a region where they are broadcast.
FreeThis user's TV service provider isFreeview.
This user's TV service provider isVirgin Media.
Mr. T This userpities the fool!
This user isThe Stig.
rvb This user is aRed vs. Bluefanatic.
FGThis user thinksFamily Guyisfreakin' sweet.
Good news, everyone!This user is a fan ofFuturama!
This user demands you
respect myauthoritah!
This user is a fan ofBlackadder.
DADon't panic!
This user is a fan ofDad's Army.
Ted This user has visitedCraggy Island.
KUAThis user is a friend of theBuckets (pronounced Bouquet).
The Mighty BooshThis user goes on a journey throughtime and space,to the world ofThe Mighty Boosh!
This user has spent time in
Slade Prison.
itvThis user lives in the North of England and watchesITV Yorkshire.
AMThis user has anAM radio.
NETThis user listens toradioover theInternet.
This user prefers the radio series ofDead Ringersrather than the TV version, and knows thatBrian Perkinsis the godfather of Radio 4.
7This user thinksBBC 7is worth the licence fee alone.
This user readscompactnewspapers.
DThis user readsDilbert.
This user's favorite subject isphysics.
This user is an agelessimmortal.
1337-47]-[!$ |_|$312 (/~\|\| 123/~\[> /~\|\|[> \/\/12!731337/~\7 /~\ |\|3/~\12-|\|/~\7!\/3 |_3\/3|_.
BS-4This user is able to contribute with anear-nativelevel ofBullshit.
pig-3Isthay userway ancay ontributecay ithway anwayadvancedwayevellay ofwayIgpay Atinlay.
HTML-4This user is anexpertHTMLuser.
css-4This user is anexpertCascading Style Sheetsuser.
tlh-0tlhIngan Holjatlhbe'lo'wI'vam.
voc-0This personcannot singin tune (or has very poor singing skills).
qya-0Yuhtaro sinalá/ú ista queteQuenya.
LE-1This user's been known toscrew up the occasional sentenceand make the occasional typo, but is otherwise pretty accurate with regards toEnglish.
gb-0This usercannot tolerateany form ofGibberishlanguage, and is therefore easily emotionally traumatized byThe Sims.
ubx-5This user usesentirely too many userboxes.
AmE-0 This userdoes not understand theAmerican Englishlanguage andbloodywell doesn't want to.
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