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I am Brendan Ryan, an alumni of theRochester Institute of Technology.I decided to join Wikipedia after seeing its page about RIT.

I created these pages:

This user resides
in the U.S.
State of Vermont.
40YThisWikipedianwas born on 26 January 1984 and is 40 years, 5 months, and 22 days old.
YThis user is a member of
Generation Y.
This user is fromEarth.
This user has left the planetEarth0 times.
This user has never left theNorthernandWesternhemispheres.
This user is anatheist
who defends the
rights of people offaith.
RITThis user attends or attended theRochester Institute of Technology.
BSThis user has aBachelor of Sciencedegree inImaging science.
This user is ofIrishancestry.
aseThis user is anativesigner ofAmerican Sign Language.
rb-2This user is anintermediateRubyprogrammer.
asm-2This user is anintermediateassembly languageprogrammer.
JavaThis user can program inJava.
C++This user can program inC++.
<html>This user can writeHTML.
LaTeXThis user can typeset usingLaTeX.
Eagle Nebula This user is interested inastronomy.
This user has a keen interest inphysics.
This user is interested inGeology.
This user is interested inFossils.
This user is interested inPaleontology.
This user acceptsevolutionas a biological fact.
This user is interested in
ancient civilizations.
This user is interested in
Ancient Egypt.
This user enjoys thinking inFour Dimensions.
Thisuserenjoys readingscience fiction.
Cat LoverThis user is a
cat lover
This user loves theAutumn.
This user prefers themetric system.
C:\>_This user usesDOS,or knows how to use it.
WinXPRegretfully,this user contributes usingMicrosoft Windows XP.
This user contributes usingDebianGNU/Linux.
64This user uses anx86-64processor.
BBThis user contributes using abroadbandconnection.
This user is interested inmaps.
This user enjoyschess variants.
This user enjoys playingMagic: The Gathering
This user enjoys playingFreeCell.
This user enjoysPlayStation 2games.
This user enjoys usingCelestiato look at the virtual skies.
STThis user enjoys usingStellariumto look at the virtual skies.
D'NIThis user plays theMystseries.
This user knows that0.999... is exactly 1.
This user maintains aFacebookprofile.
This user loves usingGoogle Earth.
This user usesGmailas a primaryemailservice.
PidginThis user usesPidginto chat on multipleinstant messagingnetworks.
This user eatsspinach.
This user practically inhalesjalapeños.
This user eatsapples.
This user eatsGranny Smithapples.
This user eatsbananas.
This user eatscantaloupes.
This user eatsgrapes
This user loveslemons.
This user eatsraspberries.
This user eatsstrawberries.
This user eatstomatoes.
This user eatswatermelon.