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User:Jai dit

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This space is for rent.
You just lostThe Game.
This user isgreater thanthesumof their userboxes.

cvg-2 This user is anintermediategamer.
LJThis user maintains aLiveJournal.
This user isaddictedtovideo games.
This user enjoys solving
This user playsmahjong.
This user passedGO!
(…so where is my $200?)
S1This user is aScrabbleplayer.
This user plays with a fulldeck.
This user playsgameson theNintendo GameCubeconsole.
This user playsgameson theNintendo DSportable console.
+This user enjoys playingretro games.
This user still enjoys the
Nintendo 64.
This user knowswhere in the worldCarmen Sandiegois.
This user playsDance Dance Revolution(or another dance game such asIn The GrooveorStepMania).
This user playsPac-Man.
(-o-) This user plays thePokémonRPGs and other related video games.
This user plays games fromThe Legend of Zeldaseries.

This user enjoys playingspades.
Khối hồnNa na-na na-na na na na naKatamari Damacy!
IBThis useris a graduate or student of theInternational Baccalaureate.
This user enjoyselectronic music.
met?This user prefersmetricunits, but, having grown up in the United States,cannot relate to them.
ubx-5This user usesentirely too many userboxes.
...This user would like to be able to speaksome more languages.
DThis user is aDigidestined.
This user enjoys readingfiction.
WebcomicsThis user readswebcomics.
^_~This user is adefinite fanofmanga.
You better keep your hands off mypeeps!
This user usespublic transit.
This user maintains aFacebookprofile.
/.This user has aSlashdotaccount.
This user usesGoogleas a primary search engine.
This user usesWikipediaas aprimarypoint of reference.
#This user chats onIRC.
This user lovesspaghetti.
This user lovespancakes.
This user eatssushi.
This user eatschili.
This user eatschicken.
This user loves to eatpineapples.
This user eatschocolate.
This user enjoysjelly beans.
This user drinksCoca-Cola
This user drinkscoffee.
This user believes thatcaffeineis necessary in large doses daily.
This user prefers usinguserboxesto fill up their user page instead of actually writing something useful.
... This user may get around to being a professionalprocrastinator.Someday. Maybe.
SARCThis user believessarcasmis the highest form of wit.
This user feels like abenzene ring./_\
This user isnear sighted.
This user isright-handed.
♂This user ismale.
noc This user isnocturnal.
This user has no understanding oftimeand does everythingat the last minute.
heThis user prefers to be referred to usingmasculinegender pronouns.
This user's favourite colour isblue.
This user considers thesingulartheyto be substandard English usage.
…in.Ending a sentence with aprepositionis something that this user is okay with.
This user typically uses"which"and"that"interchangeably.
This user thinks thattoomany people have no idea howtouse words that they should have learned in gradetwo.
whomThis userinsistsupon usingwhomwherever it is called for, and fixes the errors of whomever they see.
This user is addicted toellipsesand has been known to use them indiscriminately...
This user thinks thatthereare too many people who don’t know thatthey'reworse thantheirown children at spelling!
A, B, and CThis user prefers theserial comma.
USThis user usesAmerican English.
This user isproudto beGay
This user believes that articles are useless withoutimages.