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Welcome to Rashed Chowdhury's user page!



On the Web[edit]

Blog: Notes on Religion


I'm an active participant of theBelarusianversion of Wikipedia.

Articles I've started[edit]

Countries I've Lived in or Visited[edit]

Belarus Russia Bangladesh Kuwait Czech Republic USA Canada Slovakia Poland Hungary UK France

Some subnational regions I've lived in

Minsk Mahiliou Region Iowa Ontario Olomouc Region D.C. Quebec



beБеларуская мовародная мовагэтага ўдзельніка ці гэтай удзельніцы.
cs-1Tento uživatel mázákladníznalostičeštiny.
bnবাংলাএই ব্যবহারকারীরমাতৃভাষা
fr-3Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveauavancédefrançais.
hi-1इस सदस्य कोहिन्दीभाषा काप्रारम्भिकस्तर का ज्ञान है।
ruРусскийродной языкэтого участника.
هذا المستخدم يستطيع المساهمةبالعربيةبمستوىمتوسط.
la-1Hic usorsimplicilatinitatecontribuere potest.
pl-1Ten użytkownik posługuje sięjęzykiem polskimna poziomiepodstawowym.
tr-1Bu kullanıcıTürkçeyidüşük düzeydeanlıyor.
uk-1Користувач може робити внесокукраїнською мовоюнапочатковому рівні.


GodThis userbelievesinGod.
☪This user is aMuslim.
This user intends to doHajj.
This user is interested inreligion.
This user is interested inreligionas ametaphysicalortheologicalphenomenon.
This user is interested inreligionas ananthropologicalandhistoricalphenomenon.
This user is interested in issues related toreligious pluralism.
This user is interested inpilgrimages.
respect This user respects others'religionsand realises not all people wish to follow the same path.
This userprays.
This user believes that
life is good.
This user maintains ablogatNotes on Religion.

My Background and Stuff I Like[edit]

This user is fromEarth.
This user is fromBelarus.
This user is ofBangladeshiancestry.
This user is amalecontributor.
18+This user is anadult.
This user remembers using
arotary dialtelephone.
This user is aWikipedianinCanada.
This user has visited2of the10 provinces and 3 territories of Canada.2
This user'sCanadaincludesQuébec.
This user is aWikipedianinQuebec.
This user iscar-free.
This user preferswarm weather.
This user loves theSpring.
This user loves theAutumn.
This user lovesrainydays.
This user loves to walk by themoon.
This user likesfoggydays.
This user is old enough to remember what atypewriteris, and that's all you need to know.
This user is ofEurasianancestry.
Slavic This user is ofSlavicancestry.
This user is of multipleancestries.
sibs-0This user is anonly childon their mother's side.
This user ismarried.
This user does notsmoke.
This user isshort-sighted.
This user ismixed-handed.
GeminiThis user is aGemini.
This user was born in the Year of theMonkey.Hầu
44YThisWikipedianwas born on 13 June 1980 and is 44 years, 1 months, and 4 days old.
20This user was born in the20thcentury.
80sThis user is a child of the80s.

This user has set foot in3continentsof the world.

This user has visited12of the205countriesin theworld.
This user uses a
Shaving brush.
This user is interested inflagsandemblems.
This user is interested inmaps.
This user is interested inphilately.
This user is interested ingeopolitics.
This user isnotaphilist
This user remembersVHS.±
This user is interested inarchitecture.
This user is interested inIslamic architecture.
This user enjoyscooking.
This user enjoysphotography.
This user enjoysFado.
This user lovesGardening
This user is arailfan.
This user wants to visitAntarctica.
This user has visited11of the 50U.S. statesand theDistrict of Columbia.11
This user has visited6of the27 EU Member States.
This user is a member of theNational Geographic Society.
This user loves to gocamping.
This user is anAnglophile.
This user is a former member of the worldwide family ofScouts.
This user enjoys reading thenewspaper.
This user is informed byThe New York Times.
This user is informed byThe Globe and Mail.
EThis user readsThe Economist.
TThis user readsTime Magazine.
MThis user readsMaclean's.
This user lovesdocumentaries.
This user is abibliophile.
This user enjoysreadingalmostanything.
This user readsscience fiction.
This user enjoys the works of
Isaac Asimov.
This user enjoys the works ofLarry Niven.
This user knows who the trueFather of Science Fictionis.
This user enjoys the works of
J. R. R. Tolkien.
This user enjoys the works of
Sherlock Holmes.
This user is a fan ofDune.
Melange This user believes thatthe spice must flow.
This user is aHarry Potterfan.
This user loveswriting,but can hardly find the time to do so.
MAGAZINEThis user has had their work published in amagazine.
This user has atelevision set.
NTSCThis user's television receivesNTSC/NTSC-variant transmissions, or lives in a region where they are broadcast.
This user's TV service provider is a pair ofrabbit ears.
CBMTThis user watchesCBC TelevisioninMontreal.
CTVThis user watchesCTV.
This user dislikes commercials that happen during TV shows and movies and finds them annoying

No Laugh Track This user prefersSitcomswithout thelaugh track.
FrasierThis user doesn't know what to do with thosetossed salads and scrambled eggs... they're calling again!
DThis user watches
CThis user watches
The Colbert Report.
STAR TREKRashed is a fan ofStar Trek: The Next Generation.TNG
J!This user phrases responsesin the form of a question.
Cannabis prohibited signThis user isdrug-free.
This user playsRisk.
This user enjoys music byAntonio Vivaldi.
This user listens toWorld Music.
This user enjoysclassical music.
This user enjoysklezmer.
This user thinksIranian rockis cool!
This user isnocturnal.
This user has never left theNorthern Hemisphere.
This user comes fromMontreal.
This user belongs toY chromosome DNA haplogroup.H1
This user spends far too much time editing their user page.
This user needs moreuserboxes.MORE,I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!


GThis user is a student or alumnus ofGrinnell College.
This user is agraduate studentinhistory.
BAThis user has aBachelor of Artsdegree inInternational relations.
MAThis user has aMaster of Artsdegree inIslamic studies.

Where I Stand[edit]

This user supports theUnited Nations.
This user believes in atwo-state solutionto theIsraeli–Palestinian conflict.
This user supports the independence ofPalestine.
This useris proud to be aEuropean.
This user supportsEU enlargement.
This user wantsBelarusto join theEU.
This user supports aBritishfederalstate, not meredevolution.
"No smoking" sign with text This user supports theban on smokingin public places.
This user wants to stop
global warming.
This user supportssustainable living.
This user's safety and liberty arethreatened by all firearms.
This user knows that there are
654,965 reasonswhy the
2003 invasion of Iraqwas wrong.
This user is amonarchist.

This user believes it isevery citizen's dutyto assess every candidate and abstain from voting if none is found fit for office, unless he or she wants tovoteanyway.
This user opposesracismand admiresMalcolm XandMartin Luther King.
This user prefers that thedeath penaltybe usedvery sparingly.
MSFThis user supportsMédecins Sans Frontières.
The No Smoking sign This user is againstsmoking.
This user supports protection of theenvironment.
This user admires thetropical rainforests.

This user hopes we canSavetheAmazon Rainforest.
This user supportssustainable living.
This user supportsCitizen Media.
This user supports
renewable energy.
This user identifies as acentrist.
This user supportsflat taxes.
This user isagainst communism.
This user supportsrecycling.
This user doesn't likeNazis.
This user supports theCanadian Crown.
This user wishes thatFrancewill become aconstitutional monarchy.
This user supports the
Union for the Mediterranean.
This user supportsNATO.

This user opposesImperialism.
This user supports
universal health care.
Life This user isPro-Life
This user supportsindependencefor theCatalan Countries.
This user supports the independence ofGreenland.
This user recognizes the independence ofKosovo.
This user is overjoyed with the independence ofMontenegro.
This user supports theunificationofFlandersand theNetherlands.
This user supports the independence ofSandžak.
Scotland This user supportsScottish independence.
This user supports the independence ofTaiwan.
This user supports theindependenceofTibet.
This user supports the independence ofWales.
This user supports the independence ofWest Papua.
This user is in favour ofEU enlargementin a westerly direction.
This user scored65%on thePalestinian Refugees Quiz.
This user supports peace, freedom, dignity and mutual respect for all in theMiddle East.
This user thinksVladimir Putinis adictator.
' This user believes theheadscarf baninTurkeyshould belifted.
This user supports the independence ofSealand.
This user believes thatThe Red Dragonshould be included in theUnion Jack.
This user says, "Who you calling an 'illegal immigrant',Pilgrim?! "
"Mission Accomplished"This userknowstoday is the 7748th day since the declaration ofMission AccomplishedinIraq.
This user supportedBarack ObamaforPresidentin2008and2012.
This user thinks
Morgan Tsvangiraiis a hero.
This user believes thatall men are created equal.
This user supports the independence of theBasque Country.
This user supports a freeBurma.

History Interests[edit]

This user is ahistorybuff.
This user is interested in theirlocal history.

This user is interested in the history of theCold War.
This user is interested in theCrusades.
This user is interested in theNapoleonic Wars.
This user is interested inWorld War I(1914–1918)andWorld War II(1939–1945).
This user is interested in theVietnam War.
This user is interested in
ancient civilizations.
This user is interested inIslamic civilizations.
This user is interested in
Ancient Egypt.
This user is interested in
Ancient Israel.
This user is interested in theByzantine Empire.
This user is interested inCarthage.
This user is interested inAncient Rome.
This user is interested in theBritish Empire.
This user is interested in theOttoman Empire
This user is interested in theHabsburgEmpire.
This user is interested in theMongol Empire.
This user is interested in the History of theBalkans.
This user loves the history of theGrand Duchy of Lithuania.
This user is interested in modernCzechhistory.
This user is interested in theHistory of France.
This user is interested in the history ofPakistan.
This user is interested inRussiaand is capable of speaking in a Russian accent.
This user is interested in theRomanovdynasty
This user is interested in the
History of New England.
This user is interested in the
Middle Ages.
This user is interested in theRenaissanceperiod.
This user is interested inCentral Europeanhistory.
This user is interested in theNapoleonic era.
This user is interested in the life and times ofJulius Caesar.
This user is interested in the life and times ofAlexander the Great.
This user is interested in the life and times ofPeter the Great.

English Grammar and Usage[edit]

enThis user supports the
CAThis user uses
Canadian English spelling.
This user is not British, but can speak with a British accent.
This user employs amore formal style of writingin articles than in talk pages.
theyThis user considerssingular theystandard, modern,informalEnglish usage, soavoids it on Wikipedia.
snkdThis user sayssneaked.
to¦goThis user chooses to sometimes usesplit infinitives.
byThepassive voicemay be used by this user.
…in.Ending a sentence with aprepositionis something that this user is okay with.
Regardinggender,this user prefers thevernacular,not what ispolitically correct.
whomThis userinsistsupon usingwhomwherever it is called for, and fixes the errors of whomever they see.
which & that This user joins withDickens,Melville,and other great writers[1]in rejecting the canard thatwhichmay not be used for restrictive relative clauses.
less & fewerThis user understands thedifference betweenless&fewer.
This user understands the difference between using "than"and"then."
You and MeThis user thinks that if you believe it is incorrect to use "you and me" as theobjectof a sentence, a little talk needs to be had by you and me...
Subj This user prefers that thesubjunctive moodbe used. Were this user you, he would use it.
“,;:’This user is apunctuation stickler.
.TheThis user doesnotputtwo spacesafter a full stop.
itsThis user understands thedifferencebetweenits(of it) andit's(it isorit has).
’sThi's user know's that not every word that end's withsneed's an apostropheand will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice.
"…"?This user thinks "British punctuationis best for quotation marks ". Do you?
;This user is addicted tosemicolons;they use them frequently.


This user supports theBangladeshi cricket team.
This user enjoys the events that unfold in theFIFA World Cup.
Bring on2026!
TORThis user is a fan of
Toronto FC


PET CATThis user hasapet cat.
This user likessquirrels.
This user's favourite animal is thechimpanzee.
This user thinkssheepare cute.

Computers and the Internet[edit]

This user usesGoogle Maps.
BThis user keeps a weblog atBloggerasNotes on Religion.
This user usesGoogleas a primary search engine.
GThis user prefersGoogleoverYahoo.Y
This user usesWikipediaas aprimarypoint of reference.
This user usesGmailas a primaryemailservice.
This usercontributesusingFirefox.
This user usesWindows Vista.
This user prefersWindowscomputers and is frustrated byMacs.
This user contributes using alaptop.
This user contributes using awireless connection.
This userstillremembersthese.


حلالThis user observes thedietary laws ofHalal.
ORGThis user would rather eat
organic food
than tampered-with food
This user is anomnivore.
This user eatscheese.
This user loves to eatfries,orchips.
This user eatspoutine.
This user lovessausages.
This user eatsbananas.
This user eatscantaloupes.
This user loves to eatcucumbers.
This user eats
This user eatsFigs.
This user loveslychees.
This user enjoys a littlered pepperwith their meals.
This user eatsraspberries.
This user eatsstrawberries.
This user eatstomatoes.
This user eatswatermelon.
This user eatseggplant.
This user eatspotatoes.
This useris ambivalent aboutpotato skins

This user eatssalad.
This user eatsspinach.
This user eatschicken.
This user eatssushi.
This user loveshamburgers.
This user lovesdöner kebab.
This user eatssteak.
This user eatschocolate.
This user likespie.
This user drinkshot chocolate.
Ovaltine mug and saucerThis user drinksOvaltine.
This user drinksmilk.
This user proudly drinks
This user drinksrice milk.
This user exercises regularly anddrinks a lot of waterto stay hydrated.
This user drinkstap waterregularly.
This user drinkscoffee.
This user takes his/hercoffeewithtwocreams andthreesugars.
This user prefers brewing coffee by aFrench press.
This userdrinks
Turkish coffee.
This user drinkscappuccino.
This user drinkslatte.
This user prefersfair tradecoffee.
This user drinksbubble tea.
This user would rather drinkteathancoffee.
This user drinksgreen tea.
This user drinksmint tea(Touareg Tea).
Thisuserdrinksrooibos(redbush) tea.
This user drinksmate.
CokeThis user likes to drinkCokeon occasion.
C2H5OH-0This user is anon-drinker.
This user eats atMcDonald's.
This user likes
Starbucks Coffee.
This user eats atSUBWAYand eats fresh.
This user loves
Chinese cuisine.
This user loves
Indian cuisine.
This user loves
Italian cuisine
This user loves
Japanese cuisine.
This user loves
Thai cuisine.