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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To others


My English


English is not my mother tongue.
Those who havegrown upwith English probably have guessed this already.

You already do improve English inarticles,but usuallynotontalkpages.

So if, on a talk page, [ someone who hasgrown up[ with English ( in America or Great Britain ) AND in an environment ofgoodEnglish ] ] feels that what I have written would be expressed better with a different word or in a different way, he/she/they is invited to add this in my contribution just behind the spot in [].

And it would be nice if you gave me a ping too.

What I find most difficult is to decide which one of theselittlewords like: on, at, by or with is the best. What surprises me most is the usage of "with".



I almost never watch a thread in which I have written something.
So if you would like me to notice your answer, it is necessary to ping me;
unless, of course, when it is onmytalkpage, where I automatically get a ping.

For me -- and maybe for others too =


Pearls and Gems


"body parts not every one has"


{how sweet -- and smart}
Source:Talk:Bleep censor #Exact Rules/ (IP, 2011) (The complete sentence:[1])

"bovine leavings"


{These upper class English definitely know how to express themselves courteously.:)) }
Source:Wikipedia_talk:Vector_2022 Stop contributing to Wikipedia if old layout is not brought back again.
Thank youMartin of Sheffield

If you find work you like, you will never work again



Beautiful daughter


On a t-shirt:
"I have a beautiful daughter
I also have a gun, a shovel & an alibi "

Images: Search term: daughter gun
e.g.https://yandex /images/search?text=daughter%20gun

My test pages



User:Steue/: and * Insertions and List

User:Steue/abbr:Template {{abbr|B|def of [[B]]}} which deliversB







My Guide


Creating User:Steue/sandbox


Source: User's page / top / [Sandbox]
Condition: While there is yet no sandbox at all (in this users' page(s))

[User page]...[talk]................................................................................................[Create]............[Search...............box]
"Creating User:Steue/sandbox" {page tile}

Jump to navigation {invisible link} Jump to search {invisible link}

Wikipedia does not have auser pagewith this exact title. Before creating this page, please see

To start a page calledUser:Steue/sandbox,type in the box below. When you are done, preview the page to
check for errors and then publish it.

(i)Content thatviolates any copyrightswill be deleted. Encyclopedic content must be verifiable throughcitations to reliable sources.


This is only a preview; your changes have not yet been saved!→ Go to editing area
This is the usersandboxofSteue.A user sandbox is a subpage of the user's
user page.It serves as a testing spot and page development space for the user
and isnot an encyclopedia article.Create or edit your own sandboxhere.

Other sandboxes:Main sandbox|Template sandbox

Finished writing a draft article? Are you ready to request an experienced
editor review it for possible inclusion in Wikipedia? Save your work by
pressing the "Publish page" button below, and a button will appear here
allowing you to submit your draft for review.
{Great '''Standard--Edit-Source--Input-Field''', in it:}

{{User sandbox}}

Help:My sandbox


Help:My sandbox




(Bottom of "My Guide" )


Village pump (technical), Wikipedia: ~



References for me (and maybe for others too)


To be studied




<!-- -->


This section is only about it'sname( not it's use and functions ).

In wiki documentations it has got 4 names


In:Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Linking #Avoiding broken section links this is called a "'hidden comment" '.

In:Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Hidden text.

In:Wikipedia:Manual of Style / {20} Miscellaneous / {5}Invisible comment(s).

And there is:Wikipedia:Comment.

Here, in my edit guide


I have it under "Hidden comment".

Back to#Hidden comment( if you came from there ).





An anchor is created by the sourcecode {{Anchor|This is the target name for any link to this anchor}}.

Any anchor is (intended to be) the partner of a link, where

  • the link is thestartingpoint and
  • the anchor is the [endpoint /target] of this link.

Where an anchor can be (placed)


Generally an anchor can be placed almost any where, even in a table or the text below an image.

The target is, where the anchor is.

The target can be e.g. a:

  • header of a chapter:
  • paragraph,
  • sentence,
  • word or
  • even a specific letter within a word or
  • a specific sign (e.g. a comma or point).

Generally an anchor can be placed:

  • before,
  • within or
  • after/behind


Only if the target is a (single, meaning specific)sign,there is only eitherbeforeorafterthis sign.
An anchor takes it's own space (in the source code) thus an anchor can only be placedbeforeoraftera sign.
In a browser/an article the reading/writing mark is always a "pipe". Thus a target can only bebeforeXORafter/behinda sign, meaning: the target can not be themiddleof a sign.

In thesamexor inanotherarticle


Generally there are two possible situations for any link-anchor usage/situation:
The anchor/target is:

  • eitherwithinthesamearticle
  • XORinanotherarticle.
In thesamearticle

If the the target/anchor is with-inthesamearticle, there are two possibilities:

  • either the target isabovethe link
  • XOR the target isbelowthe link.
Where to place the anchor in relation to the intended target or line

For "the following three links" the target (currently) is "the header line of the chapter" Anchor "".


Link to the line just "abovethe headerabove"
Dis-advantage: Once the anchor is set, for editing it can NOT be accessed ( e.g. for any change ) from the "targetsection ", but only from" the sectionabovethe target section ".


Link to "Withinthe headerabovei.e. between the first/leading "==" and the actual header text "


Link to the line just "belowthe headerabove"

This is the best one of these three, because only the target line i.e. the header, and not any text lines above this target/header are visible.



( The target of the 3 links below is the header of the immediately following section; currently this is "Babelboxes". )

( Guide: After clicking in one of the 3 links below, you will have to scroll up a little, in order to come back tothissectionhereand to be able to test theother2 links. )


Link to the line just "abovethe headerbelow"
Dis-advantage: Once the anchor is set, it can NOT be accessed ( e.g. for any change ) from thetargetsection, but only from the sectionabovethe target section.


Link to "Withinthe headerbelowi.e. between the first/leading "==" and the actual header text "


Link to the line just "belowthe headerbelow"

This is the best one of these three, because only the target line i.e. the header, and not any text lines above this target/header are visible.


Why use an anchor?


Oneapplication is: headers of chapters within an article:

If one wants tochangethe wording of "an already existing header (of a chapter, within an article)", one is in danger of creating a potential problem, because: if "somewhere in any article" there is a link tothis chapteri.e. which uses "thecurrentwording of this header ", and one ischangingthe current wording, this mentioned link willno longerwork, it will become a "redlink ".

Solution/prevention of this (potential) problem:
A: One creates an anchor to theoldwording/version of this header and
B: places this anchor just below the new header.

And only SECOND:
One changes the wording of the header.

So, if onedoesknow that there is a link to this chapter, one kind ofmustcreate such an anchor.
And especially if one doesnotknow whether there exists a link to this header, oneshouldalwayscreate such an anchor, just in case that thereisa link to this chapter/header.

Where to place the anchor, if within the header


If the anchor is BEHIND the header text, this section's name, in the history, is easier to read and find.



Top and bottom edges


How to get themUN-interrupted by text


One fast and simple way is: to add "<br>"s immediately before and after the text:

  • one"<br>"at thebeginningand
  • two"<br>"s at theendof the text.

A much more time consuming way (in terms of: study, implementation and testing) would be to define margins. But by this one could define the margins more precisely, down to one pixel.

In several columns


Seen on:

User:Chemical Ace( 2023-12-06 )



Brackets inheaders


See my sectionBrackets ( '[' and ']'s ) in headers!


The target of a linkalwaysis a header or an anchor.

Brackets within thetargetin a link ( i.e. on theleftside of the pipe { "|" } ) woulddis-ablethe link i.e. reduce the link tonormaltext.

From this follows:

A: If the target is ananchor,this anchor must not contain any bracket(s).

B: If the target is aheaderand/which contains a bracket or brackets, in order to get a link to this target to function,onesolution is to:

  1. place an anchor ( which does/must NOT contain any bracket ) at the target location,
  2. pipe the link and
  3. placethe part which contains bracketson therightside of the pipe.



«Bettervisible separation» of «references» from «the visible text»


See#Hidden comment With references.

Collapse anything


eg:Commons:Deletion requests/Files in Category:Images by Guillaume Vachey

{{collapse top|List of images up for deletion}}

Copy, 2 ways to ~



Edit Requests


WP:Edit requests



Brackets ( '[' and ']'s ) in headers


Generally they seem to makenoproblem.

However, there is ( at least ) one special case wherebrackets in headersdo need special treatment, and this is ( see my section: )[notes 1].

Hidden comment


In wiki documentations it's got ( at least ) 4 names; you can see them ( upwards ) in my section<!-- -->.



In the sourcecode it looks like this:<!-- -->.

The wole "thing" is only visible in the "source code", that's why it's called ahiddencomment.


  • Iuse it, e.g. before a box (created by a blank character at the start of a line) to make clear that Iintentionallycaused this box. Reason: Sometimes a box can get created un-intentionally, because a blank character got to the start of the line; and because the blank character is not visible in the source code, it can remain un-noticed.
    I also had the impression, that, in some talks, the box wasnotintended, but the newby did not check the result or didn't know what causes the box and how to get rid of it.
  • sometimes I use it to mark the start and end of a larger section.
  • sometimes: to show the name of the chapterabove:When I'm scrollingup-wards, in my source code, I can read this name already at thebottomof this chapter. Nice to have, if I want to add something at thebottom.



There is something called an 'HTML comment'; I call it a "hidden comment".
In 'codeview' it looks like this:


  • can beempty:<!-- -->or
  • contain<!-- something -->.



Such a 'hidden comment', normaly, is visible:

  • onlyin the 'codeview', this means
  • NOT in the 'finaltextview' output.

But, as you have seen above, a 'hidden comment'canbe made visible inoutputif it is placed in nowikis like this:
<nowiki><!-- --></nowiki>.

It may or may not be placed in ( what I call ) a 'code box'. But even within the code box it needs nowikis to make it visible:
<code><nowiki><!-- --></nowiki></code>.

A 'hidden comment' does not even create anyspace.
Proof: This codeA<!-- -->Bresults in this: AB ( NO space between A and B ).

Influencewithinthe 'hidden comment'


Withinsuch a 'hidden comment' one may place/use/have any kind of 'wiki code';
any 'wiki code' with-insuch a 'hidden comment' has NO functionality.

Thus such a 'hidden comment' can be used to dis-able ( and make invisible in the output ) « currently not needed 'wiki code' ».

There are what one may call 'Simple line breaks'; they are created by the [ Enter ] key; therefore I shall call them 'keyboardline breaks'. 'Keyboard line breaks' are NO 'wiki code'. Because of this they do function within a 'hidden comment', incodeview.

So, there is one exception for thecontentof a 'hidden comment': 'keyboard line breaks' do work within the 'hidden comment' forits content.

So, if one uses «several'keyboard line breaks' in a 'hidden comment' » one can wrap this 'hidden comment' over several code lines, like this:

Influenceout-side the 'hidden comment'


A 'hidden comment' has NO influence whatsoever on the functionalities of « the 'wiki code' which isout-side of the 'hidden comment' ».
Because of this a 'hidden comment' may be used within:

  • lists ( In order to not create problems for visually impaired users who use screen readers, lists must not contain any blank lines. This also applies tothoselists starting each item line with asemicolon.),
  • references and
  • what I call 'formatting blocks'.

First example


The following is the 'codeview':

Note: The "[CRLF]" s do not need to be put in the code; they are just there ( here in this example ) to show, thatthereis a 'keyboard line break'.

« some visible text''before''the 'hidden comment' ».<!--[CRLF]
Within are three[CRLF]
'keyboard line breaks'[CRLF]
« some visible text''after''the 'hidden comment' ».

Secondpossibleexample of use, this time in alist


With-outthe «wrapped'hidden comments' » the source code would look like this:

*One<br>A long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item<br>B long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item<br>C long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item,

Try to find the items!! --Hardto read.

Withthe «wrapped'hidden comments' » the source code would look like this:

-->A long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item<br><!--
-->B long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item<br><!--
-->C long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item

Already much easier to read.

And evenmoreeasy to read withtwo<br>s:

-->A long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item<br><!--

-->B long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item<br><!--

-->C long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item

A piece of cake.

All three result in the same; see:


  • One
    A long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item
    B long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item
    C long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item,
  • Two
  • Three.


With one:

  • One
    A long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item
    B long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item
    C long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item
  • Two
  • Three.


With two:

  • One
    A long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item
    B long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item
    C long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long item
  • Two
  • Three.

Third example: With references


For separating:

  • « text from references »,
  • « references from references » and
  • « references from text ».
« some visible text''before''the''first''reference ».<!--[CRLF]
<ref>The''first''long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long reference</ref><!--[CRLF]
<ref>The''second''long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long reference</ref><!--[CRLF]
<ref>The''third''long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long reference</ref><!--[CRLF]
« some visible text''after''the''last''reference ».

Fourth example


This code<!-- « » -->could be a little help ( in the source code ) if you needed a certain set of characters:



( Reference:Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Accessibility #Multiple paragraphs within list items/ 3rd box. )


Wikipedia:Links-->Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Linking

Fortechnicalinformation about link formatting, seeHelp:Link.

For information on adding external links to articles, seeWikipedia:External links.





Blank lines between list items:Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Accessibility #Lists

Non-notable items in Disambiguation pages



Notability of thename/header/topicof an article


1. / (2nd Frame) ( "This page in a nutshell:" ) / (last sentence):

The notability guideline does not determine thecontentof articles, but only whether thetopicmay have itsown article.

2. (Next sentence, outside this frame):

On Wikipedia, notability is a test used by editors to decide whether a giventopicwarrantsits own article.

3. There follow several mentions like this, re.own article.

[ Notability or non-notability ] ofitemsin "lists with a notable title"


4. But then (further below) there is this:
Wikipedia:Notability #Notability guidelines donotusuallyapplyto contentwithinarticles orlists:

The criteria applied to the creation or retention of anarticlearenot the sameas those applied tothe content insideit.The notability guideline does not apply to the contents of articles.It also doesnot applyto thecontentsofstand-alone lists,unless editors agree to use notability as part of thelist selection criteria.Content coverage within a given article or list (i.e. whether something isnoteworthyenough to be mentioned within the article or list) is governed by the principle ofdue weight,balance,and othercontent policies.For additional information about list articles, seeNotability of listsandList selection criteria.

5.Wikipedia:Notability #Stand-alone lists(/ 1strealparagraph / last sentence):

Because the group or set is notable, theindividual items in the listdonotneed to be independentlynotable,although editors may, at their discretion, choose to limitlarge listsby only including entries for independently notable items or those with Wikipedia articles.

6. (/ 2nd paragraph / 2nd to last sentence):

Lists that fulfill recognized informational, navigation, or development purposesoften are kept regardless of any demonstrated notability.

7.Wikipedia:Notability #Articles not satisfying the notability guidelines(/ 1st para / 2nd sentence):

Non-notable topics with closely related notable articles or lists are often merged into those pages, while non-notable topics without such merge targets are generally deleted.

[notes 1]


The brackets


Generally, "[" s and "]" s ( brackets ) inheadersrequire NOspecialtreatment.

But when I tried to upload above title ( upon my user page )withoutthe nowikis, the wiki software complained.
I had to put it in nowikis, before it got accepted and executed as an upload.

However, I have used "[... ]" s ( 'brackets' ) in anotherheader (:[ Notability or non-notability ] of items in "lists with a notable title") with-outany problem or complaint.
So, it seems that it isnotthe brackts themselves, alone, which cause the problem, but the special use/function of this combination with the word "notes" and a number.

The function as a reference note


( Background about "[notes 1]": )
This was anun-usual kind of "reference note" which I noticed in:
the articleReddit/ (top right) (frame { "box" }) / "Available in" [ Multilingual ]

Above "notes" is also in two other notes in this article.


| language =Multilingual<ref group= "notes" >The site's display interface is available in several common languages, but most of its user-submitted content is written in English with no built-in translation feature. Individual subreddits may opt to cater to a specific language, only allowing posts, comments, etc. in that language.</ref>

Butbelowthere is as header:
{9} "Explanatory notes"

1. ^ The site's display interface is available in several common languages, but most of its user-submitted content is written in English with no built-in translation feature. Individual subreddits may opt to cater to a specific language, only allowing posts, comments, etc. in that language.

2. ^ Reddit can be viewed without an account but registration is required to submit, comment or vote.

3. ^ Previously written in Lisp, then rewritten in Python in 2005.


In the source code below there is:

== Explanatory notes ==

== References ==

Terms of a page


"Section" { chapter, header, heading, title }

Tool tip(s), existence indicated by under-dotting


(Found in: (article)HP-150/ (the box) at the top right / (section) "Display".)



Wikipedia:Don't-give-a-fuckism(Humour and Peace of mind).
{Link actually found on the user page in the German WP.}

Wikitext, the nature of ~


The example to which the following relates is: [[Page name #Section name]].

InHelp:Link #Specificsthe first sentence says:

"When a link contains a section title (as in the examples above),
the title actually points to an HTML anchor on the target page."
{Bold added by me.}

Cognition: This means: The wikitext is "only" the user interface;
and below/behind [ this user interface / every wikitext ] actually is HTML code.

That means: Every wikitext is "translated", by a program(me), into HTML code.

This means: The wikitext saves us (editors) from having to edit in HTML.




Singular they( found on [ User:WanderingWanda #Pronouns ] ).

Talk pages




Wikipedia:Talk page guidelines



The usual word is: "indentation", respectively: "indentation level(s)".

Wikipedia:Indentation( short:WP:INDENT).



In which line


{{outdent}}or{{od}}(identical result).

1st contribution.

4th. The following{{od}}is on ablankline. This does NOT out-dent the following line.
6th contribution.

7th contribution. The template has got to be in (at the start of)thisline which shall get out-dented.

InWikipedia:Indentation #Outdentingthere are more options to tell the template how many steps to the left the out-denting shall be done.

Does it work for all following, if insertedafterwards?




Answer: No.

Archiv(e)ing, prevention of


Template:Do not archive until



Wikipedia:Talk page guidelines / # Editing others' comments / * Fi xing format errors/ second bullet:

"removing bullets from discussions that are notconsensus pollsorrequests for comment (RfC)".

Editing others' contributions


Wikipedia:Talk page guidelines #Editing others' comments

Talkpagebeforethearticlepage is created


Is possible.

I just did it with:Talk:Bag pudding.

However: if I then search for "Bag pudding", this Talk page is NOT delivered.

I think: it should.

Maybe it takes a little while, before it is integrated into the index.

I had created alltogether four links to this talk page.


It's possible, the wiki software let me create it,
but it does not seem to be a good idea to do so, because it already got deleted for exactly this reason.

In detail:

A couple of hours later I found (at the top of a page) an alert.

I clicked on the icon and found a note that the page got deleted.

I clicked on the note and found a log page, which read that the page had gotten deleted 4 hrs after I had created the page. There was NO explanation besides "Talk page without an article page".

Honestly:Thisinformation -- I did know already, because I created this page.

There was NO link to a WP:... page.

The user name was [user:Explicit].

I clicked on the user name and found: it was/is an admin.

But after I had opened this noteonce,after thesecondclick on this icon, there was NO more information about this note to be found.

Plus: Now it does NOT even appear in my "Contributions" list.

If I could not remember the user name of the deleter, I could not even write to him.

If I didn't have a link to this page e.g. here on my page, I did not even have any sign/ "proof" that I ever created this page.

If I didn't have a copy of this page in my computer all the work which I had put in would be lost.

Now all the 4 links (to this page), which I created, are red links.

I would have liked to ask this deleter: "Before you deleted this page, did you check, wether any pages/links link to this page?"

I think this subject/issue/procedure should be improved.



Interesting similarity

Release dateNovember 1983
Mac 128k
Jobs with Mac
January 1984
The originalMacintosh 128k(left);
Steve Jobswith the Macintosh
(Source: article:)Macintosh #1984: Debut



GIFs, how to switch off annoying animated gifs


Annoyance of animated gif, for example in the articleGIF
{Not yet tested or done.}

Add "importScript('User:Alexis Jazz/Hammertime.js');" toSpecial:Mypage/common.js(source) to have a button on every article page that stops the window (JavaScriptwindow.stop) which should halt animated GIFs in most browsers.
Alexis Jazz(talkor ping me) 10:31, 9 October 2020 (UTC)

  1. ^Do words for having sex other than the f word, or for words about body parts not every one has, or other sex related swear words have to be beeped out?