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Vishishtadvaita(IASTViśiṣṭādvaita;Sanskrit:विशिष्टाद्वैत) is a school of Hindu philosophy belonging to theVedantatradition. Vedanta refers to the profound interpretation of theVedasbased onPrasthanatrayi.Vishishta Advaita, meaning "non-duality with distinctions", is anon-dualisticphilosophy that recognizesBrahmanas the supreme reality while also acknowledging its multiplicity. This philosophy can be characterized as a form of qualifiedmonism,attributive monism, or qualified non-dualism. It upholds the belief that all diversity ultimately stems from a fundamental underlying unity.

Ramanuja,the 11–12th century philosopher and the main proponent of Vishishtadvaita philosophy, contends that thePrasthanatrayi( "The three courses" ), namely theUpanishads,theBhagavad Gita,and theBrahma Sutrasare to be interpreted in a way that shows thisunity in diversity,for any other way would violate their consistency.Vedanta Desika,another major scholar who significantly helped expand the philosophy of Vishitadvaita, definesVishishtadvaitausing the statement,Aseṣa Chit-Achit Prakāram Brahmaikameva Tatvam:Brahman, as qualified by the sentient and insentient modes (or attributes), is the only reality.



The Vishishtadvaita philosophy is believed to have a long history, with its earliest works no longer available.[1]The names of these earliest philosophers are only mentioned in Ramanuja'sVedarthasamgraha.Bodhayana, Dramida, Tanka, Guhadeva, Kapardi, and Bharuci are some of the well-known philosophers in the line of those who are thought to have developed the Vishishtadvaita system.

Bodhayana is considered to have written an extensivevritti(commentary) on thePurvaandUttara Mimamsas.Tanka is attributed with having written commentaries onChandogya Upanishadand Brahma Sutras.Nathamuniof the ninth century AD, the foremostAcharyaof theVaishnavas,collected the Tamilprabandhas,classified them, made the redaction, set the hymns to music and spread them everywhere. He is said to have received the divine hymns straight fromNammalvar,the foremost of the twelveAlvars,by yogic insight in the temple at Alwar Thirunagari, which is located nearTirunelveliin SouthIndia.Yamunacharyarenounced kingship and spent his last days in the service of the deity atSrirangamand in laying the fundamentals of the Vishishtadvaita philosophy by writing four basic works on the subject.

Ramanuja is the main proponent of Vishishtadvaita philosophy.[2]Ramanuja continues along the line of thought of his predecessors while expounding the knowledge expressed in the Upanishads, the Brahma Sutras, and the Bhagavad Gita.Vedanta DesikaandPillai Lokacharya,disciples in the tradition of Ramanuja, had minor disagreements not on thephilosophy,but on some aspects of thetheology,giving rise to theVadakalaiandTenkalaischools of thought.

Swaminarayan,the founder of theSwaminarayan Sampradaya,propagated a related philosophy and partly based the sampradaya on these ideals.[3]TheBAPS,a Swaminarayan sect, published its view on his philosophy through thePrasthanatrayiin theSwaminarayan Bhashyam.Swaminarayan expounded the existence of five eternal entities, distinguishingBrahmanfromParabrahmaneternally. He also emphasizedJivanmuktiand the importance of becoming brahmarupa. This interpretation of Swaminarayan's philosophy by BAPS sadhus is known asAkshar-Purushottam Darshan.

Key principles


There are three key principles of Vishishtadvaita:[4]

  • Tattva:The knowledge of the three real entities, namelyjiva(living souls, the sentient),ajiva(the nonsentient) andIshvara(Vishnu-NarayanaorParabrahman,Supreme-self and the cause of all manifestations and in-dwelling giver of grace based on Karma).
  • Hita:The means of realization, as throughbhakti(devotion) andprapatti(self-surrender)
  • Purushartha:The goal to be attained, asmokshaor liberation from bondage.

Viśiṣṭameans most exclusive (not equal / different from rest).





Pramana( "sources of knowledge", Sanskrit) refers to factual knowledge obtained through reasoning of any object.Pramanaforms one part of atriputi(trio):

  1. Pramatir,thesubject;theknowerof knowledge
  2. Pramana,thecauseor themeansof knowledge
  3. Prameya,theobjectof knowledge

In Vishishtadvaita Vedanta, only the following threepramanasare accepted as valid means of knowledge:

  • Pratyaksa— knowledge gained by means of perception. Perception in this context generally refers to sensory perception. In modern-day usage, this will also include knowledge obtained by means of observation through scientific instruments, since they are considered an extension of perception.
  • Anumana— knowledge gained by means of inference. Inference refers to deductive reasoning and analysis.
  • Shabda— knowledge gained by means ofshruti.Shruti refers to knowledge gained from scriptures—primarily the Upanishads, the Brahma Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita.

Rules of epistemology


There are three rules of hierarchy when there is apparent conflict between the three modes of acquiring knowledge:

  • ShabdaorShruti,Pramana occupies the highest position in matters which cannot be settled or resolved bypratyaksa(perception) or byanumana(inference).
  • Anumanaoccupies the next position. When an issue cannot be settled through sensory perception alone, it is settled based on inference, that is, whichever is the more logical argument.
  • Whenpratyaksayields a definitive position on a particular issue, such a perception cannot be ignored by interpretingShabdain a way which violates that perception.





Theontologyin Vishishtadvaita consists of explaining the relationship betweenIshvara(Parabrahman), the sentient beings (chit-Brahman) and the insentient Universe (achit-Brahman). In the broadest sense, Ishvara is the Universal Soul of the pan-organistic body consisting of the Universe and sentient beings. The three ontological entities are described below:



Ishvara(denoted byVishnu(Narayana)) is the Supreme Cosmic Spirit who maintains complete control over the Universe and all the sentient beings, which together also form the pan-organistic body of Ishvara. The triad of Ishvara along with the universe and the sentient beings is Brahman, which signifies the completeness of existence. Ishvara is Parabrahman endowed with innumerable auspicious qualities (Kalyana Gunas). Ishvara is perfect, omniscient, omnipresent, incorporeal, independent, the creator of the universe, its active ruler and also its eventual destroyer.[5]He is causeless, eternal and unchangeable—and is yet the material and the efficient cause of the universe and sentient beings. He is both immanent (like whiteness in milk) and transcendent (like a watch-maker independent of a watch). He is the subject of worship. He is the basis of morality and giver of the fruits of one's Karma. He rules the world with His Maya—His divine power.

Ishvara is considered to have a 2-fold characteristic: he is the indweller of all beings and all beings dwell in Ishvara.[citation needed]


The inner controller (antar-yāmin) is the thread connecting everything, governing this world, the next, and all beings from within (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 3.7.3-23).[6]

"He who inhabits water, yet is within water, whom water does not know, whose body water is and who controls water from within—He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal."

"He who inhabits the sun, yet is within the sun, whom the sun does not know, whose body the sun is and who controls the sun from within—He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal" —Brihadaranyaka Upanishad3.7.4–14


When Ishvara is thought of as the all encompassing and the residence of all beings that is, all beings reside in Ishvara, he is referred to as the paramapurusha. The sentient beings and the insentient universe which form part of the pan-organistic body of Ishvara are encapsulated by Ishvara.[original research?]

Sarvam khalv idam BrahmaChandogya Upanishad

Isavasyam idam sarvamIsha Upanishad



Chitis the world of sentient beings, or of entities possessing consciousness. It is similar to thePurushaof Samkhya system. The sentient beings are called Jivas and they are possessors of individual consciousness as denoted by "I". The scope of Chit refers to all beings with an "I" consciousness, or more specifically self-awareness. Therefore, all entities which are aware of their own individual existence are denoted aschit.This is calleddharmi-jnanaorsubstantive consciousness.The sentient beings also possess varying levels ofdharma-bhuta-jnanaorattributive consciousness

The jivas possess three different types of existence:

  • Nityas,or the eternally free Jivas who were never inSamsara
  • Muktas,or the Jivas that were once in Samsara but are free
  • Baddhas,or the Jivas which are still in Samsara pavana (due to Karma and Ignorance)



Achitis the world of insentient entities as denoted by matter or more specifically the non-conscious Universe. It is similar to thePrakritiof Samkhya system.



There is a subtle difference between Ishvara and Brahman. Ishvara is the substantive part of Brahman, while jivas and jagat are its modes (also secondary attributes), and kalyana-gunas (auspicious attributes) are the primary attributes. The secondary attributes become manifested in the effect state when the world is differentiated by name and form. The kalyana-gunas are eternally manifest.

Brahman is the description of Ishvara when comprehended in fullness—i.e., a simultaneous vision of Ishvara with all his modes and attributes.

The relationship between Brahman and Jivas, Jagat is expressed by Rāmānujā in numerous ways. He calls this relationship as one of:

  • sharira/shariri(body/indweller);
  • prakara/prakari(attribute or mode/substance);
  • shesha/sheshi(Owned/owner);
  • amsha/amshi(part/whole);
  • Adharadeya/sambandha(supporter/supported);
  • niyamya/niyanta(controlled/controller);
  • rakshya/rakshaka(redeemed/redeemer);

These relationships can be experienced holding Brahman as the father, son, mother, sister, wife, husband, friend, lover and lord. Hence, Brahman is a personal being.

  • What does Nirguna Brahman mean?

Ramanuja argues vehemently against understanding Brahman as one without attributes. Brahman is Nirguna in the sense that impure qualities do not touch it. He provides three valid reasons for staking such a claim:

Shruti/Shabda Pramana: All shrutis and shabdas denoting Brahman always list either attributes inherent to Brahman or not inherent to Brahman. The shrutis only seek to deny Brahman from possessing impure and defective qualities which affect the world of beings. There is evidence in the shrutis to this regard. The shrutis proclaim Brahman to be beyond the tri-gunas which are observed. However, Brahman possesses an infinite number of transcendental attributes, the evidence of which is given in vakhyas like "satyam jnanam anantam Brahma" (Taittiriya Upanishad).

Pratyaksha Pramana: Ramanuja states that "a contentless cognition is impossible". And all cognition must necessarily involve knowing Brahman through the attributes of Brahman.

Anumana Pramana: Ramanuja states that "Nirgunatva" itself becomes an attribute of Brahman on account of the uniqueness of no other entity being Nirguna. Ramanuja had simplified relationship between bramha and soul. According to him though soul is integral part of bramha it has independent existence.[7]

Theory of Existence


The three ontological entities i.e. Ishvara, Chit and Achit are fundamentally real. It upholds the doctrine ofSatkaryavadaas againstAsatkaryavada.


  • Satkaryavada is pre-existence of the effect in the cause. It maintains that karya (effect) is sat or real. It is present in the karana (cause) in a potential form, even before its manifestation.
  • Asatkaryavada is non-existence of the effect in the cause. It maintains that karya (effect) is asat or unreal until it comes into being. Every effect, then, is a new beginning and is not born out of cause.

More specifically, the effect is a modification of what exists in the cause and does not involve new entities coming into existence. This is called asparinamavadaor evolution of effect from the cause. This doctrine is common to the Samkhya system and Vishishtadvaita system. The Samkhya system adheres to Prakriti-Parinama vada whereas Vishishtadvaita is a modified form of Brahma-Parinama vada.

Kārya and kāraṇa


Thekāraṇa(cause) andkārya(effect) in Vishishtadvaita is different from other systems ofIndian philosophy.Brahman is both thekāraṇa(cause) and thekārya(effect). Brahman as the causedoes notbecome the Universe as the effect.

Brahman is assigned twokāraṇatvas(ways of being the cause):

  1. Nimitta kāraṇatvaBeing the Efficient/ Instrumental cause.For example, a goldsmith is assignedNimitta kāraṇatvaas he acts as the maker of jewellery and thus becomes the jewellery'sInstrumental cause.
  2. Upādāna kāraṇatvaBeing the material cause.For example, the gold is assignedUpādāna kāraṇatvaas it acts as the material of the jewellery and thus becomes the jewellery'smaterial cause.

According to Vishishtadvaita, the Universe and Sentients always exist. However, they begin from a subtle state and undergo transformation. The subtle state is called a causal state, while the transformed state is called the effect state. The causal state is when Brahman is internally not distinguishable by name and form.

It can be said that Vishishtadvaita followsBrahma-Prakara-Parinama Vada.That is to say, it is the modes (Jivas and Jagat) of Brahman which is under evolution. The cause and effect only refer to the pan-organistic body transformation. Brahman as the Universal Self is unchanging and eternal.

Brahman having the subtle (sūkṣma) chit and achit entities as hisŚarīra/Prakāra(body/mode)before manifestation is the same Brahman having the expanded (sthūla) chit and achit entities asŚarīra/Prakāra(body/mode)after manifestation.

The essential feature is that the underlying entity is the same, the changes are in the description of that entity.

For e.g.Jack was a baby. Jack was a small kid. Jack was a middle-aged person. Jack was an old man. Jack is dead

The body of a single personality named Jack is described as continuously changing. Jack does not become "James" because of the change.



Souls and Matter are only the body of God. Creation is a real act of God. It is the expansion of intelligence. Matter is fundamentally real and undergoes real revelation. The Soul is a higher mode than Matter, because it is conscious. It is also eternally real and eternally distinct. Final release, that comes, by the Lord'sGrace,after the death of the body is a Communion with God. This philosophy believes in liberation through one'skarmas(actions) in accordance with the Vedas, theVarna(casteor class) system and the fourashramas(stages of life), along with intense devotion to Vishnu. Individual Souls retain their separate identities even after moksha. They live in fellowship with God either serving him or meditating on Him. The philosophy of this school is subscribed bySri Vaishnavism,a branch ofVaishnavism.

Interpretation of Mahāvākyas


1. sarvam khalv idam brahmafromChandogya Upanishad3.14.1

Translated literally, this meansAll this is Brahman.The ontology of Vishishtadvaita system consists of:

a. Ishvara isPara-Brahmanwith infinite superlative qualities, whose substantive nature imparts the existence to the modes

b. Jivas arechit-Brahmanor sentient beings (which possess consciousness). They are the modes of Brahman which show consciousness.

c. Jagat isachit-Brahmanor matter/Universe (which are non-conscious). They are the mode of Brahman which are not conscious.

Brahman is the composite whole of the triad consisting of Ishvara along with his modes i.e. Jivas and Jagat.

2. ayam ātmā brahmafromMandukya Upanishad1.2

Translated literally, this means theSelf is Brahman. From the earlier statement, it follows that on account of everything being Brahman, the self is not different from Brahman.

3. Tat tvam asifromChandogya Upanishad6.8.7

Translated literally, it meansThou art that

thathere refers toBrahmanandthourefers tojiva

Rāmānujā chooses to take the position of universal identity. He interprets this passage to mean the subsistence of all attributes in a common underlying substratum. This is referred to assamānādhikāraṇya.Thus Rāmānujā says the purport of the passage is to show the unity of all beings in a common base. Ishvara (Parabrahman) who is the Cosmic Spirit for the pan-organistic body consisting of the Universe and sentient beings, is also simultaneously the innermost self (Ātman) for each individual sentient being (Jīva). All the bodies, the Cosmic and the individual, are held in an adjectival relationship (aprithak-siddhi) in the one Isvara.

Tat tvam asi declares that oneness of Ishvara.

When multiple entities point to a single object, the relationship is established as one of substance and its attributes.

For e.g. in a statement:

Jack is a tall and intelligent boy

The descriptorstall-ness,intelligenceandboy-nessall refer to a common underlyingJack

Similarly, when the Upanishads declare Brahman is the Universe, Purusha, Self, Prana, Vayu, and so on, the entities are attributes or modes of Brahman.

If the statementtat tvam asiis taken to mean as onlythe self is Brahman,thensarvam khalv idam brahmawill not make sense.

Understanding Neti-Neti


This is an Upanishadic concept which is employed while attempting to know Brahman. The purport of this exercise is understood in many different ways and also influences the understanding of Brahman. In the overall sense, this phrase is accepted to refer to the indescribable nature of Brahman who is beyond all rationalisations.

Taittiriya Upanishad 2-9-1 passage "yato vacho nivartante.." (words recoil, mind can not grasp...) etc., state the same concept regarding Brahman. The visishtadvaita interpretation is that these passages do not indicate a black hole, but the incompleteness of any statement or thought or concept concerning Brahman. Brahman is these and more. This interpretation is consistent with "sarvam khalv idam brahma". Antaryami Brahmana of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad passage "yasya prithvi shariram yasya atma shariram" is also interpreted to show that Brahman is not a zero point - "nirvisesha chinmatra" (an entity which has nothing except existence)

The typical interpretation of Neti-Neti isnot this, not thisorneither this, nor that.It is a phrase meant to convey the inexpressibility of Brahman in words and the futility of trying to approximate Brahman with conceptual models. In VisishtAdvaita, the phrase is taken in the sense ofnot just this, not just thisornot just this, not just that.This means that Brahman cannot be restricted to one specific or a few specific descriptions. Consequently, Brahman is understood to possess infinite qualities and each of these qualities are infinite in extent.

Purpose of human existence


The purpose or goal of human existence is calledpurushartha.According to the Vedas, there are four goals namelyartha(wealth),kama(pleasure),dharma(righteousness) andmoksha(permanent freedom from worldly bondage). According to this philosophy, the first three goals are not an end by themselves but need to be pursued with the ideal of attaining moksha.[8]

Moksha (Liberation)


Moksha means liberation or release fromsamsara,the cycle of rebirth. In Vishishtadvaita,baddha(bounded)jivais only self-aware and is in a state of ignorance ofsharira-sharirirelationship. Karma loaded with countless births and deaths insamsarakeeps thejivafromdharma-bhuta-jnana(attributive consciousness) of God. With creation process ofIsvara,evolving through different bodies,jivaattains human body in which it puts effort to gain true nature of self and true knowledge of God throughBhaktiand attains liberated state with grace of God. Liberation simply means gaining true knowledge of God and serving God inVaikuntha(God's abode). In liberation,jivakeeps its individuality and has infinte knowledge and bliss likeBrahman,but doesn't become one withBrahman.Unlike advaita, liberation is only after death (videhamukti) and there is no concept ofjivanmukti.[9]

The Vadakalai school accepts the importance of God's grace in gaining liberation alongside individual effort, similar to how a baby monkey must hold onto its mother. The Tenkalai school sees God's grace as the only requirement for liberation, similar to how a cat will carry a kitten without any effort from the kitten.[10]

Bhakti as the means of attaining moksha


Bhaktiis the sole means of liberation in Vishishtadvaita. Through Bhakti (devotion), aJivaascends toVaikuntha,where it continues to delight in His service in a body which issat-cit-ananda.Karma YogaandJnana Yogaare sub processes of Bhakti, total surrender, as the devotee acquires the knowledge that the deity is the inner self. A devotee realizes his own state as dependent on, and supported by, and being led by the deity, who is the Master. One is to lead a life as an instrument of the deity, offering all histhought, word, and deedto the feet of the deity. One is to see the deity in everything and everything in Him. This is the unity in diversity achieved through devotion.[11] However,Ramanujaaccepts Sharanagati, total surrender at the Lord's lotus feet alone as the sole means to moksha. Wherein, moksha is defined as liberation from samsara and going to Vaikuntha to serveNarayana(Balaji) in a spiritual body. This is a distinguishing feature of this school of philosophy, as both Adi Shankara's advaita andAnandatirtha'sdvaita accept bhakti for two different concepts of moksha. Ramanuja has supported this opinion with various citations directly from the vedas, and various incidents highlighting sharangathi as means to attain personal stay in the realm of Vaikuntha. Observing total surrender at the Lord's feet guarantees moksha at the end of this birth, and in the time between sharanagathi and death, the surrendered soul must spend his time performing the nice forms of devotion.[12]So bhakti is not a moksha sadhana, but foranubhāva(experience) and reaching Vaikuntha, in the Vishishtadvaita Sampradaya.[citation needed]

Tenkalai and Vadakalai schools of thought


The Sri Vaishnava tradition has two major sub-traditions called Vadakalai (northern) and Tenkalai (southern) inTamil.TheVadakalaisect of Sri Vaishnavism associate themselves withVedanta Desikanand Ramanuja. Vedanta Desika is one of the foremost learned scholars and philosophers of medieval India, who has written more than a hundred works inSanskritandTamil,PrakritandManipravala.He is said to have been born as an incarnation of the divine bell ofVenkateshwaraofTirupatiand also ofRamanujain the month ofPurattasiunder the starThiruvonam (Sravana),in the year 1268 CE. All of his works are characterized by his versatility, irrefutable reasoning, logic, examination, deep spiritual insight, ethical fervour and excellent expressions of devotional emotion in delightful style. HisPaduka-sahasramandRahasyatrayasaramare some classic examples. He was a great teacher, logician, expositor, debater, poet, philosopher, thinker and defender of the faith of Vaishnavism. "Kavitaarkika Simham "(lion among poets and debaters),"Sarvatantra Svatantrar"(all-knowing and all-powerful),"Vedantacharya"(the master and preceptor of the Vedanta) are some of the titles attributed to him.

Pillai Lokacharyaliterally meaning "Teacher for the whole world" is one of the leading lights on the Sri Vaishnava Vedanta philosophy. His work Sri Vachana Bhusanam is a classic and provides the essence of Upanishads. TheTenkalaisect ofSri Vaishnavismlooks up to him apart from Swami Ramanuja and Swami Manavala Mamuni. He was a senior contemporary of Vedanta Desika. He is said to have been born as anamsa( "essence" ) of Kanchi Devaraja (Varadaraja) Perumal to document and immortalize Ramanuja's message in the month ofAippaciunder the starThiruvonam (Sravana),in the year 1205 CE.[13]He is said to have lived for 106 years, during which time, he also helped to safeguard the idol ofRanganathaatSrirangamfromMusliminvaders.[13]Pillai Lokacharya confirmed the basics of the Sri Vaishnava system in his 18 monumental works popularly known asAshtadasa Rahasyangal( "the eighteen secrets" ) also called theRahasya granthas( "doctrines that explain the inner meanings" ) out of which Sri Vachana Bhushanam and Mumukshuppadi are the most famous.Manavala Mamuniexpanded on and popularized Lokacharya's teachings arguments in Tamil.

Traditions following Vishishtadvaita


Visishtadvaita and Sri Vaishnavism


The Absolute Supreme Reality referred to as Brahman, is a Transcendent Personality. He is Narayana, also known as deity Vishnu.

A man who has discrimination for his charioteer and holds the reins of the mind firmly, reaches the end of the road; and that is the supreme position of Vishnu.- 1.3.9Katha Upanishad

Beyond the senses are the objects; beyond the objects is the mind; beyond the mind, the intellect; beyond the intellect, the Great Atman; beyond the Great Atman, the Unmanifest; beyond the Unmanifest, the Purusha. Beyond the Purusha there is nothing: this is the end, the Supreme Goal.- 1.3.10,11Katha Upanishad

In terms of theology, Ramanuja puts forth the view that both the Supreme Goddess Lakshmi and Supreme God Narayana together constitute Brahman - the Absolute. Lakshmi is the female personification of Brahman and Narayana is the male personification of Brahman, but they are both inseparable, co-eternal, co-absolute and are always substantially one. Thus, in reference to these dual aspects of Brahman, the Supreme is referred as Sriman Narayana in the Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya.

The most striking difference between Sri Vaishnavas and other Vaishnava groups lies in their interpretation of Vedas. While other Vaishnava groups interpret Vedic deities like Indra, Savitar, Bhaga, Rudra, etc. to be same as their Puranic counterparts, Sri Vaishnavas consider these to be different names/roles/forms of Narayana, claiming that the entire Veda is dedicated for Vishnu worship alone. Sri Vaishnavas have remodelled Pancharatra homas like Sudarshana homa, etc. to include Vedic Suktas like Rudram in them, thus giving them a Vedic outlook.

See also



  1. ^Chandrankunnel, Matthew (2008).Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics.New Delhi: Global Vision Publishing House. p. 945.
  2. ^Jones, Constance (2007).Encyclopedia of Hinduism.New York: Infobase Publishing. p. 490.ISBN978-0816073368.
  3. ^Williams, Raymond (2001).Introduction to Swaminarayan Hinduism.Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press. p. 35.ISBN0-521-65279-0.
  4. ^Srinivasachari, P. N. (1970).The philosophy of Vis'iṣṭādvaita.Adyar, Madras. p. 22.ISBN0-8356-7495-9.OCLC507290.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  5. ^White Yajurveda 32.3
  6. ^Bartley, C. J. (2011).An introduction to Indian philosophy.London: Continuum. pp. 10, 178.ISBN978-1-84706-448-6.
  7. ^J.L.Mehta VOl3
  8. ^Srinivasachari, P. N. (1970).The philosophy of Vis'iṣṭādvaita.Adyar, Madras. pp. 315–317.ISBN0-8356-7495-9.OCLC507290.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  9. ^Tapasyananda, Swami.Bhakti Schools of Vedantapg. 54-83
  10. ^"Vishishtadvaita."Britannica Academic,Encyclopædia Britannica, 31 Mar. 2015.
  11. ^"VishistAdvaitham Part 1 - Sri Velukkudi Krishnan".video.google.Archived fromthe originalon 22 June 2011.
  12. ^"9 forms of bhakti".
  13. ^abChandrankunnel, Matthew (2008).Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics.New Delhi: Global Vision Publishing House. p. 946.
  14. ^"Ramanandi Sampradaya".