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Vocative case

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Ingrammar,thevocativecase(abbreviatedVOC) is agrammatical casewhich is used for anounthat identifies a person (animal, object, etc.) being addressed or occasionally for the noun modifiers (determiners,adjectives,participles,andnumerals) of that noun. Avocative expressionis an expression of direct address by which the identity of the party spoken to is set forth expressly within a sentence. For example, in the sentence "I don't know, John,"Johnis a vocative expression that indicates the party being addressed, as opposed to the sentence "I don't know John", in which "John" is thedirect objectof the verb "know".

Historically, the vocative case was an element of the Indo-European case system and existed inLatin,Sanskrit,andAncient Greek.In many modern Indo-European languages (English, Spanish, etc.) the vocative case has been absorbed by the nominative, but others still distinguish it, including theBaltic languages,someCeltic languagesand mostSlavic languages.Some linguists, such asAlbert Thumb[de],argue that the vocative form is not a case but a special form of nouns not belonging to any case, as vocative expressions are not related syntactically to other words in sentences.[1]Pronounsusually lack vocative forms.

Indo-European languages




Distinct vocative forms are assumed to have existed in all earlyIndo-European languagesand survive in some. Here is, for example, the Indo-European word for "wolf" in various languages:

Language Nominative Vocative
Proto-Indo-European *wl̩kʷ-o-s *wl̩kʷ-e
Sanskrit वृकः(vṛ́k-a-ḥ) वृक(vṛ́k-a)
Classical Greek λύκ-ο-ς(lúk-o-s) λύκ-ε(lúk-e)
Latin lup-u-s lup-e
Lithuanian vilk-a-s vilk-e
Old Church Slavonic вльк-ъ(vlĭk-ŭ) вльч-е(vlĭč-e)

The elements separated with hyphens denote the stem, the so-called thematic vowel of the case and the actual suffix. In Latin, for example, the nominative case islupusand the vocative case islupe,but the accusative case islupum.The asterisks before the Proto-Indo-European words means that they are theoretical reconstructions and are not attested in a written source. The symbol ◌̩ (vertical line below) indicates a consonant serving as a vowel (it should appear directly below the "l" or "r" in these examples but may appear after them on some systems from issues of font display). All final consonants were lost in Proto-Slavic, so both the nominative and vocative Old Church Slavonic forms do not have true endings, only reflexes of the old thematic vowels.

The vocative ending changes the stem consonant in Old Church Slavonic because of the so-called First Palatalization. Most modern Slavic languages that retain the vocative case have altered the ending to avoid the change: Bulgarianвълкоoccurs far more frequently thanвълче.

Baltic languages




The vocative is distinct in singular and identical to the nominative in the plural, for all inflected nouns. Nouns with a nominative singular ending in-ahave a vocative singular usually identically written but distinct in accentuation.

In Lithuanian, the form that a given noun takes depends on its declension class and, sometimes, on its gender. There have been several changes in history, the last being the-aiending formed between the 18th and 19th centuries. The older forms are listed under "other forms".

Masculine nouns Nominative Vocative Translation Feminine nouns Nominative Vocative Translation
Current standard Other forms Current standard Other forms
o-stems vilkas vilke! wolf a-stems tautà[sg.] taũta! people
jo-stems vėjas vėjau! Old. Lith.vėje! wind e-stems katė kate! cat
ijo-stems gaidys gaidy! rooster i-stems avis avie! sheep
a-stems viršilà viršìla! sergeant-major r-stems duktė dukterie! dukter! daughter
e-stems dėdė dėde! uncle irregular marti marti/marčia! daughter-in-law
i-stems vagis vagie! thief proper names Dalià Dãlia!
u-stems sūnus sūnau! son diminutives sesutė sesut(e)! little sister
n-stems vanduo vandenie! vanden! water
proper names Jonas Jonai! Old Lith.Jone! John
diminutives sūnelis sūneli! little son

Some nouns of the e- and a- stems declensions (both proper ones and not) are stressed differently: "aikš":"aikšte! "(square); "tauta ":"tauta! ". In addition, nouns of e-stems have anablautof long vowelėin nominative and short vowele/ɛ/in vocative. In pronunciation,ėisclose-mid vowel[],andeis open-mid vowel/ɛ/.

The vocative of diminutive nouns with the suffix-(i)ukasmost frequently has no ending:broliùk"brother!", etc. A less frequent alternative is the ending-ai,which is also slightly dialectal:broliùkai,etc.

Colloquially, some personal names with a masculine-(i)(j)ostem and diminutives with the suffixes-elis, -ėlishave an alternative vocative singular form characterized by a zero ending (i.e. the stem alone acts as the voc. sg.):Adõm"Adam!" in addition toAdõmai,Mýkol"Michael!" in addition toMýkolai,vaikẽl"kid!" in addition tovaikẽli,etc.

Celtic languages


Goidelic languages


The vocative case inIrishoperates in a similar fashion to Scottish Gaelic. The principal marker is the vocative particlea,which causeslenitionof the following initial letter.

In the singular there is no special form, except for first declension nouns. These are masculine nouns that end in a broad (non-palatal) consonant, which is made slender (palatal) to build the singular vocative (as well as the singular genitive and plural nominative). Adjectives are alsolenited.In many cases this means that (in the singular) masculine vocative expressions resemble thegenitiveand feminine vocative expressions resemble thenominative.

The vocative plural is usually the same as the nominative plural except, again, for first declension nouns. In the standard language first declension nouns show the vocative plural by adding-a.In the spoken dialects the vocative plural is often has the same form as the nominative plural (as with the nouns of other declensions) or the dative plural (e.g.A fhearaibh!= Men!)

Gender Masculine Feminine
Sg. Nominative an fear mór an buachaill mór Seán an bhean mhór an deirfiúr mhór Máire
Genitive an fhir mhóir an bhuachalla mhóir Sheáin na mná móire na deirféar móire Mháire
Vocative a fhir mhóir a bhuachaill mhóir a Sheáin a bhean mhór a dheirfiúr mhór a Mháire
Pl. Nominative na fir móra na buachaillí móra na mná móra na deirfiúracha móra
Genitive na bhfear mór na mbuachaillí móra na mban mór na ndeirfiúracha móra
Vocative a fheara móra a bhuachaillí móra a mhná móra a dheirfiúracha móra
English the big man the big boy John the big woman the big sister Mary
Scottish Gaelic

The vocative case inScottish Gaelicfollows the same basic pattern as Irish. The vocative case causeslenitionof the initial consonant of nouns. Lenition changes the initial sound of the word (or name).

In addition, masculine nouns are slenderized if possible (that is, in writing, an 'i' is inserted before the final consonant) This also changes the pronunciation of the word.

Also, the particleais placed before the noun unless it begins with a vowel (or f followed immediately by a vowel, which becomes silent when lenited). Examples of the use of the vocative personal names (as in Irish):

Nominative case Vocative case
Caitrìona a Chaitrìona
Dòmhnall a Dhòmhnaill
Màiri a Mhàiri
Seumas a Sheumais
Ùna Ùna
a choin
bean a bhean
duine a dhuine

The name "Hamish" is just the English spelling ofSheumais(the vocative ofSeumasand pronouncedˈheːmɪʃ), and thus is actually a Gaelic vocative. Likewise, the name "Vairi" is an English spelling ofMhàiri,the vocative forMàiri.


The basic pattern is similar to Irish and Scottish. The vocative is confined to personal names, in which it is common. Foreign names (not of Manx origin) are not used in the vocative. The vocative case causeslenitionof the initial consonant of names. It can be used with the particle "y".

Nominative case Vocative case
Juan y Yuan
Donal y Ghonal
Moirrey y Voirrey
Catreeney y Chatreeney
John John

The nameVoirreyis actually the Manx vocative ofMoirrey(Mary).

Brythonic languages

Sign at Aberystwyth University in Welsh displaying use of the vocative case –myfyrwyr'students'mutated tofyfyrwyr

Welshlacks case declension but marks vocative constructions by lenition of the initial consonant of the word, with no obligatory particle. Despite its use being less common, it is still used in formal address: the common phrasefoneddigion a boneddigesaumeans "gentlemen and ladies", with the initial consonant ofboneddigionundergoing a soft mutation; the same is true ofgyfeillion( "[dear] friends" ) in whichcyfeillionhas been lenited. It is often used to draw attention to at public notices orally and written – teachers will say "Blant"(mutation ofplant'children') and signage such as one right show mutation ofmyfyrwyr'students'to draw attention to the importance of the notice.

Germanic languages




The vocative is not generally marked in English in regular communication. A vocative expression in English may be marked by theparticle"O" preceding the noun; this is often used in English translations of languages that do have the vocative case. It is often seen in theKing James Versionof theBible:"O ye of little faith" (inMatthew8:26). While it is not strictly archaic, it is sometimes used to "archaeise" speech; it is often seen as very formal, and sees use in rhetoric and poetry, or as a comedic device to subvert modern speech. Another example is the recurrent use of the phrase "O (my) Best Beloved" byRudyard Kiplingin hisJust So Stories.The use ofOmay be considered a form ofcliticand should not be confused with the interjectionoh.[2]However, as theOxford English Dictionarypoints out, "O" and "oh" were originally used interchangeably. With the advent of "oh" as a writteninterjection,however, "O" is the preferred modern spelling in vocative phrases.[citation needed]

Modern English commonly uses the objective case for vocative expressions but sets them off from the rest of the sentences with pauses as interjections, rendered in writing as commas (thevocative comma[3][4]). Two common examples of vocative expressions in English are the phrases "Mr. President" and "Madam Chairwoman".[clarification needed]

Some traditional texts useJesu,the Latin vocative form ofJesus.One of the best-known examples isJesu, Joy of Man's Desiring.

German dialects


In someGerman dialects,like theRipuariandialect ofCologne,it is common to use the (gender-appropriate) article before a person's name. In the vocative phrase then the article is, as in Venetian and Catalan, omitted. Thus, the determiner precedes nouns in all cases except the vocative. Any noun not preceded by an article or other determiner is in the vocative case. It is most often used to address someone or some group of living beings, usually in conjunction with an imperative construct. It can also be used to address dead matter as if the matter could react or to tell something astonishing or just happening such as "Your nose is dripping."


Do es der Päul — Päul, kumm ens erövver! There is Paul. Paul, come over [please]!
Och do leeven Kaffepott, do bes jo am dröppe! O [my] dear coffee pot, you are dripping!
„Pääde, jooht loufe! “Un di Pääde jonn loufe. "Horses, run away!" And the horses are running away.



The vocative case generally does not appear inIcelandic,but a few words retain an archaic vocative declension from Latin, such as the wordJesús,which isJesúin the vocative. That comes from Latin, as the Latin for Jesus in the nominative isJesusand its vocative isJesu. That is also the case in traditional English (without the accent) (seeabove):

Nominative Jesúselskar þig. Jesus loves you.
Vocative ÓJesú,frelsari okkar. O Jesus, our saviour.

The native wordssonur'son'andvinur'friend'also sometimes appear in the shortened formssonandvinin vocative phrases. Additionally, adjectives in vocative phrases are always weakly declined, but elsewhere with proper nouns, they would usually be declined strongly:

strong adjective, full noun Kærvinurer gulli betri. A dear friend is better than gold.
weak adjective, shortened noun Kærivin,segðu mér nú sögu. Dear friend, tell me a story.



Nouns inNorwegianare not inflected for the vocative case, but adjectives qualifying those nouns are; adjectivaladjunctsmodifyingvocative nouns are inflected for thedefinite(see:Norwegian language#Adjectives).[5]: 223–224 The definite and plural inflections are in most cases identical, so it is more easily observable with adjectives that inflect for plural and definite differently, e.g.litenbeinglillewhen definite, butsmåwhen plural, an instance ofsuppletion.[5]: 116 

Non-vocative Vocative English translation
kjær venn kjærevenn dear friend
vis mann visemann wise man
liten katt lillekatt little cat

In several Norwegian dialects, north of anisoglossrunning fromOslotoBergen,namesinargumentposition are associated withproprial articles,e.g. genderedpronounssuch ashan'he'orhun'she',which either precede or follow the noun in question.[6]This is not the case when in vocative constructions.[7]



InAncient Greek,the vocative case is usually identical to the nominative case, with the exception of masculine second-declension nouns (ending in -ος) and third-declension nouns.

Second-declension masculine nouns have a regular vocative ending in -ε. Third-declension nouns with one syllable ending in -ς have a vocative that is identical to the nominative (νύξ,night); otherwise, the stem (with necessary alterations, such as dropping final consonants) serves as the vocative (nom.πόλις,voc.πόλι;nom.σῶμα,gen.σώματος,voc.σῶμα). Irregular vocatives exist as well, such as nom. Σωκράτης, voc. Σώκρατες.

InModern Greek,second-declension masculine nouns still have a vocative ending in -ε. However, the accusative case is often used as a vocative in informal speech for a limited number of nouns, and always used for certain modern Greek person names: "Έλα εδώ, Χρήστο""Come here, Christos "instead of"...Χρήστε".Other nominal declensions use the same form in the vocative as the accusative in formal or informal speech, with the exception of learnedKatharevousaforms that are inherited from Ancient GreekἝλλην(DemoticΈλληνας,"Greek man" ), which have the same nominative and vocative forms instead.[8]

Iranian languages




Kurdishhas a vocative case. For instance, in the dialect ofKurmanji,it is created by adding the suffix-oat the end ofmasculinewords and thesuffix at the end offeminineones. In theJafi dialectofSoraniit is created by adding the suffix of-iat the end of names.

Kurmanji Jafi
Name Vocative Name Vocative
Sedad(m) Sedo Bêstûn Bêsi
Wedad(m) Wedo Reşîd Reşo
Baran(m) Baro Sûret Sûri
Nazdar(f) Nazê Fatime Fati
Gulistan(f) Gulê Firset Firsi
Berfîn(f) Berfê Nesret Nesi

Instead of the vocative case, forms of address may be created by using the grammatical particles(feminine) andlo(masculine):

Name Vocative
Nazdar(f) Lê Nazê!
Diyar(m) Lo Diyar!

Indo-Aryan languages




InHindi-Urdu(Hindustani), the vocative case has the same form as the nominative case for all singular nouns except for the singular masculine nouns that terminate in the vowel//āand for all nouns in their plural forms the vocative case is always distinct from the nominative case.[9]Adjectives inHindi-Urdualso have a vocative case form. In the absence of a noun argument, some adjectives decline like masculine nouns that do not end in//ā.[10]The vocative case has many similarities with theoblique casein Hindustani.

Noun Classes Singular Plural English
Nominative Vocative Nominative Vocative
Masculine ending inā लड़काlaṛkā लड़केlaṛke लड़कोंlaṛkõ boy
not ending inā इंसानinsān इंसानोंinsānõ human
Feminine ending inī लड़कीlaṛkī लड़कियाँlaṛkiyā̃ लड़कियोंlaṛkiyõ girl
not ending inī माताmātā माताएँmātā माताओंmātāõ mother
चिड़ियाciṛiyā चिड़ियाँciṛiyā̃ चिड़ियोंciṛiyõ bird
Adjective Classes Singular Plural English
Nominative Vocative Nominative Vocative
Declinable masculine बुराburā बुरेbure bad
feminine बुरीburī
Undeclinable (not ending inorin nominative singular) masculine with noun बेवकूफ़bevakūf fool
masculine sans noun बेवकूफ़bevakūf बेवकूफ़ोंbevakūfõ



InSanskrit,the vocative (सम्बोधन विभक्तिsambodhana vibhakti) has the same form as the nominative except in the singular. In vowel-stem nouns, if there is a-ḥin the nominative, it is omitted and the stem vowel may be altered:andbecome-e,becomes-o,andbecome short and-ṛbecomes-ar.Consonant-stem nouns have no ending in the vocative:

Noun Singular Dual Plural
बाल(bāla,masc., 'boy') हे बालhe bāla हे बालौhe bālau हे बालाःhe bālāḥ
लता(latā,fem., 'creeper') हे लतेhe late हे लतेhe late हे लताःhe latāḥ
फलम्(phalam,neut., 'fruit') हे फलम्he phalam हे फलेhe phale हे फलानिhe phalāni

The vocative form is the same as the nominative except in the masculine and feminine singular.

Slavic languages


Old Church Slavonic


Old Church Slavonichas a distinct vocative case for many stems of singular masculine and feminine nouns, otherwise it is identical to the nominative. When different from the nominative, the vocative is simply formed from the nominative by appending either-e(rabъ:rabe'slave') or-o(ryba:rybo'fish'), but occasionally-u(krai:kraju'border',synъ:synu'son',vračь:vraču'physician') and'-i'(kostь:kosti'bone',gostь:gosti'guest',dьnь:dьni'day',kamy:kameni'stone') appear. Nouns ending with-ьcьhave a vocative ending of-če(otьcь:otьče'father',kupьcь:kupьče'merchant'), likewise nouns ending with-dzьassume the vocative suffix-že(kъnědzь:kъněže'prince'). This is similar to Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, and Sanskrit, which also employ the-esuffix in vocatives.[11][12]



Unlike most otherSlavic languages,Bulgarianhas lost case marking for nouns. However, Bulgarian preserves vocative forms. Traditional male names usually have a vocative ending.

Nominative Vocative
ПетърPetar ПетреPetre
ТодорTodor ТодореTodore
ИванIvan ИванеIvane

More-recent names and foreign names may have a vocative form but it is rarely used (Ричарде,instead of simplyРичардRichard, sounds unusual or humorous to native speakers).

Vocative phrases likeгосподине министре(Mr. Minister) have been almost completely replaced by nominative forms, especially in official writing. Proper nouns usually also have vocative forms, but they are used less frequently. Here are some proper nouns that are frequently used in vocative:

English word Nominative Vocative
God БогBog БожеBozhe
Lord ГосподGospod ГосподиGospodi
Jesus Christ Исус ХристосIsus Hristos ИсусеХристеIsuseHriste
comrade другарdrugar другарюdrugaryu
priest попpop попеpope
frog жабаzhaba жабоzhabo
fool глупакglupak глупакоglupako

Vocative case forms also normally exist for female given names:

Nominative Vocative
ЕленаElena ЕленоEleno
ПенаPena ПеноPeno
ЕлицаElitsa ЕлицеElitse
РадкаRadka РадкеRadke

Except for forms that end in -е,they are considered rude and are normally avoided. For female kinship terms, the vocative is always used:

English word Nominative Vocative
Grandmother БабаBaba БабоBabo
Mom МайкаMayka
Aunt ЛеляLelya ЛельоLelyo
Sister СестраSestra СестроSestro



InCzech,the vocative (vokativ,or5. pád'the fifth case') usually differs from the nominative in masculine and feminine nouns in the singular.

Nominative case Vocative case Gloss
paní Eva paní Evo! 'Ms Eve'
knížka knížko! 'little book'
Marie Marie! 'Mary'
nová píseň nová písni! 'new song'
pan profesor paneprofesore! 'Mr Professor'
Ježíš Ježíši! 'Jesus'
Marek Marku! 'Mark'
předseda předsedo! 'chairman'
pan žalobce panežalobce! 'Mr complainant'
blbec blbče! 'dunce'
Jiří Jiří! 'George'
pan Dobrý paneDobrý! 'Mr Good'
moje rodné město moje rodné město! 'my native city'
jitřní moře jitřní moře! 'morning sea'
otcovo obydlí otcovo obydlí! 'father's dwelling'

In older common Czech (19th century), vocative form was sometimes replaced by nominative form in case of female names (Lojzka, dej pokoj!) and in case of male nouns past a title (pane učitel!,pane továrník!,pane Novák!). This phenomenon was caused mainly by the German influence,[13]and almost disappeared from the modern Czech. It can be felt as rude, discourteous or uncultivated, or as familiar, and is associated also with Slovakian influence (from the Czechoslovak Army) or Russian.[14]In informal speech, it is common (but grammatically incorrect[15]) to use the malesurname(see alsoCzech name) in the nominative to address men:pane Novák!instead ofpane Nováku!(Female surnames areadjectives,and their nominative and vocative have the same form: seeCzech declension.) Using the vocative is strongly recommended in official and written styles.



InPolish,the vocative (wołacz) is formed with feminine nouns usually taking-oexcept those that end in-sia,-cia,-nia,and-dzia,which take-u,and those that end in-ść,which take-i.Masculine nouns generally follow the complex pattern of thelocative case,with the exception of a handful of words such asBóg → Boże'God',ojciec → ojcze'father'andchłopiec → chłopcze'boy'.Neuter nouns and all plural nouns have the same form in the nominative and the vocative:

Nominative case Vocative case Gloss
Pani Ewa Pani Ewo! 'Mrs Eve'
Ewusia Ewusiu! diminutive form ofEwa)
ciemność ciemności! 'darkness'
książka książko! 'book'
Pan profesor Panieprofesorze! 'Mr. Professor'
Krzysztof Krzysztofie! 'Christopher!'
Krzyś Krzysiu! 'Chris'
wilk wilku! 'wolf'
człowiek człowieku!

The latter form of the vocative ofczłowiek'human'is now considered poetical.

Thenominativeis increasingly used instead of the vocative to address people with their proper names. In other contexts the vocative remains prevalent. It is used:

  • To address an individual with the function, title, other attribute, family role
    • Panie doktorze(Doctor!),Panie prezesie!(Chairman!)
    • Przybywasz za późno, pływaku(You arrive too late, swimmer)
    • synu(son),mamo(mum),tato(dad)
  • Afteradjectives,demonstrativepronouns andpossessive pronouns
    • Nie rozumiesz mnie, moja droga Basiu!(You don't understand me, my dear Basia!)
  • To address an individual in an offensive or condescending manner:
    • Zamknij się, pajacu!( "Shut up, you buffoon!" )
    • Co się gapisz, idioto?( "What are you staring at, idiot?" )
    • Nie znasz się, baranie,to nie pisz!( "Stop writing, idiot, you don't know what you're doing!" )
    • Spadaj, wieśniaku!( "Get lost, hillbilly!" )
  • After "Ty" (second person singular pronoun)
    • Ty kłamczuchu!(You liar!)
  • Set expressions:
    • (O) Matko!, (O) Boże!, chłopie

The vocative is also often employed in affectionate and endearing contexts such asKocham Cię, Krzysiu!( "I love you, Chris!" ) orTęsknię za Tobą, moja Żono( "I miss you, my wife." ). In addition, the vocative form sometimes takes the place of the nominative in informal conversations:Józiu przyszedłinstead ofJózio przyszedł( "Joey's arrived" ). When referring to someone by their first name, the nominative commonly takes the place of the vocative as well:Ania, chodź tu!instead ofAniu, chodź tu!( "Anne, come here!" ).


Historic vocative

The historic Slavic vocative has been lost inRussianand is now used only in archaic expressions. Several of them, mostly of Old Church Slavonic origin, are common in colloquial Russian: "Боже!"(Bože,vocative of "Бог"Bog,"God" ) and "Боже мой!"(Bože moj,"My God!" ), and "Господи!"(Gospodi,vocative of "Господь"Gospodj,"Lord" ), which can also be expressed as "Господи Иисусе!"(Gospodi Iisuse!,Iisusevocative of "Иисус"Iisus,"Jesus" ). The vocative is also used in prayers: "Отче наш!"(Otče naš,"Our Father!" ). Such expressions are used to express strong emotions (much like English "O my God!" ), and are often combined ( "Господи, Боже мой"). More examples of the historic vocative can be found in other Biblical quotes that are sometimes used as proverbs:"Врачу, исцелися сам"(Vraču, iscelisia sam,"Physician, heal thyself", nom. "врач",vrač). Vocative forms are also used in modernChurch Slavonic.The patriarch and bishops of theRussian Orthodox Churchare addressed as "владыко"(vladyko,hegemon, nom. "владыка",vladyka). In the latter case, the vocative is often also incorrectly used for the nominative to refer to bishops and patriarchs.

New vocative

In modern colloquial Russian,given namesand a small family of terms often take a special "shortened" form that some linguists consider to be a re-emerging vocative case.[16]It is used only for given names and nouns that end in-aand,which are sometimes dropped in the vocative form: "Лен, где ты?"(" Lena, where are you? "). It is basically equivalent to"Лена, где ты?"but suggests a positive personal and emotional bond between the speaker and the person being addressed. Names that end inthen acquire asoft sign:"Оль!"="Оля!"(" Olga! "). In addition to given names, the form is often used with words like"мама"(mom) and"папа"(dad), which would be respectively shortened to"мам"and"пап".The plural form is used with words such as"ребят","девчат"(nom:"ребята","девчата"guys, gals).[17]

Such usage differs from the historic vocative, which would be "Лено"and is not related.



Distinct vocatives exist only for singular masculine and feminine nouns. Nouns of the neuter gender and all nouns in plural have a vocative equal to the nominative. All vocative suffixes known from Old Church Slavonic also exist in Serbo-Croatian.[18]

The vocative in Serbo-Croatian is formed according to one of three types of declension, which are classes of nouns having equal declension suffixes.[19]

First declension

The first declension comprises masculine nouns that end with a consonant. These have a vocative suffix of either-e(doktor:doktore'doctor') or-u(gospodar:gospodaru'master').

Nouns terminating in-orhave the-evocative suffix: (doktor: doktore'doctor',major: majore'major',majstor: majstore'artisan') also nouns possessing an unsteadya(vetar: vetre'wind',svekar: svekre'father-in-law') and the nouncar: care'emperor'.All other nouns in this class form the vocative with-u:gospodar: gospodaru'master',pastir: pastiru'shepherd',inženjer: inženjeru'engineer',pisar: pisaru'scribe',sekretar: sekretaru'secretary'.

In particular, masculine nouns ending with a palatal or prepalatal consonantj, lj, nj, č, dž, ć, đoršform vocatives with the-usuffix:heroj: heroju'hero',prijatelj: prijatelju'friend',konj: konju'horse',vozač: vozaču'driver',mladić: mladiću'youngster',kočijaš: kočijašu'coachman',muž: mužu'husband'.

Nouns ending with thevelars-k, -gand-harepalatalizedto-č, -ž, -šin the vocative:vojnik: vojniče'soldier',drug: druže'comrade',duh: duše'ghost'.A final-cbecomesin the vocative:stric: striče'uncle',lovac: lovče'hunter'.Likewise, a final-zbecomesin only two cases:knez: kneže'prince'andvitez: viteže'knight'.

The loss of the unsteadyacan trigger a sound change by hardening of consonants, as invrabac: vrapče'sparrow'(not*vrabče),lisac: lišče'male fox'(not*lisče) andženomrzac: ženomršče'misogynist'(not*ženomrzče). There may be a loss of-tbefore-clike inotac: oče'father'(instead of*otče),svetac: sveče'saint'(instead of*svetče). When these phonetic alterations would substantially change the base noun, the vocative remains equal to the nominative, for exampletetak'uncle',mačak'male cat',bratac'cousin'.This also holds true for foreign names ending with-k, -gand-hlikeDžek'Jack',Dag'Doug',King, Hajnrih.

Male names ending with-oand-ehave a vocative equal to the infinitive, for example,Marko, Mihailo, Danilo, Đorđe, Pavle, Radoje.

Second declension

The second declension affects nouns with the ending-a.These are mainly of feminine but sometimes also of masculine gender. These nouns have a vocative suffix-o:riba: ribo"fish",sluga: slugo"servant",kolega: kolego"colleague",poslovođa: poslovođo"manager".

Exemptions to this rule are male and female names, which have a vocative equal to the nominative, e. g.Vera,Zorka,Olga,Marija,Gordana,Nataša,Nikola,Kosta,Ilijaetc. However, this is different for twosyllabic names with an ascending accent such asNâda,Zôra,Mîca,Nênaand the male namesPêra,Bôža,Pâjaetc., which form vocatives with -o:Nâdo,Zôro,Mîco,Pêro,Bôžo,Pâjoetc.

Denominations of relatives likemama"mom",tata"dad",deda"grandfather",tetka"aunt",ujna"aunt" (mother's brother's wife),strina"aunt" (father's brother's wife),baba"grandmother" have vocatives equal to the nominative. This also holds true for country names ending in-ska,-čka,-ška.

Nouns ending with thediminutivesuffix-icathat consist of three or more syllables have a vocative with-e:učiteljica: učiteljice"female teacher",drugarica: drugarice"girlfriend",tatica: tatice"daddy",mamica: mamice"mommy". This also applies to female namesDanica: Danice,Milica: Milice,Zorica: Zorice,and the male namesPerica: Perice,Tomica: Tomice.Nouns of this class that can be applied to both males and females usually have a vocative ending of-ico(pijanica: pijanico"drunkard",izdajica: izdajico"traitor",kukavica: kukavico"coward" ), but vocatives with-iceare also seen.

The use of vocative endings for names varies among Serbo-Croatian dialects. People in Croatia often use only nominative forms as vocatives, while others are more likely to use grammatical vocatives.[20]

Third declension

The third declension affects feminine nouns ending with a consonant. The vocative is formed by appending the suffix-ito the nominative (reč: reči"word",noć: noći"night" ).



Until the end of the 1980s, the existence of a distinct vocative case inSlovakwas recognised and taught at schools. Today, the case is no longer considered to exist except for a few archaic examples of the original vocative remaining in religious, literary or ironic contexts:

Nominative Vocative Translation Nominative Vocative Translation Nominative Vocative Translation
Bohm. Bože God Ježišm. Ježišu Jesus mamaf. mamo mother
Kristusm. Kriste Christ priateľm. priateľu friend ženaf. ženo woman
pánm. pane lord bratm. bratu,bratku brother
otecm. otče father synm. synu,synku son
človekm. človeče man, human
chlapm. chlape man
chlapecm. chlapče boy

In everyday use, the Czech vocative is sometimes retrofitted to certain words:

Nominative Vocative Translation
majsterm. majstre maestro
šéfm. šéfe Boss
švagorm. švagre brother-in-law

Another stamp of vernacular vocative is emerging, presumably under the influence ofHungarianfor certain family members or proper names:

Nominative Vocative Translation
otecm. oci father
mamaf. mami mother
babkaf. babi grandmother, old woman
Paľom. Pali Paul, domestic form
Zuzaf. Zuzi Susan, domestic form



Ukrainianhas retained the vocative case mostly as it was inProto-Slavic:[21]

Masculine nouns Feminine nouns
Nominative Vocative Translation Nominative Vocative Translation
богboh божеbože god матусяmatusja матусюmatusju minnie
другdruh дружеdruže friend неняnenja ненеnene nanny
братbrat братеbrate brother бабцяbabcja бабцюbabcju granny
чоловікčolovik чоловічеčoloviče man жінкаžinka жінкоžinko woman
хлопецьchlopec' хлопчеchlopče boy дружинаdružyna дружиноdružyno wife
святий отецьsvjatyj otec' святий отчеsvjatyj otče Holy Father дівчинаdivčyna дівчиноdivčyno girl
панpan панеpane sir, Mr. сестраsestra сестроsestro sister
приятельpryjatel' приятелюpryjatelju fellow людинаljudyna людиноljudyno human
батькоbat'ko батькуbat'ku father
синsyn синуsynu son

There are some exceptions:

Nominative Vocative Translation
матиmatyf. мамоmamo mother
божа матірboža matirf. матір божаmatir boža God's Mother

It is used even for loanwords and foreign names:

Nominative Vocative Translation
ДжонDžonm. ДжонеDžone John
пан президентpan prezydentm. пане президентеpane prezydente Mr. President

It is obligatory for all native names:

Masculine Feminine
Nominative Vocative Nominative Vocative
ВолодимирVolodymyr ВолодимиреVolodymyre МирославаMyroslava МирославоMyroslavo
СвятославSvjatoslav СвятославеSvjatoslave ГаннаHanna ГанноHanno

It is used for patronymics:

Nominative Vocative
Андрій ВасильовичAndrij Vasylovyčm. Андрію ВасильовичуAndriju Vasyliovyču
Ірина БогданівнаIryna Bohdanivnaf. Ірино БогданівноIryno Bohdanivno


"Et tu, Brute?"from Shakespeare'sJulius Caesar,probably the most famous use of the vocative in literature.

InLatin,the form of the vocative case of a noun is often the same as the nominative. Exceptions include singular non-neuter second-declension nouns that end in-usin the nominative case. An example would be the famous line from Shakespeare, "Et tu, Brute?"(commonly translated as" And you, Brutus? "):Bruteis the vocative case andBrutuswould be the nominative.

Nouns that end in-iusend withinstead of the expected-ie.Thus,JuliusbecomesJulīandfiliusbecomesfilī.The shortening does not shift the accent so the vocative ofVergiliusisVergilī,with accent on the second syllable even though it is short. Nouns that end in-aiusand-eiushave vocatives that end in-aīor-eīeven though the-i-in the nominative is consonantal.

First-declension and second-declension adjectives also have distinct vocative forms in the masculine singular if the nominative ends in-us,with the ending-e.Adjectives that end in-iushave vocatives in-ieso the vocative ofeximiusiseximie.

Nouns and adjectives that end in-eusdo not follow the rules above.Meusforms the vocative irregularly asormeus,while ChristianDeusdoes not have a distinct vocative and retains the formDeus."My God!" in Latin is thusmī Deus!,butJerome'sVulgateconsistently usedDeus meusas a vocative.Classical Latindid not use a vocative ofdeuseither (in reference to pagan gods, the Romans used thesuppletiveformdive).

Romance languages


West Iberian languages


Portuguesedrops the article to form the vocative. The vocative is always between commas and, like in many other languages, a particleÓis commonly used:

Ó Jesus, ajude-nos! O Jesus, help us!
Menino, vem cá! Boy, come here!
Não faças isso, amigo. Don't do that, [my] friend.

InExtremaduranandFala,some post-tonical vowels open in vocative forms of nouns, a new development that is unrelated to the Latin vocative case.



Catalandrops the article to form the vocative.



Like English,Frenchsometimes uses (or historically used) a particleÔto mark vocative phrases rather than by change to the form of the noun. A famous example is the title and first line of the Canadian national anthem,O Canada(French title:Ô Canada), a vocative phrase addressingCanada.



The vocative case inRomanianis partly inherited, occasionally causing other morphophonemic changes (see also the article onRomanian nouns):

  • singular masculine/neuter:-eas in
    • om:omule!(man, human being),
    • băiat:băiete!orbăiatule!(boy),
    • văr:vere!(cousin),
    • Ion:Ioane!(John);
  • singular feminine:-oas in
    • soră:soro!(sister),
    • nebună:nebuno!(mad woman), also in masculine (nebunul)
    • deșteaptă:deșteapto!(smart one (f), often used sarcastically),
    • Ileana:Ileano!(Helen);

Since there is no-ovocative in Latin, it must have been borrowed from Slavic: compare the corresponding Bulgarian formsсестро(sestro),откачалко(otkachalko),Елено(Eleno).

  • plural, all genders:-loras in
    • frați:fraților!(brothers),
    • boi:boilor!(oxen, used toward people as an invective),
    • doamne și domni:doamnelor și domnilor!(ladies and gentlemen).

In formal speech, the vocative often simply copies the nominative/accusative form even when it does have its own form. That is because the vocative is often perceived as very direct and so can seem rude.

Romanesco dialect


InRomanesco dialectthe vocative case appears as a regulartruncationimmediately after thestress.

Compare (vocative, always truncated)

France', vie' qua!
"Francesco/Francesca, come here!"

with (nominative, never truncated)

Francesco/Francesca viene qua
"Francesco/Francesca comes here"



Venetianhas lost all case endings, like most other Romance languages. However, with feminine proper names the role of the vocative is played by the absence of the determiner: the personal articleła / l'usually precedes feminine names in other situations, even in predicates. Masculine names and other nouns lack articles and so rely onprosodyto mark forms of address:

Case Fem. proper name Masc. proper name and other nouns
Nom./Acc. łaMarìa ła vien qua / vardałaMarìa!
'Mary comes here / look at Mary!'
Marco el vien qua / varda Marco!
'Mark comes here / look at Mark!'
Vocative Marìa vien qua! / varda, Marìa!
'Mary, come here! / look, Mary!'
Marco vien qua! / varda, Marco!
'Mark, come here! / look, Mark!'

Predicative constructions:

Case Fem. proper name Masc. proper name and other nouns
Pred. so' miłaMarìa
'Iam Mary.'
so' mi Marco / so' tornà maestra
'Iam Mark. / I am a teacher again.'
Vocative so' mi Marìa!
'It's me, Mary!'
so' mi, Marco! / so' tornà, maestra!
'It's me, Mark! / I am back, teacher!'



Properly speaking,Arabichas only three cases:nominative,accusativeandgenitive.However, a meaning similar to that conveyed by the vocative case in other languages is indicated by the use of the particle(Arabic:يا) placed before a noun inflected in thenominativecase (oraccusativeif the noun is in construct form). In English translations, it is often translated literally asOinstead of being omitted.[22][23]A longer form used inClassical Arabicisأيّهاayyuhā(masculine),أيّتهاayyatuhā(feminine), sometimes combined with.The particlewas also used in the oldCastilian languagebecause of Arabic influence viaMozarabicimmigrations.[24]



Mandarin uses no special inflected forms for address. However, special forms andmorphemes(that are not inflections) exist for addressing.

Mandarin has several particles that can be attached to the word of address to mark certain special vocative forces, where appropriate. A common one isAa,attached to the end of the address word. For example,Nhật kýrìjì"diary" becomesNhật ký arìjì'a.

Certain specialized vocative morphemes also exist, albeit with limited applicabilities. For instance, theBeijing dialectofMandarin Chinese,to express strong feelings (especially negative ones) to someone, a neutral tone suffix-eimay be attached to certain address words. It is most commonly applied to the wordTôn tử(sūnzi,"grandson" ), to formsūnzei,meaning approximately "Hey you nasty one!". Another example isTiểu tử(xiǎozi,lit. "kid; young one" ), resulting inxiǎozei"Hey kiddo!".



The vocative case is present inJapaneseas the particle.[25]This usage is often literary or poetic. For example:

Tuyết に変わってくれ!
Ameyoyuki ni kawatte kure!
O Rain! Please change to snow!
Vạn quốc の 労 động giả,Đoàn kết せよ!
Bankoku no rōdō-shayo,danketsu seyo!
Workers of the world, unite!
Thiếu niên,Thần thoại になれ!
Shōnenyo,shinwa ni nare!
Young boy, become a legend!

In conversational Japanese, this same particle is often used at the end of a sentence to indicate assertiveness, certainty or emphasis.



InGeorgian,the vocative case is used to address the second-person singular and plural. For word roots that end with a consonant, the vocative case suffix is -o,and for the words that end with a vowel, it is -vlike inOld Georgian,but for some words, it is considered archaic. For example,kats-is the root for the word "man". If one addresses someone with the word, it becomeskatso.

Adjectives are also declined in the vocative case. Just like nouns, consonant final stem adjectives take the suffix -oin the vocative case, and the vowel final stems are not changed:

lamazi kali"beautiful woman" (nominative case)
lamazokalo!"beautiful woman!" (vocative case)

In the second phrase, both the adjective and the noun are declined. The personal pronouns are also used in the vocative case.Shen"you" (singular) andtkven"you" (plural) in the vocative case becomeshe!andtkve,without the -n.Therefore, one could, for instance, say, with the declension of all of the elements:

She lamazo kalo!"you beautiful woman!"



The vocative case inKoreanis commonly used with first names in casual situations by using the vocativecase marker(호격 조사) 아(a) if the name ends in a consonant and(ya) if the name ends with a vowel:[26]








미진이 집에 가?

Mijini jibe ga?

Is Mijin going home?








미진,집에 가?

Mijina,jibe ga?

Mijin, are you going home?







동배 뭐 해?

Dongbae mwo hae?

What is Dongbae doing?







동배,뭐 해?

Dongbaeya,mwo hae?

Dongbae, what are you doing?

In formal Korean, the marker(yeo) or이여(iyeo) is used, the latter if the root ends with a consonant. Thus, a quotation ofWilliam S. Clarkwould be translated as follows:







소년이여,야망을 가져라.

sonyeoniyeo,yamangeul gajyeora.

Boys, be ambitious.

Thehonorificinfix(si) is inserted in between the(i) and(yeo).









신이여, 부디 저들을 용서하소서.

sinisiyeo, budi jeodeureul yongseohasoseo.

Oh god, please forgive them.

InMiddle Korean,there were three honorific classes of the vocative case:[27]

Form 아/야 여/이여
Honorific High Plain Low with added nuance of exclamation



Hungarian has a number of vocative-like constructions, even though it lacks an explicit vocativeinflection.

Noun phrases in a vocative context always take the zero article.[28]While noun phrases can takezero articlesfor other reasons, the lack of an article otherwise expected marks a vocative construction. This is especially prominent in dialects of Hungarian where personal proper names and other personal animate nouns tend to take the appropriate definite article, similarly to certain dialects ofGermandetailed above. For example:

Nominative Vocative
(Az)Olivér még beszélget.
Oliver is still chatting.
Olivér, gyere ide!
Oliver, come over here.
Kiönthette voln’ahonfi megtelt szívét.
Might have pour'd the full tide of a patriot's heart.
Honfi, mit ér epedő kebel e romok ormán?
Patriot, why do you yearn on these ruins?[29]
Aszerelem csodaszép.
Love is wonderful.
Látod, szerelem, mit tettél!
O Love, look what you have done!
(Az)Isten szerelmére!
For the love of God!
Isten, áldd meg a magyart!
God, bless the Hungarians!

With certain words such asbarát( "friend" ),hölgy( "lady" ),úr( "gentleman, lord" ), vocation is, in addition to the zero article, always[30]marked by the first person possessive:[31]

Nominative Vocative
A nemesek báljára megérkeztekahölgyek ésazurak.
The ladies and the gentlemen have arrived to the nobility's ball.
Hölgyeimés uraim,kezdődjék a tánc!
(My) Ladies and (my) gentlemen, let the dancing begin!
HaazÚr nem építi a házat, hiába fáradoznak az építők.
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.
Magasztallak Uram,felemeltél engem!
I will exalt you, O (my) Lord, for you lifted me out of the depth!
Abarát mindig segít.
A friend always helps out.
My friend is young.
Tudnál segíteni, barátom?
Could you help out, (my) friend?

Words liketestvér( "sibling, brother" ) and other words of relation do not require the first person possessive, but it is readily used in common speech, especially in familiar contexts:

Nominative Vocative
Atestvérek elsétáltak a boltba.
The siblings walked to the shop.
Kedves testvéreim!/Kedves testvérek!
(My) dear brothers (and sisters)!
(Az)apához megyek.
I'm going to dad.
Apám,hogy vagy?/Apa, hogy vagy?
Dad, how are you?

The second-person pronoun[30]can be used to emphasize a vocation when appropriate:Hát miért nem adtad oda neki,tebolond?( "Why did you not give it to him, you fool?" ),TeKarcsi, nem láttad a szemüvegem?( "Charlie, have you seen my glasses?" ),Lógtok ezért még,tigazemberek.( "You shall yet hang for this, crooks!" ), etc.


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