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Voiced dental click

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Voiced dental velar click
Voiced dental uvular click

Thevoiced dental clickis aclick consonantfound primarily among the languages of southern Africa.[1]The symbol in theInternational Phonetic Alphabetfor a voiced dental click with avelarrear articulation is ⟨ɡ͡ǀ⟩ or ⟨ɡ͜ǀ⟩, commonly abbreviated to ⟨ɡǀ⟩, ⟨ᶢǀ⟩ or ⟨ǀ̬⟩; a symbol abandoned by the IPA but still preferred by some linguists is ⟨ɡ͡ʇ⟩ or ⟨ɡ͜ʇ⟩, abbreviated ⟨ɡʇ⟩, ⟨ᶢʇ⟩ or ⟨ʇ̬⟩. For a click with auvularrear articulation, the equivalents are ⟨ɢ͡ǀ, ɢ͜ǀ, ɢǀ, 𐞒ǀ⟩ and ⟨ɢ͡ʇ, ɢ͜ʇ, ɢʇ, 𐞒ʇ⟩. Sometimes the accompanying letter comes after the click letter, e.g. ⟨ǀɡ⟩ or ⟨ǀᶢ⟩; this may be a simple orthographic choice, or it may imply a difference in the relative timing of the releases.[2]

In languages which use the Bantu letters for clicks, this is most commonly written⟨gc⟩,but it is written⟨dc⟩in those languages that use⟨g⟩for theuvular fricative.


Features of the voiced dental click:

  • Theairstream mechanismislingual ingressive(also known as velaric ingressive), which means a pocket of air trapped between two closures is rarefied by a "sucking" action of the tongue, rather than being moved by theglottisor thelungs/diaphragm.The release of the forward closure produces the "click" sound. Voiced and nasal clicks have a simultaneouspulmonic egressiveairstream.
  • Itsplace of articulationisdental,which means it is articulated with either the tip or the blade of the tongue at the upperteeth,termed respectivelyapicalandlaminal.Note that most stops and liquids described as dental are actuallydenti-alveolar.
  • Itsphonationis voiced, which means the vocal cords vibrate during the articulation.
  • It is anoral consonant,which means air is allowed to escape through the mouth only.
  • It is acentral consonant,which means it is produced by directing the airstream along the center of the tongue, rather than to the sides.


Voiced dental clicks are found primarily in the variousKhoisanlanguage families of southern Africa and in some neighboringBantu languages.

Language Word IPA Meaning
Gciriku Dciriku [ɡ͜ǀiriku]=[ᶢʇiriku] 'Gciriku'
Sandawe gcĩgcoo [ɡ͜ǀĩ̌ːɡ͜ǀóː]=[ᶢʇĩ̌ːᶢʇóː] (species of bird)
Yeyi kuawa [kuɡ͜ǀawa]=[kuᶢʇawa] to 'cut grass'


  1. ^Ladefoged, Peter; Traill, Anthony (1994-01-01). "Clicks and their accompaniments".Journal of Phonetics.22(1): 33–64.doi:10.1016/S0095-4470(19)30266-9.ISSN0095-4470.
  2. ^Afrika und Übersee.D. Reimer. 2005. pp. 93–94.