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Paradigmstructured;stack machine[1]
Designed byW3C
First appearedMarch 2017;7 years ago(2017-03)
OSPlatform independent
LicenseApache License 2.0
Filename extensions
  • .wat(text format)
  • .wasm(binary format)
Influenced by

WebAssembly(Wasm) defines aportablebinary-codeformat and a corresponding text format forexecutable programs[2]as well assoftwareinterfaces for facilitating communication between such programs and their host environment.[3][4][5][6]

The main goal of WebAssembly is to facilitate high-performance applications onweb pages,but it is also designed to be usable in non-web environments.[7]It is anopen standard[8][9]intended to support any language on any operating system,[10]and in practice many of the most popular languages already have at least some level of support.

Announced in 2015(2015)and first released in March 2017(2017-03),WebAssembly became aWorld Wide Web Consortiumrecommendation on 5 December 2019[11][12][13]and it received theProgramming Languages Software AwardfromACMSIGPLANin 2021.[14]TheWorld Wide Web Consortium(W3C) maintains the standard with contributions fromMozilla,Microsoft,Google,Apple,Fastly,Intel,andRed Hat.[15][16]



The name WebAssembly is intended to seem synonymous with that of theassembly language.The name suggests bringing assembly-like programming to theWeb,where it will be executedclient-side— by the website-user's computer via the user'sweb browser.To accomplish this, WebAssembly must be much more hardware-independent than a true assembly language.

WebAssembly was first announced in 2015,[17]and the first demonstration was executingUnity'sAngry BotsinFirefox,[18]Google Chrome,[19]andMicrosoft Edge.[20]The precursor technologies wereasm.jsfromMozillaandGoogle Native Client,[21][22]and the initial implementation was based on the feature set of asm.js.[23]The asm.js file already provides near-native code execution speeds[24][25]and can be considered a viable alternative for browsers that do not support WebAssembly or have it disabled for security reasons.

In March 2017, the design of theminimum viable product(MVP) was declared to be finished and the preview phase ended.[26]In late September 2017,Safari 11was released with support. In February 2018, the WebAssembly Working Group published three public working drafts for the Core Specification, JavaScript Interface, and Web API.[27][28][29][30]

In June 2019, Chrome 75 was released with WebAssembly threads enabled by default.[31]

Since April 2022,WebAssembly 2.0 was in draft status,[32][33]which added manySIMD-related instructions and a new v128 datatype, with the ability for functions to return multiple values, and mass memory initialize/copy.



While WebAssembly was initially designed to permit near-native code execution speed in the web browser, it has been considered valuable outside of such, in more generalized contexts.[34][35]Since WebAssembly's runtime environments (RE) are low-levelvirtual stack machines(akin toJVMorFlash VM) that may be embedded into host applications, some implementations create standalone runtime environments likeWasmtimeandWasmer.[9][10]WebAssembly runtime environments are embedded inapplication serversto host "server-side" WebAssembly applications and in other applications to supportplug-in-based software extension architectures, e.g., "WebAssembly for Proxies" (proxy-wasm) which specifies a WebAssembly-basedABIfor extendingproxy servers.[36][37]

Web browsers


In November 2017, Mozilla declared support "in all major browsers",[38]after WebAssembly was enabled by default in Edge 16.[39]This support also includes mobile web browsers for iOS and Android. As of March 2024,99% of tracked web browsers support WebAssembly (version 1.0),[40]more than for its predecessorasm.js.[41]For some extensions, from the 2.0 draft standard, support may be lower, but still more than 90% of web browsers may already support, e.g. for reference types extension.[42]



WebAssembly implementations usually use eitherahead-of-time(AOT) orjust-in-time(JIT) compilation, but may also use aninterpreter.While the first implementations have landed inweb browsers,there are also non-browser implementations for general-purpose use, including Wasmer,[10]Wasmtime[43]or WAMR,[16]wasm3, WAVM, and many others.[44]

Because WebAssemblyexecutablesare precompiled, it is possible to use a variety of programming languages to make them.[45]This is achieved either through direct compilation to Wasm, or through an implementation of their correspondingvirtual machinesin Wasm. Some 40 programming languages are reported to support Wasm as a compilation target.[46]

EmscriptencompilesCandC++to Wasm[26]using the Binaryen andLLVMas backend.[47]TheEmscripten SDKcan compile anyLLVM-supported languages (such asC,C++orRust,among others) source code into a binary file which runs in the samesandboxas JavaScript code.[note 1]Emscripten provides bindings for several commonly used environment interfaces likeWebGL.

As of version 8, a standaloneClangcan compileCandC++to Wasm.[52] Its initial aim was to supportcompilationfromCandC++,[53]though support for other sourcelanguagessuch asRust,.NET languages[54][55][46]andAssemblyScript[56](TypeScript-like) is also emerging.

After the MVP release, WebAssembly added support formultithreadingandgarbage collection,[57]which allowed more efficient compilation for garbage-collecting programming languages likeC#(supported viaBlazor),F#(supported via Bolero[58]with help of Blazor) andPython.[59]

A number of other languages have some support, includingPython,[60]Julia,[61][62][63]Ruby[64]andRing.[65][66]

A number of systems can compile Java and otherJVM languagesto JavaScript and WebAssembly. These include CheerpJ,[67]JWebAssembly[68]and TeaVM.[69]Kotlinsupports WebAssembly directly.[70][71]



Web browsersdo not permit WebAssembly code to directly manipulate theDocument Object Model.Wasm code must defer toJavaScriptfor this.[note 2]

In an October 2023 survey of developers, less than half of the 303 participants were satisfied with the state of WebAssembly. A large majority cited the need for improvement in four areas: WASI, debugging support, integration with JavaScript and browser APIs, and build tooling.[74]

For memory-intensive allocations in WebAssembly, there are "grave limitations that make many applications infeasible to bereliablydeployed on mobile browsers [..] Currently allocating more than ~300MB of memory is not reliable on Chrome on Android without resorting to Chrome-specific workarounds, nor in Safari on iOS. "[75]

All major browsers allow WebAssembly if Content-Security-Policy is not specified, or if "unsafe-eval" is used, but behave differently otherwise.[76]Chrome requires "unsafe-eval",[77][78]though a worker thread can be a workaround.[78]

Security considerations


In June 2018, a security researcher presented the possibility of using WebAssembly to circumvent browser mitigations forSpectreandMeltdownsecurity vulnerabilities once support forthreadswith shared memory is added. Due to this concern, WebAssembly developers put the feature on hold.[79][80][81]However, in order to explore these future language extensions, Google Chrome added experimental support for the WebAssembly thread proposal in October 2018.[82]

WebAssembly has been criticized for allowing greater ease of hiding the evidence formalwarewriters, scammers andphishingattackers; WebAssembly is present on the user's machine only in its compiled form, which "[makes malware] detection difficult".[83]Speed and the easy ability to conceal in WebAssembly have led to its use in hiddencrypto miningwithin the website visitor's device.[83][84][79]Coinhive,a now defunct service facilitating cryptocurrency mining in website visitors' browsers, claims their "miner uses WebAssembly and runs with about 65% of the performance of a native Miner."[79]A June 2019 study from theTechnische Universität Braunschweiganalyzed the usage of WebAssembly in the Alexa top 1 million websites and found the prevalent use was for malicious crypto mining, and that malware accounted for more than half of the WebAssembly-using websites studied.[85][86]An April 2021 study fromUniversität Stuttgartfound that since then crypto mining has been marginalized, falling to below 1% of all WebAssembly modules gathered from a wide range of sources, also including the Alexa top 1 million websites.[87]

As WebAssembly supports only structuredcontrol flow,it is amenable toward security verification techniques includingsymbolic execution.[88]



WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) is a simple interface (ABIandAPI) designed byMozillaintended to be portable to any platform.[89]It providesPOSIX-like features like file I/O constrained bycapability-based security.[90][91]There are additional proposed ABI/APIs.[92][93]

WASI is influenced byCloudABIandCapsicum.[according to whom?]

Solomon Hykes, a co-founder ofDocker,wrote in 2019, "If WASM+WASI existed in 2008, we wouldn't have needed to create Docker. That's how important it is. WebAssembly on the server is the future of computing."[94]



Host environment


The general standard provides core specifications for the JavaScript API and details on embedding.[5]

Virtual machine


Wasm code (binary code, i.e. bytecode) is intended to be run on aportablevirtualstack machine(VM).[95]The VM is designed to be faster to parse and execute than JavaScript and to have compact code representation.[53]Any external functionality (likesyscalls) that may be expected by Wasm binary code is not stipulated by the standard. It rather provides a way to deliver interfacing via modules by the host environment that the VM runs in.[96][9]

Wasm program


A Wasm program is designed as a separate module containing collections of various Wasm-defined values and program type definitions. These are provided in either binary or textual format (see below) that have a common structure.[97]Such a module may provide a start function that is executed upon instantiation of a wasm binary.

Instruction set


The core standard for the binary format of a Wasm program defines aninstruction set architecture(ISA) consisting of specificbinary encodingsof types of operations which are executed by the VM (without specifying how exactly they must be executed).[98]The list of instructions includes standard memory load/store instructions, numeric, parametric,control of flowinstruction typesand Wasm-specific variable instructions.[99]

The number of opcodes used in the original standard (MVP) was a bit fewer than 200 of the 256 possible opcodes. Subsequent versions of WebAssembly pushed the number of opcodes a bit over 200. TheWebAssembly SIMDproposal (for parallel processing) introduces an alternate opcode prefix (0xfd) for128-bitSIMD. The concatenation of the SIMD prefix, plus an opcode that is valid after the SIMD prefix, forms a SIMD opcode. The SIMD opcodes bring an additional 236 instructions for the "minimum viable product" (MVP) SIMD capability (for a total of around 436 instructions).[100][101]Those instructions, the "finalized opcodes"[102]are enabled by default across Google's V8 (in Google Chrome), the SpiderMonkey engine in Mozilla Firefox, and the JavaScriptCore engine in Apple's Safari[103]and there are also some additional proposal for instructions for later "post SIMD MVP", and there's also a separate "relaxed-simd" proposal on the table.[104]

These SIMD opcodes are also portable and translate to native instruction sets like x64 and ARM. In contrast, neither Java'sJVMnorCILsupport SIMD, at theiropcode level,i.e. in the standard; both do have some parallel APIs which provide SIMD speedup. There is an extension for Java addingintrinsicsfor x64 SIMD,[105]that isn't portable, i.e. not usable on ARM or smartphones. Smartphones can support SIMD by calling assembly code with SIMD, and C# has similar support.

Code representation


In March 2017, the WebAssembly Community Group reached consensus on the initial (MVP) binary format, JavaScript API, and reference interpreter.[106]It defines a WebAssembly binary format (.wasm), which is not designed to be used by humans, as well as a human-readable WebAssembly text format (.wat) that resembles a cross between S-expressions and traditional assembly languages.

The table below shows an example of afactorialfunction written inCand its corresponding WebAssembly code after compilation, shown both in.wattext format (a human-readable textual representation of WebAssembly) and in.wasmbinary format (the rawbytecode,expressed below inhexadecimal), that is executed by a Web browser or run-time environment that supports WebAssembly.

C source code and corresponding WebAssembly
C source code WebAssembly.wattext format WebAssembly.wasmbinary format
00 61 73 6D 01 00 00 00
01 06 01 60 01 7E 01 7E
03 02 01 00
0A 17 01
15 00
20 00
04 7E
42 01
20 00
20 00
42 01
10 00

All integer constants are encoded using a space-efficient, variable-lengthLEB128encoding.[107]

The WebAssembly text format is more canonically written in a folded format usingS-expressions.For instructions and expressions, this format is purelysyntactic sugarand has no behavioral differences with the linear format.[108]Throughwasm2wat,the code above decompiles to:

(if$I0(resulti64);; $I0 is an unused label name
(local.get$p0));; the name $p0 is the same as 0 here
(call$f0;; the name $f0 is the same as 0 here

A module is implicitly generated by the compiler. The function is referenced by an entry of the type table in the binary, hence a type section and thetypeemitted by the decompiler.[109]The compiler and decompiler can be accessed online.[110]

See also



  1. ^According to official documentation, the Emscripten SDK may be used to create.wasmfiles which then may be executed in a web browser.[48][49][50]Even though Emscripten can consume various languages when usingClang,some problems may arise.[51]
  2. ^ForRust/Wasm development, third-party libraries can provide some of the necessary JavaScript I/O.[72][73]


  1. ^"WebAssembly/design/Semantics.md".GitHub.Retrieved23 February2021.WebAssembly code can be considered astructured stack machine;a machine where most computations use a stack of values, but control flow is expressed in structured constructs such as blocks, ifs, and loops. In practice, implementations need not maintain an actual value stack, nor actual data structures for control; they need only behave as if they did so.
  2. ^Mozilla."Understanding WebAssembly text format".MDN Web Docs.Retrieved9 December2019.
  3. ^"Introduction — WebAssembly 1.0".webassembly.github.io.Retrieved18 June2019.WebAssembly is an open standard...
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  5. ^ab"Conventions — WebAssembly 1.0".webassembly.github.io.Retrieved17 May2019.WebAssembly is a programming language that has multiple concrete representations (its binary format and the text format). Both map to a common structure.
  6. ^"Introduction — WebAssembly 1.0".webassembly.github.io.Retrieved18 June2019.... this specification is complemented by additional documents defining interfaces to specific embedding environments such as the Web. These will each define a WebAssembly application programming interface (API) suitable for a given environment.
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This article incorporates text from afree contentwork. Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (license statement/permission). Text taken fromText Format​,jfbastien; rossberg-chromium; kripken; titzer; s3ththompson; sunfishcode; lukewagner; flagxor; enricobacis; c3d; binji; andrewosh, GitHub. WebAssembly/design.
