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Weddell seal

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Weddell seal
At theD'Hainaut Island,Mikkelsen Harbour,Trinity Island
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Clade: Pinnipedia
Family: Phocidae
Genus: Leptonychotes
L. weddellii
Binomial name
Leptonychotes weddellii
Weddell seal range

TheWeddell seal[2](Leptonychotes weddellii) is a relatively large and abundanttrue sealwith acircumpolardistribution surroundingAntarctica.The Weddell seal was discovered and named in the 1820s during expeditions led byBritishsealingcaptainJames Weddellto the area of theSouthern Oceannow known as theWeddell Sea.[3]Thelife historyof this species is well documented since it occupiesfast iceenvironments close to theAntarctic continentand often adjacent to Antarctic bases.[4]It is the only species in the genusLeptonychotes.



Weddell seals measure about 2.5–3.5 m (8 ft 2 in – 11 ft 6 in) long and weigh 400–600 kg (880–1,320 lb).[5][6]They are amongst the largest seals, with a rather bulky body and short fore flippers relative to their bodylength.[7]Males weigh less than females, usually about 500 kg (1,100 lb) or less. Male and female Weddell seals are generally about the same length, though females can be slightly larger.[8]However, the male seal tends to have a thickerneckand a broaderheadand muzzle than the female.[9]A molecular genetic-based technique has been established to confirm the sex of individuals in thelaboratory.[10]The Weddell seal face has been compared to that of a cat due to a short mouth line and similarities in the structure of thenoseandwhiskers.[9]

The Weddell seal grows a thinfurcoataround its whole body except for small areas around the flippers. The colour and pattern of the coat vary, often fading to a duller colour as the seal ages.[8]This coat moults around the beginning ofsummer.[9]Adults show a counter-shaded colouration that varies from bluish-black to dark grey dorsally and to light grey/silver ventrally. Coats may change to shades of brown before the annual moult.[9]Adult males usually bear scars, most of them around the genital region. Weddell seal pups are born with alanugoof similarcolourationand theymoultafter 3–4 weeks; later, they turn a darker colour similar to that of adults. The pups are around half the length of their mother atbirthandweigh25–30 kg (55–66 lb). They gain around 2 kg (4.4 lb) a day, and by 6–7 weeks old they can weigh around 100 kg (220 lb).[8]



A Weddell seal at a breathing hole

Weddell seals are commonly found onfast ice,or ice fastened to land, and gather in small groups around cracks and holes within theice.[11]In the winter, they stay in the water to avoidblizzards,with only their heads poking through breathing holes in the ice.[8]These seals are often observed lying on their sides when on land. Weddell seals are non-migratory phocids that move regionally to follow the distribution of breathing holes and exit cracks within the ice changes between seasons.[12]The species is primarily restricted to Antarctic waters: physical factors, such asglacialmovement andtidal action,may increase fluctuations in distributions.


Weddell seals dive toforagefor food, maintain breathing holes in fast ice, and explore to find more ice holes.[13]They have been observed to dive as deep as 600 m for up to an hour.[12]These seals exhibit a diel dive pattern, diving deeper and longer during the day than at night.[14]After dropping away from abreathinghole in the ice, the seals become negatively buoyant in the first 30 to 50 m, allowing them to dive with little effort.[15]

Weddell seals aretop predatorsin the Antarctic. They eat an array offish,bottom-feedingprawns,cephalopodsandcrustaceans.[16]Asedentaryadult eats around 10 kg (22 lb) a day, while an active adult eats over 50 kg (110 lb) a day.[8]Antarctic codandsilverfishconstitute the majority of their diet. Cephalopods are commonprey,and crustacean remains are sometimes found in Weddell seal scat, but at much lower rates than other prey species. They are opportunistic feeders thathuntin different parts of the water column depending on prey availability. Weddell seals hunt in bothpelagicand benthic-demersalhabitats.[17]

Although seabirds are not usually part of their diet, there have been several sightings of them chasing and killingpenguinsin the wild. Other Antarcticphocidsare known to beseabirdpredators, resulting in implications that penguin hunting is a learned behaviour. There are recordings of four different penguin species being attacked by Weddell seals: agentoo penguin,anemperor penguin,anAdélie penguin,and achinstrap penguin.It has not been confirmed, however, if the penguins were consumed after being killed.[18]Scientists believe Weddell seals rely mainly on eyesight to hunt for food when there is light. However, during the Antarctic winter darkness, when there is nolightunder the ice where the seals forage, they rely on other senses, primarily the sense of touch from theirvibrissaeor whiskers, which are not just hairs, but very complicated sense organs with more than 500nerveendings that attach to the animal'ssnout.The hairs allow the seals to detect the wake of swimming fish and use that to capture prey.[19]

Weddell seals have no natural predators when on fast ice. At sea or on pack ice, they are prey forkiller whalesandleopard seals,which prey primarily on juveniles and pups.[8]


Baby Weddell seal,Adélie Land

Weddell seals return to fast ice colonies during the spring forbirthingandbreeding.[20]Weddell seal populations will often return to the same breeding sites over consecutive breeding seasons.[21]Depending on the latitude it inhabits, this marine mammal gives birth from early September through November, with those living at lower latitudes giving birth earlier.[12]Weddell seals usually give birth to one pup per year,[12]however the Weddell seal is one of the only species of seals that can give birth totwinpups.[3]Birthing of the pup takes only one to four minutes. Newborn pups weigh about 25–30 kg and grow to two times their weight within their first week of life.[12]The pups take their first swim around one to two weeks of age.[12]During the first two weeks, mother Weddell seals distinguish their pups througholfactorysmells, and specialisedvocalisations,and stay in the same spatial area.[22]After six to seven weeks, pups are weaned and begin to hunt independently.[8]

Weddell seal pup with its grey natal coat,Deception Island

Weddell seals show moderatepolygynyandgeneticanalyses ofmatingsuccess have suggested how factors such assize,diving ability, and site-specific experience enhance success in male Weddell seals.[23]Additionally, fast ice breeding grounds cause females to cluster in large aggregations, making it easier for males to control theirharem.[21]The mating season occurs during austral spring between late November and December after pups are weaned and females begin ovulating.[12]During the mating season, Weddell seals make noises loud enough to be felt through the ice.[3]Males defend underwater territories during the breeding season and have been observed to fight.[24]Copulationhas only been observed to occur underwater, where the female submits to the male as he approaches her dorsal side. The female is often bitten on the neck by her partner if she tries to escape or terminate copulation.[25]The seals are normally around six to eight years old when they first breed, but this can be much earlier for some females.[9]Weddell seals undergodelayed implantation.Theembryois notimplantedinto the uterus until the beginning ofaustral summer,between mid-January and mid-February, allowing for birth under more favourable environmental conditions.[12]Juvenile Weddell seals (0–2 years old) have a highmortalityprobability, whereas no differences can be found between the mortality rate of animals older than 2 years and that of adults (Hastings et al., 1999). The maximum lifespan of the species is estimated at least 25 years.

Newborn Weddell seals have differentthermoregulatorystrategies from other species of seals. Weddell seal pups are not born withbrown fat,which is used in other seal species for thermoregulation.[26]Instead, they rely heavily onlanugo,a fine layer of hair on the surface of their skin, to keep warm.[27]Studies also revealed high levels ofenzymeactivity in the muscles of newborn Weddell seals, suggesting that a primary thermoregulatory strategy of these seals includes muscle thermogenesis, or shivering.[27]The activity of metabolic enzymes includingcitrate synthase,ß-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase, andcytochrome c oxidasewere measured and determined to be significantly active in newborn Weddell seals'longissimusdorsi, a large and major swimming muscle.[27]Research has also suggested that pups have highmitochondrialdensities in the muscle, which may serve a thermogenic role.[26]


Video of a reclining Weddell seal on pack ice inAdélie Land

Male and female Weddell seals communicate through a variety of sounds, specifically, males sometimes use “trills” to communicate. Weddell seals are also able to communicate with each other through different mediums. Weddell seals on ice can hear the calls of Weddell seals in the water as long as the noise level on land is low and they are nearby of one another. Sound waves can be transmitted either through the ice itself or from water to breathing holes where female Weddell seals are usually breeding.[28]There have been recordings of Weddell seal vocalisations that are described as songs. Their songs consist of repetitive sequences of the same vocal elements, and they only vary slightly over time. Individual Weddell seals can each produce their uniquesong,butsingingbehaviour is not common when observed.[29]Vocalisations are also important in mother-pup Weddell seal interactions. Mother Weddell seals usevocalisationsto call their pups from further distances when smell can no longer be used efficiently (Opzeeland et al., 2011). Pups also use higher, more urgent vocalisations when hungry to alert their mothers to feed.[30]Weddell seals commonly produce ultrasonic vocalizations. However, the functional significance of these high-frequency sounds is yet unknown.[31]


Rice[32]noted that the scientific name wasmisspeltin the past asL. weddelliand thissynonymis no longer accepted, although it is still found commonly in the scientificliteraturebefore 1988.

Weddell seals can be confused with other two phocids that share the same range:Ross seal(Ommatophoca rossii) andcrabeater seal(Lobodon carcinophagus).

Population status[edit]

AtNeko Harbour,Antarctica

Weddell seals are the second mostabundantspecies of Antarctic phocid, after the crabeater seal.

The most recent estimate suggests a population of about 202,000 female seals, based on high-resolution satellite images from November 2011 that cover the full habitat range of the species. This number includes females only, as males are mostly underwater guarding their territories in November. There are likely to be fewer males than females, as the ratio skews towards females with increasing age.[33]

Previous estimates, with lower geographic coverage and thus relying more heavily on extrapolations, tended to be much higher, reporting numbers in the range of 800,000 or so.[34]

Because of the widespread distribution of Weddell seals, population assessments are difficult and expensive to conduct, and therefore infrequently undertaken. However, thanks to the availability of higher-resolution satellite imagery and crowdsourced data, future counts may be simplified with automated image recognition.[35]


During the early periods of Antarcticexploration,Weddell seals suffered dramatic declines as they were hunted for food and oil. Populations have since recovered after the elimination of commercialsealingin the 1980s.[1]

However, the effects of globalclimate changeon Antarctic seals are still to be fully determined. Research estimates seal populations may decline as the availability of their habitat is extremely temperature sensitive thus making them potentiallyvulnerable.[36]Climate changes affecting the duration and the extent of the sea ice and nutrient availability could potentially reduce pups’ survival and may have important implications for populationgrowth rates.[37]The fact that some populations breed on land (e.g., inSouth Georgia), could demonstrate the ability of the species to colonise different environments, although the extent of suchplasticityis uncertain.[1]

In the past, the establishment of Antarctic research bases has caused a measure of disturbance to these seals. In January 1998 the Environmental Protection Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty was ratified, implementing environmental measures such as the banning ofminingandoil drillingin Antarctica for at least 50 years, along with the banning of refuse disposal and the use ofpesticidesin the region.[1]However, the disturbance effects of the increasing seasonal tourism in the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic on Weddell seal behaviour, distribution, and foraging are still unknown.

Currently, there are no reports of significantfisheriesinteractions. Although, the development of new fisheries in Antarctic waters, particularly one targeting theAntarctic toothfish,could have an impact on Weddell seal nutrition, and potential operational interactions should be considered in the management plans.

Conservation status[edit]

The Weddell seal is protected by theAntarctic Treatyand theConvention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals(CCAS). It is classified as being of "least concern"by the IUCN.[1]This species is not listed byCITES.

See also[edit]


  1. ^abcdeHückstädt, L. (2015)."Leptonychotes weddellii".IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.2015:e.T11696A45226713.doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T11696A45226713.en.Retrieved19 November2021.
  2. ^Wozencraft, W. C.(2005)."Order Carnivora".InWilson, D. E.;Reeder, D. M. (eds.).Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference(3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press.ISBN978-0-8018-8221-0.OCLC62265494.
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  5. ^Kindersley, Dorling (2001).Animal(2005 ed.). New York City: DK Publishing.ISBN978-0-7894-7764-4.
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  11. ^Smith MS (1965). "Seasonal movements of the Weddell seal in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica".The Journal of Wildlife Management.29(3): 464–470.doi:10.2307/3798043.JSTOR3798043.
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  14. ^Kooyman GL (1975). "A comparison between day and night diving in the Weddell seal".Journal of Mammalogy.56(3): 563–574.doi:10.2307/1379469.JSTOR1379469.
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  17. ^Daneri GA, Negri A, Coria NR, Negrete J, Libertelli MM, Corbalán A (2018)."Fish prey of Weddell seals, Leptonychotes weddellii, at Hope Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, during the late summer".Polar Biology.41(5): 1027–1031.doi:10.1007/s00300-018-2255-z.hdl:11336/93207.S2CID29658268.
  18. ^Bombosch A, Solovyev B (2017). "Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) killing gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua) at Neko Harbour, Antarctic Peninsula".Polar Biology.40(9): 1899–1902.doi:10.1007/s00300-016-2070-3.S2CID34761946.
  19. ^Peter Rejcek (August 27, 2010)."Scientists track seal predation behavior through the dark of Antarctica".The Antarctic Sun.RetrievedMay 30,2012.
  20. ^Schreer JF, Testa JW (1996). "Classification of Weddell seal diving behavior".Marine Mammal Science.12(2): 227–250.doi:10.1111/j.1748-7692.1996.tb00573.x.S2CID84736733.
  21. ^abZappes IA, Fabiani A, Sbordoni V, Rakaj A, Palozzi R, Allegrucci G (2017)."New data on Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) colonies: A genetic analysis of a top predator from the Ross Sea, Antarctica".PLOS ONE.12(8): e0182922.Bibcode:2017PLoSO..1282922Z.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0182922.PMC5552091.PMID28796829.
  22. ^Opzeeland IC, Parijs SM, Frickenhaus S, Kreiss CM, Boebel O (2012)."Individual variation in pup vocalizations and absence of behavioral signs of maternal vocal recognition in Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii)".Marine Mammal Science.28(2): 158–172.doi:10.1111/j.1748-7692.2011.00505.x.S2CID16621622.
  23. ^Harcourt RG, Kingston JJ, Cameron MF, Waas JR, Hindell MA (2007). "Paternity analysis shows experience, not age, enhances mating success in an aquatically mating pinniped, the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii)".Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.61(4): 643–652.doi:10.1007/s00265-006-0294-x.S2CID35469722.
  24. ^Thomas JA, DeMaster DP (1983). "Diel haul-out patterns of Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddelli) females and their pups".Canadian Journal of Zoology.61(9): 2084–2086.doi:10.1139/z83-273.
  25. ^Cline DR, Siniff DB, Erickson AW (1971). "Underwater copulation of the Weddell seal".Journal of Mammalogy.52(1): 216–218.doi:10.2307/1378453.JSTOR1378453.PMID5101897.
  26. ^abElsner, R. W.; Hammond, D. D.; Denison, D. M. (1977). "Temperature regulation in the newborn Weddell seal, Leptonychotes weddelli".Adaptations in Antarctic Ecosystems.pp. 531–540.ISBN9780872010000.OCLC3813893.
  27. ^abcPearson, Linnea E.; Liwanag, Heather E. M.; Hammill, Mike O.; Burns, Jennifer M. (2014-12-01)."To each its own: Thermoregulatory strategy varies among neonatal polar phocids".Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology.178:59–67.doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2014.08.006.ISSN1095-6433.
  28. ^Terhune, John M. (2017-04-13). "Through-ice communication by Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) is possible".Polar Biology.40(10): 2133–2136.doi:10.1007/s00300-017-2124-1.ISSN0722-4060.S2CID23069267.
  29. ^Green, K.; Burton, H. R. (January 1988). "Do Weddell seals sing?".Polar Biology.8(3): 165–166.doi:10.1007/bf00443448.ISSN0722-4060.S2CID46256980.
  30. ^Collins, Kym T.; McGreevy, Paul D.; Wheatley, Kathryn E.; Harcourt, Robert G. (July 2011). "The influence of behavioural context on Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) airborne mother-pup vocalisation".Behavioural Processes.87(3): 286–290.doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2011.06.005.ISSN0376-6357.PMID21718762.S2CID32281684.
  31. ^Cziko, Paul A.; Munger, Lisa M.; Santos, Nicholas R.; Terhune, John M. (2020-12-01)."Weddell seals produce ultrasonic vocalizations".The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.148(6): 3784–3796.Bibcode:2020ASAJ..148.3784C.doi:10.1121/10.0002867.ISSN0001-4966.PMID33379885.S2CID229930685.
  32. ^Rice DW (1998).Marine Mammals of the World: Systematics and Distribution.Vol. 4. Lawrence, Kansas: Society for Marine Mammalogy.
  33. ^LaRue M, Salas L, Nur N, Ainley D, Stammerjohn S, Pennycook J, Dozier M, Saints J, Stamatiou K, Barrington L, Rotella J (September 24, 2021)."Insights from the first global population estimate of Weddell seals in Antarctica".Science Advances.7(39): eabh3674.Bibcode:2021SciA....7.3674L.doi:10.1126/sciadv.abh3674.PMC8462891.PMID34559555.
  34. ^Southwell C, Bengston J, Bester M, Blix AS, Bornemann H, Boveng P, Plötz J (2012). "A review of data on abundance, trends in abundance, habitat use and diet of ice-breeding seals in the Southern Ocean".CCAMLR Science.19:49–74.
  35. ^"Researchers and citizen scientists complete first-ever Weddell seal count".University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering.September 24, 2021.
  36. ^Evans, PG, Pierce GJ, Panigada S (2010)."Climate change and marine mammals".Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.90(8): 1483–1487.Bibcode:2010JMBUK..90.1483E.doi:10.1017/S0025315410001815.
  37. ^Garrott RA, Rotella JJ, Siniff DB, Parkinson CL, Stauffer GE (2012). "Environmental variation and cohort effects in an Antarctic predator".Oikos.121(7): 1027–1040.doi:10.1111/j.1600-0706.2011.19673.x.hdl:2060/20110022991.S2CID42629887.

External links[edit]