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Welsh Guards

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Welsh Guards
Cap badgeof the Welsh Guards[a]
CountryUnited Kingdom
BranchBritish Army
Role1st Battalion –Light Mechanised Infantry
Size1Battalion(579 personnel)[1]
Part ofGuards and Parachute Division
Garrison/HQRHQ –London
1st Battalion –Windsor
Motto(s)Welsh:Cymru am Byth( "Wales Forever/Long live Wales" )
MarchQuick –Rising of the Lark
Slow –Men of Harlech
Anniversaries1 March (St David's Day)
Commanding OfficerLt Col Andrew Breach
Colonel-in-ChiefThe King
Colonel of
the Regiment
The Prince of Wales
Tactical Recognition Flash
Left side ofBearskincap

TheWelsh Guards(WG;Welsh:Gwarchodlu Cymreig), part of theGuards Division,is one of theFoot Guardsregimentsof theBritish Army.It was founded in 1915 as a single-battalion regiment, during theFirst World War,byRoyal WarrantofGeorge V.Shortly after the regiment's formation, it was deployed to France where it took part in the fighting on theWestern Frontuntil the end of the war in November 1918. During the inter-war years, the regiment undertook garrison duties in the United Kingdom, except between 1929 and 1930 when it deployed to Egypt, and late 1939 when it deployed to Gibraltar.

The regiment was expanded to three battalions during theSecond World War,and served inFrance,North Africa,Tunisia,ItalyandWestern Europe.In the post war period, the regiment was reduced to a single battalion and saw service in Palestine, Egypt, West Germany, Aden, Northern Ireland, and Cyprus. In 1982, the regiment took part in theFalklands War.In the 21st century, the regiment has deployed as peacekeepers to Bosnia, and on operations to bothIraqandAfghanistan.



Creation and First World War service


The Welsh Guards came into existence on 26 February 1915 by Royal Warrant of George V in order to includeWalesin the national component to theFoot Guards,"..though the order to raise the regiment had been given by the King to Earl Kitchener, Secretary of State for War, on 26 February 1915."[2][3]They were the last of the Guards to be created, with theIrish Guardscoming into being in 1900. Just three days later, the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards mounted its firstKing's GuardatBuckingham Palaceon 1 March 1915 –St David's Day.[4]

On 17 August 1915, the 1st Battalion sailed for France to join theGuards Divisionto commence its participation in the First World War. Its first battle was some months after its initial arrival, atLooson 27 September 1915. The regiment's firstVictoria Crosscame two years later in July 1917 awarded to SergeantRobert Bye.[4]

Inter-war years


Soon after the end of the war in 1918 1st Battalion, Welsh Guards returned home and where they would be based for much of the inter-war period, performing training and ceremonial duties, such as theChanging of the GuardandTrooping the Colour.In 1929, 1st Welsh Guards deployed toEgyptwhere they joined theCairo Brigadewhere they stayed for only a brief period of time, returning home in 1930. Just prior to the outbreak of the Second World War, 1st Welsh Guards were dispatched toGibraltarwhere they remained upon the outbreak of war in September 1939. The 2nd Battalion, Welsh Guards was created in 1939.[4]

Second World War


The Welsh Guards were increased to three battalions during theSecond World War.The 1st Battalion fought valiantly in all the campaigns of theNorth-West European Theatre.The 2nd Battalion, part of the20th Independent Infantry Brigade (Guards),fought briefly inBoulogne,France,in late May 1940 whilst the 1st fought in the battles ofBelgiumandFranceas part of theBritish Expeditionary Force(BEF) GHQ Troops. In May 1940 at theBattle of Arras,the Welsh Guards gained their secondVictoria CrossbyLieutenantChristopher Furness,who was subsequently killed in action. The 1st Battalion was subsequently part of theretreat to Dunkirk,where they were involved in the legendaryDunkirk evacuationthat saw nearly 340,000Alliedtroops return to the United Kingdom, against all odds.[4]

Men of 1st Battalion, Welsh Guards inArras,France,14 February 1940.

The 3rd Battalion, Welsh Guards, which was formed atBeavers Lane Campin 1941, fought throughout the arduousNorth African Campaign,in theTunisia Campaignand theItaliancampaigns in 1943.[4]

While they battled on in those theatres the 1st and 2nd joined theGuards Armoured Division,with the 1st Battalion being infantry, assigned to the32nd Guards Brigade,and the 2nd Battalion being armoured, part of the6th Guards Armoured Brigade.The two battalions worked closely, being the first troops to re-enterBrusselson 3 September 1944 after an advance of 100 miles in one day in what was described as 'an armoured lash unequalled for speed in this or any other war' led byMajor-GeneralSirAllan Henry Adair,the divisional commander.[5]


Charles, Prince of Wales,colonel of the regiment from 1975 to 2022, in Welsh Guards uniform atTrooping the Colour,2012.

Shortly after the end of the war the 3rd Battalion was disbanded while the 2nd Battalion was placed in suspended animation. In 1947 the 1st Welsh Guards were dispatched toPalestine,then under British control, while it was in a volatile and violent situation. The Welsh Guards were part of the1st Guards Brigadeand performed internal security (IS) duties while there, before leaving in 1948 during the British withdrawal and when the state ofIsraelwas declared. The regiment had itscolour troopedfor the first time in 1949.[6]

In 1950, the regiment arrived inWest Germanyas part of the 4th Guards Brigade, part of theBritish Army of the Rhine(BAOR). In 1952 the regiment joined theBerlin Brigadein West Berlin, an enclave in CommunistEast Germanyduring tense times between theNorth Atlantic Treaty Organizationand theWarsaw Pact.The Welsh Guards returned home the following year and soon after deployed to the British-controlledSuez Canal Zone(SEZ) inEgypt.As previously in Palestine, the Welsh Guards' time in Egypt was quite turbulent. They performed internal security duties there, remaining in the SEZ until the British withdrawal in 1956.[7]

In 1960, the regiment deployed to West Germany again, and in 1965 toAden,another part of the decliningBritish Empire.They returned home the following year. In 1970 the regiment arrived again in West Germany, this time atMünster,as part of4th Armoured Brigade.[8]

In 1972, came deployment toNorthern Ireland,then embroiled in violence later known as "The Troubles".During its tour of duty the regiment lost Sergeant Phillip Price in a terrorist attack by theProvisional Irish Republican Armyon the Oxford Street Bus Depot inBelfast,one of a series of terrorist attacks in the city which became known as "Bloody Friday".The following year the Welsh Guards were dispatched to the province again, and during this period lost Guardsman David Roberts in alandmineexplosion.[9]

Between October 1975 and March 1976 the Welsh Guards were part of the British contingent of the United Nations force deployed toCyprusin the aftermath ofthe Turkish invasion of the island in 1974.[10]In 1977 the regiment arrived in West Berlin again, and then in 1979 once more in the midst of the volatile situation in Northern Ireland, they lost Guardsman Paul Fryer to a booby-trap bomb. On 9 July 1981, Daniel Barrett, aged 15 years, was sitting on the garden wall of his home in Havana Court, Ardoyne, North Belfast, when he was shot dead by a soldier from the Welsh Guards.[11]

Falklands War


In 1982, the Welsh Guards (CO Lieutenant-Colonel John Rickett) formed part of the5th Infantry Brigadeof the British Task Force sent to liberate theFalkland Islandsfrom Argentinian occupation during theFalklands War.On 8 June they were on board the ill-fatedSir Galahad,which was accompanied bySir Tristram,waiting to be landed atBluff Covethough they were delayed from doing so. However, attack was imminent after the landing craft were spotted by Argentinian observers. At 2:00 am, fiveDaggerand fiveA-4 Skyhawkaircraft were seen over the Falklands. Shortly afterwards, the Daggers were the first to attack. Only a short time later, the Skyhawks reachedFitzroy,with three of the aircraft hitting theSir Galahadtwo or more times with horrific consequences.Sir Tristramwas also hit which killed two crewmen, both ships were ablaze. The attack onSir Galahadculminated in high casualties, 48 dead, 32 of them Welsh Guards, 11 other Army personnel and five crewmen fromSir Galahadherself. There were many wounded, many suffering from horrendous burns caused by fire from the burning ships, the best known beingSimon Weston.The burnt-outSir Galahadwas later scuttled at sea to allow her to become a war grave.[12]On 13-14 June, the remainder of the battalion, reinforced by two companies of Royal Marines from40 Commando,were given the objective of capturingSapper Hillin the final stages of theBattle of Mount Tumbledown.Following a firefight at their helicopter landing zone, the force moved on to Sapper Hill but found it abandoned, thus taking the last defensible position beforeStanley.[13]

Since 1984

Welsh Guardsman outside the Jewel House at theTower of London

In 1984, the Welsh Guards arrived inHohne,West Germany as part of the22nd Armoured Brigadeand two years later arrived in Northern Ireland for another tour-of-duty before returning to Germany. The regiment returned home to Elizabeth Barracks, Pirbright in 1988. In 1989 The Welsh Guards conducted a six-month operational roulement Battalion tour of Belize from April to October 1989 and in 1992 arrived in Northern Ireland for a two-year deployment as part of8th Infantry Brigade.[14]During their tour ofNorthern Irelandthe BBC filmed the documentaryIn the Company of MenbyMolly Dineen,which filmed a deployment to the heavily nationalistCounty Fermanaghduring the regiment's tour.[15]

On 6 September 1997, 12 Guardsmen of the Welsh Guards led by the adjutant of the 1st Battalion, "The Prince of Wales" Company, Captain Richard Williams MC, hero in 1993 of the Khmer Rouge incident in which he was captured defending civilians in Cambodia,[16]were pulled from security patrols in South Armagh, Northern Ireland and together with members of theKing's Troop, Royal Horse Artilleryescorted the casket ofDiana, Princess of Wales,fromKensington PalacetoWestminster Abbey.[17]

In 2002, the regiment arrived inBosniaas part ofSFOR,a NATO-led force intended to ensure peace and stability in theBalkannation. During their deploymentthe Queen Motherdied. A number of officers of the Welsh Guards stood in vigil around the Queen Mother's coffin which waslying in stateinWestminster Hall,one of a number of regiments to do so. The regiment returned home from its deployment to Bosnia later in the year. It was involved inOperation Fresco,the British armed forces response to thefirefighters strike;the Welsh Guards covered theMidlandsarea, primarily inBirminghamusing the antiquated Army "Green Goddess"fire engines.[18]

In 2003, the Welsh Guards moved fromAldershottoRAF St Athan,Wales.[19]

In 2005, the Welsh Guards were part ofOperation Telicand were based inBasra,SouthernIraq.Here they used relationship-building skills learnt from their time in Bosnia to build a bond between the regiment and local people.[20]

In 2006, the regiment returned to London as apublic dutiesbattalion. It will alternate this role with theGrenadier Guards.The regiment deployed toBosniain October 2006, replacing the2nd Battalion,The Yorkshire Regiment.In November 2007, the regiment deployed toBelizeat short notice to take part injungle warfaretraining; they returned just before Christmas.[21]

In 2008, the Welsh Guards moved from London to Lille Barracks inAldershot,in preparation for deployment onOperation Herrick10 inAfghanistan.The regiment departed in April 2009. Six members of the battalion were killed, among them a platoon commander, a company commander and the battalion commander. It was the first time since the Korean War that a single battalion had lost officers at these three key levels of leadership. The six-month tour was chronicled in the bookDead Men Risen; the Welsh Guards and the Defining Story of Britain's War in AfghanistanbyToby Harnden,[22]which won the Orwell Prize for Books 2012.[23]

The Welsh Guards marching in the2010 Moscow Victory Day Paradein Moscow, Russia.

On 1 July 2009,Lieutenant-ColonelRupert Thorneloe MBEwas killed along with Trooper Joshua Hammond of the2nd Royal Tank Regiment,following the detonation of anIEDin Afghanistan under theirBvS 10 Vikingduring Operation Panther's Claw. Lieutenant-Colonel Thorneloe was the highest ranking British Army officer killed since Lieutenant-ColonelHerbert "H" Jones, VC OBE,in theFalkland Islands.[24]

As a result of theArmy 2020 Refinereforms, the battalion moved toCombermere Barrackswhich was the former home to the armoured regiment of theHousehold Cavalry.[25][26][27]



There are two museums with artefacts and memorabilia about the regiment. The Welsh Guards Museum is inOswestry,Shropshire.[28]The Guards Museum,inWellington Barracks,London,is home of the five regiments ofFoot Guards(theGrenadier Guards,Coldstream Guards,Scots Guards,Irish Guards,and Welsh Guards).[29]


Recruits practising drill on Catterick parade square

Recruits to theGuards Divisiongo through a grueling training programme at theInfantry Training Centre(ITC). The training is two weeks more than the training for the Regularline infantryregiments of the British Army; the extra training, carried out throughout the course, is devoted to drill and ceremonies.[30]



King George Vassumed the colonelcy-in-chief of the regiment on its formation,[31]and subsequent monarchs have also been colonel-in-chief.[32]

Regimental Colonels


Regimental colonels have been:

Regimental Lieutenant Colonels


The Regimental Lieutenant Colonels have included:[40]

Traditions and affiliations

Welsh Guardsmen in full dress are distinguished by the white/green/white plume on their bearskins

The Welsh Guards and other Guards regiments have a long-standing connection toThe Parachute Regiment.Guardsman who have completedP companyare transferred into theGuards Parachute Platoonwhich is currently attached to3 PARA,maintaining a tradition of the No 1 (Guards) Independent Parachute Company—the originalPathfinder Groupof the16th Parachute Brigade,now renamed the16th Air Assault Brigade.[50]

The 3rd Battalion theRoyal Welshfrom theArmy Reserveis paired with 1st Battalion Welsh Guards and will deploy on future Operations with them.[51]

One way to distinguish between the regiments ofFoot Guardsis the spacing of buttons on the tunic. The Welsh Guards, the fifth regiment in seniority, have buttons arranged in groups of five.[52]The other distinctive feature of their uniform is the presence of a white, green and white plume (hackle), worn on the left side of the bearskin.[53]

In 1810, the British Army introduced metal rank insignia for field officers (majors and colonels) and generals. This was an arrangement of Stars and Crowns. The "Star" (nicknamed a "pip" in line regiments) was actually a raised diamond shape similar to the Knight Grand Cross star of theOrder of the Garter.In 1855 metal insignia was introduced for subaltern officers (lieutenants and captains) and the star was changed to that of theOrder of the Bath.In 1855 the Grenadier Guards and Coldstream Guards were grantedOrder of the Garterstars and the Scots-Fusilier Guards receivedOrder of the Thistlestars for their service in the Crimean War. In 1919 the Irish Guards and Welsh Guards, the two newest regiments of theBrigade of Guards,received distinctive stars of their own for their service in World War One. The Irish Guards were granted theOrder of St Patrickand the Welsh Guards were granted theOrder of the Garter.[54]

Battle honours


The Welsh Guards have been awarded the followingbattle honours:[55]

First World War

Loos,Somme 1916'18,Ginchy,Flers Courcelette,Morval,Ypres 1917,Pilckem,Poelcappelle,Passchendaele,Cambrai 1917 '18,Bapaume 1918,Arras 1918,Albert 1918,Drocourt-Quéant,Hindenburg Line,Havrincourt,Canal Du Nord,Selle,Sambre,France and Flanders 1915–18

Second World War

Defence of Arras,Boulogne 1940,St Omer-La Bassée,Bourguébus Ridge,Cagny,Mont Pincon,Brussels,Hechtel,Nederrijn,Rhineland,Lingen,North-West Europe 1940'44–45,Fondouk,Djebel el Rhorab,Tunis,Hammam Lif,North Africa 1943,Monte Ornito,Liri Valley,Monte Piccolo,Capture of Perugia,Arezzo,Advance to Florence,Gothic Line,Battaglia,Italy 1944–45

Post Second World War

Falkland Islands 1982

Victoria Cross recipients


Order of precedence

Preceded by Infantry Order of Precedence Succeeded by



See also



  1. ^Representing aleek,a traditionalsymbol of Wales.


  1. ^"Army – Question for Ministry of Defence".p. 1. Archived fromthe originalon 26 February 2021.Retrieved14 December2020.
  2. ^"Welsh Guards".Naval & Military Press. Archived fromthe originalon 11 May 2009.
  3. ^"Welsh Guards".Parliamentary Debates (Hansard).18 February 1915.Archivedfrom the original on 1 March 2015.Retrieved26 April2014.
  4. ^abcde"History of the Regiment".Ministry of Defence.Retrieved26 April2014.
  5. ^"ADAIR, ALLAN HENRY SHAFTO, D.S.O., 3GG".Ww2guards.Retrieved26 April2014.
  6. ^"Details of the Sovereign's Birthday Parade from 1895 to date".Retrieved26 April2014.
  7. ^"Service in the Suez Canal Zone of Egypt until 1956".Archived fromthe originalon 21 February 2016.Retrieved26 April2014.
  8. ^"British Army in Iserlohn from 1945 to 1994".Retrieved26 April2014.
  9. ^"Welsh Guards".Palace Barracks Memorial Garden.Retrieved26 April2014.
  10. ^"UNFICYP BRITCON Units".Archived fromthe originalon 6 July 2014.Retrieved26 April2014.
  11. ^"Daniel Barrett".Archived fromthe originalon 27 April 2014.Retrieved26 April2014.
  12. ^"Fitzroy and the Welsh Guards".History Leaning site.Retrieved26 April2014.
  13. ^Freedman, Lawrence (2007).The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, Volume 2: War and Diplomacy.London: Routledge. p. 556.ISBN978-0415419116.
  14. ^"Welsh Guards".British Army units 1945 on.Retrieved13 July2018.
  15. ^"Crispin Black Profile".The Guardian.4 June 2007.Retrieved26 April2014.
  16. ^"Khmer Rouge release UN Observers".The Guardian.5 December 1992.Retrieved26 April2014.
  17. ^"Princess Diana Burial".Archived fromthe originalon 24 May 2012.Retrieved26 April2014.
  18. ^"Woman dies in Welsh house fire just an hour after strike begins".Western Mail.14 November 2002.Retrieved26 April2014.
  19. ^"HRH visits RAF St Athan to welcome back soldiers from the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards".The Prince of Wales. 1 March 2004.Retrieved26 April2014.
  20. ^"Welcome Home".South Wales Echo. 11 May 2005.Retrieved26 April2014.
  21. ^"From bearskins to Belize... it's all in a.......day's work for Guards".South Wales Echo. 19 December 2007.Retrieved26 April2014.
  22. ^Dead Men Risen: The Welsh Guards and the Defining Story of Britain's War in Afghanistan: Amazon.co.uk: Toby Harnden: Books.ASIN1849164231.
  23. ^"Toby Harnden".The Orwell Prize. 13 August 2013. Archived fromthe originalon 19 October 2013.Retrieved26 April2014.
  24. ^"UK Lt Colonel dies in Afghanistan".BBC.Retrieved26 April2014.
  25. ^"British Army units from 1945 on - Welsh Guards".british-army-units1945on.co.uk.Retrieved9 October2019.
  26. ^Information on the Army 2020 refine exercise(PDF).Marlborough Lines Andover, Hampshire United Kingdom: Ministry of Defence (UK). 2017.
  27. ^"Welsh Guards".army.mod.uk.Retrieved9 October2019.
  28. ^"Official site".The Welsh Guards Collection. Archived fromthe originalon 4 June 2014.Retrieved19 March2015.
  29. ^"Official site".The Guards Museum. Archived fromthe originalon 21 February 2016.Retrieved30 April2016.
  30. ^"Combat Infantryman's Course – Foot Guards".Ministry of Defence.Retrieved27 April2014.
  31. ^"HM King George V".British Empire.Retrieved10 December2022.
  32. ^"Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - Colonel in chief of the seven regiments of the Household Brigade taking the salute outside Buckingham Palace after last year's Trooping the Colour Ceremony".London: Gale & Polden. 1957.
  33. ^"Exceptional Jewels and Precious Objects Formerly in the Collection of The Duchess of Windsor"(PDF).Sotherby's. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 24 September 2015.Retrieved29 April2014.
  34. ^"No. 34379".The London Gazette.12 March 1937. p. 1643.
  35. ^"Lord Gowrie Colonel of the Welsh Guards".The Argus. 13 August 1942.Retrieved29 April2014.
  36. ^"Colonel of the Welsh Guards".Advocate. 10 July 1953.Retrieved29 April2014.
  37. ^"Biographies"(PDF).Prince of Wales.Retrieved29 April2014.
  38. ^Parnaby, Laura (21 December 2022)."Kate takes on Colonel of Irish Guards position from William".The Independent.Retrieved22 December2022.
  39. ^"Wales forever! The Welsh Guards celebrate St David's Day".14 April 2024.
  40. ^"Regiments and Commanding Officers, 1960 - Colin Mackie"(PDF).p. 39.Retrieved22 June2021.
  41. ^"No. 29198".The London Gazette(Supplement). 19 June 1915. p. 5948.
  42. ^"No. 30456".The London Gazette(3rd supplement). 4 January 1918. p. 261.
  43. ^"No. 32211".The London Gazette(2nd supplement). 31 January 1921. p. 847.
  44. ^"No. 32982".The London Gazette.14 October 1924. p. 7433.
  45. ^"No. 32982".The London Gazette.14 October 1924. p. 7433.
  46. ^"No. 33427".The London Gazette.5 October 1928. p. 6415.
  47. ^"No. 34092".The London Gazette.2 October 1934. p. 6178.
  48. ^"No. 34093".The London Gazette.5 October 1934. p. 6249.
  49. ^"No. 34478".The London Gazette.1 February 1938. p. 665.
  50. ^"No 1 (Guards) Independent Parachute Company".ParaData. Archived fromthe originalon 21 July 2015.Retrieved26 April2014.
  51. ^"3 Royal Welsh".Ministry of Defence.Retrieved26 July2015.
  52. ^"Ceremonial Duties".Ministry of Defence.Retrieved27 April2014.
  53. ^Weinreb, Ben;Hibbert, Christopher(1992).The London Encyclopaedia(reprint ed.).Macmillan.p. 409.
  54. ^"Army Dress Regulations (All Ranks)"(PDF).Ministry of Defence. 1 January 2011. p. 22.Retrieved29 April2020.
  55. ^"Welsh Guards at regiments.org by T.F.Mills".Archived from the original on 15 July 2007.Retrieved15 July2007.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)

Further reading

  • L. F. Ellis,Welsh Guards at War(1946)
  • Hein, David. (2001) "Hugh Lister (1901–1944): Priest, Labor Leader, Combatant Officer",Anglican and Episcopal History70: p. 353–74.
  • Ward, Charles Humble Dudley (1920),History of the Welsh Guards