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White Terror

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White Terrormay refer to:


  • First White Terror(1794–1795), a movement against the Jacobins in the French Revolution
  • Second White Terror(1815), a movement against the French Revolution
  • White Terror (Russia),a period of political repression, arrests and executions carried out by anti-Bolshevik forces during the Russian Civil War (1918–1922) and related conflicts
  • White Terror (Bulgaria),the repression of the communist September Uprising in the Kingdom of Bulgaria (1923)
  • White Terror (Hungary),a two-year period (1919–1921) of repressive violence by counter-revolutionary soldiers
  • White Terror (Spain),mass murders committed by the Nationalist movement during the Spanish Civil War and Francisco Franco's rule
  • White Terror (mainland China),the period of political repression in China which was started in 1927 by the Republic of China/Kuomintang government
  • White Terror (Taiwan),the period of political repression in Taiwan which was carried out during the years of 1949 to 1987 by the Republic of China/Kuomintang government
  • White Terror (Greece),the persecution of the EAM-ELAS between the signing of the Treaty of Varkiza in February 1945 and the beginning of the Greek Civil War in March 1946
  • White Terror (Finland),the repression which was committed by the White troops both during and after the Finnish Civil War in 1918

Titles of works


See also
