Wikipedia:Language recognition chart
Thislanguage recognition chartpresents a variety of clues one can use to help determine the language in which a text is written.
[edit]The language of a foreign text can often be identified by looking up characters specific to that language.
- and no other –English,Indonesian,Latin,Malay,Swahili,Zulu
- àäèéëïijöü –Dutch(Except for the ligature ij, these letters are very rare in Dutch. Even fairly long Dutch texts often have nodiacritics.)
- áêéèëïíîôóúûAfrikaans
- êôúû –West Frisian
- ÆØÅæøå –Danish,Norwegian
- singlediacritics,mostlyumlauts
- Circumflexes
- Three or more types of diacritics
- ÇĞİÖŞÜçğıöşü –Turkish
- ÁÐÉÍÓÚÝÞÆÖáðéíóúýþæö –Icelandic
- ÁÐÍÓÚÝÆØáðíóúýæø –Faroese
- ÁÉÍÓÖŐÚÜŰáéíóöőúüű –Hungarian
- ÀÇÉÈÍÓÒÚÜÏàçéèíóòúüï· –Catalan
- ÀÂÆÇÉÈÊËÎÏÔŒÙÛÜŸàâæçéèêëîïôœùûüÿ –French;(Ÿ and ÿ are found only in certain proper names)
- ÁÀÇÉÈÍÓÒÚËÜÏáàçéèíóòúëüï (· only in Gascon dialect) –Occitan
- ÁÉÍÓÚÂÊÔÀãõçáéíóúâêôà (ü Brazilian and k, w and y not in native words) –Portuguese
- ÁÉÍÑÓÚÜáéíñóúü ¡¿ –Spanish
- ÀÉÈÌÒÙàéèìòù –Italian
- ÁÉÍÓÚÝÃẼĨÕŨỸÑG̃áéíóúýãẽĩõũỹñg̃ -Guarani(the only language to use g̃)
- ÁĄĄ́ÉĘĘ́ÍĮĮ́ŁŃ áąą́éęę́íįį́łń (FQRVfqrv not in native words) –Southern Athabaskan languages
- ’ÓǪǪ́ āą̄ēę̄īį̄óōǫǫ́ǭúū –Western Apache
- 'ÓǪǪ́ óǫǫ́ –Navajo
- ’ÚŲŲ́ úųų́ –Chiricahua/Mescalero
- ąłńóżLechitic languages
- A, Ą, Ã, B, C, D, E, É, Ë, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, Ł, M, N, Ń, O, Ò, Ó, Ô, P, R, S, T, U, Ù, W, Y, Z, Ż –Kashubian
- ĐÀẢÃÁẠĂẰẲẴẮẶÂẦẨẪẤẬÈẺẼÉẸÊỀỂỄẾỆÌỈĨÍỊÒỎÕÓỌÔỒỔỖỐỘƠỜỞỠỚỢÙỦŨÚỤƯỪỬỮỨỰỲỶỸÝỴ đàảãáạăằẳẵắặâầẩẫấậèẻẽéẹêềểễếệìỉĩíịòỏõóọồổỗốơờởỡớợùủũúụưừửữứựỳỷỹýỵ –Vietnamese
- ꞗĕŏŭo᷄ơ᷄u᷄ –Middle Vietnamese
- ā ē ī ō ū – May be seen in someJapanesetexts inRōmajior transcriptions (see below) orHawaiianandMāoritexts.
- é –Sundanese
- ñ -Basque
- أ ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه ؤ و ئ ى ي ءArabic script
- Brahmic familyof scripts
- Bengali script
- Devanāgarī
- अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ॠ ऌ ॡ ऍ ऎ ए ऐ ऑ ऒ ओ ओ क ख ग घ ङ च छ ज झ ञ ट ठ ड ढ ण त थ द ध न प फ ब भ म य र ल ळ व श ष स ह ० १ २ ३ ४ ५ ६ ७ ८ ९ प् पँ पं पः प़ पऽ
- used to write, either along with other scripts or exclusively, severalIndianlanguages includingSanskrit,Hindi,Maithili,MagahiMarathi,Kashmiri,Sindhi,Bhili,Konkani,BhojpuriandNepalifromNepal.
- Gurmukhi
- ਅਆਇਈਉਊਏਐਓਔਕਖਗਘਙਚਛਜਝਞਟਠਡਢਣਤਥਦਧਨਪਫਬਭਮਯਰਲਲ਼ਵਸ਼ਸਹ
- primarily used to writePunjabias well asBraj Bhasha,Khariboli(and otherHindustanidialects),SanskritandSindhi.
- Gujarati script
- Tibetan script
- ཀ ཁ ག ང ཅ ཆ ཇ ཉ ཏ ཐ ད ན པ ཕ བ མ ཙ ཚ ཛ ཝ ཞ ཟ འ ཡ ར ལ ཤ ས ཧ ཨ
- used to writeStandard Tibetan,Dzongkha(Bhutanese), andSikkimese
- Ъ –Bulgarian
- Ў, no Щ, І instead of И (Ґ in some variants) –Belarusian
- rarely Ъ –Russian
- ҐЄІЇ –Ukrainian
- ЉЊЏ, Ј instead of Й (Vuk Karadžić's reform)
- ЃЌЅ –Macedonian
- ЋЂ –Serbian
- ЄꙂꙀЗІЇꙈОуꙊѠЩЪꙐЬѢЮꙖѤѦѨѪѬѮѰѲѴҀ –Old Church Slavonic,Church Slavonic
- Ӂ – Romanian inTransnistria(elsewhere in Latin)
- ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρσςτυφχψω (Greek Alphabet) –Greek
- אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת (Hebrew Alpha bet)
- Chữ Hán văn hóa vòng – Some East Asian Languages
- 위키백과에 (note commonplace ellipses and circles)Korean
- ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌㄍㄎㄏ etc. -- ㄓㄨˋㄧㄣㄈㄨˊㄏㄠˋ (Bopomofo)
- ㄪㄫㄬ -- notMandarin
- កខគឃងចឆជឈញដឋឌឍណតថទធនបផពភមសហយរលឡអវអ្កអ្ខអ្គអ្ឃអ្ងអ្ចអ្ឆអ្ឈអ្ញអ្ឌអ្ឋអ្ឌអ្ឃអ្ណអ្តអ្ថអ្ទអ្ធអ្នអ្បអ្ផអ្ពអ្ភអ្មអ្សអ្ហអ្យអ្រអ្យអ្លអ្អអ្វ អក្សរខ្មែរ (Khmer Alpha bet) -Khmer
- Ա Բ Գ Դ Ե Զ Է Ը Թ Ժ Ի Լ Խ Ծ Կ Հ Ձ Ղ Ճ Մ Յ Ն Շ Ո Չ Պ Ջ Ռ Ս Վ Տ Ր Ց Ւ Փ Ք Օ Ֆ (Armenian Alpha bet) –Armenian
- ა ბ გდ ევ ზ ჱ თ ი კ ლ მ ნ ჲ ო პ ჟ რ ს ტ ჳ უ ფ ქ ღ ყ შ ჩ ც ძ წ ჭ ხ ჴ ჯ ჰ ჵ ჶ ჷ ჸ (Georgian Alpha bet) –Georgian
- กขฃคฅฆงจฉชซฌญฎฏฐฑฒณดตถทธนบปผฝพฟภมยรฤลฦวศษสหฬอฮฯะา฿เแโใไๅๆ๏๐๑๒๓๔๕๖๗๘๙๚๛ (Thai script) -Thai
- AEIOUHKLMNPW'Hawaiian Alpha bet- Hawaiian
- ⴰⴱⴲⴳⴴⴵⴶⴷⴸⴹⴺⴻⴼⴽⴾⴿⵀⵁⵂⵃⵄⵅⵆⵇⵈⵉⵊⵋⵌⵍⵎⵐⵑⵒⵓⵔⵕⵖⵗⵘⵙⵚⵛⵜⵝⵞⵠⵡⵢⵣⵤⵥⵦⵧTifinagh,a script used forTamazight(Berber)
- ꦄꦅꦆꦇꦈꦉꦊꦋꦌꦍꦎꦏꦐꦑꦒꦓꦔꦕꦖꦗꦘꦙꦚꦛꦜꦝꦞꦟꦠꦡꦢꦣꦤꦥꦦꦧꦨꦩꦪꦫꦬꦭꦮꦯꦰꦱꦲJavanese Script,also written in Arabic and English script- very similar toBalinese scriptin letters
- ᮃᮄᮅᮆᮇᮈᮉᮊᮋᮌᮍᮎᮏᮐᮑᮒᮓᮔᮕᮖᮗᮘᮙᮚᮛᮜᮝᮞᮟᮠSundanese script,also written in Arabic and English script
Latin Alpha bet (possibly extended)
[edit]Lots ofLatinroots.
- Accented letters:â ç è é ê î ô û,rarelyë ï;ùonly in the wordoù,àonly at the ends of a few words (includingà). Neverá í ì ó ò ú.
- Angle quotation marks: « » (though "curly-Q" quotation marks are also used); dialogue traditionally indicated by means of dashes.
- Common short words:la,le,les,un,une,des,de,du,à,au,et,ou,où,sur,il,elle,ils,se,je,vous,que,qui,y,en,si,ne,est,sont,a,ont.
- Many apostrophised contractions for common pronouns and particles, i.e. wordsl'ord',less oftenc',j',m',n',s',t',or rarelyz'— only before a word starting by a vowel or, in some cases, anh.
- Common digraphs and trigraphs:
- Vowels digraphs:au,ai,ei,ou.Word-final-ez.
- Vowels digraphs (nasals):an,en,in,on,rarelyun.For all of these, thenbecomembeforeb,porm(e.g.embouchure,never *enbouchure).
- Vowel trigraphs:eau,ein,ain,oin.
- Consonant digraphs:ch,gu-.Rarelysh.Semi-consonant-ill-.
- Letterswandk,are rare and used only in loanwords, most often from Germanic languages (e.gwhisky).
- Ligaturesœandæare conventional but are rarely used (a few words are well known, e.g.œil,œuf(s),bœuf(s),most other are scientific/technical and borrowed from Latin).
- Words ending in-aux,-eux,or-oux.
- Characters: ¿ ¡ (inverted question and exclamation marks), ñ
- All vowels (á, é, í, ó, ú) may take an acute accent
- The letterucan take a diaeresis (ü), but only after the letter g
- Some words frequently used: de, el, del, los, la(s), uno(s), una(s), y
- No apostrophised contractions
- No use of grave accent
- Letterskandware rare and only used in loanwords (e.g.walkman)
- Word beginnings: ll- (check not Welsh or Catalan) double L (ll)
- Word endings: -o, -a, -ción, -miento, -dad
- Angle quotation marks: « » (though "curly-Q" quotation marks are also used); dialogue often indicated by means of dashes
- Almost every native word ends in a vowel. Example exceptions includenon,il,per,con,del.
- Common one-letter word:è.
- Common word:perché.
- Letter sequences:gli,gn,sci.
- Lettersj,k,w,xandyare rare and used only in loanwords (e.g.whisky).
- Word endings:-o,-a,-zione,-mento,-tà,-aggio.
- Grave accent (e.g., on à) almost always occurs in the last letter of words.
- Double consonants (tt,zz,cc,ss,bb,pp,ll,etc.) are frequent.
- Characters: à, è, é, í, ï, ò, ó, ú, ü, ç, ·
- Character combinationtz(also common in Basque, however) andl·l
- Syllables and words ending in-aig,-eig,-oig,-uig,-aix,-eix,-oix,-uix
- Letter sequences:tx(also common in Basque, however) andtg
- Letteryis only used in the combinationnyand loanwords
- Letterskandware rare and only used in loanwords (e.g.walkman)
- Word endings:-o,-a,-es,-ció,-tat,-ment
- Word beginning:ll-(also common in Spanish and Welsh, however)
- Common words:això,amb,mateix,tots,que
- Characters: ă â î ș ț
- Common words: și, de, la, a, ai, ale, alor, cu
- Word endings: -a, -ă, -u, -ul, -ului, -ție (or -țiune), -ment, -tate; names ending in -escu
- Double and triple i: copii, copiii
- Note that Romanian is sometimes written online with no diacritics, making it harder to identify. A cedilla is sometimes used on S (ş) and on T (ţ) instead of the correct diacritic, the comma (above).
- Characters: ã, õ, â, ê, ô, á, é, í, ó, ú, à, ç
- Common one-letter words: a, à, e, é, o
- Common two-letter words: ao, as, às, da, de, do, em, os, ou, um
- Common three-letter words: aos, com, das, dos, ele, ela, mas, não, por, que, são, uma
- Common endings: -ção, -dade, -ismo, -mente
- Common digraphs: ch, nh, lh; examples: chave, galinha, baralho.
- The letters k, w and y are rare. They are found mostly in loanwords, e.g.:keynesianismo,walkie-talkie,nylon.
- Most singular words end in a vowel, l, m, r, or z.
- Plural words end in -s.
- Characters: å, é, è, ê, î, ô, û
- Common digraphs and trigraphs: ai, ae, én, -jh-, tch, oe, -nn-, -nnm-, xh, ou
- Common one-letter words: a, å, e, i, t', l', s', k'
- Common two-letter words: al, ås, li, el, vs, ki, si, pô, pa, po, ni, èn, dj'
- Common three-letter words: dji, nén, rén, bén, pol, mel
- Common endings: -aedje, -mint, -xhmint, -ès, -ou, -owe, -yî, -åcion
- Apostrophes are followed by a space (preferably non breaking one), eg:l' omeinstead ofl'ome.
- Similar to Portuguese; the indefinite article "unha" (fem. plural), the suffix -ción and a heavier usage of the letter "x" usually sign Galician.
- Definite articles o (masc. sing.), os (masc. plural), a (fem. sing.), as (fem. plural)
- Common diagraphs: nh (ningunha)
- The letters j, k, w and y are not in the Alpha bet, and appear only in loanwords
- words:a,an,and,in,of,on,the,that,to,is,what,I(Iis always capital when talking about oneself)
- letter sequences:th,ch,sh,ough,augh,qu
- word endings:-ing,-tion,-ed,-age,-s,-’s,-’ve,-n’t,-’d
- vast majority of words end with a consonant, or sometimes with an e. Some common exceptions:who,to,so,no,do,a,and a few names likeJulia.
- diacritics or accents only in loanwords (piñata)
- letter sequencesij(capitalized asIJ,and also found as a ligature,IJorij),ei,ou,au,oe,doubled vowels (but notii),kw,ch,sch,oei,ooi,aaianduw(especiallyeeuw,ieuw,auw,andouw).
- all consonants, excepth,j,q,v,w,xandzcan be doubled.
- the lettersc(except in the sequence(s)ch),q,xandyare almost only found in loanwords.
- words:het, op, en, een, voor(and compounds ofvoor).
- word endings:-tje,-sje,-ing,-en,-lijk,
- at the start of words:z-, v-, ge-
- t/moccasionally occurs between two points in time or between numbers (e.g. house numbers).
- letter sequences:ij,ei,oa
- words: yn
- Words:'n,as,vir,nie.
- Similar toDutch,but:
- the common Dutch letterscandzare rare and used only in loanwords (e.g.chalet);
- the common Dutch vowelijis not used; instead,iandyare used (e.g.-lik,sy);
- the common Dutch word ending-enis rare, being replaced by-e.
- umlauts (ä, ö, ü), ess-zett (ß)
- letter sequences:ch,sch,tsch,tz,ss,
- common words:der,die,das,den,dem,des,er,sie,es,ist,ich,du,aber
- common endings:-en,-er,-ern,-st,-ung,-chen,-tät
- rare letters:x,y(except in loanwords)
- lettercrarely used except in the sequences listed above and in loanwords
- long compound words
- a period (.) after ordinal numbers, e.g.3. Oktober
- many capitalised words in the middle of sentences since German capitalizes all nouns.
- letters å, ä, ö, rarely é
- common words:och,i,att,det,en,som,är,av,den,på,om,inte,men
- common endings:-ning,-lig,-isk,-ande,-ade,-era,-rna
- common surname endings:-sson,-berg,-borg,-gren,-lund,-lind,-ström,-kvist/qvist/quist
- long compound words
- letter sequences:stj,sj,skj,tj,ck,än
- no use of charactersw,zexcept for foreign proper nouns and some loanwords butxis used, unlike Danish and Norwegian, which replace it withks
- doubling of consonants common, but doubling of vowels very rare
- letters æ, ø, å
- common words:af, og, til, er, på, med, det, den;
- common endings:-tion,-ing,-else,-hed;
- long compound words;
- no use of characterq,w,xandzexcept for foreign proper nouns and some loanwords;
- to distinguish from Norwegian: uses letter combinationøj;frequent use ofæ;spellings of borrowed foreign words are retained (in particular use ofc), such ascentralstation.
- doubling of consonants common, but doubling of vowels very rare
- letters æ, ø, å
- common words:av, ble, er, og, en, et, men, i, å, for, eller;
- common endings:-sjon,-ing,-else,-het;
- long compound words;
- no use of characterc,w,zandxexcept for foreign proper nouns and some loanwords;
- two versions of the language:Bokmål(much closer to Danish) andNynorsk– for exampleikke, lørdag, Norge(Bokmål) vs.ikkje, laurdag, Noreg(Nynorsk); Nynorsk uses the wordòg;printed materials almost always published in Bokmål only;
- to distinguish from Danish: uses letter combinationøy;less frequent use ofæ;spellings of borrowed foreign words are ‘Norsified’ (in particular removing use ofc), such assentralstasjon.
- doubling of consonants common, but doubling of vowels very rare
- lettersá, ð, é, í, ó, ú, ý, þ, æ, ö
- common beginnings:fj-,gj-,hj-,hl-,hr-,hv-,kj-,andsj-,
- common endings:-ar(especially-nar),-ir(especially-nir),-ur,-nn(especially-inn)
- no use of characterc,q,w,orzexcept for foreign proper nouns, some loanwords, and, in the case ofz,older texts.
- doubling of consonants common, but doubling of vowels very rare
- lettersá, ð, í, ó, ú, ý, æ, ø
- letter combinations:ggj,oy,skt
- to distinguish from Icelandic: does not use é or þ, uses ø instead of ö (occasionally rendered as ö on road signs, or even ő).
- doubling of consonants common, but doubling of vowels very rare
- usesdiacritics:ā, č, ē, ģ, ī, ķ, ļ, ņ, ō, ŗ, š, ū, ž
- does not have letters: q, w, x, y
- no longer uses ō or ŗ in modern language
- extremely rare doubling ofvowels
- rare doubling ofconsonants
- a period (.) after ordinal numbers, e.g.2005. gads
- common words:ir,bija,tika,es,viņš
- visual abundance of letters ą, č, ę, ė, į, š, ų, ū, ų
- does not have letters q, w, x
- extremely rare doubling ofvowelsandconsonants
- many varying forms (usually endings) of the same word, e.g. namas, namo, namus, namams, etc.
- generally long words (absence of articles and fewer prepositions in comparison to Germanic languages)
- common words:ir,yra,kad,bet.
- consonant clustersrz, sz, cz, prz, trz
- includes: ą, ę, ć, ś, ł, ń, ó, ż, ź
- wordsw, z, we, i, na(several one-letter words)
- wordsjest, się
- words beginning withbył, będzie, jest(forms ofcopulabyć,"to be" ).
- visual abundance of lettersž š ů ě ř
- wordsje, v
- to distinguish from Slovak: does not use ä, ľ, ĺ, ŕ or ô; ú only appears at the beginning of words.
- visual abundance of lettersž š č;
- uses: ä, ľ, and ô and (very rarely) ĺ and ŕ;
- typical suffixes:-cia,-ť;
- to distinguish from Czech: does not use ě, ř or ů.
- similar to Serbian
- letters-digraphsdž, lj, nj
- does not have q, w, x, y
- typical suffixes:-ti,-ći
- special letters: č, ć, š, ž, đ
- common words: a, i, u, je
- to distinguish from Serbian: sequences-ije-and-je-are common; verbs ending in-irati,-iran
- similar to Croatian
- letters-digraphsdž, lj, nj(lj and nj are somewhat more common than dž, although not by much)
- no q, w, x, y
- typical verb suffixes-ti,-ći(infinitive is much less used than in Croatian)
- foreign words might end in-tija,-ovan,-ovati,-uje
- special letters: đ (rare), č, š (common), ć, ž (less common)
- common words: a, i, u, je, jeste
- future tensesuffix-iće,-ićeš,-ićemo,-ićete(not found in Croatian)
- vowel sequences-ije-and-je-are very often in Serbian that is spoken in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia (ijekavica), but it does not appear in Serbia because each of those sequences are substituted with-e-(ekavica).
- uses Џ, Ј, Љ, Њ, Ђ, Ћ
- does not use Щ, Ъ, Ы, Ь, Э, Ю, Я, Ё, Є, Ґ, Ї, І, Ў
- to distinguish from Macedonian: does not use Ѕ, Ѓ, Ќ
- lettersŴ, ŵused in Welsh
- wordsy, yr, yn, a, ac, i, o
- letter sequenceswy, ch, dd, ff, ll, mh, ngh, nh, ph, rh, th, si
- letters not used:k, q, v, x, z
- letter only used rarely, in loanwords:j
- commonly accented letters:â, ê, î, ô, û, ŵ, ŷ,although acute (´), grave (`), and dieresis (¨) accents can hypothetically occur on all vowels
- word endings:-ion, -au, -wr, -wyr
- yis the most common letter in the language
- wbetween consonants (win fact represents a vowel in the Welsh language)
- circumflex accent (^) is by far the commonest diacritical mark, although diacritics are often omitted altogether
- vowels with acute accents:á é í ó ú
- words beginning with letter sequencesbp dt gc bhf
- letter sequencessc cht
- no use of the letter J, K, Q, V, W.
- frequent bh, ch, dh, fh, gh, mh, th, sh
- to distinguish from (Scottish) Gaelic: there may be words or names with the second (or even third) letter capitalized instead of the first:hÉireann.
- vowels with grave accents:à è ì ò ù(éandóstill occasionally seen but usage is now discouraged)
- letter sequencessg chd
- frequent bh, ch, dh, fh, gh, mh, th, sh
- to distinguish from Irish: prefixes are hyphenated, so capitals in the middle of words generally do not occur:an t-Oban.
- unique letters:ë,ç.
- ëis the most common letter in the language.
- the letterwis not used except in loanwords.
- dh,gj,ll,nj,rr,sh,th,xh,andzhare considered one letter instead of two.
- common words: po, jo, dhe, i, të, me
- unique letters: ċ, ġ, ħ, għ, ħ, ż
- semitic origin, fairly intelligible with Arabic
- uses il-xxx for the definite article
- uses circumflex ( ^ ): ê, î, û and cedilla ( ¸ ): ç, ş
- the wordxwe(oneself, myself, yourself etc.) appears frequently and is highly specific (xwcombination)
- ( I, i ) is the most common letter in the language
- uses eight vowels (a, e, ê, i, î, o, u, û)
- impossible to find a word without any vowel
- has lots of compound words
- distinct letterså,äandö;but neverõorü(ytakes the place ofü)
- b,f,z,šandžappear inloanwordsandproper namesonly; the last two are substituted withshorzhin some texts
- c,q,w,x,åappear in (typically foreign) proper names only
- outside of loanwords,dappears only between vowels or inhd
- outside of loanwords,gonly appears inng
- outside of loanwords, words do not begin with two consonants; this is reflected in the general syllable structure, where consonant clusters only occur across syllable boundaries, except in some loanwords
- common words:sinä,on
- common endings:-nen,-ka/-kä,-in,-t(plural suffix)
- common vowel combinations:ai,uo,ei,ie,oi,yö,äi
- unusually high degree of letter duplication, both vowels and consonants will be geminated, for exampleaa,ee,ii,kk,ll,ss,yy,ää
- frequent long words
- distinct letters:õ,ä,öandü;but neverßorå
- similar to Finnish, except:
- letteryis not used, except in loanwords (üis the corresponding vowel)
- lettersbandg(without precedingn) are found outside of loanwords
- occasional use ofšandž,mainly in loanwords (plus combinationtš)
- loanwords more common generally than in Finnish, mainly loaned from German
- words end in consonants more frequently than in Finnish, word-finalb,d,vbeing particularly typical
- letterdis much more common in Estonian than in Finnish, and in Estonian it is often the last letter of the word (plural suffix), which it never is in Finnish
- doubleöömore common than in Finnish; other doubles can includeõõ,üü,rarelyhh(for Germanch) and evenšš
- common words:ja,on,ei,ta,see,või.
- letters ő and ű (double acute accent) unique to Hungarian
- accented lettersáandéfrequent
- letter combinations:cs, dz, dzs, gy, ly, ny, sz, ty, zs(all classed as separate letters),leg‐, ‐obb(note:szalso common inPolish)
- common words:a, az, ez, egy, és, van, hogy
- letterkvery frequent (plural suffix)
- long polysynthetic words (a single word can number 30+ letters)
- relatively abundantn,q(not necessarily followed byu),u
- ubiquitous double consonants and vowels (aa,ii,qq,uu,more rarelyee,oo)
- vowelsa,i,uconspicuously more frequent thane,o(which are only found beforeqandr)
- no diphthongs except occasional word-finalai,only consonant combinations besides double consonants and(n)ngconsist ofr+ consonant
- old spellings (now abolished in spelling reform) sometimes included acute accent, circumflex and/or tilde:Qânâqvs.Qaanaaq.
- vowels with acute accent,ogonek(nasal hook), or both: á, ą, ą́
- doubled vowels: aa, áá, ąą, ą́ą́
- slashedl:ł (check not Polish!)
- nwith acute accent: ń
- quotation mark: ' or ’
- sequences: dl, tł, tł’, dz, ts’, ií, áa, aá
- may have rather long words
In addition to the above,
- doesnotuseu,ú,orų
(Mescalero / Chiricahua) (Mashgaléń / Chidikáágo)
[edit]In addition to the above,
- uses: u, ú, ų
- doesnotuseo,ó,orǫ
- lots of tildes over vowels (including y) and n
- tilde over g: g̃—it's the only language in the world to use it. Example words:hagũaandg̃uahẽ.
- b, d, and g usually do not occur without m or n before (mb, nd, ng) unless they're Spanish loan words.
- f, l, q, w, x, z extremely rare outside loan words
- does not use c without h: ch
- words:desu, aru, suru,esp. at end of sentences;
- word endings:-masu, -masen, -shita;
- letters: Japanese almost always alternates between a consonant and a vowel. Exceptions aredigraphsshiandchi,affricatetsu,gemination(two of the same consonant in a row) andpalatalization(a consonant followed by the lettery).
- a macron or circumflex may be used to indicate doubled vowels, eg.Tōkyō
- common words:no, o, wa, de, ni
(Note: Romaji is not often used in Japanese script. It is most often used for foreigners learning the pronunciation of the Japanese language.)
Hmong(Hmoob) written inRomanized Popular Alphabet
[edit]- Almost all written words are quite short (one syllable).
- Syllables (unless they are pronounced with mid tone) end in a tone letter: one ofb s j v m g d,leading to apparent "consonant clusters" such as-wj
- wcan be the main vowel of a syllable (e.g.tswv)
- Syllables can begin with sequences such ashm-, ntxh-, nq-.
- Syllables ending in double vowels (especially-oo, -ee) possibly followed by a tone letters (as inHmoob"Hmong" ).
- Roman characters with more than one diacritical mark on the same vowel. Seeabove.
- Almost all written words are quite short (one syllable, mostly less than six characters long).
- Words beginning withngorngh
- Words ending withnh
- common words:cái, không, có, ở, của, và, tại, với, để, đã, sẽ, đang, tôi, bạn, chúng, là
- The following characters (often in combination) after vowels: ^ ( + ' `? ~.
- DD, Dd, or dd
- The following character before punctuation: \
- The digits 1-8 after vowels
- The digit 9 after a D or d
- The following character before numbers: \
- The following characters after vowels: s f r x j
- The following vowels, doubled up: a e o
- The letterwafter the following characters: a o u
- DD, Dd, or dd
Chinese, Romanized
[edit]- In general, Mandarin syllables end only in vowels or n, ng, r; never in p, t, k, m
- Words beginning with x, q, zh
- Tone marks on vowels, such as ā, á, ǎ, à
- For convenience while using a computer, these are sometimes substituted with numbers, e.g. a1, a2, a3, a4
- Words do not begin withb, d, g, z, q, x, r
- Words beginning withhs
- Many hyphenated words
- Apostrophes after initial letters or digraphs, e.g.t'a, ch'i
- Many unusual vowel combinations such as ae, eei, ii, iee, oou, yy, etc.
- Insertion of r, e.g. arn, erng, etc.
- Words ending in nn, nq
- Many hyphenated words.
- Words can end in p, t, k, m, n, ng, h; never r
- Roman characters with many diacritical marks on vowels. Unlike Vietnamese, each character has at most one such mark.
- Unusual combining characters, namely · (middle dot, always aftero) and | (vertical bar). ¯ (macron) is also common.
May contain the following:
Prefixes:me-, mem-, memper-, pe-, per-, di-, ke-
Suffixes:-kan, -an, -i
Others (these almost always written in lowercase):yang, dan, di, ke, oleh, itu
MalayandIndonesianare mutually intelligible to proficient speakers, although translators and interpreters will generally be specialists in one or other language. SeeComparison of Standard Malay and Indonesian.
Frequent use of the letter 'a' (comparable to the frequency of the English 'e').
Most Polynesian languages use A E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V andʻ(sometimes written ' or Q)
- Consonants always separated by one or more vowels (fenua,Haʻapai,ʻolelo)
- Short and long vowels, written either with a macron (āēīōū) or by replication (aa, ee, ii, oo, uu)
- Frequent diphtongs (oiaue,māori)
- Words always end with a vowel
- Loanwords are translitterated (like in Japanese):Sesu Kilisito=Jesus Christ,polokalama=program)
- Frequent English or French loanwords (depending on colonial history)
- A E F H I K L M N NG O P S T U V ʻ
- ng (Tonga), h, endings in -onua (fonua)
- articlete
- frequent words: 'o, te, ki, mei, i, faka-
- English loanwords
- A E F G I L M N O P S T U V ʻ
- no K letter, uses okina (ʻ) or nothing instead (fakain Tongan isfaʻain Samoan)
- frequent use of L (le)
- frequent words:o,e,le,se,a,i,ma
- A E F G H I K L M N O P S T U V ʻ
- distinguish from Tongan: g instead of ng (tokaga)
- articlete
- h is more frequent than s (tahi)
- frequent words: ko, te, ki, mai, i, o, ne'e, e, mo, faka-
- French loanwords
East Futunan(lea fakafutuna)
[edit]- A E F G H I K L M N O P S T U V ʻ
- articlele
- frequent words: ko, le, ki, mei, i, o, mo, faka-
- distinguish from Wallisian: S is more frequent than H (tasi)
- distinguish from Samoan: letter K
- French loanwords
Note that some Turkic languages likeAzeriandTurkmenuse a similarLatin Alpha bet(oftenJaŋalif) and similar words, and might be confused with Turkish. Azeri has the letters Əə, Xx and Qq not present in the Turkish Alpha bet, and Türkmen has Ää, Žž, Ňň, Ýý and Ww. Latin Characters uniquely (or nearly uniquely) used for Turkic languages: Əə, Ŋŋ, Ɵɵ, Ьь, Ƣƣ, Ğğ, İ, and ı. All Turkic languages can form long words by adding multiple suffixes.
Turkish Alphabet
[edit]Lowercase: a b c ç d e f g ğ h ı i j k l m n o ö p r s ş t u ü v y z
Uppercase: A B C Ç D E F G Ğ H I İ J K L M N O Ö P R S Ş T U Ü V Y Z
Common words
[edit]- bir— one, a
- bu— this
- ancak— but
- oldu— was (happened)
- şu— that
[edit]- The letter "j" is only used in loanwords.
- Words never begin with "ğ"
- Look for common word endings. Tense changes in Turkish verbs are created by adding suffixes to the end of the verb. Pluralizations occur by adding-larand-ler.
- Common Tense Changes:-yor-mış-muş-sun
- Possessivity/person:-im-un-ın-in-iz-dur-tır
- Example:Yaptı,"[He] did it";Yapis the verb stem meaning "to do",-mışindicates the perfect tense,-tırindicates the third person (he/she/it).
- Example:Adalar,"Islands";Adais a noun meaning "island",-larmakes it plural.)
- Example:Evimiz,"Our house";Evis a noun meaning "house",-imindicates the first-person possessor, which-izthen makes plural.)
Azeri can be easily recognized by the frequent use ofə.This letter is not used in any other officially recognized modern Latin Alpha bet. In addition, it uses the lettersxandq,which are not used in Turkish.
- Common words:və,ki,ilə,bu,o,isə,görə,da,də
- Frequent use of diacritics:ç,ğ,ı,İ,ö,ş,ü
- Words ending in-lar,-lər,-ın,-in,-da,-də,-dan,-dən
- Words never beginning withğorı
- Words rarely beginning with two or more consonants
- Transliteration of foreign words and names, e.g.Audrey Hepburn=Odri Hepbern
- No spaces, except between punctuation marks and (sometimes) foreign words.
- Arabic numerals (0-9) sometimes used
- Punctuation:
- Period. (not.)
- Serial comma, (distinguished from the regular comma, )
- Ellipse…… (six dots)
- Nohiragana,katakana,orhangul
- May be written vertically
Note: Many characters were not simplified. As a result, it is common for a short word or phrase to be identical between Simplified and Traditional, but it is rare for an entire sentence to be identical as well.
Common radicals different between Traditional and Simplified:
- Simplified:讠钅 thực mịch môn(e.g.Ngữ bạc cơm kỷ hỏi)
- Traditional:訁釒 thực 糹 môn(e.g.Ngữ bạc cơm kỷ hỏi)
Common characters different between Traditional and Simplified:
- Simplified:Quốc sẽ này tới đối khai quan môn khi cái thư trường vạn biên đông xe ái nhi
- Traditional:Quốc sẽ này tới đối khai quan môn khi cái thư trường vạn biên đông xe ái nhi
Standard written Chinese (based on Mandarin) vs written Vernacular Cantonese
[edit]Note: Apart from Hong Kong, there are also Cantonese-speakers in southern Mainland China, Malaysia and Singapore[1],so written Cantonese can be written in either Simplified or Traditional characters.
Common characters in Vernacular Cantonese that do not occur or seldom occur in Mandarin:
- Khái tả cám lê 啲 ngô cừ miết dã 嗰 mão liếc
Some of the above characters are not supported in all character encodings, so sometimes the khẩu radical on the left is substituted with a0oro,e.g.
- o đã 0 đã
Sometimes, different Chinese characters are used to express the same meaning in Cantonese and Mandarin. If you use the one commonly used in Cantonese to express the same meaning when you are speaking or writing Mandarin, a native speaker may be confused or even find it difficult to understand, and vice versa. Some examples are: (Cantonese vs Mandarin)
- Thực vs ăn (eat) uống vs uống (drink) xí vs trạm (stand) đông lạnh vs lãnh (cold) lạc vs hạ (down) vs xuyên (wear) đọc vs niệm (read) nháo vs mắng (scold) kế vs tính (calculate) mễ vs đừng (do not) hành vs đi (walk/go) trước vs mới (then)
There are Chinese words used to construct vocabularies used in Cantonese that are not or seldomly implemented in modern Mandarin. Some examples are: (Cantonese vs Mandarin)
- Suốt ngày vs cả ngày (always) khuynh kế vs nói chuyện phiếm (talk) làm lại vs đi làm (go to work) ôn thư vs ôn tập (study) phim nhựa vs video (video) cách ly vs bên cạnh (nearby) khởi phòng vs cái lâu (build a house) nghe ngày vs ngày mai (tomorrow) ba bế vs kiêu ngạo (arrogant) làm ước lượng vs hoàn thành (finished) định hệ vs vẫn là (or) anh đẹp trai vs soái ca (handsome male) chung ý vs thích (like) sắc bén vs lợi hại (powerful) cùng chôn vs cùng / cập (and) li tuyến vs điên (crazy) tuyết quầy vs tủ lạnh (fridge)
Cantonese vocabularies constructed by Cantonese words are used in daily life in southern China and are not used in modern Mandarin. Some examples are:
- Mễ cám (don't be like this) hảo mão (ok?) chơi dã (to play tricks) làm dã (to work) liếc diễn (to watch a film/movie) ngô biết (don't know) chôn lê (come) 嗰 cái (that) cám khái dã (such thing) cừ địa (they) mị sự / miết sự (what?) mão dã (nothing) 嗰 trận (at that moment) càng lê càng nhiều (more and more) ta khái (mine) ngạnh hệ (of course) 𥄫(to peek) lâm cừ (love him/her) xách tí ta (take it to me) 嘥 phơi (everything is wasted) ngươi 啱(you are right) 𢫏 trụ (to cover something) 冚 phủng 唥(all) khấm thật (to press something tightly) 瞓 giác (to sleep) 掟 thạch tử (to throw a tiny stone) xa [a modal word to express comtemption] 噃[a modal word for reminding or warning someone] 詏 giao (to argue) hảo điểu (very angry) tâm ấp (feeling depressed in heart) 𧨾 nữ tử (to please a girl) đến cám nhiều sao (only this much) làm tốt tả (done something well)
Finally, when terms are introduced from other countries(especially the US and the UK) to China, Cantonese and Mandarin often get different translations, where Cantonese often translates according to pronunciation of the terms in English and Mandarin often translates according to the meaning of the terms. Some examples are: (Cantonese vs Mandarin)
- Sĩ (dik1 si2, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation.) vs xe taxi (chū zū chē, meaning cars for renting.), translated from Taxi.
- Xe buýt (baa1 si2, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation.) vs xe bus (gōng chē, meaning public cars.), translated from Bus.
- Nhiều sĩ (do1 si2, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation.) vs thổ ty (tǔ sī, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation.), translated from Toast.
- Tao (sou1, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation.) vs tú (xìu, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation), translated from Show.
- Sĩ nhiều (si2 do1, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation) vs tiểu điếm (xiǎo diàn, meaning small shop), translated from Store.
- 𨋢(lip1, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation) vs thang máy (shēng jiàng jī, meaning machine that elevates and lowers itself), translated from Lift/Elevator.
- Bẻ bái (baai1 baai3, has no direct meaning, translated according to the English pronunciation) vs tái kiến (zài jiàn, meaning see you again), translated from Byebye/Goodbye.
- Katakana(カタカナ) andhiragana(ひらがな) characters mixed withkanji( chữ Hán )
- No spaces
- Number system = Arabic Numerals (1,2,3 etc.)
- Punctuation:
- Period.
- Comma, (, also used in double byte)
- Quotation marks “”
- Occasional small characters beside large ones, eg. しゃ りゅ しょ って シャ リュ ショ ッテ
- Double tick marks (known as daku-on) appearing at upper right of characters, eg. で が ず デ ガ ズ
- Empty circles (known as handaku-on) appearing at upper right of characters, eg. ぱ ぴ パ ぴ
- Frequent characters: の を は が
- Originally written vertically(books, school, etc.) but mostly appears horizontal online.
- Western-style punctuation marks
- Western-style spacing
- Hangulletters(phonetic) ex: ㅂ(b in book) ㅈ(j in jump) ㅅ(s in sock)ㅊ(ch in champion) ㅍ(p in pox)
- Hangul letters used to form syllable blocks; e.g. ㅅ s + ㅓ o + ㅇ ng = 성 song
- Circles and ellipses are commonplace in Hangul; are exceedingly rare in Chinese.
- General appearance has relatively-uniform complexity, as contrasted with Chinese or Japanese.
Khmer is written using the distinctiveKhmer Alpha bet.
- rarely uses spaces
- Letters have a distinctively "taller" shape than other Brahmic scripts.
- UsesKhmer numeralsin writing ១ ២ ៣ ៤ ៥ ៦ ៧ ៨ ៩.
- Has smaller version of consonants placed below main consonants that may appear clustered
- Has 24 diacritics denoting syllable rhymes - ា ិ ី ឹ ឺ ុ ូ ួ ើ ឿ ៀ េ ែ ៃ េា ៅ ុំ ំ ាំ ះ ុះ េះ ោះ
- Uses this as a full stop: ។
Modern Greek is written withGreek Alpha betinmonotonic,polytonicoratonic,either according to Demotic (Mr.Triantafilidis) grammar orKatharevousagrammar. Some people write inGreeklish(Greek with Latin script) which is either Visual-based,orthographicorphoneticor just messed-up (mixed). The only official orthographic forms of Greek language are Monotonic and Polytonic.
Normal Modern Greek (Greek Monotonic)
[edit]- wordsκαι, είναι;
- Each multi-syllable word has one accent/tone mark (oxia): ά έ ή ί ό ύ ώ
- The only other diacritic ever used is the tréma: ϊ/ΐ, ϋ/ΰ, etc.
Pre-1980s Greek (Greek Polytonic)
[edit]Katharevousa,Dimotiki(Triantafylidis' grammar)
- Diacritics: ά, ᾶ, ἀ, ἁ, and combinations, also with other vowels.
- Some texts, especially in Katharevousa, also have ὰ, ᾳ, in combination with other diacritics.
Ancient Greek
[edit]- Diacritics: ά, ὰ, ᾶ, ἀ, ἁ, ᾳ, and combinations, also with other vowels; ῥ; tilde (ᾶ) often appears more like a rounded circumflex
- some texts feature lunate sigma (looks like c) instead of σ/ς
Greek Atonic
[edit]- Was common in some Greek media (television);
- You will see Greek characters without accents/tones;
- words:και, ειναι, αυτο.
- Automated conversion software for Greeklish->Greek conversion exists. If you notice a Greeklish text it may be useful for the Greek el.wikipedia (after conversion).
- Keep in mind: in Greeklish more than one character may be used for one letter. (example: th forΘ(theta)).
Orthographic Greeklish
[edit]- wordskai, einai.
Phonetic Greeklish
[edit]- wordske, ine;
- Omega appears as o;
- ei, oi appear as i;
- ai appears as e.
Visual-based Greeklish
[edit]- Omega (Ω or ω) may appear as W or w;
- epsilon (E) may appear as3;
- Alpha (A) may appear as4;
- theta (Θ) may appear as8;
- upsilon (Y) may appear as\|/;
- gamma (γ) may appear asy
- More than one character may be used for one letter.
Messed-up (Mixed) Greeklish
[edit]- wordskai, eine;
- combines principles of phonetic, visual-based and orthographic Greeklish according to writer'sidiosyncrasy;
- The most commonly used form of Greeklish.
Armenian can be recognized by its unique 39-letter Alpha bet:
Ա Բ Գ Դ Ե Զ Է Ը Թ Ժ Ի Լ Խ Ծ Կ Հ Ձ Ղ Ճ Մ Յ Ն Շ Ո Չ Պ Ջ Ռ Ս Վ Տ Ր Ց Ւ Փ Ք ԵՎ(և) Օ Ֆ
Georgian can be recognised by its unique Alpha bet (note some characters have fallen out of use).
ა ბ გ დ ე ვ ზ ჱ თ ი კ ლ მ ნ ჲ ო პ ჟ რ ს ტ ჳ უ ფ ქ ღ ყ შ ჩ ც ძ წ ჭ ხ ჴ ჯ ჰ ჵ ჶ ჷ ჸ
Bolding denotes letters unique to the language
- uses: ё, і, й, ў, ы, э, ’
- features:шчused instead ofщ
- the only Cyrillic language not to feature и.
- uses: ъ, щ, я, ю, й
- the only Slavic language to use ъ as a vowel; therefore it often appears between consonants
- words: със, в
- features: many words end in definite article –ът, –ят, –та, –то, –те
- uses: ј, љ, њ, џ,ѓ,ќ,ѕ
- words: во, со
- features:рis usually found between consonants, for exampleпрвин
- uses: З́, С́
- uses: ё, й, ъ (rarely), ы, э, щ
- does not use: ґ, є, і, ї, Љ, Њ
- uses: ј, љ, њ, џ,ђ,ћ
- does not use: ъ, щ, я, ю, й
- words: је, у
- features: large consonant clusters, for exampleсрпски
- uses: є, и, і, ї, й, ґ, є щ, ’
- does not use: ъ, ё, ы, э
- uses: ө, ү
- does not use: ё, й, к, щ, ъ, ы, ь, ю, я
- used only in names or borrowed words: в, е, з, ф, ц
- uses: ӕ
Arabic Alpha bet
[edit]- All languages using the Arabic Alpha bet are written right-to-left.
- A number of other languages have been written in the Arabic Alpha bet in the past, but now are more commonly written in Latin characters; examples includeTurkish,SomaliandSwahili.
- reversed question mark: ؟
- short vowels are not written, so many words are written with no vowel at all
- common prefix: -الـ
- common suffix: ة -ـة-
- words: إلى، من، على
Except in very rare case, verbs are at the end of a phrase.
- common verbs: کرد، بود، شد، است، میشود
- uses: پ، چ، ژ، گ
- words: که، به
- uses: ٹ، ڈ، ڑ، ں، ے
- many words ending in ے
- words: اور، ہے
- to distinguish from Arabic: in many texts, Urdu is written stylistically with words ‘slanting’ downwards from top-right to bottom-left (unlike the ‘linear’ style of Arabic, Persian etc.).
Syriac Alphabet
[edit]- short vowels are not usually written so many words are written with no vowel at all
- three styles of writing (estrangela, serto, mahdnaya) and two different ways of representing vowels
- basic Alpha bet in Estrangela style is: ܐ ܒ ܓ ܕ ܗ ܘ ܙ ܚ ܛ ܝ ܟ ܠ ܡ ܢ ܣ ܥ ܦ ܨ ܩ ܪ ܣ ܬ
- basic Alpha bet in Serto style is:ܬ,ܫ,ܪ,ܩ,ܨ,ܦ,ܥ,ܣ,ܢ,ܡ,ܠ,ܟ,ܝ,ܛ,ܚ,ܙ,ܘ,ܗ,ܕ,ܓ,ܒ,ܐ
- basic Alpha bet in Madnhaya style is:ܬ,ܫ,ܪ,ܩ,ܨ,ܦ,ܥ,ܣ,ܢ,ܡ,ܠ,ܟ,ܝ,ܛ,ܚ,ܙ,ܘ,ܗ,ܕ,ܓ,ܒ,ܐ
Dravidian languages
[edit]- All Dravidian languages are written from left to right.
- All Dravidian languages have different scripts. But similarity can be found in their orthography.
[edit]- Kannada has a 49 letter Alpha bet.
[edit]- common word endings:ள்ளது, கிறது, கின்றன, ம்
- common words: தமிழ், அவர், உள்ள, சில
- Tamil has a unique 30-letter Alpha bet. With the help of diacritics, as many as 247 letters can be written.
அ ஆ இ ஈ உ ஊ எ ஏ ஐ ஒ ஓ ஔ க ங ச ஞ ட ண த ந ப ம ய ர ல வ ழ ள ற ன
[edit]Telugu has 56 characters (Aksharamulu) including vowels (Achchulu) and consonants (Hallulu). Telugu uses eighteen vowels, each of which has both an independent form and a diacritic form used with consonants to create syllables. The language makes a distinction between short and long vowels.
అ ఆ ఇ ఈ ఉ ఊ ఋ ౠ ఌ ౡ ఎ ఏ ఐ ఒ ఓ ఔ అం అః క ఖ గ ఘ ఙ చ ఛ జ ఝ ఞ ట ఠ డ ఢ ణ త థ ద ధ న ప ఫ బ భ మ య ర ఱ ల ళ వ శ ష స హ
౦ ౧ ౨ ౩ ౪ ౫ ౬ ౭ ౮ ౯
[edit]The Bengali Alpha bet or Bangla Alpha bet (Bengali: বাংলা বর্ণমালা, bangla bôrnômala) or Bengali script (Bengali: বাংলা লিপি, bangla lipi) is the writing system, originating in the Indian subcontinent, for the Bengali language and is the fifth most widely used writing system in the world. The script is used for other languages like Assamese, Maithili, Meithei and Bishnupriya Manipuri, and has historically been used to write Sanskrit within Bengal.
[edit]Bengali has unique 50 letter Alphabet.
- The Bengali script has a total of 9 vowel graphemes, each of which is called a স্বরবর্ণ swôrôbôrnô "vowel letter". The swôrôbôrnôs represent six of the seven main vowel sounds of Bengali, along with two vowel diphthongs. All of them are used in both Bengali and Assamese languages.
অ আ ই ঈ উ ঊ ঋ এ ঐ ও ঔ
- The Bengali script has a total of 39 Consonants. Consonant letters are called ব্যঞ্জনবর্ণ bænjônbôrnô "consonant letter" in Bengali. The names of the letters are typically just the consonant sound plus the inherent vowel অ ô. Since the inherent vowel is assumed and not written, most letters' names look identical to the letter itself (the name of the letter ঘ is itself ghô, not gh).
ক খ গ ঘ ঙ চ ছ জ ঝ ঞ ট ঠ ড ঢ ণ ত থ দ ধ ন প ফ ব ভ ম য র ল শ ষ স হ ড় ঢ় য় ৎ ঃ ং ঁ
- has 10 diacritics denoting syllable rhymes -
া ি ী ু ূ ৃ ে ৈ ো ৌ
[edit]- The Assamese script has a total of 9 vowel graphemes, each of which is called a স্বরবর্ণ swôrôbôrnô "vowel letter" too.
অ আ ই ঈ উ ঊ ঋ এ ঐ ও ঔ
- has a total of 39 Consonants. Consonant letters are called ব্যঞ্জনবর্ণ bænjônbôrnô "consonant letter" in Bengali.
ক খ গ ঘ ঙ চ ছ জ ঝ ঞ ট ঠ ড ঢ ণ ত থ দ ধ ন প ফ ব ভ ম য ৰ ল শ ষ স হ ড় ঢ় য় ৎ ঃ ং ঁ
- has 10 diacritics denoting syllable rhymes -
া ি ী ু ূ ৃ ে ৈ ো ৌ
In modern writing,Canadian Aboriginal syllabicsare indicative ofCree languages,Inuktitut,orOjibwe,though the latter two are also written in alternative scripts. The basic glyph set is ᐁ ᐱ ᑌ ᑫ ᒉ ᒣ ᓀ ᓭ ᔦ, each of which may appear in any of four orientations, boldfaced, superscripted, and with diacritics including ᑊ ᐟ ᐠ ᐨ ᒼ ᐣ ᐢ ᐧ ᐤ ᐦ ᕽ ᓫ ᕑ. Thisabugidahas also been used forBlackfoot.
Other North American syllabics
[edit]Cherokee writing features a unique syllabary consisting of the following characters:
Artificial languages
[edit]- words:de,la,al,kaj
- Six accented letters:ĉ Ĉ ĝ Ĝ ĥ Ĥ ĵ Ĵ ŝ Ŝ ŭ Ŭ,their correspondingH-systemrepresentationch Ch gh Gh hh Hh jh Jh sh Sh u Uor their correspondingX-systemrepresentationcx Cx gx Gx hx Hx jx Jx sx Sx ux Ux
- words ending ino,a,oj,aj,on,an,ojn,ajn,as,os,is,us,u,i,aŭ
- When written in the Latin Alpha bet Klingon has the unusual property of a distinction in case;qandQare different letters, and other letters are either always (e.g. D, I, S) or never (e.g. ch, tlh, v) written in upper case. This causes a large number of words that look quite strange to people who aren't used to it, for example:yIDoghQo',tlhIngan Hol(with mixed case).
- The apostrophe is fairly frequent, especially at the end of a word or syllable.
- Common suffixes:-be', -'a'
- Common words:'oH,Qapla'
- May use one or more apostrophes in the middle of a word:SuvwI″a'
- (almost) all lowercase;
- common wordslo,mi,cu,la,nu,do,na,se;
- paragraphs delimited withni'oand sentences delimited with.i(ori);
- many five-letter words in consonant-vowel shapeCCVCVorCVCCV;
- many short words with apostrophes between vowels, likeko'api'oetc.;
- usually no punctuation except for dots;
- may use commas in the middle of words (typically proper nouns).
- Alpha bet is all lowercase except names/loanwords
- no diacritics
- only usesunvoiced consonantsin writing, e.g.p,t,k
Full Alpha bet: p, t, k, s, m, n, l, j, w, a, e, i, o, u
- common wordsli,mi,e,sina,ona,jan
- often sounds like a simplified and phonetic form of English or Swedish
- many two-syllable words
External links
[edit]- Language Identification Web Service,language detection API, 100+ languages supported
- Google Translate,Google's translation service.
- Xerox,an online language identifier, 47 languages supported
- Language Guesser,a statistical language identifier, 74 languages recognized
- NTextCat - free Language Identification API for.NET (C#):280+ languages available out of the box. Recognizes language and encoding (UTF-8,Windows-1252,Big5,etc.) of text.Monocompatible.