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Wireless Application Protocol Bitmap Format

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wireless Bitmap
Filename extension
Internet media type
Developed byWAP Forum
Type of formatImage file formats

Wireless Application Protocol Bitmap Format(shortened toWireless Bitmapand with file extension.wbmp) is amonochromegraphics file formatoptimized formobile computingdevices.

WBMP images are monochrome (black & white) so that the image size is kept to a minimum. A black pixel is denoted by 0 and a white pixel is denoted by 1.

Format of Wireless Bitmap Files[edit]

Field name Field type Size (in bytes) Purpose
Type uintvar variable Type of the image, and is 0 for monochrome bitmaps.
Fixed header byte 1 Reserved. Always 0.
Width uintvar variable Width of the image in pixels.
Height uintvar variable Height of the image in pixels.
Data byte array variable Data bytes arranged in rows – one bit per pixel. A black pixel is denoted by 0 and a white pixel is denoted by 1. The pixel order within a byte is MLP (most left pixel) = MSB (most significant bit). Where the row length is not divisible by 8, the row is 0-padded to the byte boundary.


External links[edit]