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GenreScience fiction,fantasyconvention
Location(s)Convention location changes every year
CountrySeveral, though mainly theUnited States
InauguratedJuly 2, 1939
Filing statusNon-profit,unincorporated association

Worldcon,or more formally theWorld Science Fiction Convention,the annual convention of theWorld Science Fiction Society(WSFS), is ascience fiction convention.It has been held each year since 1939 (except for the years 1942 to 1945, duringWorld War II).[1]The members of each Worldcon are the members of WSFS, and vote both to select the site of the Worldcon two years later, and to select the winners of the annualHugo Awards,which are presented at each convention.


Activities and events at the convention typically include (but are not limited to):

  • Activities to fund fan and external charities (fan fundsauctions,blood drives,etc.).
  • Art shows presenting paintings, drawings, sculpture and other work, primarily concerning science fiction and fantasy themes.
  • Autographing sessions, literary beer or coffee meetings, "Walks with the Stars", and other chances to meet favorite science fiction and fantasy professionals.
  • Awards ceremonies:
  • Costuming – both formal competition (the "Masquerade" ) and casual "hall costumes" orcosplay.
  • Dancing – one or more dances with live music or aDJ.(LoneStarCon 3had three dances in 2013, including aFireflyShindig contradance and asteampunkdance.)[2]
  • Exhibits – including photos of prominent fans and authors, historical displays, information about space and science, local information etc.
  • Huckster room, the fan term[3][4][5]for a dealers' or vendors' room – a large hall where fans can buy books, knickknacks, games, comic books, movies, jewelry, costumes and other goods.
  • Fan lounge (sometimes called the "Fanzine Lounge" ) – A place for reading, exchanging, contributing to and talking aboutfanzines.
  • Fan tables – where fan organizations and representatives of other conventions promote their groups.
  • Filkand other musical performances, music circles, and workshops.
  • Movies – an independentfilm festival,and other movies rooms showing science fiction movies, television shows, etc.
  • Gaming –live-actionand tabletopboard games,card games,androle-playing games.
  • Live theatrical performances (Klingonopera,productions ofRossum's Universal Robots,etc.).
  • Panel discussionson a wide range of topics pertaining tospeculative fiction (SF)literature; movies, audio and other media; art; graphic stories;fandomand fannish hobbies; science, technology, and society; costuming, gaming, and music.
  • Socializing in the "con suite", convention bars, and at parties (typically given by other conventions or bidders, clubs, publishers/magazines, and by private individuals).
  • Speeches or other presentations by theGuests of Honorand other program participants.
  • Other business of the World Science Fiction Society, including voting on the location of future Worldcons andNorth American Science Fiction Conventions(NASFiCs, which occur when the Worldcon is overseas) and any changes to the WSFS Constitution, which are made at WSFS business meetings during the convention.


The World Science Fiction Society administers and presents theHugo Awards,[6]the oldest and most noteworthy award for science fiction. Selection of the recipients is by vote of the Worldcon members. Categories include novels and short fiction, artwork, dramatic presentations, and various professional andfandomactivities.[6][7]

Other awards may be presented at Worldcon at the discretion of the individual convention committee. This has often included the national SF awards of the host country, such as the JapaneseSeiun Awardsas part ofNippon 2007,[8]and thePrix Aurora Awardsas part ofAnticipationin 2009. TheAstounding Award for Best New Writerand theSidewise Award,though not sponsored by the Worldcon, are usually presented, as well as theChesley Awards,thePrometheus Award,and others.[8]

Guests of Honor[edit]

Each Worldcon committee selects a number of guests of honor (or "GoHs" ) for the convention. Typically there is an author (aka "Writer" or "Pro" ) and afanguest of honor. Many conventions also have artist, editor, and science guests, and most have atoastmasterfor major events, such as the opening and closing ceremonies and the Hugo award ceremony. A few conventions have had two or even three author guests.[1]

While other conventions may select guests on the basis of current popularity, Worldcons typically select guests of honor as an acknowledgement of significant lifetime contribution to the field; while these are often well-known figures, some committees choose lesser-known figures precisely because the committee feels the guest's accomplishments deserve more recognition from the community. Selection is treated by authors, fans, and others as a recognition of lifetime achievement. As such, the tradition is to award it only to those who have been making significant contributions for at least 20 years.[citation needed]Guests of honor generally receive travel expenses, membership, and a smallper diemfrom the convention, but no speaking fees.

In order to announce guests immediately aftersite selection,Worldcon bid committees select one or more guestsbeforethe site selection vote. Fans consider it inappropriate for bids to compete on the basis of their chosen guests (so as to avoid having someone chosen by a losing bid feeling that fandom had voted against them personally), so bids do not reveal who their guests are until after the vote, and losing bids generally never reveal who they invited. This is usually treated with the same discretion as the Hugo Awards, where only a few people might know in advance who the guests will be.

World Science Fiction Society[edit]

The name "Worldcon" is owned by the World Science Fiction Society (WSFS), an unincorporatedliterary societywhose purpose is to promote interest in science fiction.[9]WSFS has no standing officers, only smallstanding committees,and a large membership composed of the members of the current Worldcon. Its main activities are running the selection (voting) process for the annual convention and various awards. The conventions themselves are run by non-profit, volunteer fan organizations, who bid to host the event.

The WSFS constitution itself is discussed and amended by the annual general meeting, known as the "business meeting", held at the Worldcon, usually as three morning sessions on successive days.[10]All attending members of the Worldcon may attend, participate, and vote at the Business Meeting, although in practice only a small number of the members actually do so. The WSFS constitution includes rules for site selection, for the Hugo Awards, and for amending itself. The business meeting also empanels a number ofad hoc committeesto deal with review of amendments and with certain administrative functions.

The only permanent ( "standing" ) committee of WSFS (as opposed to the Business Meeting) is the Mark Protection Committee (MPC), which is responsible for maintaining the society'strademarksanddomain names.[11]

Site selection[edit]

Historically, most Worldcons were held in the United States; however, beginning in the later part of the 20th century an increasing number of them have been hosted in other countries. In 2017, the75th World Science Fiction Convention( "Worldcon 75" )[12]was held inHelsinki, Finland;the 2018 Worldcon was held inSan Jose, California,and the 2019 Worldcon was held inDublin.The 2020 Worldcon was scheduled to be inNew Zealand;[13]however, due to theCOVID-19 pandemic,it was a virtual event (accessed by internet only).

The first Worldcon to be held outside the US was thesixth,in 1948 inToronto,Ontario, Canada, and the first outside North America was the15th World Science Fiction Convention,in 1957 inBayswater, London.The first held in a country where English was not the primary language was the Heicon '70, the28th World Science Fiction Conventionheld inHeidelberg,West Germany. The2007 WorldconinYokohama, Japan,was the first to be held inAsia.Other non-US Worldcons held in the 21st century have included the2003 Worldconin Toronto, Ontario, Canada,[14]the2005 Worldcon,held inGlasgow, Scotland;[15]the2009 Worldcon,inMontreal,Quebec,Canada; the2010 Worldcon,inMelbourne, Australia;[16]the2014 Worldcon,inLondon, United Kingdomand the2017 Worldcon,inHelsinki, Finland.

Sites for future Worldcons are determined by voting of the Worldcon membership.[17]Worldcons through 1970 were selected one year in advance, from 1971 through 1986 two years in advance, from 1987 to 2007, three years in advance, then from 2008 to the present, two years in advance again. For example, during the 2011 Worldcon inReno,San Antoniowas selected to host the 2013 Worldcon. The rules changes to lengthen or shorten the period were implemented by selecting two future Worldcons at the 1969 and 1984 conventions and by having the 2005 convention not select any.

To ensure that the Worldcon is relocated to different locations, the WSFS constitution requires that the proposed sites must all be at least 500 miles (800 km) away from the site of the convention at which the selection vote happens.[18]

When a Worldcon is held outside of North America, aNorth American Science Fiction Convention(NASFiC) may also be held within North America that same year. Since 1975, whenever a Worldcon site outside North America is selected, WSFS administers a parallel site selection process for the NASFiC, voted on by WSFS members at the Worldcon (or NASFiC if there is one) held one year prior to the prospective NASFiC.[17]With the2014 Worldconbeing held in the United Kingdom, members at the 2013 Worldcon inSan AntoniochoseDetroitto be the site of the2014 NASFiCand Spokane, Washington, as the site of the2015 Worldcon.[19]

In 2020, The78th Worldconwas held inWellington, New Zealand.However, due to theCOVID-19 pandemic,organizers announced during March 2020 that it would be a "virtual" con with attendees and panelists using video technologies to participate.

In 2021, The79th Worldcontook place in Washington, D.C. In 2022, the80th Worldconwould be held in Chicago, Illinois. This was announced at the 2020 Worldcon, chosen by the members of the 78th Worldcon.Jeddah,Saudi Arabiawas the other competing site. A group of writers and officers of the Worldcon have signed an open letter against Saudi Arabia's bid to host the 2022 World Science Fiction Convention, citinghuman rightsabuses and discriminatory laws.[20]

Chengdu,China hosted the81st Worldconin 2023. It was the second Worldcon to be held in Asia after the65th Worldconin Japan in 2007. Over 100 authors, including Hugo winners andUyghurwriters, signed an open letter calling for the hosting to be reconsidered due to ongoinghuman rights violations in the Uyghur region.[21]The choice of location was also criticized due to the effects of theChinese government's censorship regimeand the exclusion of authors publicly critical ofhuman rights in Chinasuch asR. F. Kuang,Xiran Jay Zhao,andNeil Gaiman.[22]

The82nd Worldconwill be held inGlasgow,Scotland in 2024. The83rd Worldconwill be held inSeattle,Washington in 2025. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia reasserted its bid for 2026, but the bid has since been replaced by one forCairo,Egypt, which will be bidding againstLos Angeles.

Convention committees[edit]

As WSFS itself is an unincorporated society, each Worldcon is organized by a separate committee (usually) legally incorporated in the local jurisdiction; in the United States, these are usually organized as501(c)(3)non-profit corporations, while in the United Kingdom, they are usually operated bycompanies limited by guarantee.The local organizers may be standalone, one-time committees (organized to hold the one event and then disbanded afterwards), or they may be organized by an existing local group. A few groups, such asMCFIin Boston, SFSFC (San Francisco Science Fiction Conventions, Inc.)[23]in northern California, and SCIFI (Southern California Institute for Fan Interests Inc.)[24]in southern California are permanent corporations established to manage Worldcons (or other one-off or rotating conventions) in different years in the same geographical area.

Like most non-media science fiction conventions, all Worldcons are managed entirely by volunteers, with no paid staff. Senior committee members typically devote hundreds of hours (not to mention thousands of dollars in travel expenses in some cases) in preparation for a particular convention. While each convention is managed separately by the local committee, an informal and self-selected group of volunteers constitute the "Permanent Floating Worldcon Committee" who volunteer for many Worldcons in different years; this group offers a measure ofinstitutional continuityto otherwise disparate legal organizations.

Recent Worldcons have had budgets running in excess of a million dollars.[25]The main source of revenue is convention membership, but Worldcons also collect fees from exhibiting dealers and artists and advertisers in publications, and some conventions manage to attract sponsorships of as much as 5% of total income. The main expenses arefacilities rentaland related costs, then (if possible) membership reimbursements to program participants and volunteers, then publications,audiovisualequipment rental, andhospitality.Traditionally, all members (except for guests of honor) must pay for their membership; if the convention makes an adequate surplus after covering operating expenses, full or partial membership reimbursements are paid back to volunteers after the convention. Most Worldcons have a small surplus, which the rules of WSFS suggest be disbursed "for the benefit of WSFS as a whole;"[26]typically at least half of any surplus is donated to future Worldcons, a tradition termed "pass-along funds".

Because of their size, Worldcons have two layers of management between the chairperson and the staff. "Departments" operate a specific convention function, while "divisions" coordinate the work of several departments. Department heads (sometimes called "area heads" ) have one or more deputies plus a large staff, or they may have no staff at all. Most Worldcons have between five and twelve division heads who form the convention executive group.

Badges and ribbons[edit]

Attendees are issued aconvention badge,displaying each attendee's name, membership number and (if desired) "fannish"nickname. The customary practice is for all attendees at the same convention (occasionally excepting Guests of Honor) to wear badges of the same design, but each Worldcon's badge design is unique to that convention.

In order for convention staff and members to identify quickly the function of other staff at the convention, Worldcons useribbonsof differing colors which are attached to convention badges to signify different roles and responsibilities. Often there are ribbons to signify rank, division, and department or specialized functions; ribbons are also used to identify program participants, other noteworthy members (for example "Past Worldcon Guest of Honor", "Hugo Award Nominee", etc.), or classes of members ( "Dealers", "Artists", "Party Hosts" ) who are interacting with convention staff. Some members of the committee may be performing a variety of current or past roles and could have a large number of ribbons attached to each other hanging from a badge.[citation needed]Extending this tradition, other groups and individuals create more special ribbons for use at the convention; these may be serious or silly. Convention badge ribbons are important memorabilia for some people, and become valuable years later because they evoke memories of events at the convention, and may be displayed in exhibits at future conventions.[citation needed]

See also[edit]


  1. ^abWorld Science Fiction Society, Long List Committee (2011)."The Long List of Worldcons".NESFA.Archived fromthe originalon January 10, 2010.RetrievedFebruary 22,2011.
  2. ^"Dances".LoneStarCon 3.Archived fromthe originalon October 23, 2020.RetrievedSeptember 9,2013.
  3. ^ErbzineArchivedNovember 25, 2018, at theWayback Machine:"Contributors in the Huckster Room"
  4. ^Boskone Huckster Room Request FormArchivedFebruary 16, 2013, at theWayback Machine
  5. ^The Enchanted Duplicator,Chapter 9ArchivedAugust 23, 2018, at theWayback Machine,"In Which Jophan Encounters the Hucksters"
  6. ^ab"Article 3: Hugo Awards".WSFS Constitution.World Science Fiction Society. 2008. Archived fromthe originalon May 20, 2011.RetrievedApril 5,2009.
  7. ^Franklin, Jon (October 30, 1977)."Star roars: this year's champs in science fiction".The Baltimore Sun.Baltimore,MD. p. D5. Archived fromthe originalon March 8, 2013.RetrievedMarch 3,2011.
  8. ^ab"Awards".Nippon2007: 65th World Science Fiction Convention.Archivedfrom the original on August 2, 2018.RetrievedMarch 15,2009.
  9. ^WSFS (2008)."Article 1: Name, Objectives, Membership, and Organization".Constitution.WSFS. Archived fromthe originalon May 20, 2011.RetrievedApril 5,2009.
  10. ^WSFS (2019)."WSFS Constitution and Standing Rules".Constitution.WSFS.Archivedfrom the original on May 5, 2020.RetrievedApril 25,2020.
  11. ^"Mark Protection Committee".WSFS Web Site.July 26, 2018.Archivedfrom the original on March 1, 2020.RetrievedApril 25,2020.
  12. ^"Worldcon 75 – 2017 Worldcon".worldcon.fi.Archivedfrom the original on January 29, 2017.RetrievedDecember 7,2016.
  13. ^"Wellington, NZ to Host 2020 Worldcon".August 19, 2018.Archivedfrom the original on May 26, 2019.RetrievedMay 26,2019.
  14. ^"The Long List of Worldcons".Archivedfrom the original on January 14, 2013.RetrievedJune 3,2018.
  15. ^Andera Mullaney (August 3, 2005)."There was a battle for the minds of the world... and we won it".The Scotsman.Archived fromthe originalon August 12, 2009.RetrievedApril 6,2009.
  16. ^Jason Nahrung (August 11, 2008)."Melbourne to host world science fiction convention in 2010".The Courier-Mail.Archived fromthe originalon August 12, 2009.RetrievedApril 6,2009.
  17. ^abWSFS (2008)."Article 4: Future Worldcon Selection".Constitution.WSFS. Archived fromthe originalon May 20, 2011.RetrievedApril 5,2009.
  18. ^"WSFS Constitution".loncon3.org.Archived from the original on January 9, 2014.RetrievedMarch 20,2015.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  19. ^"Spokane Wins 2015 Worldcon On Third Ballot; Detroit Wins 2014 NASFiC On First Round"(PDF).La Estrella Solitaria.San Antonio, TX:LoneStarCon 3. September 1, 2013. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on September 7, 2013.RetrievedSeptember 6,2013.
  20. ^"Authors condemn Saudi Arabia's bid to host World Science Fiction Convention".The Guardian.July 28, 2020.Archivedfrom the original on July 28, 2020.RetrievedJuly 28,2020.
  21. ^Brown, Lauren (March 14, 2022)."Authors come out against China as 2023 WorldCon host".The Bookseller.Archivedfrom the original on August 10, 2023.RetrievedAugust 10,2023.
  22. ^Hawkins, Amy (January 24, 2024)."Science fiction awards held in China under fire for excluding authors".The Guardian.ISSN0261-3077.Archivedfrom the original on January 24, 2024.RetrievedJanuary 25,2024.
  23. ^"San Francisco Science Fiction Conventions, Inc.: Who Are We?".May 23, 2008.Archivedfrom the original on September 2, 2018.RetrievedJune 3,2018.
  24. ^"Southern California Institute for Fan Interests, Inc".Archivedfrom the original on July 1, 2007.RetrievedJuly 2,2007.
  25. ^"Minutes of 2016 WSFS Business Meeting, Section D (Convention Financial Reports)"(PDF).Archived(PDF)from the original on April 18, 2022.RetrievedDecember 8,2016.
  26. ^"WSFS Constitution as of August 22, 2016, Section 2.9.3"(PDF).Archived(PDF)from the original on December 20, 2016.RetrievedDecember 7,2016.

External links[edit]