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Yakov Kulnev

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Yakov Petrovich Kulnev
Yakov Petrovich Kulnev byGeorge Dawe
Native name
Яковъ Петровичъ Кульневъ[a]
Born5 August 1763
Lucyn,Inflanty Voivodeship,Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth(Present DayLudza,Latvia)
Died1 August 1812 (aged 48)
Klyastitsy,Vitebsk Governorate,Russian Empire(Present DayBelarus)
AllegianceRussian Empire
AwardsSt. George3rd class (1808)

Yakov Petrovich Kulnev(Russian:Я́ков Петро́вич Ку́льнев;5 August 1763 – 1 August 1812[b]) was, along withPyotr BagrationandAleksey Yermolov,one of the most popularRussianmilitary leaders at the time of theNapoleonic Wars.Suvorov's admirer and participant of 55 battles, he lost his life duringNapoleon's invasion of Russia.

Early campaigns


Kulnev's father was a Russian Cavalry officer of lesser noble background who served in theKargopol Regiment of Dragoons.The future general was born inLucyn(present-dayLatvia), of which his father was afterwards a Mayor, and matriculated at the Infantry School for Nobility in 1785.

He joined ahussarregiment and, underSuvorov's command, took part in theRusso-Turkish War, 1787-1792,and thePolish Campaign of 1794-1795inclusive ofBrześćandPraga (Warsaw)battles.[1]The following decade of his life is obscure.

In 1807 Kulnev was put in charge of the regiment ofHrodnahussars fighting againstNapoleon.He made a name for himself atHeilsbergandFriedland,in which he famously fought his way out of an encirclement.

Finnish campaign


In theFinnish WaragainstSweden,Kulnev ledBuxhoevden's vanguard. For his part in the storm ofJakobstadhe was awarded a golden sabre. He encouragedguerrillafighting and fought with distinction atLapua,Kuortane,Oravais— three engagements which earned himOrder of Saint Georgeand the rank of Major General. Kulnev also won a notable victoryat Pyhäjokiin the early part of the war, but was defeated by a much larger Swedish forceat Siikajoki.Denis Davydov,who fought under his command in Finland, described Yakov Kulnev's exploits in his memoirs.

Kulnev crowned the campaign by leadingBagration's vanguard across the frozenBaltic Seatowards theÅland Islandsand thence toGrisslehamn,within 70 km from the Swedish capital,Stockholm.This daring manoeuvre forced the Swedes to seek peace at any cost.

Turkish campaign


Awarded for his courage withOrder of Saint Annaof the 1st Degree, Kulnev was invited to take charge of the vanguard of the Danube Army which fought against the Turks inBulgaria.

During theTurkish Campaign of 1810,Kulnev was one of Russia's ablest generals. His bold leadership made itself felt atShumla,Nikopol,Rousse,andBatin,giving the campaign a character of decision it had been lacking heretofore.

A conflict with the commander-in-chief,Nikolay Kamensky,forced him to leave the army, however.

War of 1812


AfterNapoleon invaded Russia in 1812,Kulnev was entrusted with defending the roads leading to the capital,Saint Petersburg.On July 3, his detachment took prisoner a French general and 200 cavalrymen.

On 18 July, he led 5,000 cavalrymen — who formed a vanguard ofWittgenstein's corps — against MarshalOudinotin theBattle of Klyastitsy.Taking prisoner 900 enemy soldiers, Kulnev crossed theDrissa Riverand clashed with a major French contingent. As the Russians came under heavy artillery fire, Kulnev was struck in the legs by a cannonball and lost both limbs. He died from the effects of wounds received at this engagement.


Kulnev at Klyastitsy on 1 August 1812, bySamokish

Although he did not live to take part in theBattle of Borodinoand other famous battles of the Patriotic War, Kulnev was long remembered as a tough, impetuous, hot-tempered fighter. In 1830, the spot of his death was marked by a monument, withZhukovsky's epitaph inscribed on it. In 1909, a hussar regiment was given his name. He died five days before his 49th birthday.

A typicalRomantic heroof the Napoleonic Wars, he emancipated his serfs and was reputed to live in poverty, in order to emulate the soldiers of Roman antiquity that were his ideal. It has been suggested thatDubrovsky,a protagonist ofPushkin's eponymous novel, was modeled on Kulnev: Dubrovsky is described in the text as "a dark, swarthy 35-year-old, with a moustache and a beard, a genuine portrait of Kulnev". The Russian general is also the subject ofRuneberg's poemKulneff(1848), which is part ofThe Tales of Ensign Stål:

The Russian host could vaunt the name Of many a seasoned veteran Recorded on the scroll of fame Beforeour warbegan. Barclay,Kamensky,Bagration, Were household names to every son of Finland. When they hove in sight, We could expect a fight.

But Kulnev's name was new to all Before the flame of war was blown And he came rushing like a squall, Scarce dreamed of before known. He struck like lightning from the blue So terrible and yet so new, But ne'er to be forgot, we felt, From the first blow he dealt.

English translation byCharles Wharton Stork


  1. ^Pre-1918 Russian orthography
  2. ^Old Style:25 Jul. 1763 – 20 Jul. 1812

Sources of information

  • "КУЛЬНЕВ • Great Russian Encyclopedia – Electronic version".old.bigenc.ru.2016.Retrieved3 November2023.
  • Kovalevsky, N. F. (1997).История государства Российского. Жизнеописания знаменитых военных деятелей XVIII – начала XX века.Moscow.Retrieved4 February2024.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)

Further reading

  • Жизнь, характер и военные деяния храброго генерал-майора Якова Петровича Кульнева в Польше, Германии, Швеции, Турции и в достопамятную Отечественную войну 1812 года в России. Писанная А.Н.Н-м. [Life, Character and Military Actions of Valiant Major General Yakov Petrovich Kulnev in Poland, Germany, Sweden, Turkey and in the Memorable Patriotic War of 1812 in Russia]. Parts 1-2. SPb, 1815.
  • Дух генерала Кульнева или черты и анекдоты, изображающие великие свойства его и достопамятные происшествия, как из частной, так и из военной его жизни... [The Ethos of General Kulnev, or Traits and Anecdotes Representing His Great Qualities and Memorable Incidents from His Private and Military Life]. SPb, 1817.
  • Яков Петрович Кульнев. 1763-1812. Очерк его боевой жизни. Письма к брату. Могила Якова Петровича Кульнева. [Yakov Petrovich Kulnev (1763-1812): Outline of His Military Career. Letters to His Brother. The Tomb of Yakov Petrovich Kulnev]. Moscow, 1887.
  • Елец Ю.Л. Кульнев. (К столетию Отечественной войны). [Yelets Yu.L.Kulnev. To the Centenary of the Patriotic War]. SPb, 1912.