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Yale College

Coordinates:41°18′42″N72°55′31″W/ 41.31167°N 72.92528°W/41.31167; -72.92528
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Yale College
Former name
The Collegiate School
Mottoאורים ותמים‎ (Hebrew;ʾÛrîm wə-Tummîm)
Motto in English
Light and truth
Established1701;323 years ago(1701)
Parent institution
Yale University
DeanPericles Lewis
Undergraduates6,092 (2020)[1]
United States

41°18′42″N72°55′31″W/ 41.31167°N 72.92528°W/41.31167; -72.92528
[b]The number of living alumni as of the year 2012

Yale Collegeis the undergraduate college ofYale University.Founded in 1701, it is the original school of the university. Although other Yale schools were founded as early as 1810, all of Yale was officially known as Yale College until 1887, when its schools wereconfederatedand the institution was renamed Yale University.

Originally established to trainCongregationalistministers, the college began teaching humanities and natural sciences by the late 18th century. At the same time, students began organizing extracurricular organizations: firstliterary societies,and later publications, sports teams, and singing groups. By the middle of the 19th century, it was the largest college in the United States. In 1847, it was joined by another undergraduate school at Yale, theSheffield Scientific School,which was absorbed into the college in 1956. These merged curricula became the basis of the modern-dayliberal artscurriculum, which requires students to take courses in a broad range of subjects, including foreign language, composition, sciences, and quantitative reasoning, in addition to electing adepartmental majorin their sophomore year.

The most distinctive feature of undergraduate life is the school'ssystem of residential colleges,established in 1932, and modeled after the constituent colleges ofEnglish universities.Undergraduates live in these colleges after their freshman year, when most live on the school'sOld Campus.


The coat of arms of the College is inspired by the coat of arms ofElihu Yale
Elihu Yale Memorial,St. Mary's Church, Madras

The Collegiate School was founded in 1701 by a charter drawn by tenCongregationalistministers led byJames Pierpontand approved by the General Court of theColony of Connecticut.Originally situated inAbraham Pierson'shome inKillingworth, Connecticut,the college moved toOld Saybrook, Connecticutin 1703, when Nathaniel Lynde, the first treasurer of Yale, donated land and a building. The college moved again toNew Havenin 1718, and was renamed forElihu Yale,an early benefactor, merchant, and philanthropist. Founded as a school to train ministers, original curriculum included only coursework intheologyandsacred languages.Although early faculty, includingJonathan EdwardsandElisha Williams,maintained strict Congregational orthodoxy, by the time of theAmerican Revolutionsubsequent rectors, especiallyEzra Stiles,relaxed the curriculum to include humanities and limited natural science education.[3]

Scientific courses introduced by chemistBenjamin Sillimanin 1801, made the college an early hub of scientific education, a curriculum which was grafted into Yale'sSheffield Scientific Schoolin 1847.[4]As in many of Yale's sister institutions, debates about the expansiveness of the undergraduate curriculum were waged throughout the early 19th century, with statements like theYale Report of 1828re-asserting Yale's conservative theological heritage and faculty. Later in the century,William Graham Sumner,the first professor of sociology in the United States, introduced studies in the social sciences. These expanding fields of study were integrated with graduate schools of the university and amalgamated into a course ofliberal arts education,which presaged the advent ofdivisional majorsin the twentieth century.

The relaxation of curriculum came with expansion of the extracurriculum. Student literary societies emerged as early as 1750, singing groups and student publications in the early 1800s, fraternities andsecret societiesin the mid-nineteenth century, and intercollegiate athletics by the century's end.[5]Participation and leadership in these groups was an important social signifier and a route to induction into prestigious senior societies. Thus extracurricular participation became central to student life and social advancement, an ethos that became a template for collegiate life across the United States.[6]

Harkness Towerat Yale

By 1870, Yale was the largest undergraduate institution in the country.[6]The growth of the student body prompted major growth in the college's physical campus, the greatest expansion of which occurred in 1933, when a gift ofEdward S. Harknesscreated and endowed eightresidential colleges.[7]Modeled after the college system ofOxfordandCambridge Universities,the colleges were intended to be the social and residential centers of undergraduate life while leaving academic programs under the oversight of university's departments. Two additional colleges were built by 1940, two more (Ezra Stiles CollegeandMorse College) opened in 1962, and two more (Pauli Murray CollegeandBenjamin Franklin College) in 2017.

Admission and exclusion


For most of its history, study at Yale was almost exclusively restricted to whiteProtestantmen, often the children of alumni. Documented exceptions to this paradigm include Hawaiian nativeHenry ʻŌpūkahaʻia,who became a student of Yale PresidentTimothy Dwightin 1809, and black abolitionistJames W. C. Pennington,who was allowed to audit theology courses in 1837.[8][9]Moses Simons,a descendant of a slave-holding South Carolinian family, has been suggested to be the first Jew to graduate from Yale.[10]Though his maternal ancestry is disputed, he may have also been the first person of African-American descent to graduate from any American college.[11]In 1854,Yung Winggraduated from the college and became the first student from China to graduate from an American university, and in 1857,Richard Henry Greenbecame the first African-American man to receive a degree from the college.[12]Until the rediscovery of Green's ethnic descent in 2014, physicistEdward Bouchet,who stayed at Yale to become the first African-American PhD recipient, was believed to also be the first African-American graduate of Yale College.

In the early 20th century, the student body was predominantly "old-stock, high-status Protestants, especially Episcopalians, Congregationalists, and Presbyterians" —a group later calledWASPs.By the 1970s, it was much more diverse.[13]

Enrollment at Yale only became competitive in the early 20th century, requiring the college to set up an admissions process. As late as the 1950s, tests and demographic questionnaires for admission to the college worked to exclude non-Christian men, especially Jews, as well as non-white men.[14]By the mid-1960s, these processes were becoming more meritocratic, allowing for the recruitment of a racially, economically, and geographically diverse student body.[15][16]This meritocratic transition encouraged the university to establish the firstneed-blind admissionspolicy in the United States.[14]After several decades of debate aboutcoeducation,Yale College admitted its first class of women in 1969.[17]

In recent years, the college has focused on international recruitment, quadrupling the fraction of international students admitted between 1993 and 2013.[18][19]


Sheffield–Sterling–Strathcona Hall, main administrative building of Yale College

Yale College is aconstituent schoolof Yale University and contains adependent systemofresidential colleges.Its executive officer is the Dean of Yale College, who is appointed to a five-year term by theYale Corporation.[20]The dean oversees undergraduate academic curriculum, extracurricular activities, and student discipline, but does not have direct control over the residential colleges. The position is currently held byPericles Lewis,professor ofcomparative literature.[21]

All of the college'sfacultyare members of the Yale Faculty of Arts and Sciences and are thereby jointly affiliated with theGraduate School of Arts and Sciences.Tenuredmembers of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences constitute the Board of Permanent Officers, who govern the school's curriculum and programs.[20]Most undergraduate courses andmajorsare offered under the purview ofacademic departments,divisions of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences which offer undergraduate and graduate curricula.[22]In addition, the faculties of three Yaleprofessional schools,theSchool of Art,School of ArchitectureandSchool of Forestry & Environmental Studies,also offer undergraduate programs.[23][24]

Residential colleges, which are funded and controlled by the university, have separate administration and limited self-governance. The Heads of College (before 2016 calledMasters), usually tenured faculty members, are appointed to renewable, five-year terms by the Yale Corporation to oversee the affairs of each college. Residential college deans, who are supervised by the Dean of Yale College, are in charge of undergraduate academic oversight. Each residential college is governed by its Head of College, Dean, and Fellows, and has a college council of students with limited jurisdiction over student affairs. Issues affecting multiple colleges are governed by the Council of the Heads of College, composed of the Heads of College of the fourteen colleges.

Residential colleges


The most distinctive feature of Yale College undergraduate life is the residential college system.[25][26]The system was established in 1933, through a gift by Yale graduateEdward S. Harkness,who admired the college systems atOxford UniversityandCambridge University.Each college consists of dormitory buildings surrounding an enclosed courtyard, and features a dining hall, library, and student facilities ranging fromprinting pressesto darkrooms. Each is led by a Head of College, a faculty member who serves as its chief administrator, and a Dean, who oversees student academic affairs. University faculty and distinguished affiliates are associated with the colleges as fellows. Unlike their English forerunners, the colleges do not administer academic degree programs or courses of study, but they do sponsor academic seminars that fall outside the normal departmental structure of the university, and the Heads of College host lectures and teas for the colleges that attract high-profile visitors.[27]

Harkness' gift built and endowed eight colleges, completed from 1932 to 1934. Additional colleges were opened in 1935 (Timothy Dwight College), 1940 (Silliman College), 1962 (Morse CollegeandEzra Stiles College), and 2017 (Pauli Murray CollegeandBenjamin Franklin College), bringing the present-day number to fourteen. The first ten colleges were designed inCollegiate GothicandGeorgian Revivalstyles; the two colleges built in the 1960s areModernistreinventions of the college plan. In 2007, Yale announced the construction of two additional Collegiate Gothic residential colleges nearScience Hill,which opened in 2017.

List of residential colleges


Residential colleges are named for important figures or places in university history or notable alumni; they are deliberately not named for benefactors.

Branford College
  1. Benjamin Franklin College– named forFounding FatherBenjamin Franklin.
  2. Berkeley College– named forGeorge Berkeley(1685–1753), early benefactor of Yale.
  3. Branford College– named forBranford, Connecticut,the town in which Yale was founded.
  4. Davenport College– named forJohn Davenport,the founder of New Haven. Often called "D'port."
  5. Ezra Stiles College– named forEzra Stiles,a president of Yale. Designed byEero Saarinen.
  6. Jonathan Edwards College– named for theologian andPrinceton Universityco-founderJonathan Edwards.Usually called "J.E."
  7. Grace Hopper College– named for AdmiralGrace Murray Hopper,Yale Ph.D. and computer pioneer. Until 2017, this college was named forJohn C. Calhoun,Vice President of the United States. The smallest college.
  8. Morse College– named forSamuel Morse,inventor ofMorse Code.Also designed byEero Saarinen.
  9. Pauli Murray College– named for civil rights activist, legal scholar and religious pioneerPauli Murray.
  10. Pierson College– named for Yale's first rector,Abraham Pierson.
  11. Saybrook College– named forOld Saybrook, Connecticut,where Yale was briefly located.
  12. Silliman College– named for noted scientist and Yale professorBenjamin Silliman.About half of its structures were originally part of theSheffield Scientific School.
  13. Timothy Dwight College– named for the two Yale presidents of that name,Timothy Dwight IVandTimothy Dwight V.Usually called "T.D."
  14. Trumbull College– named forJonathan Trumbull,18th-century governor of Connecticut.

Student organizations


Singing groups


Yale College has been called "the epicenter of college singing," both for its long history of singing groups and its centrality in establishingcollegiate a cappellain the United States. The earliest choral group, the Beethoven Society, dates to 1812 and emerged in the mid-nineteenth century as theYale Glee Club.[28]Althoughglee clubsaround the country had spawned small collegiate ensembles since that time, the all-senior, all-maleWhiffenpoofs,formed in 1909, are often considered to be the oldest collegiate a cappella society in the United States.[29][30]Formalizing a style pioneered by blackbarbershop groupsin New Haven, their repertoire was amplified by the founding of similar groups across the country.[29]Coeducation in 1969 made possible all-women's groups and mixed groups. In all, there are now at least eighteen undergraduate a cappella groups in Yale College, ranging from a Slavic chorus to Christian a cappella.[31]



Student publications at Yale date back as far as 1806, but the earliest still in print, theYale Literary Magazine,was founded in 1836 and is believed to be the oldest surviving literary review in the United States.[32][33]Undergraduate publications like theYale Banner,a yearbook, andThe Yale Record,a humor magazine, followed suit, often around the same time similar publications were established at Harvard and Princeton.[34]TheYale Daily News,established in 1878, was a relative latecomer but became the flagship campus daily, and continues to publish during every weekday of the undergraduate academic term. These publications have been joined by many 20th-century debuts, includingThe Yale HeraldandThe New Journal.

Secret societies

TheMoorish"Tomb" ofScroll and Key,one of the college's richest senior societies

In 1832, a rift overPhi Beta Kappainductions between the college's two debating societies,LinoniaandBrothers in Unity,caused seniors to establish the firstsecret societyat the university,Skull and Bones.[35]Skull and Bones "tapped" select juniors for membership as seniors, a ritual later adopted by all undergraduate senior societies. Since then, senior societies have proliferated at Yale, with recent estimates of 41 existing societies and senior class membership ranging from ten to fifty percent of each class.[36][37][38]Although once carefully guarded, the "secrecy" of these senior societies is dubious; their existence is widely known and membership rolls for most are published yearly. Ten present-day societies—Skull and Bones,Scroll and Key,Book and Snake,Wolf's Head,Elihu,Berzelius,St. Elmo,Manuscript,Shabtai,andMace and Chain—have private buildings near campus; many other societies have a fixed on-campus meeting space where they meet twice a week.[37]Some of the oldest society buildings are enclosed and windowless; members refer to them as "tombs."

Their activities have varied over time and across societies, but most societies meet for dinners, discussion, drinking, and long-form disclosure of members' life history.[36][39]Despite a long history of social exclusion—of Jews and women in particular—many of these societies have prioritized membership diversity in the last several decades.[40][41][42]The semi-secrecy and influential membership of Yale's older senior societies has attracted wide interest and scrutiny, particularly when both2004 U.S. presidential candidateswere members of Skull and Bones.[37][39][43]



  1. ^"Common Data Set 2019–2020"(PDF).Yale University.RetrievedMarch 5,2020.
  2. ^"Alumni (living) by Yale school".Yale University Office of Institutional Research. Archived fromthe originalon July 1, 2014.RetrievedMarch 23,2014.
  3. ^Pierson, George W.(2004).Yale: A Short History(2nd ed.). Stinehour Press.RetrievedJune 24,2014.
  4. ^Conniff, Richard (March 2015)."How The Sciences Came to Yale".Yale Alumni Magazine.RetrievedApril 29,2015.
  5. ^Kelley, Brooks Mather (1999).Yale: A History(2nd ed.). New Haven:Yale University Press.ISBN9780300078435.
  6. ^abThelin, John R. (2013).A History of American Higher Education(2nd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.ISBN9781421404998.
  7. ^Pierson, George W. (1955).Yale: The University College, 1921–1937.New Haven: Yale University Press.
  8. ^Schiff, Judith Ann (July 2004)."Aloha Blue".Yale Alumni Magazine.RetrievedApril 29,2015.
  9. ^Schiff, Judith (January 2006)."Pioneers".Yale Alumni Magazine.Archived fromthe originalon December 28, 2014.RetrievedMay 28,2015.
  10. ^Oren, Dan (1986).Joining the Club: A History of Jews and Yale.New Haven: Yale University Press.
  11. ^Kaminer, Ariel (March 16, 2014)."New Contenders Emerge in Quest to Identify Yale's First African-American Graduate".The New York Times.RetrievedMay 28,2015.
  12. ^Schiff, Judith (May 2014)."The life of Richard Henry Green".Yale Alumni Magazine.RetrievedMay 28,2015.
  13. ^Jerome Karabel (2006).The Chosen: The Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton.Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. p.23.
  14. ^abKabaservice, Geoffrey (December 1999)."The Birth of a New Institution".Yale Alumni Magazine.Archived fromthe originalon April 2, 2015.RetrievedMay 28,2015.
  15. ^Karaben, Jerome (2005).The Chosen: The Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton.Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.ISBN9780618773558.
  16. ^Soares, Joseph A. (2007).The Power of Privilege: Yale and America's Elite Colleges.Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.ISBN9780804756389.
  17. ^"Yale Will Admit Women in 1969; May Have Coeducational Housing".Harvard Crimson.November 15, 1968.RetrievedApril 1,2015.
  18. ^Wildavsky, Ben (2012).The Great Brain Race: How Global Universities are Reshaping the World.Princeton University Press. p. 33.ISBN9780691154558.
  19. ^Christofforsen, John (August 30, 2012)."Yale President Levin Stepping Down after 20 Years".Associated Press.RetrievedJuly 29,2014.
  20. ^ab"The Yale Corporation By-Laws".Yale University. September 28, 2013.RetrievedMarch 26,2014.
  21. ^"Office of the Dean".Yale College.RetrievedFebruary 10,2023.
  22. ^Unlike many American universities, Yale does not have a system of divisionalminors.
  23. ^"Faculty Handbook"(PDF).Yale University Office of the Provost. August 2013.RetrievedMarch 26,2014.
  24. ^"Yale College Programs of Study, Forestry & Environmental Studies".Yale College Dean's Office.RetrievedMarch 26,2014.
  25. ^"Residential Colleges".Yale College.RetrievedMarch 26,2014.
  26. ^Ryan, Mark B. (2001).A Collegiate Way of Living: Residential Colleges and a Yale Education(PDF).New Haven, CT:Jonathan Edwards College.p. 19.ISBN9781402850615.RetrievedMarch 26,2014.
  27. ^"Residential College Seminar Program".
  28. ^Winstead, J. Lloyd (2013).When Colleges Sang: The Story of Singing in American College Life.University of Alabama Press. p. 58.ISBN9780817317904.
  29. ^abDuchan, Joshua S. (2012).Powerful Voices: The Musical and Social World of Collegiate A Cappella.University of Michigan Press.ISBN9780472118250.
  30. ^Howard, James M. (1959)."An Authentic Account of the Founding of the Whiffenpoofs"(PDF).Archived fromthe original(PDF)on July 18, 2011.RetrievedJuly 29,2014.
  31. ^Winstead 2013,p. 231.
  32. ^Kelley 1999,pp. 226.
  33. ^Mott, Frank L. (1930).A History of American Magazines, 1741–1850.Vol. 1. Harvard University Press. p. 488.ISBN9780674395503.
  34. ^Welch, Lewis Sheldon;Camp, Walter(1899).Yale, her campus, class-rooms, and athletics.Boston: L. C. Page and Company.RetrievedMarch 23,2014.
  35. ^Schiff, Judith (September–October 2004)."How The Secret Societies Got That Way".Yale Alumni Magazine.RetrievedJuly 29,2014.
  36. ^abAlden Branch, Mark (July–August 2014)."Open Secrets".Yale Alumni Magazine.RetrievedAugust 5,2014.
  37. ^abcSchenkel, Ben (March 30, 2012)."Tapping in".Yale Herald.Archived fromthe originalon March 5, 2014.RetrievedJuly 29,2014.
  38. ^Robbins, Alexandra."George W., Knight of Eulogia".The Atlantic.RetrievedJuly 29,2014.
  39. ^abRobbins, Alexandra (2002).Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power.Little, Brown.ISBN9780759527379.
  40. ^Oren, Dan A. (1986).Joining the Club: A History of Jews and Yale.New Haven: Yale University Press.ISBN9780300033304.
  41. ^"Yale Alumni Block Women in Secret Club".The New York Times.September 6, 1991.RetrievedFebruary 28,2009.
  42. ^Brown, Buster (February 25, 2013)."Skull & Bones: It's Not Just for White Dudes Anymore".The Atlantic.RetrievedJuly 29,2014.
  43. ^Taylor, Frances Grandy (March 30, 2000)."Yale's Not-so- Secret Societies".Hartford Courant.RetrievedJuly 29,2014.
  44. ^Aunt Phillis's Cabin: or, Southern Life As It Is– M. H. Eastman (1852)

Further reading
