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Yan Shigu

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Yan Shigu
Traditional ChineseNhan sư cổ
Simplified ChineseNhan sư cổ

Yan Shigu(Chinese:Nhan sư cổ;Wade–Giles:Yen Shih-ku) (581–645), formal nameYan Zhou(Nhan trứu), but went by thecourtesy nameofShigu,was a famousChinesehistorian,linguist,politician, and writer of theTang dynasty.


Yan was born in Wannian (Vạn năm,in modernXi'an, Shaanxi). His ancestors were originally fromLangya(modern-dayLinyi, Shandong). Yan's grandfatherYan Zhituiwas an official under theNorthern Qi.After the fall of Northern Qi, Zhitui became an official of theNorthern Zhou,and moved his family toGuanzhong.His sonYan Silu,Yan's father, was also an official, and served in the residence ofLi Shimin.

Yan was well-read during his youth and was familiar with philology. Recommended by Li Gang (Lý Cương), he was given a post at Anyang county (nowXiangyang,Hubei) during the reign ofEmperor Wen of Sui.One of his father's old friends, Xue Daoheng (Tiết nói hành), was impressed by Yan's talent, and often asked for his comments on his new works. For some reason, Yan Shigu was later dismissed, and took up residence atChang'an.During the next ten years he lived in poverty and taught for a living. He was later granted several important official posts during theTang dynasty.Yan was promoted when Li Shimin ascended the throne, but resumed his duty after his mother's funeral.

After years of struggle, Yan was then demoted, but was subsequently ordered to revise theFive Classicsin the library. He wrote commentaries on severalChinese classic textssuch as theShijiand theBook of Han.According to theNew Book of Tang,he died on the road during an expedition toGoguryeoin 645.

Ancestors and descendants[edit]

Yan Zhitui's father was Yan Xie ( nhan hiệp; 498 - 539[1]). Yan Xie's father wasYan Jianyuan.

Yan Yuansun ( nhan nguyên tôn, the author ofGanlu Zishu) was Yan Shigu's descendant.


  1. ^According to Yan Xie's biography inBook of Liang,he was 42 (by East Asian reckoning) when he died. ( đại đồng 5 năm, tốt, khi năm 42. )Liang Shu,vol.50. Thus by calculation, his birth year should be 498.

External links[edit]