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Yazoo stream

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Yazoo stream[1]

AYazoo stream(also called aYazoo tributary[2]) is ageologicandhydrologicterm for anytributarystream that runs parallel to, and within thefloodplainof a larger river for considerable distance, before eventually joining it. This is especially the characteristic when such a stream is forced to flow along the base of the main river'snatural levee.[3]Where the two meet is known as a "belatedconfluence"or a" deferred junction ". The name is derived from an exterminated Native American tribe, theYazoo Indians.[4]The Choctaw word is translated to "River of Death" because of the strong flows under its bank full stage.[5]


Montana and Jordan Creeks[6]

Yazoo River


Yazoo Riverruns parallel to theMississippi Riverfor 280 km (170 mi) before converging,[7]being constrained from doing so upstream by the river's natural and man-madelevees.

Mossy Creek


Moesianstream/flow is a parallel derivative remnant ofpaleoriver.Many Yazoo streams are actually paleo-remnants of just one original river. The good examples of moesian flow areMossy Creek,MissouriandJezava,Morava.[8]

Montana and Jordan creeks

Montana Creek, bankfull stage[9]

Important salmonoid fish habitat and large spruce forests inhabit these streams which flow into theMendenhall Riverin Alaska.[6]

Tributaries of the Wakarusa River


Yazoo streams here drain the back swamps of theWakarusa RiverValley.[10]



Natural levees


Over time, the main river flows through the landscape, widening a valley and creating afloodplain.Sedimentaccumulates and creates a naturallevee.Tributariesthat want to enter the main channel are not allowed because of this levee. Instead, the water then enters the back swamps, or form a yazoo stream.[11]Because yazoo streams are separated from the main river by natural levees, they flow and meander (streams and rivers rarely flow in straight lines) parallel to the main stream channel or river on thefloodplainfor a considerable distance. These series of smooth bends or curves flows with a slight gradient, and is normally blocked from entering by a natural levee[12]along the larger stream. A yazoo stream will join the major river where it will eventually break through the natural levees and flow into the larger waterway at its belated confluence.

Mendenhall Glacier[13]

Yazoo stream formation can also be influenced by glacial processes. An example is the formation of the Montana Creek valley during the recentLittle Ice Age.TheMendenhall Glaciercarved out a widefloodplainthat is domed in the center. High valley walls due totectonic upliftandglacial outwash(the natural levee) create two yazoo streams that parallel the Mendenhall River.[6]

Flooding and human influence


Floods are a major driving force for yazoo streams. In the Yazoo Basin,settlerswere faced with high waters for most of the year, making it hard for building homes and maintaining agriculture. A few man-madeleveeswere built to improve conditions. In 1927, large floods ravaged the area, allowingCongressto take action into building dams and more levees to reduce the risk of floods.[14]

Human alteration withinwetlandsand streams have resulted in a decrease in ecological functions and associated benefits to society. Miles of streams are in poor condition with highnitrogenandphosphorusconcentrations. Yazoo streams have been altered through intense agricultural activities and flood control measures. Low water, excessive sedimentation, and the accumulation ofpesticidessuch asDDTare the consequences of human disturbances.[15]


  1. ^"Life Cycle".jsu.edu.RetrievedNovember 28,2015.
  2. ^"Channel Avulsion Archives and Morphological Readjustment near the Bhagirathi-Mayurakshi Confluence in the Lower".CiteSeerX10.1.1.889.9498.{{cite journal}}:Cite journal requires|journal=(help)
  3. ^Robert L Bates, Julia A Jackson, ed.Dictionary of Geological Terms: Third Edition,p. 568,American Geological Institute(1984).
  4. ^"Definition of" yazoo "by Emily Hiestand: Home Ground".test.ourhomeground.RetrievedNovember 28,2015.
  5. ^Johnson's Universal Cyclopædia: A Scientific and Popular Treasury of Useful Knowledge.A.J. Johnson. January 1, 1890.
  6. ^abc"The City and Borough of Juneau".juneau.org.RetrievedNovember 28,2015.
  7. ^Yazoo River,The Columbia Encyclopedia,Sixth Edition 2006
  8. ^Cosmo, Lepota L. (2019).Interoceanic Waterways Network System, Integrated Systems: Hydrology of the Future.Waters, Vol. 2 (1), 25-40. DOI: 10.31058/j.water.2019.11002[1]
  9. ^"National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service".water.weather.gov.RetrievedNovember 28,2015.
  10. ^Vepraskas, Michael J.; Craft, Christopher B. (November 25, 2015).Wetland Soils: Genesis, Hydrology, Landscapes, and Classification, Second Edition.CRC Press.ISBN9781439898000.
  11. ^"Meander Formation and Features of Meandering Streams".indiana.edu.RetrievedNovember 28,2015.
  12. ^"Floodplain – The shape of the land, Forces and changes, Spotlight on famous forms, For More Information".scienceclarified.RetrievedNovember 28,2015.
  13. ^"The City and Borough of Juneau".RetrievedNovember 28,2015.
  14. ^"Proceedings of the second international symposium on the management of large rivers for fisheries: Volume II".fao.org.RetrievedNovember 29,2015.
  15. ^Berkowitz, Jacob Franklin (June 30, 2013)."Incorporating Science-Based Approaches into the Rapid Assessment of Wetlands and Streams: Validation, Restoration Trajectory, and Method Development".etd.lsu.edu.RetrievedNovember 29,2015.