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Yoseikan(Dưỡng chính quán,Yōseikan)is the name given to adojobuilt in November 1931 inShizuoka,Japan.

The Dojo


The brother and friends of MasterMinoru Mochizukibuilt this dojo for him while he was recovering frompleurisyandpulmonary tuberculosis.When the dojo was built, a friend of the Mochizuki family (aphilosophyteacher) called it Yōseikan. Mochizuki immediately adopted the name since it means "the place to cultivate truth/righteousness". It reflected his teacher's ideals and it reinforced the positive attitude of "Mutual welfare and prosperity" he had always promoted. The official opening of the dojo was held in November 1931 and many dignitaries from Tokyo, includingMorihei Ueshiba,AdmiralIsamu Takeshita,and General Makoto Miura attended.[1]It had to be rebuilt afterWorld War IIduring which it was burnt down.

The Yōseikan served as the centre for many martial arts in Shizuoka until the 1970s. The martial arts taught at the dojo includedAikido,Judo,Karate,andTenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu.In the 1970s it became the home to Mochizuki's composite martial art,Yoseikan Budo.

See also


