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Zagreb rocket attacks

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Zagreb rocket attacks
The body of Ana Mutevelić lying on the intersection of Vlaška and Draškovićeva streets
Date2–3 May 1995
TargetDowntown Zagreb
Zagreb Airport
Attack type
Artillery rocket attack
Weapons262 mmM-87 Orkanmultiple rocket launcherarmed withcluster bombs
PerpetratorsArmy of the Republic of Serb Krajina
MotiveRetaliation forCroatian Armyoffensive inOperation Flash

TheZagreb rocket attackswere tworocketattacks conducted by theArmyof theRepublic of Serbian Krajinathat usedmultiple rocket launchersto strike theCroatiancapital ofZagrebduring theCroatian War of Independence.The attack killed seven[2][3]and wounded over 200 Croatian and foreign civilians and was carried out on 2 May and 3 May 1995 as retaliation for the Croatian army's offensive inOperation Flash.The rocket attacksdeliberately targetedcivilian locations. Zagreb was the largest of several cities hit by the attack. It was not the only instance in the war in Croatia thatcluster bombswere used in combat.[1]

TheInternational Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia(ICTY) characterized the attack as acrime against humanityand convicted Croatian Serb leaderMilan Martićof ordering the attack.



During the early part of the war, the Croatian capital Zagreb was spared from devastation, as it was far from the frontlines. Serb GeneralMilan Čeleketićannounced to the press on 24 March 1995, more than a month prior to the attack, that should a Croatian offensive be launched, he expected to respond by targeting the "weak points," that is, "the parks of the Croatian cities" and added: "We know who the people in the parks are; civilians."[4]

In May 1995 Croatia launchedOperation Flash,which recaptured the area of westernSlavonia(UNPAsector West) that had been under Serb control since 1991. In neighboringBosnia,the leader of theRepublika Srpska,Radovan Karadžić,threatened to send help to the Serbs in Croatia.[5]Following the rapid collapse of the Serb defence in the area, Serb leaderMilan Martićordered Serb rocket artillery units in the self-proclaimedRepublic of Serbian Krajinato fire missiles on the capital of Zagreb.KarlovacandSisakwere also subjected to retaliatory attacks.

The Yugoslav-producedOrkan262 mmmultiple rocket launchers(MRL) fires M-87 non-guided missiles. The ones fired against Zagreb were armed with aviationcluster bombwarheads (calledcassette bombsorJinglebell), each of which contains 288 "bomblets" (smaller ammunition) which are ejected at a height of 1,000 meters above the target area. Upon impact, each bomblet explodes and releases 420pellets,the lethal range of each of which is ten meters. This means that each rocket releases around 120,000 of these pellets,[6]which have been characterized as designed specifically to kill or maim local infantry.[7]


An injured woman is tended to onMažuranić Square,downtown Zagreb

On 1 May, a meeting was held between leaders of the RSK. Although negotiations were on-going, Martić and Čeleketić were not in favor of a peaceful solution. At 1 pm on 1 May, Milan Čeleketić ordered, with Martić present, an artillery barrage on Sisak which was opened at 5 pm that day. On the same day, an M-87Orkanrocket artillery unit fromKninwas redeployed toVojnić(about 50kmsouth of Zagreb).[6]

The first attack occurred on 2 May, at 10:25 in the morning. At the time, many civilians were in the streets. The targets hit included the Strossmayer promenade, Petrinjska street and Vlaška street where a tram full of passengers was hit. TheClassical Gymnasiumlocated in the city centre was also hit, as well asZagreb Airport.In total, five civilians were killed and 146 injured.[8]

The second attack occurred the following day, at 12:10 in the afternoon. The children's hospital in Klaićeva street, theCroatian National Theatrebuilding (which housedRussian,UkrainianandBritishballet dancers at the time, some of whom were wounded) and the Courthouse atNikola Šubić Zrinski Squarewere among those hit.[9]

Two civilians were killed that day and 48 injured,[8]which were less than the day before due to many people avoiding public areas following the first attack. Most of the missiles targeted the city center and surrounding streets, which were most likely to be filled with civilians in the morning. In total, seven people were killed and about 200 injured (of which about 100 seriously) from these attacks.


A plaque commemorating victims of the rocket attack

On 3 May,Slobodan Milošević,President of Serbiaat the time, instructedYugoslav ArmyChief of the General StaffMomčilo Perišićto call Čeleketić and forbid further strikes against Zagreb.[10]

After 4 May and the end of Operation Flash, United Nations Special EnvoyYasushi Akashimet with Martić and condemned him for the attack. Martić then threatened to resume the attacks and spoke of "massive rocket attacks on Zagreb which would leave 100,000 people dead."[6]

On October 10, 2013, a cluster bomb which failed to detonate was discovered on the roof of the Klaićeva children's hospital, 18 years after the attacks. After surgery on several patients had been completed, the Zagreb police bomb disposal squad was given clearance to detonate the ordnance. No one was injured in the detonation.[11]

In May 2013,city mayorMilan Bandićopened a museum in Petrićeva St. dedicated to the tragedy.[12]

War crimes charges by the ICTY


Milan Martić, President of the Republic of Serbian Krajina and Supreme Commander of the SVK, ordered the shelling of three Croatian cities: Zagreb,SisakandKarlovac.On 2 May 1995, at approximately 10:25 hours, on the order of Milan Martić, General Čeleketić of the SVK ordered his subordinates to fire an Orkan Multiple Barrel Rocket Launcher fitted with "cluster bomb"warheads from the area ofPetrova Gorainto the central part of Zagreb and the airport (Pleso). These rockets impacted in several locations within the central commercial district of Zagreb, primarily the areas of Stara Vlaška Street, Josip Juraj Strossmayer Square and Krizaniceva Street. During this unlawful attack, at least five civilians were killed and at least 146 civilians wounded. On 3 May 1995, at approximately 12:10 hours on the orders of Milan Martic, the Orkan Multiple Barrel Rocket Launcher fitted with "cluster bomb" warheads was once again fired from the area of Petrova Gora into the centre of Zagreb. Rockets impacted in the areas of Klaiceva Street, Meduliceva Street, Ilica Street and near the Croatian National Theatre. This unlawful attack caused the deaths of two civilians and wounded forty-eight others.[13]

— War Crimes Indictment againstMomčilo Perišić

Immediately following the attacks, Martić appeared on Serb television and publicly boasted about ordering the attacks. This video was later used against him during his trial at theInternational Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia(ICTY) after he was indicted for war crimes.[8]The attack on Zagreb was one of the main points of the indictment against him, to which he confessed, but claimed it was a "legitimate action against the enemy". On June 12, 2007, he was sentenced to 35 years in prison.[6]

Perišić, was also indicted for his role in the rocket attack.[13]He was sentenced to 27 years in prison because the judges ruled that he had effective control over theSVKcommanders since he issued orders to them and initiated disciplinary proceedings against them; therefore he was responsible for the failure to punish those who launched the rockets on Zagreb.[14][15]In February 2013, Perišić was acquitted on all counts and released upon appealing his conviction.[16]

In the mid-morning of the 2nd of May 1995, without warning, severalOrkan rocketsstruck locations in Zagreb, including themain square,several shopping streets, a school, the village ofPlesonear Zagreb airport and the airport itself. Five persons, all civilians, were killed in these attacks and at least 160 persons were severely injured. Many of these victims still today suffer from their injuries. At midday the following day, 3rd May 1995, Zagreb was again shelled by Orkan rockets. The areas hit were theCroatian National TheatreatMarshal Tito Square,a children’s hospital, as well as another square. These attacks claimed two lives and injured 54 people. Many of these victims also still suffer from their injuries.[7]

— The ICTY in its verdict against Milan Martić


  1. ^ab"Meeting the Challenge – I. The Technological Evolution and Early Proliferation and Use of Cluster Munitions".Human Rights Watch. November 22, 2010.RetrievedOctober 3,2011.
  2. ^"Prosecutors Seek Life Sentence for War Crimes Suspect Martic".Voice of America.January 10, 2007.RetrievedJune 12,2007.
  3. ^"War crimes suspects surrender to tribunal".BBC News.May 15, 2002.RetrievedJanuary 2,2011.
  4. ^"Transcript".International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.March 8, 1996. p. 144. Archived fromthe originalon June 1, 2004.RetrievedJune 12,2007.
  5. ^"Serbs Attack Zagreb With Cluster Bombs / Step toward full-scale war".San Francisco Gate.May 3, 1995.RetrievedOctober 3,2011.
  6. ^abcd"Summary of Judgement for Milan Martić".International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.June 12, 2007. Archived fromthe originalon August 18, 2007.RetrievedJune 12,2007.
  7. ^ab"Judgement Summary for Milan Martić"(PDF).The Hague: International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. June 12, 2007.RetrievedAugust 7,2011.
  8. ^abc"Amended Indictment – Milan Martić"(PDF).International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.RetrievedJune 12,2007.
  9. ^Roger Cohen (May 4, 1995)."Rebel Serbs Pound Zagreb for Second Day".The New York Times.RetrievedJanuary 2,2010.
  10. ^Armatta, Judith (2010).Twilight of Impunity: The War Crimes Trial of Slobodan Milosevic.Durham, North Carolina:Duke University Press.p. 396.ISBN978-0-8223-4746-0.
  11. ^Ravenšćak, Ana Škiljić."Pogledajte trenutak kad je eksplodirao 'zvončić'!"[See the moment when it exploded 'Bellflower'!] (in Croatian). Photo: Jakov Novak/VLM. Vecernji.hr.RetrievedMay 2,2014.
  12. ^"Muzej granatiranja Zagreba u Petrićevoj"(in Croatian). zagreb.hr. May 3, 2013.RetrievedJuly 26,2018.
  13. ^ab"Second Amended Indictment – Momcilo Perisic"(PDF).International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.RetrievedDecember 21,2016.
  14. ^"Summary of the Judgement in the Case of Prosecutor v. Momčilo Perišić"(PDF).The Hague: International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. September 6, 2011.RetrievedSeptember 7,2011.
  15. ^"PERISIC SENTENCED TO 27 YEARS FOR CRIMES IN BH AND CROATIA".The Hague: Sense-Agency. September 6, 2011.RetrievedSeptember 7,2011.
  16. ^"Momcilo Perisic: Yugoslav army chief conviction overturned".BBC. February 28, 2013.RetrievedFebruary 28,2013.

