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Postorbital bone

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The postorbital of a duck embryo fusing with the frontal during development.
A skull diagram ofDromaeosaurus,adromaeosauriddinosaur.The postorbital is colored dark blue.

Thepostorbitalis one of the bones invertebrateskulls which forms a portion of the dermalskull roofand, sometimes, a ring about the orbit. Generally, it is located behind thepostfrontaland posteriorly to theorbital fenestra.In some vertebrates, the postorbital is fused with the postfrontal to create a postorbitofrontal. Birds have a separate postorbital as anembryo,but the bone fuses with thefrontalbefore it hatches.


  • Roemer, A. S. 1956.Osteology of the Reptiles.University of Chicago Press. 772 pp.