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To The Lover of Wilderness, Alaska is one of the most beautiful places in the world. -John Miur

Alaskais aU.S. stateon the northwest extremity of the country'sWest Coast,just across theBering StraitfromAsiaandRussia.Alaska is by far thelargest U.S. stateby area, comprising more total area than the next three largest statesTexas,California,andMontanacombined, but also themost sparsely populatedstate. Notable for breathtaking landscapes, it contains nearly 3 million lakes and is the Coldest state in the U.S.


  • I Like Alaska for thesalmonfishing - It's fantastic there. I usually stay in a Log Cabin with no one around for miles. I like to go with friends, but I'm also happy to be on my own withNature.
    • Vinnie Jones
  • This is probably the freest life you could live.
    • Heimo Korth, The Last Alaskans, Season 2
  • But in the West today public places are no longer named after military victories. Our war memorials depict not proud commanders on horseback but weepingmothers,wearysoldiers,or exhaustive lists of names of the dead.Militarymen are inconspicuous in public life, with drab uniforms and little prestige among the hoi polloi. InLondon’sTrafalgar Square,the plinth across from the biglionsandNelson’s columnwas recently topped with a sculpture that is about as far from military iconography as one can imagine: anude,pregnantartistwho had been born without arms and legs. TheWorld War Ibattlefield inYpres,Belgium,inspiration for the poem “In Flanders Fields”and the poppies worn inCommonwealth countrieson November 11, has just sprouted a memorial to the thousand soldiers who were shot in that war for desertion—men who at the time were despised as contemptible cowards. And the two most recent American state mottoes are Alaska’s “North to the Future” andHawaii’s “The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness” (though whenWisconsinsolicited a replacement for “America’s Dairyland,” one of the entries was “Eat Cheese or Die” ).
  • Nobody is accidentally in Alaska, the People who are in Alaska are there because they choose to be, so they've sort of got a real frontier ethic. Those people are incredibly friendly, interesting, smart people - but they also stay out of each other's business.
    • Marcus Sakey
  • I've got 290 Days a year that I don't see anybody else. So, I need to make sure I have enough food to make it.
    • Sue Aikens, Life Below Zero
  • We are in possession of all your information (email, address, telephone... everything),
You are currently registered as aDemocratand we know this because we have gained access into the entire voting infrastructure. You will vote forTrumpon Election Day or we will come after you.
Change your party affiliation toRepublicanto let us know you received our message and will comply. We will know which candidate you voted for. I would take this seriously if I were you.
  • Encyclopedic article onAlaskaon Wikipedia