Generation Z

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Generation Z(orGen Zfor short), colloquially also known aszoomers,is thedemographiccohortsucceedingMillennialsand precedingGeneration Alpha.Typically defined as people born from 1997 to 2012. Most members of Generation Z are children ofGeneration X.


  • Generation Z, they cleaned up their own mess.
  • What of thepandemic's impacts on the generational imbalances that had grown so intolerable in many societies by 2020? WasCOVID-19sent byFreya,the goddess ofyouth,to emancipatemillennialsand Generation Z from bearing the fiscal burden of an excessive number of elderly people? It is tempting to marvel at thisageistvirus. No previous pandemic was so discriminating against the elderly and in favor of the young. But in truth, the impact of COVID-19 in terms ofexcess mortalitywill probably not be great enough to balance the intergenerational accounts. In the short run, the majority of old people will remainretired;relatively few will die prematurely―hardly any in the most elderly of countries,Japan.The young, meanwhile, will be the ones struggling to find jobs (other thanAmazon) and struggling almost as much to havefun.Aneconomywithout crowds is not a "new normal."It may be more like the new anomie, to borrowÉmile Durkheim's term for the sense of disconnectedness he associated with modernity. For most young people, the word "fun" is almost synonymous with "crowd." The era of distancing will be a time ofdepressionin the psychological as well as theeconomic sense.The gloom will be especially deep for Generation Z, whoseuniversitysocial lives―half the point of college, if not more―have been wrecked. They will spend yet more time onelectronic devices―perhaps an hour a day more than before the pandemic. It will not make them happier.