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Official flag of Sudan (est. 1970)

Sudan(orThe Sudan;officially theRepublic of the SudanorRepublic of Sudan) is the third largestAfricancountry by area. The country is situated at a crossroads between theHorn of Africaand theMiddle East.It is bordered byEgyptto the north, theRed Seato the northeast,EritreaandEthiopiato the east,KenyaandUgandato the southeast,Democratic Republic of the Congoand theCentral African Republicto the southwest,Chadto the west, andLibyato the northwest. It is the tenth largest country in the world by area.


  • We are not zealous for this land because of the rivers that flow in it. We are zealous for it because it is the land ofIslam.... This people has a glorious history.Gordon Pasha,who humiliated theChinese—the Sudanese here cut off his head.
  • One of the things (that I regretted the most was) that has an impact on these two decades and more is what happened after we (Sudan) signed the comprehensive peace agreement (with South Sudan). We signed this agreement. We genuinely implemented it, and we gave our brothers in South Sudan more than is entitled to them according to the peace agreement. I fought for years in South Sudan for the unity of Sudan. I was a commander in the fields, fighting for the unity of Sudan. As apolitician,I worked very, very hard in order to maintain the unity of our country. That was my aim. Of course, the result came negative to what I was looking forward to happen after all these efforts, after all these years of hard work and labor. It's one of the things that I forget because Sudan was divided in two.
    • Omar al-Bashir,(2014) cited in "Washington Post interview with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir" onThe Washington Post,23 December 2014
  • In 2018, whenprotestorsbrought down the brutal andgenocidalregime, two thirds werewomen.They dreamed of a Sudan that was free ofoppression,harassment, and sexual violence. A Sudan that wouldtransition to democracyafter nearly 30 years ofauthoritarianrule. But today, Sudanese women face the brute force of a vicious war between two armed factions—The SAF—the Sudanese Armed Forces. And the RSF—the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces. Both committed abuses during thecivil war in Darfur.In the last year, their actions have been absolutely brutal. They have killed detainees and indiscriminatelybombedcivilians.They have conscriptedchildrenas soldiers. They have looted supplies and attackedaidworkers. One woman toldNPR,“If they couldn’t steal it, they burned it.” They are targeting non-Arab ethnic groups in Darfur just as they did twenty years ago. And last month, videos emerged of troops chanting ethnic slurs as they paraded the streets holding decapitated heads. According to theUnited Nations,15,000 people were killed in just one attack. More than 8 million have fled their homes. 25 million—including 14 million children—need humanitarian assistance. In addition, Sudanese women face the widespread use ofrapeas a weapon of war. A 21-year-old survivor said, “I can’t even count how many times I have been raped.” Diplomatic efforts to end the conflict, have failed. Ceasefire after ceasefire, has been violated. In fact, theviolencehas intensified.
    • Ben Cardin,"We Cannot Be Silent About Sudan," Delivered on the floor of the U.S. Senate, U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., March 22, 2024;Vital Speeches of the Day[s. l.], v. 90, n. 6, p. 140–141, 2024
  • Many Sudanese young people are welleducated.But theeconomyis unstable, so everyone is affected, educated and not educated. You find the drivers of tuk-tuk [taxis] areengineers,accountants, very educated people - but they cannot findjobsand they need to boost their income any way they can.
  • I am optimistic because, unlike in the 1985 revolution, all of Sudan is participating. The new president will have to be fair with men and women.
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