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A League of Their Own

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A League of Their Own is a 1992 film which deals with a fictionalized account of the formation of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (AAGPBL) during World War II, as seen through the eyes of two sisters.

Directed by Penny Marshall. Written by Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel from a story by Kim Wilson and Kelly Candaele.
To achieve the incredible you have to attempt the impossible.taglines

Jimmy Dugan

  • [to an umpire] Did anyone ever tell you, you look like a penis with that little hat on? [after the umpire throws him out] I can't believe nobody ever called you that before!
  • "Here's a job for you, Jimmy. Managing girl ballplayers. Just go out there, wave your little hat around - but don't drink." Ah! Why would I wanna drink? I'm a goddamn Peach! [Hits a ground ball] Ah, double play! Now I'm hitting like a girl. "But be nice to them, they're good ballplayers." [Hits a deep fly ball] Ah! Catch that, blondie! Ha, ha!

Kit Keller

  • [to Dottie] You ever hear Dad introduce us to people? "This is our daughter Dottie, and this is our other daughter, Dottie's sister." Should've just had you and bought a dog!


[Ernie sees Dottie and Kit vigorously milking cows]
Ernie: Ow. Doesn't that hurt them?
Dottie: Doesn't seem to.
Ernie: Well, it would bruise the hell out of me.
Dottie Hinson: Who are you?
Ernie: I'm Ernie Capadino and I'm a baseball scout. I saw you playing today. Not bad, not bad. You ever heard of Walter Harvey, makes Harvey bars - you know, the candy?
Dottie: Yeah. We feed them to the cows when they're constipated.
Ernie: That's the guy. He's starting a girls' baseball league, so he can make a buck while the boys are overseas. Wanna play?
Dottie: Huh?
Ernie: Nice retort. Tryouts are in Chicago. It's a real league, professional.
Kit: Professional baseball?
Ernie: Mmm-hmm. They'll pay you 75 dollars a week.
Kit: We only make 30 at the dairy.
Ernie: Well then, this would be more, wouldn't it?

Kit: [Trying to convince Dottie to try out for the league so she can as well] Come on, Dottie. You've got the whole rest of your life to hang around here. Never go anywhere, never do anything...
Dottie:Look, I'm married, I'm happy. That's what I want, so let's not confuse things.
Kit: Okay...But can't you just have this first? Just so you can say you once did something? Something special? Huh?
Mrs. Keller: For goodness sake, Kit! Keep your voice down! Your father's listening to the radio!
Kit: Please, Dottie. I gotta get outta here...I'm nothing here.

Mae: [During the league's publicity drive] What if at a key moment in the game my, my uniform bursts open and, uh, oops, my bosoms come flying out? That, that might draw a crowd, right?
Doris: You think there are men in this country who ain't seen your bosoms?

Jimmy: Evelyn, could you come here for a second? Which team do you play for?
Evelyn: Well, I'm a Peach.
Jimmy: Well I was just wonderin', 'cause I couldn't figure out why, you throw home when we got a two-run lead! You let the tying run get to second, and we lost the lead because of you! You start using your head! That's the lump that's three feet above your ass!! [laughs, then sees Evelyn about to cry] Are you crying? Are you crying? Are you crying?! There's no crying! There's no crying in baseball!
Doris: Why don't you leave her alone, Jimmy?
Jimmy: Oh, you zip it, Doris! Rogers Hornsby was my manager and he called me a talking pile of pig shit! And that was when my parents drove all the way down from Michigan to see me play the game! And did I cry?
Evelyn: [in between sobs] No, no, no.
Jimmy: No! And do you know why?
Evelyn: No.
Jimmy: Because there's no crying in baseball. There's no crying in baseball! No crying!

Ira: Until you did that, I couldn't tell if you were... drunk or dead.
Jimmy: It was made very clear to me what I'm supposed to do here. I smile, wave my little hat... I did that, so when do I get paid?
Ira: Now, Jimmy, you have some pretty good ballplayers here. You ought to give them a little bit of your...
Jimmy: [interrupting] Ballplayers! I don't have ballplayers, I've got girls. Girls are what you sleep with after the game, not, not what you coach during the game. [spits]
Ira: If we paid you a little bit more, Jimmy, do you think you could be just a little more disgusting?
Jimmy: Well, I could certainly use the money.

[opposing team's rallying in the 9th inning, Jimmy and Dottie walk out to the mound to Kit]
Jimmy: Game's getting pretty exciting.
Kit: I'll end it, right here. I'll strike this turkey out.
Jimmy: Well, we got "Betti Spaghetti" all ready to come in.
Kit: Come on, coach. I've never been pulled before. Ask Dottie. Just let me finish this one...please.
Jimmy: [to Dottie] Well, what do you think?
Dottie: Well, she's, uh...she's battling.
Jimmy: [more sharply] What do you think?
Dottie: ...She's done. She's throwing grapefruits out there. [to Kit] I'm sorry.
Jimmy: [To the umpire, signaling a switch] Blue!
[Kit, with a look of shock and anger, slams the ball in Dottie's chest before walking off the mound]

[Jimmy signs a baseball for a young fan.]
Little boy: [reading the inscription] "Avoid the clap, Jimmy Dugan."
Jimmy: Hey, that's good advice!

Jimmy: Taking a little day trip?
Dottie: No, Bob and I are driving home. To Oregon.
Jimmy: [long pause] You know, I really thought you were a ballplayer.
Dottie: Well, you were wrong.
Jimmy: Was I?
Dottie: Yeah. It is only a game, Jimmy. It's only a game, and, and, I don't need this. I have Bob; I don't need this. At all.
Jimmy: I, I gave away five years at the end my career to drink. Five years. And now there isn't anything I wouldn't give to get back any one day of it.
Dottie: Well, we're different.
Jimmy: Shit, Dottie, if you want to go back to Oregon and make a hundred babies, great, I'm in no position to tell anyone how to live. But sneaking out like this, quitting, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Baseball is what gets inside you. It's what lights you up, you can't deny that.
Dottie: It just got too hard.
Jimmy: It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great.

Ira: This is what it's going to be like in the factories, too, I suppose, isn't it? "The men are back, Rosie, turn in your rivets." We told them it was their patriotic duty to get out of the kitchen and go to work; and now, when the men come back, we'll send them back to the kitchen.
Walter: What should we do - send the boys returning from war back to the kitchen?


  • To achieve the incredible you have to attempt the impossible.
  • There's no crying in baseball!
  • This summer, Tom Hanks and the Rockford Peaches prove that a woman's place is at home...first, second & third.
  • Once in a lifetime you get a chance to do something different.
  • A woman's place is on home, first, second, and third.


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