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Aphysician(ormedical doctor,a practitioner of a specialty listed by the national Board of Medical Specialties) who practicesmedicineorosteopathic medicine,and is concerned with maintaining or restoring humanhealththrough the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease andinjury.This is accomplished through a detailed knowledge of anatomy, physiology, diseases andtreatment— thescienceof medicine — and its applied practice — the art or craft of medicine.


For we are not all equally afflicted with the same disease or all in need of the same severe cure. This is the reason why we see different persons disciplined with different crosses. The heavenly Physician takes care of the well-being of all his patients; he gives some a milder medicine and purifies others by more shocking treatments, but he omits no one; for the whole world, without exception, is ill (Deut 32:15). ~John Calvin
  • On TV, the patients that have these compelling rare diseases are played by a revolving door of guest stars. The characters we really get to know are the doctors themselves. And the way doctors have been portrayed on television has changed markedly over the years. Medical shows in the ’50s and ’60s, likeCity Hospital,Dr. Kildare,andBen Casey,showed doctors as noble, infallible heroes. These shows apparently received “creative input and guidance from the American Medical Association,” according to an article in Annals of Emergency Medicine.
    Starting in the ’70s and ’80s with shows likeM*A*S*HandSt. Elsewhere,the pendulum swung toward portraying doctors as the flawed humans they are. We’ve been firmly in the era of flaws for a while now with shows likeGrey’sandHouse, MD(whose rude, drug-abusing titular character gets by on his brilliance). This perhaps explains why, in a 2003 study (on which Chory was an author), watching more prime-time medical shows was associated with “perceiving doctors as moreuncaring,cold,unfriendly,nervous,tense,andanxious.”
  • All the heightened drama and medical inaccuracies aside, Chabrerie says it’s theemotionalchallengesof being a doctor that these shows tend to get right.
    “I do think the emotional aspects get brought up more in shows likeScrubs,”she says. (She’s not the only one—a 2009 Slate article says that despite the show’s “cartoonishness,” it’s “quite in tune with the real lives of doctors.” )
    “In med school, this is what we did. We lay in our beds and watched Scrubs,” Chabrerie says. “At the end of the day, we see [the same things] all the time. We lose patients all the time. It’s never easy. [On these shows], the young doctor gets really upset, and the older, wiser doctor comes in and says ‘You have to let it go.’”
  • Forwe are not all equally afflicted with the same disease or all in need of the same severe cure.This is the reason why we see different persons disciplined with different crosses.The heavenly Physician takes care of the well-being of all his patients;he gives some a milder medicine and purifies others by more shocking treatments, buthe omits no one; for the whole world, without exception, is ill(Deut 32:15).
    • John Calvin,Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life,Page 55
  • Scientists and doctors to me, are at the leading edge of what all human beings do all of the time; which is to change, everything. We’ve never been satisfied with what we’re given. We don’t accept the earth as a given. We change our body chemistry, our physiology, our biology, our biochemistry. We clear the forest, we build our own environment, we climate control it... And, the interface between that impulse and the human body often is doctors, biologists, and biochemists.
  • There is sometimes more Skill shewed by a Physician in not Prescribing, than in Prescribing. And there is no better Remedy for some Diseases, than to let them alone: for unseasonable meddling with them, may hinder their proceeding to a Crisis, and at long Run they will mend of themselves.
    • Thomas Fuller,Introductio ad prudentiam:Part II (1727), aphorism 3064.
  • For the first time in ourtraditionthere was a complete separation betweenkillingandcuring.Throughout the primitive world the doctor and thesorcerertended to be the same person. He with power to kill had power to cure, including specially the undoing of his own killing activities.
    He who had power to cure would necessarily also be able to kill.With theGreeksthe distinction was made clear. One profession, the followers ofAsclepius,were to be dedicated completely tolifeunder all circumstances, regardless of rank, age, or intellect— the life of aslave,the life of the Emperor, the life of a foreign man, the life of adefectivechild.This is apricelesspossession which we cannot afford to tarnish,butsocietyalways is attempting to make the physician into a killer— to kill thedefectivechild atbirth,to leave the sleeping pills beside thebedof thecancerpatient. It is the duty of society to protect the physician from such requests.
    • Margaret Mead,on the Hippocratic Oath. Quoted inPsychiatry and Ethics(1972), Maurice Levine, M.D., George Braziller, pub.,ISBN 0807606421ISBN 9780807606421 pp.324-325,[1]citing (notes, p. 377) a personal communication fromMargaret Mead,1961.[2]Maurice Levine (1902-1971) was "distinguished former chairman of the University of Cincinnati Department of Psychiatry." Compare:Who knows how to heal knows how to destroy(qui scit sanare scit destruere) - A woman's testimony before the Inquisition,Modena,1499. Quoted inEve's Herbs: A History ofContraceptionandAbortionin the West(1999), John M. Riddle, Harvard University Press,ISBN 0674270266ISBN 978-0674270268(p. 118).[3]
Jean-Luc Picard:Perhaps thegoodones never get them.
  • The Porto Ricans (sic) are the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever to inhabit this sphere… I have done my best to further the process of extermination by killing off eight and transplanting cancer into several more… All physicians take delight in the abuse and torture of the unfortunate subjects.
    • Cornelius Rhoadsas quoted by Truman R. Clark. 1975. Puerto Rico and the United States, 1917-1933, pp. 151-154
  • Les médecins administrent des médicaments dont ils savent très peu, à des malades dont ils savent moins, pour guérir des maladies dont ils ne savent rien.
    • Doctors are men who prescribe medicine of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, for human beings of which they know nothing.
    • Attributed toVoltairein Strauss'Familiar Medical Quotations(1968), p. 394, and in publications as early as 1956[4];the quotation in French does not, however, appear to be original, and is probably a relatively modern invention, only quoted in recent (21st century) published works, which attribute it to "Voltaire" without citing any source.
  • Leonard McCoy:I'm a doctor, not a[moon shuttle conductor/bricklayer/psychiatrist/mechanic/engineer/scientist/physicist/escalator/magician/miracle worker/flesh peddler/veterinarian].

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