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Etymology 1


FromProto-Afroasiatic*-kaor*-ku.Cognate withArabicـكَ(-ka),Iraqw-kuandHausakai.[1]





msg2.suffix pronoun

  1. you,your(see usage notes)
Usage notes

This form of pronoun attaches directly to the preceding word, and means different things depending on what it is attached to.

  • When attached to a noun, it indicates thepossessorof the noun.
  • When attached to a verb of the suffix conjugation, it indicates thesubjectof the verb.
  • When attached to an infinitive verb (especially of an intransitive verb) whose subject is not otherwise expressed, it indicates thesubjectof the verb.
  • When attached to a transitive infinitive verb whose subject is otherwise expressed or omitted, it indicates theobjectof the verb.
  • In the third person, when attached to a prospective participle, it indicates gender and number agreement.
  • When attached to a particle likejwor a parenthetic likeḫr,it indicates thesubjectof the clause.
  • When attached to a preposition, it indicates theobjectof the preposition.
  • When it follows a relative adjective such asntjorntt,it indicates thesubjectof the relative clause (except in the first person singular and third person common).
Alternative forms

Etymology 2


Compare with theAkkadian1st person singular stative ending𒆪((_a)-ku/⁠-āku⁠/).



sg1.stative ending

  1. (Old Egyptian,attached to a stative verb form)Abbreviationof.kj(I,me).
  2. (Middle Egyptian,Late Egyptian,attached to a stative verb form)Abbreviationof.kw(I,me).


  • James P[eter] Allen(2010)Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs,2nd edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,→ISBN,pages50, 206.
  • Edel, Elmar (1955-1964)Altägyptische Grammatik,Rome: Pontificium Institutum Biblicum
  • Junge, Friedrich (2005)Late Egyptian Grammar: An Introduction,second English edition, Oxford: Griffith Institute, pages52, 82
  1. 1.01.1Loprieno, Antonio (1995)Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Introduction,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,→ISBN,pages31, 64