Appendix:Finnish pronunciation

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This page details the pronunciation of Standard Finnish (Standard Spoken Finnish,yleispuhekieli), which is, unless otherwise specified, the spoken variety used to document Finnish pronunciations on the English Wiktionary. It is the standard prestige variety used in e.g. formal discussions, newscasts and official speeches, and is the primary variety taught in schools.

EnglishWikipediahas an article on:




  • IPA: The phoneme expressed in the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). If the symbol is a link, it points to the relevant Wikipedia article.
  • Examples: A Finnish word containing the phoneme, both as short (ungeminated for consonants) and long (geminated for consonants), as available. Each word is accompanied by an audio clip.
  • English approximation: A rough approximation of the sound in an English word. This is only a rough approximation and should not be taken as an accurate representation of the sound.
  • Explanation: An explanation of the sound.
  • Notes: Additional notes in the form of footnotes.

IPA Examples English approximation Notes
d voida do [* 1]
h hyvä ham [* 2]
j joki yellow [* 3]
k koira tukka sky [* 4]
l lumi tulla lake [* 5]
m muu kumma much
n nuori mennä no
ŋ nki rengas king [* 6]
p poika seppä speak [* 4]
r ranne purra run(Scottish English) [* 7]
s silmä kissa see,she,zee [* 8]
t talvi katto stay [* 4]
ʋ vesi view(Indian English) [* 9]
Non-native consonants
b baari lobbari bite [* 10]
d disko additio do [* 10]
f fiksu leffa Finnish [* 11]
ɡ geeli bloggari get [* 10]
ʃ šakki pašša shoe [* 12]
IPA Example Explanation Notes
ː viisi
long vowel or geminated consonant [* 13]
. liuuttaa syllable boundary [* 14]
ˈ sana primary stress [* 15]
ˌ yhdyssana secondary stress [* 16]
ˣ sade‸
final gemination
() optional
IPA Examples English approximation Notes
Short Long
ɑ askel saada father [* 17]
e että tekee error [* 18]
i ilma viisi beat
o oksa kutoo bore [* 19]
u sulka uusi boot
y sydän tyyni few
æ käsi ääni cat
ø näkö säilöö bird(some varieties) [* 20]
Diphthongs(closing)[* 21]
IPA Examples Rough English approximation Notes
ɑi̯ maito car ease(non-rhotic accent)
ei̯ seistä fairease(non-rhotic accent)
oi̯ koivu door ease(non-rhotic accent)
ui̯ kuiva who ease
yi̯ lyijy few eat
æi̯ päi baa ease(General American)
øi̯ öinen birdeasy(some varieties)
ɑu̯ kausi car Uber(non-rhotic accent)
eu̯ neuvo werewolf(Southern England)
iu̯ hius weewoo
ou̯ lounas bore Uber(non-rhotic accent)
ey̯ leyhyä [* 22]
iy̯ kääriytyä [* 23]
æy̯ täysi
øy̯ löyly
Diphthongs(opening)[* 24]
ie̯ kieli be ending
uo̯ Suomi who ordered
yø̯ p few Americans


  1. ^'Native'/d/is only found root-medially as a weak grade of/t/under consonant gradation. More specifically, the phoneme can only appear between two vowels, either on its own or as part of/hd/.The realization of this phonemevaries by dialect and speaker.
  2. ^Only ungeminated, except for one word:hihhuli.Exact realization varies slightly depending on the environment.
  3. ^Only ungeminated.
  4. plosives are always unaspirated.
  5. ^Clear/l/,similar to Spanish, French and German, but unlike the dark/l/of American English.
  6. ^In native words always word-medial, and only innk/ŋk/(beforekas a short consonant) orng/ŋː/(long, weak grade ofnk). In foreign borrowings the phoneme may also occur before another consonant (in which environment it is always ungeminated) or word-finally.
  7. ^Realized as a trill[r]( "rolled R" ), like in Spanishrr,Italian and many Slavic languages. When ungeminated and intervocalic, it may also be a tap[ɾ],especially in faster speech.
  8. ^Exhibits considerable variation depending on speaker and context. Usually somewhat retracted,[s̠](voiceless alveolar retracted sibilant), but may be realized as a voiced[z]between vowels in fast speech, or (by some speakers) as[ʃ]after rounded vowels.
  9. ^Only ungeminated. Realized as an approximant, not a fricative; roughly something between an Englishvandw.
  10. foreign voiced plosives are pronounced as such in standard Finnish, at least by educated speakers. Pronouncing them as unvoiced, while considered rustic or folksy, is common among monolingual Finnish speakers (e.g. outside major cities).
  11. ^Realized as[f]in Standard Finnish. In idiolects without[f],it is usually realized as/ʋ/when ungeminated and/hʋ/when geminated.
  12. ^Not reliably distinguished from/s/by all speakers for most words (when ambiguity is not a risk).
  13. ^Follows the vowel or consonant it modifies.
  14. ^Usually marked between vowels with an apostrophe, especially when representing the weak grade ofk.
  15. ^Falls on the first syllable.
  16. ^Falls on the first syllable of later words as part of a compound.
  17. ^A back vowel. The Finnish/ɑ/is not necessarily quite a cardinal[ɑ].Depending on the description, it might be near-open[ɑ̝]or central or near-back[ɑ̈].It is also possible that the exact realization varies somewhat.
  18. ^Mid vowel (mid front unrounded vowel), between[e]and[ɛ].
  19. ^Mid vowel (mid back rounded vowel), between[o]and[ɔ].
  20. ^Mid vowel (mid front rounded vowel), between[ø]and[œ].
  21. ^Diphthongs ending inican be present in any syllable. Diphthongs ending inuoryare in standard Finnish only present in root-initial or open syllables, while later closed syllables have ahiatus.
  22. ^Rare in initial syllables.
  23. ^Very rare in initial syllables and fairly uncommon in general.
  24. ^Opening diphthongs are only present in root-initial syllables.


Labial Dental
Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Plosive p(b) td k(ɡ)
Fricative (f) s (ʃ) h
Approximant ʋ j
Rhotic r
Lateral l
Front Central Back
Closing Opening
_i _u _y _e _o _ø
Back ɑ_ ɑi̯ ɑu̯
o_ oi̯ ou̯
u_ ui̯ uo̯
Front æ_ æi̯ æy̯
ø_ øi̯ øy̯
y_ yi̯ yø̯
Neutral e_ ei̯ eu̯ ey̯
i_ iu̯ iy̯ ie̯



All consonants except/j/and/ʋ/may appear geminated. Geminated/h/is however very rare.



Standard Finnish native plosives are unvoiced and unaspirated:/k/,/p/,/t/.

An additional 'native'/d/can be found as the weak grade of/t/(underconsonant gradation), and thus only occurs between vowels, either independently or as part of/hd/(thus, native/d/is never geminated). This originates as a spelling pronunciation by Swedish speakers learning Finnish during the 19th century, as it was spelledd(earlier alsodh) in an attempt to represent/ð/,its pronunciation in the Southwest Finnish literary standard at the time. In other dialects, it may be realized as[r],[l],or lost, only leaving behind e.g. a glide. Even in Standard Finnish, the consonant may in rapid speech become analveolar tap.

Recent borrowings can also contain the phonemes/b/,/d/and/ɡ/,which are pronounced as voiced plosives, although in monolingual Finnish speech they may only be partially voiced, if at all. However,minimal pairsdo exist.

For (potential) glottal stops, seefinal geminationbelow.



Native words only have two fricatives:/s/and/h/.The pronunciation of/s/is highly variable. It is often devoiced and somewhat retracted, but may be voiced between two vowels in fast speech, and may even become a/ʃ/"sh-sound" after rounded vowels.

Two more fricatives can be found in loanwords:/f/and/ʃ/š.The latter is often pronounced as if it were/s/if there is no risk of confusion.

Finnishvis not a fricative.



The single Finnish rhotic/r/is arolled R,but if ungeminated, may be realized as a tap between two vowels in rapid speech.



Finnish/l/is always a bright L, never a dark (velarized) L.



Finnish has three nasals:/m/,/n/and/ŋ/.While the first two are common and can appear in any position,/ŋ/in native words is only found either as part of/ŋk/nkor/ŋː/ngbetween two vowels. In loanwords, it may appear as a short/ŋ/even before other consonants or at the end of a word.



/j/and/ʋ/are approximants in Finnish. The latter is spelledv,but is not a fricative.



All vowels may appear short or long, and there is very little if any difference in quality between the short and long variants of the same vowel.

ais/ɑ/,a decidedly back vowel.y,äandöare/y/,/æ/and/ø/respectively, all front vowels. Finnish/e/,/o/and/ø/are mid vowels.

Standard Finnish has 18 diphthongs which are listed in the tables above.

Other features


Final gemination

See also:Finnish phonology § Sandhion Wikipedia

Some Finnish words or word roots featurefinal gemination(also calledboundary lengthening,Finnish:rajakahdennus), which is usually marked with/ˣ/(Finnish:jäännöslopuke;see alsothe entry for this symbol). This feature (argued to bemorphophonetic) originates from the loss of some final consonants (primarily-kor-h) always follows a vowel, and its realization depends on what follows it:

  • If/ˣ/is followed by a consonant, the consonant becomes geminated if it isn't already.
  • If/ˣ/is followed by a vowel or the end of the utterance, it usually manifests as aglottal stop[ʔ],which may or may not be geminated, and may even be completely omitted in rapid speech.

This feature is not indicated in the Finnish orthography, but results inminimal pairs(albeit marginal). It can at times even surface within words due to clitics (jonnekin)/ˈjonːeˣkin//ˈjonːekːin/(respelledjonnekkin), even though final gemination does not affect possessive suffixes. However, there are cases in which final gemination has in effect become grammaticalized, such as the partitive singular ofhamehametta,in which the geminated consonant is spelled with gemination.

In standard Finnish, final gemination occurs primarily in the following cases:

  • nominals:
    • (the nominative singular forms of) nominals belonging totype 48( "hame"); for some speakers, may be missing in compounds if not the final component, more often in rapid speech
    • allative singular and plural forms of nominals
  • verbs:
    • first infinitive forms (dictionary forms)[† 1]
      note that the third-person singular present indicative does not have final gemination even if it is ahomograph(i.e. spelled identically)
    • connegative forms of verbs (except for conditional, in all persons, and imperative, in all other persons than the second-person singular)
    • second-person singular imperative forms of verbs (identical with the indicative connegative)
  • adverbs:
  • the third-person possessive suffix-nsa

The following features may or may not have final gemination depending on the idiolect (speaker and variety):

  • nominals:
    • comitative forms of adjectives (i.e. when not followed by a possessive suffix)
  • verbs:
    • past passive participles (-ttu)
    • conditional connegative
  • the numeralkolme(three)
  • the pronounitse(self)

Furthermore, in some dialects, final gemination is completely absent.





Stress occurs on the first syllable of any given word. In compounds, secondary stress occurs at the beginning of each component word, which may result in stress falling on consecutive syllables if a component is only a single syllable.

Secondary stress also occurs roughly on odd syllables, although it may skip up to two light syllables if a heavy syllable follows ( This kind of secondary stress is weaker than the phonemic secondary stress found in compound words, as described above. The placement of these secondary stresses can be described formulaically, as the Finnish pronunciations on Wiktionary often do. However, they are not phonemic and can depend on the speaker and context. Songs and poems, in particular, may take significant liberties.

Some suffixes may also incur secondary stress automatically, in which case they may 'steal' it from an immediately preceding syllable. Syllables containing (the start of) certain inflectional suffixes, including possessive suffixes, may also avoid secondary stress, by e.g. shifting it to the preceding syllable, even if it is a light syllable.



Finnish is rich insandhiphenomena. Besides the final gemination listed above, there are instances of assimilation:/nk/is generally realized as if it were[ŋk]and/np/as[mp].

Further reading


See also



  1. ^Some Helsinki slang first infinitive forms are an exception.