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  1. (US politics,derogatory)Hillary Clinton(born 1947), American politician and diplomat, formerfirst lady(1993–2001) andsecretary of state(2009–2013) of theUnited States.
    • 1998September 20, Reynmeistr, “The Legacy of HITLERY”, inalt.current-events.clinton.whitewater[1](Usenet):
      Given the perverted acts of her "husband", there were in January 1998 two alternate dramatic waysHitlerycould establish her legacy as America's Top Feminist:[]
    • 2003January 26, Alvin Valkenheiser, “HITLERY CLINTON IN UPSTATE N.Y.”, innyc.politics[2](Usenet):
      It looks as ifHitleryClinton went to visit some wives, of Marines that are getting ready to ship out to go kick Sadam's ass. To bad for Hitlery that most of those wives did not wantHitleryto be anywhere around them.
    • 2015December 30, Roddy D. Riggs, “Letters to the Editor: Gun Blather is Usual Rhetoric”, inBelleville News-Democrat,volume158,number364,Belleville, Ill., page 2C:
      Hitlery’s most recent rhetoric about guns are the usual boiler-plate Democrat talking points: close the online and gun show loophole, ban guns for those on the no fly list, etc.