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Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishcoughen,coghen(to cough; to vomit)[and other forms],fromOld English*cohhian(compareOld Englishcohhetan(to bluster; to riot; to cough (?))), fromProto-West Germanic*kuh-(to cough),ultimately ofonomatopoeicorigin.[1]



cough(third-person singular simple presentcoughs,present participlecoughing,simple past and past participlecoughed)

  1. (transitive,medicine)
    1. Sometimes followed byup:toforce(something) out of thelungsorthroatbypushingairfrom the lungs through theglottis(causingashort,explosivesound), and out through themouth.
      Sometimes shecoughedup blood.
    2. Tocause(oneself or something) to be in acertainconditionin themannerdescribedinsense 1.1.
      He almostcoughedhimself into a fit.
    3. Toexpress(words,etc.) in the manner described insense 1.1.
    4. (figurative)
      1. Tosurrender(information); toconfess.
      2. (originallyUS,slang)Chiefly followed byup:togive uporhand over(something); especially, topay up(money).
  2. (intransitive)
    1. To push air from the lungs through the glottis (causing a short, explosive sound) and out through the mouth, usually toexpelsomethingblockingorirritatingtheairway.
      I breathed in a lungful of smoke by mistake, and started tocough.
      • 1577,Martial,“Epigrammes out of Martial.[To Parthenope.]”,in Timothe Kendall, transl.,Flowers of Epigrammes[],[Manchester]:[][Charles Simms]for the Spenser Society, published1874,→OCLC,pages56–57:
        Yet notwithſtandyng all this geare, / thoucougheſtſtill, perdy / Ye are a craftie knaue, youcough/ to fare deliciouſly.
      • c.1603–1604(date written),William Shakespeare,The Tragœdy of Othello, the Moore of Venice.[](First Quarto), London:[]N[icholas]O[kes]forThomas Walkley,[],published1622,→OCLC,[Act IV, scene ii],page70:
        Leave procreants alone, and ſhut the dore, /Coffe,or cry hem, if any body come,[]
      • 1828May 15, [Walter Scott], chapter X, inChronicles of the Canongate. Second Series.[](The Fair Maid of Perth), volume III, Edinburgh:[][Ballantyne and Co.] forCadell and Co.;London:Simpkin and Marshall,→OCLC,page259:
        "Did your lordship's servant see Simon Glover and his daughter?" said Henry, struggling for breath, andcoughing,to conceal from the Provost the excess of his agitation.
      • 1835January 23 (date written), Frederic James Post, “A Discourse Touching Rides and Riding”, inExtracts from the Diary and Other Manuscripts of the Late Frederic James Post, of Islington.[],London:[][James Moyes]for private circulation, published1838,→OCLC,pages331–332:
        But often, when thy face [i.e.,that of a horse] is turnedfromthe stable, thou hast an unaccountable desire to place it in the position occupied by thy tail: thou stoppest,coughest,shyest, and erst, with swift detorsion, turnest round, then, with sidelong glance of my magic caduceus, ominously wagging between the horizon and thy ample sides, I incite thee on, but rarely does thy pace more than trot,fromhome.
      • [[1840],A[ngelo]Renzi, “Verbi. Verbes. Verbs.”, inLe polyglotte improvisé, ou l’art d’écrire les langues sans les appendre.[][The Improvised Polyglot, or The Art of Writing Languages without Learning Them.[]], Paris: Chez l‘auteur,[];Chez Baudry,[],et Chez les Principaux Libraries,→OCLC,page498:
        Tossivi / Tu tossais / Thoucoughedst]
      • 1869May, Anthony Trollope, “Trevelyan Discourses on Life”, inHe Knew He Was Right,volume II, London: Strahan and Company,[],→OCLC,page336:
        After this he fell a-coughingviolently, and Stanbury thought it better to leave him.
      • 1918,W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell,chapter XXXI, inThe Mirror and the Lamp,Indianapolis, Ind.:The Bobbs-Merrill Company,→OCLC,page246:
        "But it is unfortunate—you find me at the moment—" and he stopped short andcoughed.
      • 1960,P[elham] G[renville] Wodehouse,chapter XI, inJeeves in the Offing,London:Herbert Jenkins,→OCLC:
        I drew a deep breath, and a moment later wished I hadn't, because I drew it while drinking the remains of my gin and tonic. “Does Kipper know of this? “I said, when I had finishedcoughing.
    2. Tomakeanoiselike acough.
      The enginecoughedand sputtered.
    3. (originallyUS,slang)To surrender information; to confess, tospill the beans.
Derived terms

Etymology 2


Thenounis derived fromMiddle Englishcough(a cough; illness causing coughing)[and other forms],[2]fromcoughen(verb):seeetymology 1.[3]

Theinterjectionis probably derived from the noun.





A series of three coughs(nounsense 1).
  1. Asudden,ofteninvoluntaryexpulsionofairfrom thelungsthrough theglottis(causingashort,explosivesound), and out through themouth.
    Behind me, I heard a distinct, drycough.
  2. Aboutofrepeatedcoughing(verbsense 2.1);also, amedicalconditionthat causes one to cough.
    (medical condition):Synonym:tussis
    Sorry, I can’t come to work today—I’ve got a nastycough.
  3. (figurative)Anoiseorsoundlike a cough(sense 1).
Derived terms
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.




  1. Usedtorepresentthesoundof a cough(noun sense 1),especially whenfocusingattentionon afollowingutterance,often anattributionofblameor aeuphemism:ahem.
    He was—cough—indisposed.


  1. ^cough,v.1”,inOED OnlinePaid subscription required,Oxford, Oxfordshire:Oxford University Press,July 2023;cough,v.”,inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.
  2. ^cough,n.”,inMED Online,Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan,2007.
  3. ^Comparecough,n.”,inOED OnlinePaid subscription required,Oxford, Oxfordshire:Oxford University Press,July 2023;cough,n.”,inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.

Further reading




Middle English


Alternative forms










  1. coughing


  • English:cough
  • Yola:keough

