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Borrowed fromLatinconiugātiō(combining, connecting; conjugation),fromconiugō(join, unite together).Equivalent toconjugate+‎-ion.




EnglishWikipediahas an article on:


  1. The coming together of things;union.
  2. (biology)The temporaryfusionof organisms, especially as part ofsexual reproduction
  3. Sexual relations withinmarriage
  4. (grammar)In some languages, one of several classifications of verbs according to what inflections they take.
    • 1530July 18,Iohan Palſgrave,“The Introduction”, inLeſclarciſſement de la langue francoyſe[][1],London: Richard Pynſon, Iohan Haukyns,→OCLC,page32;reprinted asLesclarcissement de la langue françoyse,Genève: Slatkine Reprints,1972:
      In ſo moche that if any verbe be of the thyꝛdeconiugation/ I ſet out all his rotes and tenſes[]
  5. (grammar)The act or process ofconjugatingaverb.
  6. (grammar)The product of that act: theconjugatedforms of a verb, collected into alistorrecitation.
    Meronym:principal parts
  7. (grammar,sometimesproscribed)Inflectionofnounsor other words besides verbs;declension.
    • 2005,Maya Arad, “The Noun-Verb Asymmetry in Hebrew: When Are Patterns Obligatory?”, inRoots and Patterns: Hebrew Morpho-syntax,→ISBN:
      Nouns ending in a vowel other thana,which do not conform to any phonological pattern of nounconjugation,do not decline.
    • For more quotations using this term, seeCitations:conjugation.
  8. (chemistry)A system ofdelocalizedorbitalsconsisting of alternatingsingle bondsanddouble bonds
  9. (mathematics)A mapping sendingxtogxg-1,wheregandxare elements of agroup;inner automorphism
  10. (mathematics)A function which negates the non-real part of acomplexorhypercomplexnumber;complex conjugation



Coordinate terms


Derived terms




See also
