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See also:Homograph









  • bear(mammal)andbear(to support)


  1. A word that isspelledthe same as another word, usually having a differentetymology.
  2. (computing)Atextcharacterorstringthat looks identical to another when rendered.

Usage notes


Homographs are a kind ofhomonymin the loose sense of that term, i.e. a word that is either ahomophone(same sound) or ahomograph(same spelling). (The strict sense ofhomonymis a word that both sounds and is spelled the same as another word.) Specifically, homographs must have the same spelling, though they usually have different meanings and may be pronounced differently.

  • The verbbear(to carry)and the nounbear(large omnivorous mammal)are homographs with the same pronunciation and different etymological origins.
  • The verbalternate(to go back and forth)and the adjectivealternate(following by turns)are homographs with different pronunciations but close etymological origins. Such homographs are alsoheteronyms.
  • The verbmeet(to encounter)and the nounmeat(food)are not homographs since they have different spellings.

Derived terms




See also

Euler diagram of choice semantic relations.
Nyms (with category [cat] if any)
Noun(cat) Sound Spelling Meaning phone/graph
identical same same same homophone&homograph
homophone(cat) same different different homophone& heterograph
alternative spelling same different same homophone &heterograph
homonym same same different homophone & homograph
synonym different different same heterophone & heterograph
heteronym(cat) different same different heterophone &homograph
alternative pronunciation different same same heterophone& homograph
distinct different different different heterophone&heterograph

Further reading
