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TheplanetEarthas seen fromspace



FromFrenchmondialisation,frommondial(global,worldwide)+-isation;or fromLatinmundus(theworld)+‎-ization,by analogy with the French word.






  1. Anideologybased on thesolidarityanddiversityofglobalcitizensand the creation ofsupranationallaws,intended as a response todehumanizingaspects ofglobalization.
    • 1978,Israel W. Charny,editor,Strategies Against Violence: Design for Nonviolent Change,Boulder, Colo.:Westview Press,→ISBN,page315:
      Themundializationmovement was born in Hiroshima, in 1945, when the surviving citizens declared their resolve to work for a world federation that would make impossible any repetition of the tragedy that their city had undergone.
    • 1988,Peace Research Reviews,volume11,Oakville, Ont.: Canadian Peace Research Institute,→ISSN,→OCLC,page19:
      Mundializationis a psychological mechanism toward peace by which the "in-group" is enlarged until it encompasses all humans.
    • 2003,Juan Poblete,Critical Latin American and Latino Studies(Cultural Studies of the Americas;12), Minneapolis, Minn., London:University of Minnesota Press,→ISBN,page59:
      Renato Ortiz made the distinction between globalization and "mundialization"(that is, between the global and the worldly).

Alternative forms


Further reading
