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See also:présent


EnglishWikipediahas an article on:

Alternative forms

  • præsent(archaic or pedantic)
  • (abbreviation, grammar):ps.



Etymology 1

EnglishWikipediahas an article on:

FromMiddle Englishpresent,fromOld Frenchpresent,fromLatinpraesent-, praesens,present participle ofpraeesse(to be present),fromLatinprae-(pre-)+esse(to be).




  1. Relating tonow,for the time being;current.
    Thebarbaricpracticecontinues to thepresentday.
    Thepresentmanagerhas been herelongerthan the last one.
    Up to thepresentday.
  2. Located in theimmediatevicinity.
    Is there a doctorpresent?  Severalpeoplewerepresentwhen the event took place.  Being the leader, Jason is alwayspresentat class.
  3. (obsolete)Having animmediateeffect (of amedicine,poisonetc.);fast-acting.[16th–18th c.]
    • 1624,Democritus Junior [pseudonym;Robert Burton], “Alteratiues and Corials, corroborating, reſoluing the reliques, and mending the Temperament”, inThe Anatomy of Melancholy:[],2nd edition, Oxford, Oxfordshire:[]John Lichfield and James Short, for Henry Cripps,→OCLC,partition 2, section 5, member 1, subsection 5:
      Amongſt thisnumberofCordialsandAlteratiues,J doe not find a morepreſentremedy,then a cup of wine, or ſtrong drinke, and if it be ſoberly and opportunely vſed.
  4. (obsolete)Notdelayed;immediate;instant.
  5. (dated)Ready;quickinemergency.
  6. (obsolete)Favorablyattentive;propitious.
  7. Relating to something a person is referring to in the verycontext,with a deictic usesimilarto thedemonstrativeadjectivethis.
    in thepresentstudy,  thepresentarticle,  thepresentresults.
  8. Attentive;alert;focused.
    Sorry, I wasdistractedjust now, I'll try to be morepresentfrom now on.
  9. (politics)Neitherfororagainst(used in voting to expressabstention)
Derived terms
Derived terms (grammar)




  1. The currentmomentorperiodof time.
  2. (grammar)Thepresent tense.
Derived terms

Etymology 2


FromMiddle Englishpresenten,fromOld Frenchpresenter,fromLatinpraesentāre(to show),frompraesent-, praesens,present participle ofpraeesse(be in front of).




  1. Agift,especially one given for birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, graduations, weddings, or any other special occasions.
    • 1918,W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell,chapter VII, inThe Mirror and the Lamp,Indianapolis, Ind.:The Bobbs-Merrill Company,→OCLC:
      “A very welcome, kind, usefulpresent,that means to the parish. By the way, Hopkins, let this go no further. We don't want the tale running round that a rich person has arrived. Churchill, my dear fellow, we have such greedy sharks, and wolves in lamb's clothing.[]
  2. (military)The position of asoldierinpresenting arms.
    to stand atpresent
Derived terms
  • Japanese:プレゼント(purezento)



present(third-person singular simple presentpresents,present participlepresenting,simple past and past participlepresented)

  1. To bring (someone) into the presence of (a person); tointroduceformally.[from 14th c.]
    topresentan envoy to the king
  2. (transitive)To nominate (a member of the clergy) for an ecclesiasticalbenefice;to offer to the bishop or ordinary as a candidate for institution.[from 14th c.]
  3. (transitive)To offer (a problem, complaint) to a court or other authority for consideration.[from 14th c.]
  4. (transitive,nowrare)Tocharge(a person) with a crime or accusation; to bring before court.[from 14th c.]
    • 1971,Sir Keith Vivian Thomas,“3. The Impact of the Reformation”, inReligion and the Decline of Magic: Studies in popular beliefs in sixteenth and seventeenth century England[1],1st edition, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson; Orion Publishing Group, Limited; Folio Society, published1971,→ISBN,→LCCN,→OCLC,→OL,pages74–75:
      In the diocese of Gloucester in 1548 two inhabitants of Slimbridge werepresentedfor saying that holy oil was ‘of no virtue but meet to grease sheep’.
  5. (reflexive)To come forward,appearin a particular place or before a particular person, especiallyformally.[from 14th c.]
  6. (transitive)To put (something) forward in order for it to be seen; toshow,exhibit.[from 14th c.]
  7. (transitive)To make clear to one's mind or intelligence; to put forward for consideration.[from 14th c.]
    • (Can wedatethis quote?),The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes:
      I do begin to realize that the matter must bepresentedin such a way as may interest the reader.
      |year=1927|author=Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle|page=49|year_published=1927|authorlink=Arthur Conan Doyle|pageurl= Adventure of the Blanched Soldier|oclc=1409073545|url=}}
    • 2012January, Steven Sloman, “The Battle Between Intuition and Deliberation”, inAmerican Scientist[3],volume100,number 1, archived fromthe originalon8 January 2012,page74:
      Libertarian paternalism is the view that, because the way options arepresentedto citizens affects what they choose, society shouldpresentoptions in a way that “nudges” our intuitive selves to make choices that are more consistent with what our more deliberative selves would have chosen if they were in control.
  8. (transitive)Toput on,stage(a play etc.).[from 16th c.]
    The theater is proud topresentthe Fearless Fliers.
  9. (transitive,military)Topoint(a firearm) at something, to hold (a weapon) in a position ready to fire.[from 16th c.]
  10. (reflexive)Toofferoneself for mental consideration; tooccurto the mind.[from 16th c.]
    Well, one idea doespresentitself.
  11. (intransitive,medicine)To come to theattentionofmedicalstaff,especiallywitha specific symptom.[from 19th c.]
    The patientpresentedwith insomnia.
    Symptoms typicallypresentin early childhood.
  12. (intransitive,medicine)To appear (in a specific way) fordelivery(of a fetus); to appear first at the mouth of theuterusduring childbirth.[from 18th c.]
  13. (intransitive,with "as")To appear or represent oneself (as having a certain gender).
    At that time,Elbewaspresentingas a man.
    • August 24 2021,Shon Faye, “‘I feel like it’s quite shaky acceptance’: trans kids and the fight for inclusion”, inThe Guardian:
      In May 2019, a case was referred to the high court in which social workers for Lancashire county council had sought orders against the parents of two trans children to take the children into care. Social services were alerted when H, the couple’s three-year-old foster child, born male, had gone into schoolpresentingas a girl.
  14. (transitive)To act aspresenteron (a radio, television programme etc.).[from 20th c.]
    Anne Robinsonpresents"The Weakest Link".
  15. (transitive)Togiveagiftorpresentationto (someone).[from 14th c.]
    She was presented with an honorary degree for her services to entertainment.
  16. (transitive)Togive(a gift or presentation) to someone; tobestow.[from 14th c.]
    • 1980,William Cowper,“The Vicissitudes Experienced in a Christian Life”, in Baird, John D., Ryskamp, Charles, editors,The poems of William Cowper(Cantique;69)‎[4],revised edition, volume 3, quoted intranslated from Madame Guyon and published in 1801,Oxford, New York City: Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press,→ISBN,→ISSNInvalid ISSN,→LCCN,→OCLC,→OL,page91,lines117–120:
      Live thou, and reign, forever, glorious Lord! / My last, least off’ring, Ipresentthee now— / Renounce me, leave me, and be still ador’d! / Slay me, my God, and I applaud the blow.
  17. (transitive)Todeliver(something abstract) as though as agift;tooffer.[from 14th c.]
    Ipresentedmy compliments to Lady Featherstoneshaw.
  18. (transitive)To hand over (abilletc.) to bepaid.[from 15th c.]
  19. (intransitive,zoology)To display one'sfemalegenitaliain a way thatsignalsto others that one is ready forcopulation.Also referred to aslordosis behaviour.[from 20th c.]
  20. (fandomslang)Inomegaversefiction,to have one's secondarysex(alpha,omega,orbeta) become apparent, typically atpuberty.[from 21st c.]
    • 2018,Ninna Ilias, "Reimagining Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Gender Performativity", thesis submitted to Radboud University,page 59:
      Sherlock’s gender performance itself remains unchanged, with the exception of the hormonal changes he goes through afterpresentingas an omega.
    • 2019,Tessa Baron, "Just Go Find Yourself a Nice Alpha: Gender and Consent in Supernatural Fandom's Alpha/Beta/Omega Universe", thesis submitted to Oregon State University,page 17:
      People “present”their secondary genders during puberty, so girls and boys are raised without knowing if they will be alphas, betas, or omegas.
    • 2020,Goldmann, Julia Elena, “Wie schreibt man Haus...MpregFan Fiction und Konzepte von Körpern, Geschlecht und Familie [How to Write House…MpregFan Fiction and Concepts of Bodies, Gender and Family]”, in Hausbacher, Eva, Herbst, Liesa, Ostwald, Julia, Thiele, Martina, editors,geschlecht_transkulturell: Aktuelle Forschungsperspektiven[gender_transcultural: current research perspectives]‎[5],1st edition, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, published2020,→DOI,→ISBN,→OCLC,page262:
      Deans kräftige Statur und Größe kommen eher dem stereotypischen Körperbau eines Alphas nahe als dem eines Omegas, was die große Enttäuschung seines Vaters verursachte, der erwartete, dass er als Alphapräsentiert.
      Dean’s strong build and height come closer to the stereotypical build of an Alpha than to an Omega, which caused the huge disappointment for his father, who expected him topresentas an Alpha.
    • For more quotations using this term, seeCitations:present.
Derived terms

Further reading








BorrowedfromLatinpraesentem.First attested in the 13th century.[1]






  1. present(current moment or period of time)
  2. (grammar)present(grammatical tense)



presentmorf(masculine and feminine pluralpresents)

  1. present(at a given location)

Derived terms



  1. ^present”,inGran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana,Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana,2024

Further reading






FromEnglishpresentor clipping ofEnglishpresentation.






  1. (Hong Kong Cantonese)topresent;togivealectureorspeechto anaudience




  1. (Hong Kong Cantonese)presentation(lecture or speech)







FromFrenchprésent,fromprésenter(to present).


  • IPA(key):/prɛsanɡ/,[pʰʁ̥ɛˈsɑŋ]



presentc(singular definitepresenten,plural indefinitepresenter)

  1. (dated)present,gift







InheritedfromMiddle Dutchpresent,fromMiddle Frenchpresent.






  1. present(notabsent)


Declension ofpresent
uninflected present
inflected presente
comparative presenter
positive comparative superlative
predicative/adverbial present presenter hetpresentst
indefinite m./f.sing. presente presentere presentste
n.sing. present presenter presentste
plural presente presentere presentste
definite presente presentere presentste
partitive presents presenters




  1. present,gift



Alternative forms




presentm(feminine singularpresenta,masculine pluralpresenc,feminine pluralpresentes)

  1. present

Middle French





  1. gift;present
    • 1417,La disputation de l'Asne contre frere Anselme Turmeda[7]
      Un iour qu'il alloit par ladite cité & passant p[ar] la rue de la mer, veit une guenon dedans un panier & l'acheta pour en faire unpresentaudit conte d'Armignac son parent, pource que en France i'a pas beaucoup de telz animaux.
      One day as he was walking through said city and passing throughla Rue de Mer,he saw an Old World monkey in a basket and bought it to give it as a present to the Count of Armignac, his father, because there are not many animals like this one in France.
  2. (grammar)present(tense)

Old French




presentoblique singular,m(oblique pluralpresenzorpresentz,nominative singularpresenzorpresentz,nominative pluralpresent)

  1. gift;present
    • c.1170,Wace,Le Roman de Rou:
      Itant out li Quens unpresent
      D'une cupe chiere d'argent
      At this moment he presented the Count
      With a valuable silver cup
  2. (grammar)present(tense)



Alternative forms







  1. gift,present


Declension ofpresent
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative present presenten presenter presenterna
Genitive presents presentens presenters presenternas

Derived terms


See also


