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See also:Romanticandromàntic



Alternative forms




Fromromant+‎-ic,or borrowed fromLate Latinromanticus((of a poem)having qualities of a romance).CompareFrenchromantique,which is borrowed from English. Also compareSpanishromántico,Portugueseromântico,Italianromantico,Dutchromantisch,andGermanromantischandRomantiker(a composer of Romantic music),all of which are borrowed from English or French.[1]


  • (UK)IPA(key):/ɹəʊˈmæntɪk/,/ɹə-/
  • (General American)enPR:rō-mănʹ(t)ĭk,IPA(key):/ɹoʊˈmæn(t)ɪk/,[ɹoʊˈmæntɪk],[ɹə-],[-mæɾ̃ɪk],[-meə̯ntɪk],[-meə̯ɾ̃ɪk]
  • Audio(US):(file)
  • Rhymes:-æntɪk




  1. (chieflyhistorical)Of a work of literature, a writer etc.: being like or having the characteristics of aromance,or poetic tale of a mythic or quasi-historical time; fantastic.[from 17th c.]
  2. (obsolete)Fictitious,imaginary.[17th–20th c.]
  3. Fantastic,unrealistic(of an idea etc.);fanciful,sentimental,impractical(of a person).[from 17th c.]
    Mary sighed, knowing her ideals were far tooromanticto work in reality.
  4. Having the qualities ofromance(in the sense of something appealing deeply to the imagination); invoking on a powerfullysentimentalidea of life;evocative,atmospheric.[from 17th c.]
    • 1851November 14,Herman Melville,chapter 1, inMoby-Dick; or, The Whale,1st American edition, New York, N.Y.:Harper & Brothers;London:Richard Bentley,→OCLC:
      But here is an artist. He desires to paint you the dreamiest, shadiest, quietest, most enchanting bit ofromanticlandscape in all the valley of the Saco.
    • 1897,Henry James,What Maisie Knew:
      Somehow she wasn't a real sister, but that only made her the moreromantic.
    • 2013June 1, “End of the peer show”,inThe Economist,volume407,number8838,page71:
      Finance is seldomromantic.But the idea of peer-to-peer lending comes close. This is an industry that brings together individual savers and lenders on online platforms. Those that want to borrow are matched with those that want to lend.
  5. Pertaining to an idealised form oflove(originally, as might be felt by the heroes of a romance); conducive toromance;loving,affectionate.[from 18th c.]
    Their kiss started casually, but it slowly turnedromantic.
  6. Alternative form ofRomantic[from 18th c.]
  7. Experiencing romanticattraction.[from 21st c.]
    • 2010,Kristin S. Scherrer, “Asexual Relationships: What Does Asexuality Have to Do with Polyamory?”, in Meg Barker, Darren Langdridge, editors,Understanding Non-Monogamies,New York, N.Y., London:Routledge,→ISBN,page154:
      Elsewhere, I describe that, in addition to an asexual identity, another salient identity for asexual individuals may be aromanticor aromantic identity, which designates an interest (or lack thereof) in monogamous, intimate relationships (Scherrer, 2008).
    • 2014,Karli June Cerankowski, Megan Milks, “Introduction: Why Asexuality? Why Now?”, inAsexualities: Feminist and Queer Perspectives(Routledge Research in Gender and Society), New York, N.Y., London:Routledge,→ISBN,page 2:
      What is relatively “new” is the formation of communities around the common language of asexuality as it is understood today—communities in which new categories exist around the concept of asexuality or “being ace,” where people can discussromanticor aromantic orientations in relation to or apart from sexual desires or non-desires.
    • 2019,Julie Xuemei Hu, Shondrah Tarrezz Nash, “Sexuality and Sexual Relationships throughout Life”, inMarriage and the Family: Mirror of a Diverse Global Society,Routledge,→ISBN:
      Grayromantic asexual people are betweenromanticand aromantic and less likely to experience romantic attraction compared to most people.



Derived terms







  1. A person with romantic character (a character like those of the knights in a mythicromance).
  2. A person who is behaving romantically (in a manner befitting someone who feels an idealized form of love).
    Oh, flowers! You're such aromantic.
    • 1985December 14, Maida Tilchen,Gay Community News,volume13,number22,page 8:
      Kaldor is an interesting lyricist, and it is easy to identify with her imagery. She's also an unabashedromanticof the most extreme kind, with lines like "For we can talk without speaking/we can see without light/I'll never leave you...."

Derived terms



  • French:romantique
  • Italian:romantico




  1. ^"romantic,adj.andn.",OED Online,revised Nov. 2010 forOxford English Dictionary,3rd ed.. Oxford University Press.

Further reading

  • "romantic" in Raymond Williams,Keywords(revised), 1983, Fontana Press, page 274.








romanticmorn(feminine singularromantică,masculine pluralromantici,feminine and neuter pluralromantice)

  1. romantic

