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See also:Solidarity





Englishsolidary+‎-ity,fromFrenchsolidarité(solidarity),fromsolidaire(characterized by solidarity),fromLatinsolidum(whole sum),neuter ofsolidus(solid).






  1. (countable)Abondofunityor agreement between individuals, united around acommongoalor against a common enemy, such as the unifying principle that defines thelabormovement; mutual support within a group.
    A long time union member himself, Phil showedsolidaritywith the picketing grocery store workers by shopping at a competing, unionized store.
    • 2012,Francesca Valensise,From Building Fabric to City Form: Reconstruction in Calabria at end of Eighteenth Century[1],Gangemi Editore spa,→ISBN,page 8:
      As a matter of fact the Enlightment culture was based on a philosophy inspired to an ethical laicism whose aim was to create a better society based on principles such assolidarity,equality of rights and duties, and full freedom.
    • 2022November 30, Paul Bigland, “Destination Oban: a Sunday in Scotland”, inRAIL,number971,page75:
      And this year, some of the granite facades have a new addition - the blue and yellow of the flag of Ukraine. It's hardly surprising to see the Scots, a nation more attuned to independence than some, showingsolidaritywith a country brutally invaded by Russia.
  2. (uncountable)Willingness to give psychological and/or materialsupportwhen another person is in a difficult position or needs affection.
    Only thesolidarityprovided by her siblings allowed Margaret to cope with her mother's harrowing death.



Further reading
