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See also:Sound



Alternative forms




Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishsound,sund,isund,ȝesund,fromOld Englishsund,ġesund(sound, safe, whole, uninjured, healthy, prosperous),fromProto-West Germanic*sund,fromProto-Germanic*gasundaz,*sundaz(healthy),fromProto-Indo-European*sunt-,*swent-(vigorous, active, healthy).

Cognate withScotssound,soun(healthy, sound),Saterland Frisiansuund,gesuund(healthy),West Frisiansûn(healthy),Dutchgezond(healthy, sound),Low Germansund,gesund(healthy),Germangesund(healthy, sound),Danishsund(healthy),Swedishsund(sound, healthy).Related also toDutchgezwind(fast, quick),Germangeschwind(fast, quick),Old Englishswīþ(strong, mighty, powerful, active, severe, violent).Seeswith.




  1. Healthy.
    He was safe andsound.
    In horse management asoundhorse is one with no health problems that might affect its suitability for its intended work.
    • 1842May 30, “Roscorla v. Thomas”, inMontagu[e] Chambers,editor,The Law Journal Reports for the Year 1842,volumes XX (New Series – volume XI, part II), London: E. B. Ince, 5 Quality Court,Chancery Lane,→OCLC,pages214–215:
      on the 29th of September 1840, in consideration that the plaintiff, at the request of the defendant, had bought of the defendant a certain horse, at a certain price, to wit, 30l.,the defendant promised plaintiff that the horse did not exceed five years off, and that it wassoundin wind and limb, perfect in vision, and free from vice;[]
  2. Complete,solid,orsecure.
    Fred assured me the floorboards weresound.
    • 1614–1615,Homer, “(please specify the book number)”,inGeo[rge] Chapman,transl.,Homer’s Odysses.[],London:[]Rich[ard]Field[andWilliam Jaggard], forNathaniell Butter,published1615,→OCLC;republished inThe Odysseys of Homer,[],volumes(please specify the book number),London:John Russell Smith,[],1857,→OCLC:
      The brasswork here, how rich it is in beams, / And how, besides, it makes the whole housesound.
      The spelling has been modernized.
    • 2021November 17, Andrew Mourant, “Okehampton: a new dawn for Dartmoor”, inRail,number944,page43:
      Refurbishing Okehampton station, kept basicallysoundunder ownership by Devon Council, remains a work in progress and scheduled for completion next spring.
  3. (mathematics,logic)Having the property ofsoundness.
    • 1992,Rudolf M[athias]Schuster,The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America: East of the Hundredth Meridian,volume V, Chicago, Ill.:Field Museum of Natural History,→ISBN,page vii:
      With fresh material, taxonomic conclusions are leavened by recognition that the material examined reflects the site it occupied; a herbarium packet gives one only a small fraction of the data desirable forsoundconclusions. Herbarium material does not, indeed, allow one to extrapolate safely: what you see is what you get[]
  4. (British,Ireland,slang)Good;acceptable;decent.
    How are you? —I'msound.
    That's asoundtrack you're playing.
    See that man over there? He'ssound.You should get to know him.
  5. (of sleep)Quietanddeep.
    Soundasleepmeans sleeping peacefully, and often deeply.
    Her sleep wassound.
  6. Heavy;laidon withforce.
  7. Founded in law; legal; valid; not defective.
    asoundtitle to land
Derived terms
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  1. Soundly.




  1. (British,Ireland,slang)Yes;used to show agreement or understanding.
    I found my jacket. —Sound.

Etymology 2


Displaced nativeMiddle Englishswei,fromOld Englishswēġ,fromProto-Germanic*swōgiz.

EnglishWikipediahas an article on:
Adrumproducessoundvia a vibrating membrane.
Soundof adoorbell.




  1. Asensationperceivedby theearcaused by thevibrationofairor some othermedium.
    He turned when he heard thesoundof footstepsbehind him. Nobody made asound.
    • 1667,John Milton,“Book I”, inParadise Lost.[],London:[][Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker[];[a]nd by Robert Boulter[];[a]nd Matthias Walker,[],→OCLC;republished asParadise Lost in Ten Books:[],London: Basil Montagu Pickering[],1873,→OCLC:
      The warlikesound/ Of trumpets loud and clarions.
    • 1905,Lord Dunsany[i.e.,Edward Plunkett, 18th Baron of Dunsany],The Gods of Pegāna,London:[Charles]Elkin Mathews,[],→OCLC,page88:
      Through all the Worlds aresounds,the noises of moving, and the echoes of voices and song; but upon the River is nosoundever heard, for there all echoes die.
  2. Avibrationcapable of causing such sensations.
    • 1820,Encyclopaedia Britannica; Or A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature[1],6th edition, volume20,Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Company, page501:
      In trumpets for assisting the hearing, all reverbation of the trumpet must be avoided. It must be made thick, of the least elastic materials, and covered with cloth externally. For all reverbation lasts for a short time, and produces newsoundswhich mix with those which are coming in.
    • 1906,Stanley J[ohn] Weyman,chapter I, inChippinge Borough,New York, N.Y.: McClure, Phillips & Co.,→OCLC,page01:
      It was April 22, 1831, and a young man was walking down Whitehall in the direction of Parliament Street.[].He halted opposite the Privy Gardens, and, with his face turned skywards, listened until thesoundof the Tower guns smote again on the ear and dispelled his doubts.
  3. (music)Adistinctivestyleandsonorityof aparticularmusician,orchestraetc.
    • 1954,Valentine Davieset al.,The Glenn Miller Story:
      He looks like he's got it, maybe. Listen to those kids!/There's no maybe about it. That's it, that's thesound.
  4. Noise without meaning; empty noise.
  5. Earshot,distance within which a certain noise may be heard.
    Stay within thesoundof my voice.
  6. (phonetics)Asegmentas a part of spoken language, the smallest unit of spoken language, aspeech sound.
  • German:Sound
  • Japanese:サウンド(saundo)
  • Swedish:sound
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See also



sound(third-person singular simple presentsounds,present participlesounding,simple past and past participlesounded)

  1. (intransitive)To produce a sound.
    When the hornsounds,take cover.
  2. (copulative)To convey an impression by one's sound.
    Hesoundedgood when we last spoke.
    That storysoundslike a pack of lies!
  3. (intransitive)To be conveyed in sound; to be spread or published; to convey intelligence by sound.
    • 1560,[William Whittinghamet al.,transl.],The Bible and Holy Scriptures Conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament.[](theGeneva Bible), Geneva:[]Rouland Hall,→OCLC,I. ThessaloniansI:8,folio 95, recto:
      For from youſoundedout the worde of the Lord, not in Macedonia & in Achaia onely: but your faith alſo which is towarde God, ſpred abroade in all quarters, that we nede not to ſpeake any thing.
  4. (intransitive,obsolete)Toresound.
  5. (intransitive,law,often within)Toariseor to be recognizable as arising in or from a particular area of law, or as likely to result in a particular kind of legalremedy.
    In my opinion this claimsoundsin damages rather than in an injunction.
    • 1999,Supreme Court of the United States,City of Monterey v. Del Monte Dunes at Montery, Ltd. et al.[2]:
      []there can be no doubt that claims brought pursuant to § 1983soundin tort.
  6. (transitive)To cause to produce a sound.
    Soundthe alarm!
    Hesoundsthe instrument.
  7. (transitive,phonetics,of a vowel or consonant)To pronounce.
    The "e" in "house" isn'tsounded.
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Derived terms


Etymology 3


FromMiddle Englishsound,sund,fromOld Englishsund(the power, capacity, or act of swimming; swimming; sea; ocean; water; sound; strait; channel),fromProto-Germanic*sundą(swimming; sound),fromProto-Indo-European*swem-(swimming; sea).

Cognate withDutchzond(sound; strait),Danishsund(sound; strait; channel),Swedishsund(sound; strait; channel),Icelandicsund(sound; strait; channel).Related toswim.




EnglishWikipediahas an article on:
  1. (geography)A long narrowinlet,or astraitbetween the mainland and an island; also, a strait connecting two seas, or connecting a sea or lake with the ocean.
    • 1605,M. N. [pseudonym;William Camden],Remaines of a Greater Worke, Concerning Britaine,[],London:[]G[eorge]E[ld]for Simon Waterson,→OCLC:
      TheSoundof Denmarke, where ships pay toll.
  2. Theair bladderof afish.
    Codsoundsare an esteemed article of food.
    • 1997,Mark Kurlansky,Cod,page118:
      The head was chopped off, the belly opened, the liver set aside--sometimes along with the roe,sounds,throats, and other items.
Derived terms

Etymology 4


FromMiddle Englishsounden,fromOld Frenchsonder,fromsonde(sounding line)ofGermanicorigin, compareOld Englishsundgyrd(a sounding rod),sundline(a sounding line),Old Englishsund(water, sea).More atEtymology 3 above.



sound(third-person singular simple presentsounds,present participlesounding,simple past and past participlesounded)

  1. (intransitive)Of awhale,todivedownwards.
    The whalesoundedand eight hundred feet of heavy line streaked out of the line tub before he ended his dive.
  2. Toascertain,or to try to ascertain, the thoughts, motives, and purposes of (a person); to examine; to try; to test; to probe.
    When Isoundedhim, he appeared to favor the proposed deal.
  3. Tofathomortest;to ascertain the depth of water with a sounding line or other device.
    Mariners on sailing ships wouldsoundthe depth of the water with a weighted rope.
  4. (medicine)Toexaminewith the instrument called a sound or sonde, or byauscultationorpercussion.
    tosounda patient, or the bladder or urethra
Derived terms




  1. (medicine)A long, thinprobeforsoundingor dilating body cavities or canals such as the urethra; asonde.
    • 1951January, Gordon W. Reynolds, “The Female Urethra and Chronic Urethritis”, inNorthwest Medicine,volume50,number 1, Portland, Ore.: Northwest Medical Publishing Association,page34:
      Most mild cases respond very nicely to such relatively simple office procedures as dilatations withsoundsof increasing calibre, followed by the instillation of an ounce of 5 per cent argyrol in the bladder.















  1. (music)sound(distinctive style and sonority)


  1. ^soundinLuciano Canepari,Dizionario di Pronuncia Italiana (DiPI)







BorrowedfromEnglishsound.Attested since 1954.




  1. (music)asound(distinctive style)
    Gruppen har ett uniktsound
    The band has a uniquesound


Declension ofsound
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative sound soundet sound sounden
Genitive sounds soundets sounds soundens

