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See also:Tackandtäck


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Etymology 1

Tacks (small nails with flat heads)
Tacks (thumbtacks)

FromMiddle Englishtak,takke(hook; staple; nail),fromOld Northern Frenchtaque(nail, pin, peg),fromFrankish*takkō,fromProto-Germanic*takkô(tip; point; protrusion; prong; tine; jag; spike; twig),of unknown origin, but possibly fromProto-Indo-European*dHgʰ-n-,from the root*déHgʰ-(to pinch; to tear, rip, fray).Cognate withSaterland FrisianTakke(bough; branch; twig),West Frisiantakke(branch),tûk(branch, smart, sharp),Dutchtak(twig; branch; limb),GermanZacke(jag; prong; spike; tooth; peak).

Alternative forms





  1. A smallnailwith a flat head.
    • 2012July 15, Richard Williams, “Tour de France 2012: Carpet tacks cannot put Bradley Wiggins off track”, inThe Guardian[1]:
      A tough test for even the strongest climber, it was new to the Tour de France this year, but its debut will be remembered for the wrong reasons after one of those spectators scattered carpettackson the road and induced around 30 punctures among the group of riders including Bradley Wiggins, the Tour's overall leader, and his chief rivals.
  2. Athumbtack.
    Coordinate term:pushpin
  3. (sewing)A loose seam used to temporarily fasten pieces of cloth.
  4. (nautical)The lower corner on the leading edge of asailrelative to the direction of the wind.
  5. (nautical)Acourseorheadingthat enables asailing vesselto headupwind.
  6. (figurative)Adirectionorcourse of action,especially a new one; amethodorapproachto solving a problem.
  7. (nautical)Themaneuverby which a sailing vessel turns itsbowthrough the wind so that the wind changes from one side to the other.
  8. (nautical)The distance a sailing vessel runs between these maneuvers when working towindward;aboard.
  9. (nautical)A rope used to hold in place the foremost lower corners of thecourseswhen the vessel isclose-hauled;also, a rope employed to pull the lower corner of a studding sail to theboom.
  10. Any of the variousequipmentand accessories worn byhorsesin the course of their use as domesticated animals.
  11. (manufacturing,construction,chemistry)Thestickinessof a compound, related to itscohesiveandadhesiveproperties.
    The laminate adhesive has very aggressivetackand is hard to move once in place.
    • 1959,E. A. Apps,Printing Ink Technology,page415:
      Letterpress and offset gloss varnishes normally have viscosities varying from 50 to 250 poises; they must stain the paper as little as possible, have insufficienttackto causeplucking,[]
  12. Food generally;fare,especially of thebreadkind.
  13. That which is attached; asupplement;anappendix.
  14. (obsolete)Confidence; reliance.
    • 1651-1666,Joseph Caryl,Exposition of Job with Practical Observations:
      He should find[]that there wastackin it, that it was solid silver, or silver that had strength in it.
Derived terms

Etymology 2


FromMiddle Englishtakken(to attach; nail),from the noun (see above).



tack(third-person singular simple presenttacks,present participletacking,simple past and past participletacked)

  1. (transitive)To nail (something) with a tack(small nail with a flat head).
  2. To sew/stitch with a tack(loose seam used to temporarily fasten pieces of cloth).
  3. Toweldwith initial small welds to temporarily fasten in preparation for full welding.
    Synonym:tack weld
  4. (nautical)Tomaneuvera sailing vessel so that its bow turns through the wind, i.e. the wind changes from one side of the vessel to the other.
    Synonym:change tack
    Coordinate term:sail close to the wind
  5. (intransitive,nautical)Tosailtowindwardusing aseriesofalternatetacksacross thewind.
  6. To add something as an extra item.
    totack(something) onto (something)
    • 2012,James Lambert, “BeyondHobson-Jobson:A new lexicography for Indian English”, inWorld Englishes[3],page312:
      In short, they tend to present Indian English as nothing more than "standard" English with a select collection of lexical peculiaritiestacked on,as it were, many of which would be regarded as "errors" by prescriptivist language scholars.
  7. Synonym oftack up(to prepare a horse for riding by equipping it with a tack).
  8. (slang,obsolete)Tojoininwedlock.
Derived terms
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.

See also


Etymology 3


From an old or dialectal form ofFrenchtache.Seetechy.Doubletoftache.




  1. Astain;atache.
  2. (obsolete)A peculiar flavour or taint.
    a mustytack


  • (en,flavour or taint):1893,Joseph Wright,The English dialect dictionary(page 4)
  • (en,flavour or taint):John Camden Hotten (1873)The Slang Dictionary

Etymology 4






  1. (colloquial)That which istacky;something cheap and gaudy.
    • 2014,David Leffman,The Rough Guide to China:
      For souvenirs – mostly outrighttackand ethnicky textiles – try your bargaining skills at the shops and stalls on Binjiang Luand Zhengyang Jie, or the nightly street market spreading for about a block either side of Shanhu Bridge along Zhongshan Lu.

Etymology 5


FromMiddle Englishtak,take(fee, tax (on livestock)),fromOld Norsetak,taka(a taking, seizure; revenue),fromOld Norsetaka(to take).Cognate withScotstack.




  1. (law,ScotlandandNorthern England)Acontractby which the use of a thing is set, or let, for hire; alease.
    • 1885,Lord Colin Campbell,The Crofter in History:
      In the Breadalbane papers, for example, there is a "tack"which was given by Sir John Campbell of Glenurchy to his" weil belouit "servant John M'Conoquhy V'Gregour, in the year 1530.

See also








Alternative forms




FromMiddle Englishtak,take,fromOld Norsetak,taka(a taking, revenue).




  1. Lease,tenancy
  2. Theperiodof such a contract
  3. Aleasehold;especially, thetenureof a land or a farm.





FromOld Swedishþak,fromRunic Swedishþakk,fromOld Norseþǫkk,fromProto-Germanic*þankō,*þankaz.Cognates includeEnglishthank,GermanDank,DanishtakandNorwegian Nynorsktakk/Norwegian Bokmåltakk.






  1. thanks,thank you
    Synonym:(emphatic)tack snälla(thank you so much)
    – Här är grejen du frågade efter. –Tack!
    – Here's the thing you asked for. –Thank you!
    Tackför hjälpen!
    Thanksfor the help! /Thanksfor helping me out!
    Tackför att du hämtade ungarna!
    Thanksfor picking up the kids!
    Thanksfor the ride!
    Tackför att vi fick komma
    Thank youfor having us ( "Thank you for that we were-allowed-to come" )
  2. please(to add politeness)
    Synonym:(in polite requests)är du snäll
    Vi skulle vilja beställa,tack
    We would like to order,please
    Det blir hundra kronor,tack
    That will be one hundred kronor,please
    Stå inte där,tack/är du snäll.Du är i vägen.
    Don't stand there,please.You are in the way. (possibly somewhat rude still, like in English – "Ursäkta,skulle du kunna flytta dig lite så att vi kan komma förbi "(Excuse me, could you [" would you be able to, "literally] move over a bit so we can get past) is politer)

Usage notes

  • Like in English, another way to add politeness is to turn requests into possibilities (the more remote, the politer). Seeskolafor examples.
  • A pleading please (like, "Please, don't do it!" ) issnälla.

Derived terms





  1. athank you,athanks(phrase or gesture that expresses gratitude)
    Du ska ha ett storttackför allt du gjort för oss!
    Thank you very much for all you have done for us! ( "You shall have a bigthank youfor everything you have done for us! ")
    Inte ens etttackfick vi ( "Vi fick inte ens ett tack" also works. Putting "inte ens ett tack" (not even a thank you) first emphasizes it.)
    We didn't even get athank you


Declension oftack
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative tack tacket tack tacken
Genitive tacks tackets tacks tackens

Derived terms


See also


