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  1. Agroupoffourteen.
    • 1752,Conyers Middleton,“Reflections on the Variations, or Inconſiſtencies, Which are found among the Four Evangelists In their different Accounts of the ſame Facts”, inThe Miscellaneous Works of the Late Reverend and Learned Conyers Middleton,volume 2, London: Richard Manby,→OL,page24:
      For inſtance; it is allowed by all the Commentators, both antient and modern, that in the ſecond of thoſeTeſſeradecades,or periods of fourteen generations, into whichMatthewhas diſtributed the whole Genealogy, he has either willfully ſuppreſſed, or negligently omitted three ſucceſſive deſcents from father to ſon, betweenJoramandOzias;viz.Ochozias,Joaſh,Ahaziah;in contradiction to the truth of hiſtory, and to thoſe very books, whence he drew the Genealogy itſelf.
    • 1853,Arthur Hervey,The Genealogies of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,Cambridge: Macmillan,→OL,pages62–63:
      He divides the whole number of generations enumerated by him into three equal portions, each containing fourteen generations, viz. from Abraham to David, from David to the captivity, and from the captivity to Christ. It is to the two formertesseradecadesthat we have to address ourselves at present.
    • 1884,Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer,Critical and Exegetical Hand-book to the New Testament,volume 1, New York, London: Funk & Wagnalls,page43:
      We must assume that thereason for the divisioninto threetesseradecadeswas not merely toaid the memory,which is not sufficient to explain the emphatic and solemn prominence given to the equal number of links in the three periods, ver. 17;[]