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Equivalent toup+‎-er.






  1. At ahigherlevel,rankorposition.
  2. Situatedon higher ground, further inland, or more northerly.
  3. (geology,of strata or geological time periods)Younger,morerecent.
  4. (education)Of or pertaining to asecondary school.


  • (antonym(s) ofat a higher position):lower,under
  • (antonym(s) ofsituated higher):lower
  • (antonym(s) ofmore recent):lower

Derived terms



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Benzedrine (an upper) and tickets linked to Jack Kerouac
Severl shoes layed out
Flip-flops with several styles of uppers
  1. Astimulant,such asamphetamine,that increasesenergyand decreasesappetite.
    1. Anything that cheers one up.
      • 1977-1980,Lou Sullivan,personal diary, quoted in2019,Ellis Martin, Zach Ozma (editors),We Both Laughed In Pleasure
        Patrick was a cabbie & a dispatcher at Yellow Cab & when we got to the church where the [funeral] services were being held, the cabbies came out in force for Pat & there were at least 30 cabs pulling into the church parking lot. It was a realupperfor a lot of us.
  2. The upper portion of something
    • 1992,Organizational, Direct Support, and General Support,page 5:
      The slewing ring is basically a large bearing upon which theupperis mounted. The outer race of the slewing ring is bolted to theupper,and the inner race is bolted to the car-body.
    • 2012,Reginald Laubin, Gladys Laubin,The Indian Tipi: Its History, Construction, and Use:
      These lines, GH and PC, are cut when the outline of theupperis cut out.
    1. (shoemaking)The piece ofleather,etc., that forms the top part of ashoeabove thesole.
    2. (footwear)TheY-shaped strap onflip-flops.
  3. Someone with higher social standing
    • 1993,Larry Hirschhorn, Carole K. Barnett,The Psychodynamics of Organizations:
      Thus a vicious circle is established: theuppersoffer participation, and the lowers, feeling persecuted, withdraw.
    1. Aseniorstudent.
      • 1895,Edward Parry Eardley-Wilmot, E. C. Streatfield,Charterhouse,page64:
        EachUpperhad his private Fag; but general fagdom consisted of obedience to the demand of everyUpper,no matter in whose House he happened to be.
      • 2016,The Best of the Harvard Lampoon: 140 Years of American Humor:
        It is advisable, for example, to learn the words to the school loyalty and to “Fair Harvard” in the event that you are “asked” to give an impromptu “concert” in the Yard for the benefit of theUppers.
  4. That which is higher, contrasted with thelower.
    • 1984,Robert Forrest Burgess,Handbook of trailer sailing,page90:
      Next, take up slack equally on the twouppersuntil they are snug.
    • 2009,Michael A. Alexander, Dennis J. Matthews,Pediatric Rehabilitation: Principles & Practice,page361:
      During the seventh week, the limbs also rotate laterally in theuppersand medially in the lowers.
    • 2010,Thomas Porky McDonald,Poet in the Grandstand:
      In this compact middle level between theuppersand the lowers, I actually had a counter in front of me, where food or drink could be safely planted, without fear of knocking over onto any patrons sitting in the seats below me.
    1. Atoothin the upperjaw.
      • 2009,Arun K. Garg,Implant Dentistry,page165:
        In the lingualized type of occlusion, contact of the lingual cusps of theuppersagainst the semianatomic teeth on the lowers will be seen in lateral, protrusive, and eccentric movements.
      • 2010,Peter S. Ungar,Mammal Teeth: Origin, Evolution, and Diversity,page212:
        These reentrant folds, especially those on the buccal side of theuppersand the lingual side of the lowers, are quickly isolated by wear into infundibula within lakes of dentin.
      • 2012,Todd Debreceni,Special Make-up Effects for Stage & Screen:
        Periodically check the bite with theuppersand lowers to ensure that your actor's mouth will close correctly.
      • 2014,Jake Jacobson,Alaska Tales: Laughs and Surprises:
        Considering the badly decayed condition of the Chief's other teeth, I recommended removal of what remained of theuppers,followed by a “full plate” after healing.
    2. A denture or retainer for the teeth in the upper jaw.
      • 1912,Dental Record:
        Treatment was continued until November, 1909, when a retainer was placed in position in the lower, consisting of bands round the lower first molars and a wire passing lingually round all the teeth. Theupperwas retained by means of a plate with wires wires passing behind the upper first molars and round in front of all the teeth.
      • 1941,Cal - Volumes 4-6,page 6:
        The lower (according to the patient) was perfect, but theupperwas bad, and the dentist was going to make theupperagain.
      • 2010,David R. Avery, Ralph E. McDonald, Jeffrey A. Dean,McDonald and Avery Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent:
        Theupperwas retained with a Hawley bite plane; the lip bumper was continued for an additional 18 months.
    3. An upper berth or bunk.
      • 1926,United States. Supreme Court,United States Supreme Court Reports - Volume 59,page1423:
        The Railroad Company further averred that it operated sleeping cars over its system of more than 7,000 miles of interstate roads, and that the Interstate Commerce Commission had prescribed rates for each of said sleeping car units on trains running to and from the state of Wisconsin. The rate fixed for theupperwas 80 per cent. of the charge for the use of the lower; the price for the whole section beting the sum of the two rates.
      • 2011,Walker Percy,The Moviegoer:
        But trains have changed. Gone are theuppersand lowers, partitions and cranks, and the green velour; only the porter remains, the same man, I think, a black man with palms the color of shrimp and a neck swollen with dislike.
      • 2011,Studs Terkel,Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression:
        Twelve lowers and twelveuppersand three beds in the drawing rooms.
      • 1914,Illinois Central Magazine - Volume 3, Issues 1-11,page91:
        Of course I naturally I asked why, but all the satisfaction I got for the time being was that theupperwas good enough for me, and that it was a pretty good place in which to sleep, anyway.
      • 2016,Constance R. Pottenger,Drop Dead Casino - Ginger The First,page31:
        Theupperswere reached by comfortably safe steps with handrails and slip proof coatings.
  5. (Taoism)A spiritual passageway through which consciousness can reach a higher dimension.
    • 2005,Shingo Einoo,Genesis and Development of Tantra,page128:
      The 'upper'is one of nine apertures through which consciousness can leave the body at death (utkrantih).
    • 2005,Holding Yin, Embracing Yang:
      When the Tao Te Ching says: “In thought, you can see the cavity,” it is referring to what the Triplex Unity describes as “When theupperis closed, we call it existence; when the lower is closed, we call it nothingness.”
    • 2010,Tenzin Dhakpa Agongtsang,Realistic Principles,Pittsburgh, PA: RoseDog Books,page10:
      It is said in Tibetan culture, in order to understand theupper,it is necessary to understand the lower first. Once, the lower is understood, theupperis just an introductory.





See also


