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See also:vessél



Alternative forms




FromMiddle Englishvessel,vessell,fromOld Frenchvaissel(compare modernFrenchvaisseauandCatalanvaixell), fromLate Latinvāscellum,diminutive ofvāsculum,diminutive ofvās(vase, vessel).


  • IPA(key):/ˈvɛs.əl/,/ˈvɛs.l̩/
  • Audio(US):(file)
  • Rhymes:-ɛsəl




  1. (nautical)Anycraftdesigned fortransportationonwater,such as ashiporboat.[From c.1300]
    • 1719May 6 (Gregorian calendar), [Daniel Defoe],The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe,[],London:[]W[illiam]Taylor[],→OCLC:
      But my hope was, that if I stood along this coast till I came to that part where the English traded, I should find some of theirvesselsupon their usual design of trade, that would relieve and take us in.
    • 1873,Jules Verne,chapter I, in[anonymous],transl.,Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Seas;[],James R. Osgoodedition, Boston, Mass.:Geo[rge] M[urray] Smith & Co.,→OCLC,part I, page 3:
      Merchants, common sailors, captains ofvessels,skippers, […] naval officers of all countries, and the Governments of several states on the two continents, were deeply interested in the matter.
    • 1905,H. G. Wells,The Empire of the Ants:
      He saw now clearly that the sole crew of thevesselwas these two dead men, and though he could not see their faces, he saw by their outstretched hands, which were all of ragged flesh, that they had been subjected to some strange exceptional process of decay.
    • 2012March, William E. Carter, Merri Sue Carter, “The British Longitude Act Reconsidered”, inAmerican Scientist[1],volume100,number 2, page87:
      Conditions were horrendous aboard most British navalvesselsat the time. Scurvy and other diseases ran rampant, killing more seamen each year than all other causes combined, including combat.
  2. A craft designed for transportation throughairorspace.[From 1915]
    • 2008,BioWare,Mass Effect(Science Fiction), Redwood City: Electronic Arts,→ISBN,→OCLC,PC, scene: Quarians Codex entry:
      Driven from their home system by the geth nearly three centuries ago, most quarians now live aboard the Migrant Fleet, a flotilla of fifty thousandvesselsranging in size from passenger shuttles to mobile space stations.
  3. (uncountable,obsoleteordialectal)Dishesandcutlerycollectively, especially if made of precious metals.[c.1300–c.1600]
    • 1523,John Bourchier, translated by Jean Froissart,Here begynneth the first volum of sir Iohan Froyssart: of the cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretayne, Flauders: and other places adioynynge.:
      All hisVessellwas of golde and siluer, pottis, basons, ewers, dysshes, flagons, barels, cuppes, and all other thyngis.
  4. Acontainerof liquid or other substance, such as a glass,goblet,cup,bottle,bowl,or pitcher.[From c.1300]
  5. Apersonas a container of qualities or feelings.[From 1382]
    A teacher should be avesselof knowledge.
  6. (biology)A tube or canal that carriesfluidin an animal or plant.[From 1398]
    Hyponyms:blood vessel,lymph vessel
    Blood and lymphvesselsare found in humans; xylem and phloemvesselsare found in plants.





Derived terms






vessel(third-person singular simple presentvessels,present participlevessellingor(US)vesseling,simple past and past participlevesselledor(US)vesseled)

  1. (transitive)To put into a vessel.
    • 1577,William Harrison,The Description of EnglandinHolinshed’s Chronicles,Volume 1, Book 3, Chapter 12 “Of venemous beastes &c.,”[2]
      Our hony alſo is taken and reputed to be the beſt bycauſe it is harder, better wrought & clenlyer veſſelled vp, thẽ that which cõmeth from beyond the ſea, where they ſtampe and ſtraine their combes, Bées, & young Blow|inges altogither into the ſtuffe, as I haue béene informed.
    • 1627,Francis Bacon,Sylva Sylvarum: or, A Naturall Historie,London: W. Lee, Cent. VI, section 529, p. 137,[3]
      The fourth Rule ſhall be, to marke whatHerbs, ſome Earths doe put fourth of themſelves;And to take thatEarth,and toPotit, or toVeſſellit; And in that to ſet theSeedyou would change[]
    • 1662,John Heydon,The Harmony of the World[4],London: Robert Horn, Epistle Dedicatory:
      Man had at the firſt, and ſo have all ſouls before their entrance into the body, an explicite methodicall knowledge, but they are no ſoonerveſſel’d,but that liberty is loſt, and nothing remains but a vaſt confuſed notion of the creature[]
    • 2009,Reaper (TV series), 2nd season, episode known asThe Home Stretch:
      [Samuel 'Sam' Oliver:] Alright (or:All right), so the Devil didn't say that the winner was the one whovesseled(or:vesselled) him, just the one who sends him back to hell.


  • “vessel” in theWebster's New Collegiate Dictionary,Merriam-Webster, 1974 edition.



Middle English


Alternative forms




Borrowed fromOld Frenchvaissel,vessel,fromLate Latinvāscellum.


  • IPA(key):/ˈvɛsɛl/,/ˈvɛsəl/




  1. A container or vessel; a box for storage:
    1. Avessel;any open container used in the kitchen:
      1. (by extension)A decorative container; a vase used for adornment.
      2. (by extension)A piece of cookware; a container used for cooking.
      3. (by extension)Any sort of kitchen tool or utensil.
    2. A container used for the storage of medicines; a pharmaceutical container.
    3. Any object, especially a container, used in religious ceremonies or rituals.
    4. A large container or vat used for bulk storage.
    5. (alchemy)Alchemical equipment, ware, or tools.
    6. Traveling equipment; travel gear.
  2. In several anatomical senses:
    1. (figurative)A human being or the body of a human being.
    2. Blood vessels; the tubes that blood travels in.
    3. Any sort of tube, duct or canal in the body(e.g. the intestines)
    4. (figurative,rare)Theheart(as the seat of feelings).
  3. A seafaring vessel; a boat or ship.
  4. (mainly Biblical)A machine, device, or method.

Derived terms



  • English:vessel
  • Scots:veshel
  • Yola:veseal

