weather station

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Aweather stationin Germany.



weatherstation(pluralweather stations)

  1. A piece of equipment that collects and transmitsmeteorologicalinformation,and can makeweather forecasts
    • 2021December 1, “Solar-poweredweather stations”,inRail,number945,page16:
      Network Rail has installed 60 solar-poweredweather stationsalongside the West Coast Main Line and across parts of north-west England. [...] NR Service Delivery Manager Talisa Fletcher said: "Our solar-poweredweather stationswill help us to better understand weather patterns, and during stormy weather we can send our response teams to where they're most needed which will help us to reduce disruption. "

Usage notes

  • Afirst-orderweather station is one that takes hourly, around-the-clock measurements of various weather variables.[1]Asecond-orderweather station takes less frequent measurements on fewer variables, while athird-orderweather station only measures minimal variables.



