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FromMiddle Englishapointen,borrowed fromOld Frenchapointier(to prepare, arrange, lean, place)(Frenchappointer(to give a salary, refer a cause)), fromLate Latinappunctare(to bring back to the point, restore, to fix the point in a controversy, or the points in an agreement);Latinad+punctum(a point).Seepoint.





appoint(third-person singular simple presentappoints,present participleappointing,simple past and past participleappointed)

  1. (transitive)To set, fix ordetermine(a time or place for something such as ameeting,or the meeting itself) byauthorityoragreement.
    • 1820,The Edinburgh Annual Register:
      His Royal Highness called to pay his respects to her Majesty; but, from the unexpected nature of his visit, her Majesty was not in a state then to receive him; but soon after sent a letter to Prince Leopold, toappointone o'clock this day for an interview.
    • 2014November 8, Ivan Hewett, “Art on demand makes emperors of us all”,inThe Telegraph:
      We have to wait until they're ready to receive us, and make sure we turn up at theappointedtime.
  2. (transitive)Toname(someone to apostorrole).
  3. (transitive)Tofurnishorequip(a place) completely; toprovidewith all theequipmentorfurnishingsnecessary; tofit out.
    • 2009,Donald Olson,Germany for Dummies:
      The hotel is beautifully designed and beautifullyappointedin a classic, modern style that manages to be both serene and luxurious at the same time.
  4. (transitive)Toequip(someone) with (something); toassign(someone)authoritatively(some equipment).
    • 1747,William Stith,The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia,page15:
      after mature Deliberation, heappointedthem a Ship of seventy Tons,
  5. (transitive,law)To fix thedispositionof (property) bydesignatingsomeone to take use of (it).
    • 1828–29(case decided), published in1843,in theReports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Chancery:
      If the donee of a powerappointthe fund to one of the objects of the power, under an understanding that the latter is to lend the fund to tho former, although on good security, the appointment is bad.
  6. (obsolete,transitive)To fix withpowerorfirmnessbydecreeorcommand;toordainorestablish.
  7. (obsolete,intransitive)Toresolve;todetermine;toordain.
    • 1611,The Holy Bible,[](King James Version), London:[]Robert Barker,[],→OCLC,2 Samuel17:14:
      For theLordhadappointedto defeat the good counsel of Ahithophel.
    • 1823December 13, a record quoted inThe Christian Library: A Reprint of Popular Religious Works(Richard Watson, Thomas Taylor, Thomas Raffles, etc; 1836):
      The day being very stormy, we were obliged to keep at home; which I much regretted, as it abridged my opportunity of seeing the Jewish synagogues, as we hadappointedto do to-day.
    • 1833,The Miscellaneous Works of the Rev. Matthew Henry:
      He had preached twice on the Lord's day, he preached also on Monday, and hadappointedto do the same on Tuesday, but died that morning.
    • 1848,Anthony Trollope,The Kellys and the O'Kellys,→ISBN,page251:
      On the following morning Lord Ballindine[,] as he hadappointedto do, drove over to Dunmore, to settle with Martin about the money, and, if necessary, to go with him to the attorney's office in Tuam.

Derived terms



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Further reading








Deverbal ofappointer.fromOld Frenchapoint(favorable occasion; resolution, agreement),fromOld Frenchapointier(to work out, solve),fromLate Latinappunctare(to bring back to the point, restore, to fix the point in a controversy, or the points in an agreement);Latinad+punctum(a point).






  1. an amount ofsmall change
    Pour faire mille douze francs, il faut un billet de mille francs etun appointde douze francs.
    to make one-thousand twelve francs, you need a thousand franc note and twelve francs inchange.
  2. money which completes a payment, balances an account
  3. (figurative)complementary support
    Votre concours sera un fortappointà notre entreprise.
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)

Derived terms


Further reading
