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  • IPA(key):/kənˈkɒkt/,[kʰəŋˈkʰɒkt]
  • Audio(US):(file)
  • Rhymes:-ɒkt

Etymology 1


FromLatinconcoquō(boil, prepare, digest)(influenced by the participleconcoctus), fromcon-(together)+coquō(cook).



concoct(third-person singular simple presentconcocts,present participleconcocting,simple past and past participleconcocted)

  1. Topreparesomething bymi xingvariousingredients,especially to preparefoodforcooking.
    toconcocta potion
    toconcocta new dish
    • 1834,L[etitia] E[lizabeth] L[andon],chapter IX, inFrancesca Carrara.[],volume II, London:Richard Bentley,[],(successor toHenry Colburn),→OCLC,page103:
      Their only regret was, that Mademoiselle Carrara would taste none of the conserves and the pastry they were so busilyconcocting.
    • 2007,Cecilia Dart-Thornton,The Well of Tears: Book Two of The Crowthistle Chronicles,Tor Books,→ISBN:
      Pecan shells make good fuel, and they are used by leather tanners toconcocttheir foul-smelling compounds, and sometimes we mix them with charcoal in hand-soap to make a really good scrubbing agent
    • 2014,Lisa Howard,Healthier Gluten-Free,MA: Fair Winds Press,→ISBN,page171:
      The twelve include Jill (she used to be a chicken-and-potatoes girl, but now she's willing to try whatever Iconcoct),[]
  2. (figurative)Tocontrivesomething usingskilloringenuity.
    toconcocta cunning plan
    • 1842,[anonymous collaborator ofLetitia Elizabeth Landon], chapter XXVI, inLady Anne Granard; or, Keeping up Appearances.[],volume II, London:Henry Colburn,[],→OCLC,page34:
      On the other hand, the finest argument everconcocted,the concentrated wisdom drawn from men and books, will fail to charm, like the hilarity of a dance, or the splendour of a gala, the young, gay girl, whose spirits are exuberant, and whose heart is untouched by care, and who, a dozen years afterwards, would, in calm cheerfulness, listen lovingly, and examine carefully, the pleaded reasons offered to her judgment.
    • 2005,Jean Ferris,Into the Wind: Part One,iUniverse,→ISBN,page161:
      He had two beautiful daughters who fell in love with men he approved of and he wanted to give them the most lavish double wedding he couldconcoct.
  3. (obsolete)Todigest.
    • 1703,Thomas Gibson,The Anatomy of Humane Bodies Epitomized,page297:
      For the parts of anEmbryoare nourished and encreased before it hath a Stomach toconcoctany thing, and yet in a perfectFœtusnone can deny that the Stomach doesconcoct[]
Derived terms
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.




  1. (rare,nonstandard)Aconcoction.
    • 2006,Wendel Messer,The Conquest of Canada: A Novel of Discovery,Gravenhurst, O.N.: Breller Books,→ISBN,page27:
      I don't suppose these creatures are theconcoctof your mind? "La Tour said." If they're real, then Nature there is warped, no doubt by oppressive dampness and heat. "

Etymology 2


BorrowedfromLatinconcoctus,perfect passive participle ofLatinconcoquō(compareEtymology 1).




  1. (obsolete)Digestedor affected byheat.

