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See also:convențional


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  • IPA(key):/kənˈvɛnʃənəl/
  • Audio(US):(file)




  1. Pertaining to aconvention,as in following generally acceptedprinciples,methodsandbehaviour.
    • 2013June 1, “Ideas coming down the track”,inThe Economist,volume407,number8838,page 13 (Technology Quarterly):
      A “moving platform” scheme[]is more technologically ambitious than maglev trains even though it relies onconventionalrails. Local trains would use side-by-side rails to roll alongside intercity trains and allow passengers to switch trains by stepping through docking bays.
  2. Ordinary,commonplace.
    They wearconventionalclothes, eatconventionalfood, and keepconventionalhours.
    • 1908,Henry James,chapterXXIX,inThe Portrait of a Lady(The Novels and Tales of Henry James; IV), New York edition, volume II, Boston, Mass., New York, N.Y.:Charles Scribner’s Sons,→OCLC;republished asThe Portrait of a Lady(EBook #2834), United States:Project Gutenberg,1 September 2001:
      “You’re notconventional?”Isabel gravely asked. “I like the way you utter that word! No, I’m notconventional:I’m convention itself. You don’t understand that?”
    • 1921,Ben Travers,chapter 2, inA Cuckoo in the Nest,Garden City, N.Y.:Doubleday, Page & Company,published1925,→OCLC:
      Mother[]considered that the exclusiveness of Peter's circle was due not to its distinction, but to the fact that it was an inner Babylon of prodigality and whoredom, from which every Kensingtonian held aloof, except on theconventionaltip-and-run excursions in pursuit of shopping, tea and theatres.
    • 1980,Carl Sagan,Cosmos: A Personal Voyage:
      The history of our study of our solar system shows us clearly that accepted andconventionalideas are often wrong, and that fundamental insights can arise from the most unexpected sources.
  3. Banal,trite,hackneyed,unoriginalorclichéd.
  4. (weaponry)Pertaining to aweaponwhich is not aweapon of mass destruction.
  5. (agriculture)Making use ofsyntheticfertilizersandpesticides.
  6. (bridge)In accordance with abiddingconvention,as opposed to anaturalbid.





Derived terms







  1. (finance)A conventional gilt-edged security, a kind ofbondpaying the holder a fixed cash payment (orcoupon) every six months untilmaturity,at which point the holder receives the final payment and the return of theprincipal.

Further reading

  • "conventional" in Raymond Williams,Keywords(revised), 1983, Fontana Press, page 80.